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Why is there a level 55 training dummy on my level 33 character's ship?

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So frigging what is that if the intention is to test for operations there are no level 33 operations so a level 33 dummy makes no sense.


Second, you have a point on level 50 operations to an extent. But since competitive end game will no longer be happening at level 50 I doubt BW cares about that. I'm willing to be the change from scaling was probably intentional, they don't want to encourage people to do the level 50 operations, they want them to buy RotHC if they want to do operations.


You still haven't told us what you think about the PVP dummies have you ?

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So frigging what is that if the intention is to test for operations there are no level 33 operations so a level 33 dummy makes no sense.


Second, you have a point on level 50 operations to an extent. But since competitive end game will no longer be happening at level 50 I doubt BW cares about that. I'm willing to be the change from scaling was probably intentional, they don't want to encourage people to do the level 50 operations, they want them to buy RotHC if they want to do operations.

If you hadn't noticed, the training dummy Legacy Unlock is rather expensive, and it available for ALL your toons.


Why would you argue AGAINST making that scalable while it is sitting on your ship? What harm could POSSIBLY come from it? And look at the benefits!


Are you arguing just to try and make everyone wrong, or do you have some sort of actual reason why you want to prevent players from testing rotations and gear before they hit level 55?

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If you hadn't noticed, the training dummy Legacy Unlock is rather expensive, and it available for ALL your toons.


Why would you argue AGAINST making that scalable while it is sitting on your ship? What harm could POSSIBLY come from it? And look at the benefits!


Are you arguing just to try and make everyone wrong, or do you have some sort of actual reason why you want to prevent players from testing rotations and gear before they hit level 55?


I'm not saying there was any harm and I'm not saying it shouldn't do that. My point was twofold.

1. Since this is only designed for operations then why put dev effort into making it scale. It's possible that the level change broke the scaling process and it was easier to leave it perm set at what it was designed to do.

2. This could have been intentional move to carrot/stick people still at level 50 to buy RotHC rather than rewarding them for not paying. This seems to fit with BWs general F2P start.


You still haven't told us what you think about the PVP dummies have you ?


I was replying to the OP, I didn't see this thread until today and didn't read all 16 pages. I would say PvP one not scaling is a bigger and more legitimate concern than the operations one.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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I was replying to the OP, I didn't see this thread until today and didn't read all 16 pages. I would say PvP one not scaling is a bigger and more legitimate concern than the operations one.
But I'm the OP, and I'm upset about my Warzone training dummy.


Later, other people came in and voiced their frustrations with their level 50 characters being unable to parse for Operations.

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1. Since this is only designed for operations then why put dev effort into making it scale. It's possible that the level change broke the scaling process and it was easier to leave it perm set at what it was designed to do.



(Emphasis added by me)


So you have a "Lobby for Legacy Datacrons" in your signature as something to be added to the game, all while speaking out against an auto-scaling training dummy which WAS in the game and now ISN'T.


In my country, we call this hypocrisy.

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So frigging what is that if the intention is to test for operations there are no level 33 operations so a level 33 dummy makes no sense.


Second, you have a point on level 50 operations to an extent. But since competitive end game will no longer be happening at level 50 I doubt BW cares about that. I'm willing to be the change from scaling was probably intentional, they don't want to encourage people to do the level 50 operations, they want them to buy RotHC if they want to do operations.



I am astounded by your point and your attitude. We paid for one thing and they decided to change it after the fact.


1) If I buy a car that performs a certain way and it goes in for a recall, and it comes back out not performing in the same way. I'll get my money back. Bioware ripped everyone off who bought this for their ship and you know how many times I've used it on my level 55 jugg, not one bloody time. I used it all the time on my leveling characters. You can be a fanboi all you want, but it was a stupid move on Bioware's part and they know it or they would be in this post commenting.

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I'm not saying there was any harm and I'm not saying it shouldn't do that. My point was twofold.

1. Since this is only designed for operations then why put dev effort into making it scale. It's possible that the level change broke the scaling process and it was easier to leave it perm set at what it was designed to do.


It was scaling before. Dev effort to make it scale was already made. The work was done. They changed it. Before it was useful for any and all characters. Now only for level 55 characters. How is that an improvement ? (not a rethorical question btw)



2. This could have been intentional move to carrot/stick people still at level 50 to buy RotHC rather than rewarding them for not paying. This seems to fit with BWs general F2P start.


You're seriously suggesting people would buy the expansion because they want to have a working dummy when they reach 55 ?

Edited by wainot-keel
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I purchased the training dummies (with CC's) with the expectation of being able to USE them. But since I have no 55's and have no plans to ever have a toon that high, it was a waste of my money. They should either fix them so that I can use them, or give me a refund.
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Isn't this the kind of irrational high-concept stubbornness that got the original design team "reorganized" and the game converted to F2P?


Bloody hell, just let us have the damn scaling dummies back or be kind enough to explain why it's so important that they're removed. :confused:

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I'll be that guy:


What purpose does the dummy serve pre-55? I posit that the dummies exist to maximize DPS potential for content in which DPS potential is necessary (HMs and OPs). Am I missing something?


It can still be used to help with lowbie rotations and teach you some effective pairings while you level. When leveling a sage, it could be very useful, for example, to determine if you want to go TK or Balance with your limited number of skills, then perhaps change later on when you have more skillpoints.

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Have they even acknowledged this yet? I sent in a bug report when my WZ dummy got changed to 55 when 2.0 came out with the generic "we are closing your ticket, good day" response. Yet this is still an issue, it cant be that hard to fix this since the code was already in place to scale the WZ dummy.


Or is this gonna be a part of the after 2.4 patch for PvPers that will make us happy? :)

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There is really no need to BUMP this thread, it's getting enough discussion.... bumping threads is actually against the rules of pretty much every forum in existence. I'm surprised the people just "bumping" this thread haven't already been suspended from the forums, but it seems all they are doing is deleting the bumps.... Apparently the SWtOR moderators are much nicer than many other forums I've been on. Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
Un-capitalizing all my uses of the word bump past the first, so it doesn't give the wrong implication.
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There is really no need to BUMP this thread, it's getting enough discussion.... bumping threads is actually against the rules of pretty much every forum in existence. I'm surprised the people just "bumping" this thread haven't already been suspended from the forums, but it seems all they are doing is deleting the bumps.... Apparently the SWtOR moderators are much nicer than many other forums I've been on.


There's every need to keep bumping this thread if people want an answer. I understand that it's against the rules, but what would you rather see? People making a new thread every couple of days to remind everyone that yes, they still care about this?


They're generally letting a lot slide when it comes to forum rules, for better or worse. In this case, I think the bumping is justified, but that's just me.

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There's every need to keep bumping this thread if people want an answer. I understand that it's against the rules, but what would you rather see? People making a new thread every couple of days to remind everyone that yes, they still care about this?


They're generally letting a lot slide when it comes to forum rules, for better or worse. In this case, I think the bumping is justified, but that's just me.


But people are discussing it... and if they are deleting the bumps, there may come a time when they STOP being nice and start giving warnings... do you want to be the person who's bump is the last straw of their tolerance? I sure don't.

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But people are discussing it... and if they are deleting the bumps, there may come a time when they STOP being nice and start giving warnings... do you want to be the person who's bump is the last straw of their tolerance? I sure don't.


It's already been discussed by forum members and there's nothing else that we can say. And yet no yellow post.

So from this point, everything will be "bump", even if we don't say "bump", even your post about "bumps"

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What would be nice, and what is seriosly lacking from community leaders here, would be some feedback about this. Is there a reason for the training dummies to be 55? If so, what is it? Or was that a glitch? if so, say so. This near total lack of communication from community leaders here is why these forums are such trash compared to other games forums.
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  • Dev Post

Hello there folks,


I just wanted to step in and post to inform you that the ship Training Dummies are slated to scale to your level again in Game Update 2.2.1. The fix for this hasn't been fully tested, so if anything comes up that moves it to a later patch, I'll be sure to post here and let you know!



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Hello there folks,


I just wanted to step in and post to inform you that the ship Training Dummies are slated to scale to your level again in Game Update 2.2.1. The fix for this hasn't been fully tested, so if anything comes up that moves it to a later patch, I'll be sure to post here and let you know!




That's good news. Maybe this thread can finally die after that.

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