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Revenge of the Archon: too hard?


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It's fine to be honest. I played the rep side and imp side and that boss on the rep side is a JOKE. Be thankful you got a fun boss to kill at the end on the Imp side. And FWIW to the poster above - I've run this 4 times on the imperial side and aside from the 1st character where I was learning the fight and died 3 or 4 times, after that I've one shot it every time since.


I tab target the droids. The refueling rods don't drop every time you kill them its a random drop and I've never had any problems killing the droids due to LOS issues. I have a feeling you need to watch a video on it to see where you should be standing, but where I was on the platform just outside his micro-missile range I had no problems.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Have done this on 4 different toons. First two were marauder and merc but did it with my husband so was no problem. 3rd time I did it with my lvl 54 lightning sorc solo with talos as companion. Died twice till I figured out what to do. 4th time was on my OP healer who was lvl 53. Tried it once with dps companion and did not work. Pulled out Lokin lol I have to laugh because healer using a helaer companion but strangely enough it worked for me. Just make sure the droids are taken down and stand off to the side behind one of the pillers till the shield goes down otherwise he blasts you into oblivion and then one shots you with that lazer. Took some time since I couldn't do massive damage with 2 healers but in the end success. I agree that it is really annoying. Especially being blown across the room and can't move very quickly to get out of the way of that lazer. I think some classes have a more difficult time with this but have not finished getting my other lvl 50's to Makeb yet to find out.
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I did this quest as a noob 54 didn't read anything and just assumed it was a normal boss, I learn t after the first laser to LOS and stay out of the circles, its hard but not impossible, mine was a one shot effort. the droids are a few to Many IMO but still not unbeatable, I am sure with my next alt things will go a lot smoother, failing that "phone a friend"
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Did this fight for the first time last night. Took me a couple of pulls to figure out the mechanics, but after that it was just a matter of execution. I actually really enjoyed this fight; it was nice to have some content that wasn't just faceroll.
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Directly behide him you will see TWO force fields guarding two generators. Right half and left half. Right before he fires laser ONE foce field will drop. You run in and destroy that generator. You have to do this two times. When BOTH generators are down no more droids will come and you just burn him down. You do have to keep killing droids until you take out both generators. Use a healing companion as this is a long fight. Hope this helps. See you in game.:o
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I didn't think this was too hard, but I recently played through my first Republic toon on Makeb. Republic side is way easier. I'm not going to say Archon is too hard, but Republic side's difficulty should match.


Agree. Rep side is a walk in the park compared to the Imp side.

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Never change this boss. In fact, make it harder. It's so far the only solo challenge I've encountered in the game made for solo play.


I went into the fight the first time, and it was difficult, and I had to resource manage and kite a lot. It was REALLY fun. I had no idea what I was doing for it, and just guessed at it. Archon had about 1% left, I was at full health and half force...and my net died.


Went back in an hour later, redid it. Was kinda easy. And this was on my DD sorc who is made of paper.


By far, most fun boss fight I've had solo. Felt like I was one manning a complex Ops boss. Whoever came up with this boss gets a cookie, in fact do more and make them more complex and difficult that you don't just walk in a blow it up.


Never did the forcefield thing. Just kited, dealt with the droids, turned off the things up top, and DoTed.

Edited by Maelael
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You can pretty much avoid everything he does. When he starts to shoot those big bolts, you can run behind a pillar, the ground AoE is easily avoidable and the droids die from pretty much anything.


I've done it 4 times now with every kind of companion. Xalek, HK, Mako and Jaessa. Twice as a tank. If you cannot defeat him then sorry, but it's a learn to play issue.

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I feel like an absolute newb asking this, but where are the generators everyone keeps talking about? I'm a level 55 marauder and cannot seem to beat this Archon guy (which is very frustrating, since I haven't had any problems with the game thus far...I really love it). I don't have a problem killing the refueling droids or getting the isotope rod, but I can't seem to locate the generators everyone keeps mentioning in the fight tutortials in order to deactivate them. (They're probably out in plain sight, I just can't see them.) It looks like there's something important in the little alcove behind the Archon, but when I run back there there's always a forcefield in the way.


Any advice?

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I soloed this with my sniper after a few tries.

1. Some of the robots are buggy and cant be targeted even if they are right in front of you.

2. Use your heal pet

3. Dont ever stop moving

4. Make sure you loot the isotope rods and use them when he recharges

5. See number three

6. The fight is really long but my pet never took much damage

7. I was 55 when I completed this, so you might need to lvl else where, and come back to it.

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I feel like an absolute newb asking this, but where are the generators everyone keeps talking about? I'm a level 55 marauder and cannot seem to beat this Archon guy (which is very frustrating, since I haven't had any problems with the game thus far...I really love it). I don't have a problem killing the refueling droids or getting the isotope rod, but I can't seem to locate the generators everyone keeps mentioning in the fight tutortials in order to deactivate them. (They're probably out in plain sight, I just can't see them.) It looks like there's something important in the little alcove behind the Archon, but when I run back there there's always a forcefield in the way.


Any advice?

there are two red circles in the rooms behind him, when they turn green you go back there and click the terminals along the side walls. you have to do this twice, one for each side


Here is the guide http://dulfy.net/2013/04/07/swtor-makeb-mission-guide/

Edited by BlackEyeArtistry
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So I did this for the first time today on the imp side and the 'pub side is much, much easier but only because it has a lot less mechanics and no bugs.



I discovered that you can LoS the Archon and avoid attacks quite easily. The rectangular planters/pedestals on the platform block direct fire from the Archon. You might still get the AoE missile strike however.


The droid adds aren't as important as you'd be led to believe. The Archon's superlaser fires straight down the middle of the room and as long as you aren't in front of him you are safe. I let a bunch gather in front of him and AoE'd them down to get fuel rods to drop (that the drop rate is so low borders on criminal IMO), wait for him to fire the superlaser and release my companion to fight him. Once I got both generators down I stopped worrying about my companion.


I started the fight with using my active companion cooldowns to minimize the initial damage (Sorc w/ Xalek tanking) and used LoS to heal and recharge energy when needed but otherwise the fight was easy.


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Why is it when a very FEW people cannot complete a quest it needs to be nerfed???


Do you people ever think that because you cannot complete something it means you are bad rather then the content being too hard???


The fight was super easy if you ave any amount of reasoning skills... Droids come out heal boss... so kill droids, a basic attack kills them. Its not hard and it does not need to be nerfed, you simply need to LEARN 2 PLAY.


I think the lamest answer to tell someone is to learn to play when he/she is at the end game story boss. Most likely they know how to play, else they would not have gone this far. If one wants to comment on things explain tactics. Surely you gave some hints, but not by far how the fight completely goes.

Edited by idronald
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I think the lamest answer to tell someone is to learn to play when he/she is at the end game story boss. Most likely they know how to play, else they would not have gone this far. If one wants to comment on things explain tactics. Surely you gave some hints, but not by far how the fight completely goes.


Don't underestimate some people, considering you can get to this point blindfolded and facerolling the keyboard,he does have a point. That fight does not need to be nerfed.. .is it a little harder than fighting a brick wall? yes.

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Don't underestimate some people, considering you can get to this point blindfolded and facerolling the keyboard,he does have a point. That fight does not need to be nerfed.. .is it a little harder than fighting a brick wall? yes.


This convo comes up often and I have argued with people about it too. Some people think learning a few powers and having their companions on auto-attack is the same thing as mastering the combat in this game. it is quite possible for a person to go to 1-55 and never learn how to:

1) Play their class with each type of companion effectively. Letting their healing companion auto heal is how they managed to get to the end. I think this is why some people feel that the healing companion is the best one.

2) Understand all of their abilities and when to use them. Defensive buffs and Offensive buffs are your friend.

3) Learn how to use relics and heroic moments to tip the battle in yoyr favor. I beat every boss in this game with the Heroic moment alone. Using my strongest moves with the relic is very helpful as well.


This is just my hypothesis but I notice these things when I do dailies all the time. People who do not have a rotation with their character and are slowly killing two normals and a strong. I have played every advanced class and used every companion combination. I do not think the problem is on BW's end.


P.S. It is an MMO, if you cannot beat it just ask for help in general. If no one wants to help, than try again later.

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I think the lamest answer to tell someone is to learn to play when he/she is at the end game story boss. Most likely they know how to play, else they would not have gone this far. If one wants to comment on things explain tactics. Surely you gave some hints, but not by far how the fight completely goes.


You can get to the end on a commando/merc by pressing 5 buttons. A 5 yearold could play this game to that point.-

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Bring a friend along. That's what I'm planning to do on him. There are mechanics involved but why not make it easy on yourself and forget about all these people who say "learn to play". I definitely know how to play my classes, last time I did a hard mode the healer said she was going to put herself on follow because we didn't need her. Makeb bores the hell out of me, but I'm going through it so I can do the dailies, so I'm bringing a guild member along, we'll kick it out real fast, then we're on our merry way. Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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