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Why are people against a LFG Tool


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CBA to read entire thread so if i repeat what has already been said I appologise in advance.


LFG tool was pants.


Before this tool was implemented into that other game I had a very social network of gamers on my server. We lvl'd alts together, played instances together etc. Once that thing came out is made it then poss to sit in a hub area and spam the LFG tool. MAde the game very tunneled and dull.


The way things are here in SW:ToR we dont need a LFG tool. Most servers are crammed full and there will be plenty of guysn wantuing the same instance or quest as you. I have yet to wait more than 5 mins on my server for a group. Compare this to using the LFG tool, yeah you guessed it upwards of 40 mins for an instance. So where the benefit from this ocmes in I dont know.


Next the key issue - NINJAS!!! with a server only community ninjas soon get identified and applied to ignore lists, never to be invited again due to their own actions. With and LFG tool they are free and able top run rife and cause problems!




Simple thing is that those wishing for an LFG tool are one of the following

- too shy to tyalk to people using /1

- so bad at playing they dont want to be ribbed on their server

- a Ninja

- Too ignorant to use /1



Lets face it, this game already has an LFG tool. Its otherwise known as your keyboard and /1

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I don't understand the argument. A LFG tool would not be any less social than how things are now.


The argument, is that it prevents people from having to talk with one another to form their groups, and once the group is made, if you like them, you add them to your friends list.


This is reasonable, but if you take a LFG Tool, that is server side only, your point is mute.



Spamming LF HEALER FOR SUCH AND SUCH FP in General is not being social, and once they respond: I'll do your instance, invite me~


Guess what? That's exactly what the tool does, without the General Spamming, without the sitting in the Space Station doing nothing, but watching General Chat Spam waiting for that special some one who's paying attention, and it saves General Chat for people who actually want to use it.


Please stop saying this is a bad idea. The opinion that it takes away from the social aspect of the game, is bad.


I agree^^

I usually ignore the general chit chat because it usually full of people socializing. I personally don't participate in those conversations because most of them end up in insults and elitism. As a matter of fact I would probably shut the general chat off if I didn't have to use it to get heroics done. Very rarely does anyone say anything "social" when I group up for heroics. So the statement from the poster above is supported by me.

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So just my two cents here. I am speaking in VERY general terms.


LFG Tool = PUG CREATOR. PUG = Pick Up Group (In case you didn't know what PUG is)


PUGs are a gamble because you never know who you are grouping with. You could get someone who knows their character and knows the instance or you could get some who goes AFK every 5 minutes and rolls Need on EVERYTHING!


My answer: Find or create a really good Guild and schedule party times. A good Guild means you always have someone to group with.

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People are quick to blame the dungeon finder tool in WoW in the degregation of instance running. They ignore the fact that the quality of players went down, the quality of instances went down, that all what instances have become was a quick grind to lvl cap or a grind for badges. I've met plenty of good grp members at the same token met some real *** hats. The dungeon finder tool did nothing, it was the players. Which SWTOR will have the same effect, just wait n see as being the newly major playable hyped MMO.


If you don't like it then fine, then don't use the tool and stick to whatever channels you use and let those that want to utilize it utilize it.


As it stands it is just sooooo fun standing round with your thumb up your *** trying to get a grp together for a FP.

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I posted this in a similar thread yesterday and I'll post it again now.

I would LOVE a LFG tool. It would mean I could turn off the inane meme sprouting /General.




  • I would no longer have to see Chinese gold spam.
  • I would not get the urge to tell /general trolls to go away
  • I would not need to spam "LFG for X Encounter" for 20 minutes from the fleet station.


Honestly I can't see a downside to a LFG tool even if it is just a flag I toggle with a selected instance that people can use to look me up.

Edited by Beatmiser
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Go play wow a few weeks and you know why it is a bad idea to implement such a tool. Vanila wow --> best MMO ever (together with ultima), WOTLK wow ---> worst MMO ever.


You got those backwards.


OK not quite, TBC was worse than Vanilla. The LFG tool was the best thing Blizzard ever did for WoW (although I do get the issue people have with it being cross-server, that isn't really necessary).

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CBA to read entire thread so if i repeat what has already been said I appologise in advance.


LFG tool was pants.


Before this tool was implemented into that other game I had a very social network of gamers on my server. We lvl'd alts together, played instances together etc. Once that thing came out is made it then poss to sit in a hub area and spam the LFG tool. MAde the game very tunneled and dull.


The way things are here in SW:ToR we dont need a LFG tool. Most servers are crammed full and there will be plenty of guysn wantuing the same instance or quest as you. I have yet to wait more than 5 mins on my server for a group. Compare this to using the LFG tool, yeah you guessed it upwards of 40 mins for an instance. So where the benefit from this ocmes in I dont know.


Next the key issue - NINJAS!!! with a server only community ninjas soon get identified and applied to ignore lists, never to be invited again due to their own actions. With and LFG tool they are free and able top run rife and cause problems!




Simple thing is that those wishing for an LFG tool are one of the following

- too shy to tyalk to people using /1

- so bad at playing they dont want to be ribbed on their server

- a Ninja

- Too ignorant to use /1



Lets face it, this game already has an LFG tool. Its otherwise known as your keyboard and /1


Those are poor excuses

- Too shy to talk? You kidding me? I avoid general not because I'm too shy but because it's mostly a bunch of *** hats in the channel, all general chats are like that in any MMO. And I dread to what general will become as the game progresses.

- So bad at playing? This game is friggin barney style gaming, bad players can perform well enough and so far have yet to see anything remotely challenging.

- ninja? No matter what the case is there will always be ninja's. And you will not have that problem as all classes have their own seperate set of stats they are looking for; Trooper: Aim, JK: Str, JC: Will, Smuggler: cunning. Unlike other games where there is multiple classes going after the same stat.


Again no real reasons.

- Perhaps you're too ignorant to claim that people are ignorant to use /1

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there is an lfg tool..people just need to use it for it to be useful


see see.


1. click social window

2. click who tab

3. click "looking for a group?"

4. set lfg comment to what you need help with


and don't forget to always spread the word around about how easy is actually is!! spread the word my friends, spread the word


Thank. I was one who wanted a LFG tool, but didn't know this existed. :) And that's one to grow on!! Lol

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The tool isn't needed, however a server wide LFG chat would be nice.




Also, those ease-of-play ideas wow came up with, which is what this feature is, dumbs down the industry. I would love to see BW stick to their guns on this one.


And the issue isnt really with the existance of a tool or not, its the cross server crap. THAT is what kills community.

Edited by BradFett
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Why do people not realize that LFG tool is good as long as its server specific? it wasnt the LFG tool that killed the server community in WoW, it was the fact that instances went cross server.


I do not understand how spamming "LF Healer/Tank" enhances the community, ok so if i meet good people I will friendlist them...ok, but if i meet people from my OWN server, I will friendlist them too,regardles of whether a LFG tool was involved. Unless you mean that the agony of looking for a tank/healer for 1 hour in Imperial Fleet will influence me to make friends with any tank/healer i come across, which i admit is a good point lol.


Btw, I am pretty sure Bioware is using the "community" thing as an excuse anyways, they probably are trying to code this in. Think about it, the forums have no server specific section, which is 10x more important in building a good community in a MMORPG, but no dungeon queue? this makes no sense.

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The LFD tool in WoW is a huge success that millions of players love, so that's not going to help your case.


LFD tool single handedly ruined WoW and Rift for millions as well. That argument could go both ways and with the monsterous failure of WoW in the past year I would lean to the ruined portion.

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Why do people not realize that LFG tool is good as long as its server specific? it wasnt the LFG tool that killed the server community in WoW, it was the fact that instances went cross server.


I do not understand how spamming "LF Healer/Tank" enhances the community, ok so if i meet good people I will friendlist them...ok, but if i meet people from my OWN server, I will friendlist them too,regardles of whether a LFG tool was involved. Unless you mean that the agony of looking for a tank/healer for 1 hour in Imperial Fleet will influence me to make friends with any tank/healer i come across, which i admit is a good point lol.


Btw, I am pretty sure Bioware is using the "community" thing as an excuse anyways, they probably are trying to code this in. Think about it, the forums have no server specific section, which is 10x more important in building a good community in a MMORPG, but no dungeon queue? this makes no sense.




If it's server specific, and you are a D-bag, you get a reputation and pay for it.



When it's cross server, there are no repercussions for being a D-Bag. Thus the Anonymity of the Internet Jerk kicks in and POOF, everybody is a tool.

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Those are poor excuses

- Too shy to talk? You kidding me? I avoid general not because I'm too shy but because it's mostly a bunch of *** hats in the channel, all general chats are like that in any MMO. And I dread to what general will become as the game progresses.

- So bad at playing? This game is friggin barney style gaming, bad players can perform well enough and so far have yet to see anything remotely challenging.

- ninja? No matter what the case is there will always be ninja's. And you will not have that problem as all classes have their own seperate set of stats they are looking for; Trooper: Aim, JK: Str, JC: Will, Smuggler: cunning. Unlike other games where there is multiple classes going after the same stat.


Again no real reasons.

- Perhaps you're too ignorant to claim that people are ignorant to use /1



You accuse me of ignorance yet look at your first sentence.


You must be on a bad server cause I personaly have met nothing but happy and friendly folks on my server in /1. And the so called ******s are easily dealt with /ignore ftw!


To my ninja issue. I took this from my 2 years playing Aion, where we had to find guys to game with on our server and any ninjas about were soon known by all and pretty much ecluded from most groups. This game will always have ninja problems cause people will lways be greedy. They may not want the stats of the item but hey creds will do!


LFG tool is not needed so please stop trying to make this game a clone of WoW, its hopefully not going to go down that road and ruin itself.

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LFD tool single handedly ruined WoW and Rift for millions as well. That argument could go both ways and with the monsterous failure of WoW in the past year I would lean to the ruined portion.


Wow population was in the highest in the months after it was introduced, and no one who left wow( I know about 30 people who quit wow, myself included) cited that as a reason. ROFL, yeah Wow was a failure, its failure dwarfs the success of whatever Bioware or lucasarts has ever done,even now.(Except Baldur's gate 2)

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The LFD tool in WoW is a huge success that millions of players love, so that's not going to help your case.


Millions more people eat bologna over ribeye. That doesn't make it better than the steak.


The difference is availability and ease of access. Bologna is cheap and easy to acquire. LFD is cheap (in time spent looking for group) and easy to acquire (it does all the work for you). Ribeye is not cheap, but still relatively easy to acquire. Looking for a group on your own costs more time, but you are more likely to get the kinds of people you actually want to run a dungeon with. This is still an easy process, but might take a few minutes longer.


Those with discerning tastes chose the latter rather than the former...

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I would rather have a LFD tool rather then standing around for hours spamming for groups. mainly tanks. Seems our server has an abundance of healers atm.


Im not as young as I was when I started MMO's. I dont have all night to waste spamming for groups.


you can argue this or that ruined this or that game. You will find others who will argue this or that saved the game for them. It's all a matter of perspective. For many, this tool allows them to enjoy all aspects of the game instead of just skipping the early flashpoints because groups take to long to find.

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If you didn't play WoW before and after the LFD and LFR were placed in service, then you really have no idea what you are talking about.


This isn't a WoW vs SWTOR thing. This is a WoW before LFD and WoW after LFD thing.


When you would do a 5 man, you would go TO the 5 man, walk in with your group of people you met and comunicated with in your Massivly multiplayer game.


Now, all you do is sit in the capital cities and spam /2 while waiting for your queue to pop. There aren't people out in the world. Even low levels are leveling though dungeons, so after level 10 there are not any people really out in the world. This gets a little better in the very late level zones.




LFD/LFR kills immersion and makes the game feel dead.


You don't actually travel to the instances in this game. You go to the Fleet and hang out while spamming "LFG." Then once your group is formed, you walk through the purple portal and you're inside the instance.


In other words, the LFG tool will not ruin the whole travel thing because it simply doesn't not exist.

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The tool is terrible.


But, I guess anytime some one suggests improvements, they warrant such responses as: You suck. It works fine. Go back to your other MMO. If you don't like it stop playing. Everything is perfect the way it is. We don't need suggestions. We don't need improvements. Your idea that an improvement should be recommended is an insult on this game. You're just a baddie.


That's how progression happens, right?


Because it does the opposite of its intention.


LFG or "Flashpoint Finder" causes people to stand in citys, and just queue up constantly. It essentially makes Flashpoints easier, however it alienates world grouping.


It's an improvement that brought WoW to it's knees with instant gratification, and less exploring.

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You don't actually travel to the instances in this game. You go to the Fleet and hang out while spamming "LFG." Then once your group is formed, you walk through the purple portal and you're inside the instance.


In other words, the LFG tool will not ruin the whole travel thing because it simply doesn't not exist.


Not only that, but planets have little shuttles that take you right back up to the "instance lobby".


Those of you on the Hardcore "No LFG tool" should be asking Bioware to put the instance entrances on planets all spread-out as the hardcore icing on your hardcore cake. :)

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I am not against LFG function in THIS game. IT already feels like a lobby game and the social tools are horrid so i dont feel like im on a server with a community anyways.


With server technology getting better why the heck do these companies have less and less people playing together?

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If it's server specific, and you are a D-bag, you get a reputation and pay for it.



When it's cross server, there are no repercussions for being a D-Bag. Thus the Anonymity of the Internet Jerk kicks in and POOF, everybody is a tool.




But same server LFG tool has its drawbacks too.


To all you people spamming the LFGs... How about you join a guild? Get some friends in the game..? SOCIALIZE! MMOs are social games!

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Which is what makes the conversation so frustrating. WoW's implementation wasn't perfect and could be improved upon hugely. Instead of that conversation, we get people sticking a finger in each ear, yelling 'LALALARUINSCOMMUNITIESLALALANINJASLALALA' and left with an LFG tool that was cutting edge a decade ago.


Your analysis is spot on and gave me a good chuckle at the same time. I actually pictured some of them in my head, with their fingers in their hears, yelling at the top of their lungs.

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But same server LFG tool has its drawbacks too.


To all you people spamming the LFGs... How about you join a guild? Get some friends in the game..? SOCIALIZE! MMOs are social games!


Still can't figure out how a SERVER ONLY LFD tool is anti-social.....

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