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Everything posted by ReclaimerDonar

  1. Right now, with the right set of utilities, Mercenaries and Commandos are capable of having three lives. This means that killing them is extremely difficult, even with larger number of players. This needs to be adressed. Sniper's AOE slow needs to be toned down as well. Either increase cooldown or reduce the slow percentage by 30%
  2. Screw you bioware!!! This should have been released before you made the comms bind on pickup!!!
  3. Hey guys, can I ask what relics should I use for Rage? Master and Power or Power and Crit? Thanks! Also, what augments do you recommend? I like the alacrity idea a lot. I dont mind dying fast if I can wreak havoc while I am still alive
  4. Step in the right direction but still NO! from me. RNG is still RNG and I will not support this!
  5. Are the cartel packs not enough?! Who in his/her right mind came up with this decision? To include gear in lootcrates that drop random stuff, including endgame gear?! Hell, just slap cc on it and you have cartel packs 2.0!
  6. Bioware, if you care about your players at all, please, remove the RNG, it is a horrible decision. I wont repeat myself, because everything important has already been said in the forums. If you implement this system, many people will leave, including me.
  7. You sure as hell can count in there being such items. We are talking about BioWare and their cash market. RNG system in packs was not sufficient enough, so they are implementing rng system to gearing and they will problably introduce items to boost the cxp! See? Its all connected! You have rng gearing and to have more rng options you buy stuff from cm thus give them more cash!
  8. For the love of god, I beg you to reconsider this decision... RNG gearing is the worst gearing system you can have! Have you forgoten about the massive issues with gear bags at launch?! I am a founder and played since launch with some breaks and I sure as hell remember! It was horrible. And also do not forget that your players left the game because of that as well!
  9. Allow me to quote reddit comment from Kre'a which you can find here: "Thing about this is, it could take Player A 20 hours to fully gear in min/maxed gear while it takes player B 60-80 hours. It's all down to RNG" "Adding elements of RNG to the gearing phase creates an uneven playing field. If player A and Player B are of equal skill, but Player A got lucky and got his full ranked set + set bonus while player B has pulled 20 pairs of the same tank bracers, when they're a dps spec, it gives Player A an unfair advantage." This summs the rng problem perfectly.
  10. It is really discouraging and sucks the enhusiasm from the game for me.
  11. I did not believe that I would see this day, when Bioware announces the implementation of cartel market rng system in the gear progression for pvp. Seriously, what are you guys smoking? I want that stuff too! Why the hell is it a good idea to make pvp gearing or gearing in general to be based on rng? This is the same situation as pvp bags at launch.... I can already see it. I play dps classes and when I will force myself to grind few ranks, I will be given boxes and when I open them, I will receive tank stuff. Who cares that you can turn the crap into gc points and advance the rank further? Jesus christ do you even think about the creative decisions in this game?
  12. Why crying? Well, first of all, in pvp gearin there is no STUPID RNG! So why in the world is this a good thing? It's F*CKING RETARDED!
  13. The massassi trooper armor is one of the best in game atm.
  14. Congratulations Courtney! I wish you good luck!
  15. OOO, our mighty lord Ptach, please bestow upon us the glorious patch notes!
  16. I support it as well, not to mention that we dont even have cross arms in front of you emote.
  17. He put them to sleep. It is something like mind trick, and besides they werent choking. Choke is a dark side ability, duh! Anyway. My main is guardian, but, Bioware, ARE YOU FREAKING INSANE WITH THESE UTILITIES? Seriously? Do you guys even play PVP? The main issue with guard/juggs is the survivability and you buffed it. Seriously, you have to be stupid.....
  18. How the hell can you take a hit for 26k? Are you running around naked or you are lvl 17 that got hit by lvl 55? Such big hit is impossible.
  19. Where are the armor sets of Theron Shan and Lana Beniko?
  20. I dont understand why we still dont have these...
  21. To the dev team, it better not be some stupid pet or reskined item...
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