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Vote for Legacy "straight-to-50" option


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Hahah, wow, it seems the "negative nellies" are the most prominent in the forums, eh? :p


It's strange but I'm pretty sure players in favor of something like this were plentiful... Still, we'll see.


Keep in mind the requirements. Specifically, Legacy level 50 means either you already have plenty of alts, or simply that you've been playing for a long time, so there's really not much that'd be "taken away"...


Anyway, edited OP for clarity. Will do tallys if this takes off. Won't if not.

First off: Against.


Then to your post... Why is everyone, who doesn't agree with your idea a "negative nellie" ? If you do not like to get answers, do not ask questions.


I personally am pretty close to legacy 50, and I would never want to use such a "boom, lvl 50"... then again, I also would not want to play in a group with someone, who is the designated tank of the group, but did not even have that char 30 minutes earlier.


If you want a char with a different mechanic, then level it from the start and learn how it works. The whole leveling field is a way to get to know your character and to know, what you can do and what you should not do.

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I have 11 toons. 4x 50, 1 in the 40's, and others nubs. Oh how I would love the option to just take the nubs to lvl 50 BUT then you would suck at your class. It is bad enough that you join HM FP's and daily heroics with people who do not even know what a cc is and jump righ to the target you mark for cc. As much as I would love to have a straight to 50 option, it would just be a horrible mess.

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Don't you mean "straight-to-55" option? Do you feel entitled to skip Makeb, too?


The levelling process is there for a reason and that is to LEARN YOUR CLASS. You can speed up the leveling process, I don't object to each legacy level giving a passive experience boost (that can be turned off because I know people who don't want to speed through content even on their bazillionth characters), but skipping leveling altogether is like skipping the entire Return of the Jedi and going straight to the point where Vader throws Palpie down the reactor. Where would be the fun in that?


Oh yeah I had to vote: NO.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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To the people saying that leveling to 50 is to learn your class, it's probably EXTREMELY safe, to say that you learn MORE about your character at 50 than while leveling, just look at noob pvp. And I'm pretty sure anyone at legacy level 50 doesn't have too much more to learn considering the huge amount of time it takes to achieve.


Most people are probably disagreeing because they aren't legacy 50 themselves, but seriously, if you've spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours grinding your own toons to get to legacy 50, what's the point of having to spend another 3/4/5 days of play time spacebarring through the same quests AGAIN and farming a few npcs....killings npcs sub 50 doesn't really take that much skill, you could just roll your face on the keyboard and do just as well.


I support this, even though I'm not legacy 50 yet.

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To the people saying that leveling to 50 is to learn your class, it's probably EXTREMELY safe, to say that you learn MORE about your character at 50 than while leveling, just look at noob pvp. And I'm pretty sure anyone at legacy level 50 doesn't have too much more to learn considering the huge amount of time it takes to achieve.


Most people are probably disagreeing because they aren't legacy 50 themselves, but seriously, if you've spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours grinding your own toons to get to legacy 50, what's the point of having to spend another 3/4/5 days of play time spacebarring through the same quests AGAIN and farming a few npcs....killings npcs sub 50 doesn't really take that much skill, you could just roll your face on the keyboard and do just as well.


I support this, even though I'm not legacy 50 yet.


Lots of assumptions here.

First of all, I disagree and I have been legacy level 50 for a year now (I think I hit legacy 50 with my 3rd toon). Therefore, it's not always people who haven't reached legacy level 50 that disagree.


Also, you are quite wrong on it being EXTREMELY safe to say that you learn more about your class at 50.


While at 50 you have all your abilities and you can reach your class' full potential in terms of rotation efficiency and energy management, most of the abilities you will need to be good at what you're doing are abilities that you acquire at lower levels. If you don't learn what your abilities do and their synergy with each other, you will have a clueless 50 who (of course) will eventually be able to learn from scratch - it's not exactly rocket science - but will take him a MUCH longer time to be good enough to compete. And if there's something we need less of, it's clueless 50s. Keep in mind that people who want to level a new toon, generally speaking, level a different class than the ones they already have. So, no matter how good you are as a (e.g.) Sorcerer Healer it doesn't mean you will be a good Powertech Tank.


You are also focusing too much on PVP.

Sub-50 PVP (until it's replaced with the new brackets) might be more fun than 50s because there are no overpowered classes there, but there is a different issue and that's the unfairness of putting a level 12 character against a level 48 character. Abilities, energy management and even rotation is vastly different at lower levels compared to higher levels and bolstering doesn't really make much of a difference when you're missing more than half your abilities and you don't have guildmates to guard you. So, it's not always a matter of noobishness in sub-50 pugs, therefore you can't judge people's performance by that alone.

But since you're talking about sub-50 PVP, there is another reason why it's a bad idea to skip PVPing sub-50, if you plan on PVPing when you hit 50: you learn your role better. None of the WZ maps are about killing, no matter how much people seem to care about numbers. They're all about objectives, learning where to stand so you're not focused, interrupting caps and using your class' unique abilities (like Stealth).


Last but not least: PVE.

One of he main complaints about the game is that after you hit 50, you're stuck doing the same things over and over again. If you skip the whole "hitting 50" part then you're just stuck doing the same things over and over again. So, not to say that it's not a good alternative to leveling a new alt the "normal" way, but I'm pretty sure Bioware wouldn't want people reaching level 50 and skipping all of the content just so they can stand around the fleet whining about how there's nothing to do now. When enough content has been added to the game so that getting to 50 is like getting to current 30-40, then this will happen.

And yes, the truth is that after a few alts, doing the same quests or flashpoints gets a bit tedious, but this is the way leveling is and you can already choose to not level the same way or with the same role.

Edited by TheNahash
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First off: Against.


Then to your post... Why is everyone, who doesn't agree with your idea a "negative nellie" ? If you do not like to get answers, do not ask questions.


I personally am pretty close to legacy 50, and I would never want to use such a "boom, lvl 50"... then again, I also would not want to play in a group with someone, who is the designated tank of the group, but did not even have that char 30 minutes earlier.


If you want a char with a different mechanic, then level it from the start and learn how it works. The whole leveling field is a way to get to know your character and to know, what you can do and what you should not do.


Hey, I was just kiddin'. I was just surprised (and amused) at how quickly a flurry of "against"s appeared, being that I actually made this thread based on comments from people on another thread (don't remember which one) that were actually asking for this.


Remember, I haven't voted for or against. This is just an experiment to see what's up with the concept....

Apparently, it's despised more than fried turds! :rak_02:

Edited by MurQueL
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To the people saying that leveling to 50 is to learn your class, it's probably EXTREMELY safe, to say that you learn MORE about your character at 50 than while leveling.


Speaking from personal experience of leveling as a DPS and then switching to Heals once I hit 50 this is pretty far-fetched. I struggled with PvE and PvP cuz I didn't know how to heal, the rotation, the prep, the cooldowns, etc and I failed hard for the first few weeks working on it and had a lot of rage at me.


You need to level to learn your class or else you will most likely stink up the place cuz you went straight to 50 without a clue and end up on a lot of ignore lists which hurts your chances of playing at all.

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No. _

. _


There are so many bad things about an idea like this, though I will just mention one: _This would create an army of underequipped fickle characters that have had no effort put into them, running into FPs and Ops and Needing on every piece of equipment they can get ahold of.

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I support the implementation of such a feature, but I couldn't say what sort of restrictions or requirements it should have.


It's the logical conclusion to all these increased exp rates we've been seeing, so just get it over with and let people get on with it.

Edited by cidbahamut
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But I could get behind a Legacy XP boost of some sort - variable by the # of 50s in the legacy.


50% boost for each lvl 50 toon, for example


i could see like a 1% to 5% bonus being nice for each 50, but definitely not a 50% boost

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The strongest part of the Old Republic is levellng and playing through the many stories that it holds. Those stories come to a rather blunt drop once you reach level 50 and just turn into the grind game.


Why would you ever want to implement a feature to skip the best part of the game so you can go do the worst part?

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Many of you are clearly not reading the full OP, or if you are, you're not getting the part where you'd have to have Legacy Level 50 as a minimum requirement, which usually (but not always) means you're already done the whole "levelling" bit enough times on a few alts where now you're just mindlessly grinding and not really "enjoying" it. Of course this is only the case for some people, not all.


Anyway, the negatives have apparently won, so let this thread die now...

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Many of you are clearly not reading the full OP, or if you are, you're not getting the part where you'd have to have Legacy Level 50 as a minimum requirement, which usually (but not always) means you're already done the whole "levelling" bit enough times on a few alts where now you're just mindlessly grinding and not really "enjoying" it. Of course this is only the case for some people, not all.


Anyway, the negatives have apparently won, so let this thread die now...

AGAINST. Leveling is a pain in the *** when you've done the quests several times over but with insta-ding there would be zero sense of achievement! (I am legacy 50 btw). Also anything BW add to legacy with a requirement they BYPASS with the Cartel Coins option! So some 13 yr old with daddys pin number "buys" level 50 on all his toons and i have clueless retard blundering into ops and wzs.... so yeah thats a HELL NO from me.

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Many of you are clearly not reading the full OP, or if you are, you're not getting the part where you'd have to have Legacy Level 50 as a minimum requirement, which usually (but not always) means you're already done the whole "levelling" bit enough times on a few alts where now you're just mindlessly grinding and not really "enjoying" it. Of course this is only the case for some people, not all.


Anyway, the negatives have apparently won, so let this thread die now...


No, your full OP post doesn't justify it, that's all. It simply isn't a good idea.

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Many of you are clearly not reading the full OP, or if you are, you're not getting the part where you'd have to have Legacy Level 50 as a minimum requirement, which usually (but not always) means you're already done the whole "levelling" bit enough times on a few alts where now you're just mindlessly grinding and not really "enjoying" it. Of course this is only the case for some people, not all.


Anyway, the negatives have apparently won, so let this thread die now...


I've played Monopoly a lot of times too. Should my friends and I skip everything and just do Rock-Scissors-Paper to determine who wins and give them all the Monopoly money? That would be as stupid as insta-50. Just cancel your subscription if you don't want to play.

Edited by Glowrod
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i could see like a 1% to 5% bonus being nice for each 50, but definitely not a 50% boost


I think a +7.5% boost to +XP per level 50 character would be a nice thing. But you would still have to level to 50 naturally... being able to skip to level 50 would be awful. I would be slightly tempted to skip, but if I did, I would miss out on something that's not quantifiable.


Characters are supposed to be developed slowly from level 1 --> 50 naturally, which is when you get to see a lot of different equipment on your character. During leveling is when I slowly decide what permanent set of (socketed) equipment I would like my character to wear.

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No, your full OP post doesn't justify it, that's all. It simply isn't a good idea.


It wasn't my idea. I saw it mentioned on another thread/s where I saw plenty of interest in it, thought it might have some benefits to veterans, and made a voting thread about it. Clearly this inspires staunch negatives and I see almost none of those who seemed to be interested. So, that's it. End of story, end of thread, far as I'm concerned.


For those that thought/think I have a vested interest (Glowrod: "If you don't like the game cancel your subscription"): This wasn't about me. I didn't even vote for or against. I am surprised at how intese the negatives are. I just don't see the big deal if such a thing were implemented. I just don't. The "you'd have newb 50s with lowbie gear running around queing for HMs ruining everything for everyone" is just an asinine stance. For starters, fresh 50s get the "welfare" gear (Tionese/Recruit) which is good enough for any HMs except LI. And the "skill" to play your class... well, I agree that there could be people that don't know their class queing for HMs, but I have a bit more faith in that either player's already know how the mechanics work or if they don't, they would be intimidated from queing in HMs until they've learned their class via dailies, for example...


All that said... just let this thread die, please.

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