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Question of the Day- Tuesday 3/12


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Are you a fan of Operations in SWTOR? Who is your favorite boss?


My second 50 was a Juggernaut tank and I got to spend quite a bit of time tanking Ops so I always tend to see fights from that side. With that in mind, I really enjoyed Firebrand and Stormcaller. A lot of movement, tank swapping, and a smidge of "tank and spank." Overall I just really enjoyed that fight.


How about you?

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Yes, operations are what I spend most of my level 50 time doing.


Favorite boss....probably Tro...I mean Operator IX. He is a big PITA on hard mode, but the colors are pretty, so....


Second favorite, Karagga. There's something amusing about fighting a Hutt in a giant mecha.

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I enjoy them, though I don't do them as much as I used to. Favorite boss I think would have to be Toth&Zorn, before it became impossible to cycle their phases too quickly. As a ranged dps, the fight gave me more to pay attention to then I usually have to(especially that 2m safe zone).
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I guess every dead boss. :p

No, I don't know, I haven't done all of them in HM yet, but I kinda liked the last boss in Asation. It was pretty funny to jump in those tunnels to go from tentacle to tentacle. I liked that. :)

But I honestly enjoy every boss my guild and I manage to beat.

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Although I hated it and he should of been saved as a main questgiver for the republic, Revan's fight in the Foundry, fighting a force user with abilities from all 4 of the claases, Jedi Knight/warrior Melee, inquisitor's force storm, consular's object pulling. And he /Should/ of been OPs worthy at least. Edited by Magnusheart
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I do like Operations though I really wish you could make them as a four man mode as well.


My favorite boss probably is Operator IX. The room the boss is in is pretty and his "Operator Response timed out, Please Repeat." line is cool and creepy sounding at the same time.

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Honestly I've never played an operation before in the game, and I've been playing since launch. It's not due to lack of interest, they seem to have really fun stories attached, but I'll go into why.


For the large portion of the history of the game, the only way to really gear yourself adequately for these operations was to repeat flashpoints over and over again. Unfortunately, they were written in a way that no roleplayer could sensically repeat them, as they were specific story events that were written, as Daniel Erickson noted back in the day, to be specific unrepeatable events. Since none of the HM flashpoints were written to really allow story-focused players to grind them, this kind of put the whole 'operation' thing regretablly off the table.


Then Black Hole was introduced. WH/EWH was introduced, and agumented seemed decent enough. Finally there were sources of more than adequate gear to do this content that didn't require breaking the narrative of a story-based game. However, by this time, most people knew these operations very well, and the expectation would be that you did as well - people would not want to risk a wipe because you were not prepared, operation wipes came with a notable cost, and you couldn't really blame people for taking this stance. However, as a story-based players, myself and the people I tend to play with would have no interest in looking up ahead of time what would occur.


Essentially, although this content looks like a ton of fun, the systems around it appear to have been setup to be story insensitive. They are designed to be read-up on ahead of actually engaging in them, and then run repeatedly killing the same character again and again and again. Of course this playstyle should be available if thats what people want - but sometimes I do wish it was a bit more story sensitive (giving the HM versions the "Simulation" dressing same-v-same warzones are given for the sake of story preservation, for example).


Currently, I am hoping to run Karraga's Palace SM before the expansion hits, for sake of the supposed chronology and connection between them. I won't have to repeat it, obviously, since all I want to run is the SM once, and with fully augmented BH/EWH, I should be able to DPS in the SM without much of a problem. I've joined a guild that has yet to do operations, but is interested, so I think this should work out well for doing a run of Karraga's SM, and I'm greately looking forward to it. I can dream of the day there are things like randomly generated dialogue-less HM Flashpoints to deal with story and preparation related issues, but I doubt that's coming as that would probably require some clever design to work, so for now I'll have to be content with not being able to play the progression endgame and still be a roleplayer.


In short, both my wife and I are very interested in operations, and we're trying to go out of our way to finally run one after a year's + worth of gameplay, but it is something that seems unnecessarily difficult. It's not something that becomes instantly easy just because there's a "groupfinder" button, specifically when the culture and expectations around them run contrary to the playstyles of many people who are otherwise very interested in the content.

Edited by Jagrevi
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Majority of my in-game time is spent doing operations. I have tanks, healers and dps on both factions that I run all levels of operations.


Favorite boss is The Terror from Beyond. The whole encounter is unique and unlike anything I've experienced in other MMO's.

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Jarg and Sorno.


Yeah, the fight is straightforward. But the thing is their running hilarious commentary makes the fight the most fun and least boring of all of them for me.


To this day, when in ops groups for even unrelated ops are assembled, its not uncommon to hear people quote the duo in ventrillo for laughs.

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I guess the Dread Guard Trio, maybe?


I can't say I ever really feel that engaged with the mechanics as a healer* - I'm usually secretly cursing at my guildies, asking them why they enjoy dying.


Wait, Lorrick is fun. End guy in LI HM. Haven't done that one lately though.


*Please don't take this as a "Let's add even MORE DoTs for the healers to remove! They'll be SO engaged! Let's engage them by making their lives even more miserable and passive aggressive."

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Jarg and Sorno.


Yeah, the fight is straightforward. But the thing is their running hilarious commentary makes the fight the most fun and least boring of all of them for me.


To this day, when in ops groups for even unrelated ops are assembled, its not uncommon to hear people quote the duo in ventrillo for laughs.


Jarg and Sorno has great comments, always lol a little at them.


Have a special place in my heart for SOA, just like the part when the entire group is jumping around the platforms. Just get such a "Go Team"-feeling from it. Expect for those times when I play my scoundrel, then I'm too busy healing the rest of the lot for enjoying the jumping.

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I guess I'd say I'm not. I've never felt like it was worth it to try to get on one, just because they seem so restrictive. Plus, I assume they're like Flashpoints and the chances for getting gear I'd want/need from them is pretty low...I'd play them once for the story, but since I don't want to farm the same Flashpoints over and over to get gear good enough for Operations, I can't even do that.
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I actually dislike operations and they feel like a bunch of heroes running around fighting battles they should be able to win. Last time I checked, Vader said the Death Star itself was insignificant compared to the power of the force. I know this is a video game, but it is a Star Wars video game.


I have not completed Terror from Beyond because I saw the trailer for it and wondered what does this have to do with anything else Star Wars have done? I will likely do it when it is added to group finder just for gear.


Favorite Boss? Mario sized bosses may be cool in other MMO's but it got old quick to me. I will say that I like the idea of the Duel of Fates battle in Eternity Vault. If you had more Star Wars type battles in these things; I might become a fan.


Question? Did the developers really create classic Star Wars encounters between the Republic and Empire from 1-50, and then do giant creatures because they look more intimdating at the endgame? In my opinion, the Emperor should be the most intimidating character in this game. How are you going to end this story? With eight people attacking the Emperor?

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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Are you a fan of Operations in SWTOR? Who is your favorite boss?


My second 50 was a Juggernaut tank and I got to spend quite a bit of time tanking Ops so I always tend to see fights from that side. With that in mind, I really enjoyed Firebrand and Stormcaller. A lot of movement, tank swapping, and a smidge of "tank and spank." Overall I just really enjoyed that fight.


How about you?


Wait, tank swapping? Me thinks your group was doing it wrong, lol!


It's one of the few fights that does not have a traditional tank swap :p I mean you COULD tank swap... but almost noone does it that way because it would over complicate the fight.


Noted, Eric is a baddie, don't raid with this guy! (I kid, I kid)


Have to say though, hands down (assuming you can do the fight bug free, which was a problem back then) SOA was the coolest fight mechanics I have ever seen. Just all that was going on in that fight, it was really well thought out.


Whoever came up with the idea for SOA, I hope he is still working for you guys, cause that person... genius! Not that other fights have not been cool or refreshing, I just think you set a very high bar on SOA and just haven't quite been back yet :)

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The 8 generals right before Soa where you fight them to the song "duel of fates," I'd love another fight like that where every player is forced to operate independently without any help from the rest of the raid, just make an encounter that is difficult enough so that each player is sufficiently challenged. That fight is a joke on my jugg tank even before I got as well geared as I am now.
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Favourite Operation Bosses:


#1. Soa: First boss I ever really got a sense of being a Hero against:cool:

#2. Bonethrasher: It's pure Rot:D

#3. Operator IX: Welcome to Mainframe, I am Tron:p

#4. The Terror From Beyond: It's a BIG boss:eek:

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Soa is very impressive with his voice and the stuff he says during the ops, but the way he looks contradicts the way he sounds.

However, I have to agree with one poster here, Jarg and Sorno are probably the best OPs boss ever to play against solely based on what they say during the fight.

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Jarg and Sorno.


Yeah, the fight is straightforward. But the thing is their running hilarious commentary makes the fight the most fun and least boring of all of them for me.


To this day, when in ops groups for even unrelated ops are assembled, its not uncommon to hear people quote the duo in ventrillo for laughs.


We do this too!

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I love operations. Being my first MMO I have to say SOA holds my favorite spot and will be very difficult to beat. The first time we made it as a group to him and I saw the floor drop I was in awe. It impressed me so much I forgot to move and died lol. Good times. Edited by nninjacoupe
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I'm going to cheat and say Cartel Warlords, specifically Captain Horric. Everyone is killing him 1st due to his "Spray and Prey", but we decided to let him live to see the 2nd phase ability. Permanent "cannon fire of death" that requires constant raid movement and careful positioning of the remaining boss ? - yes, please!


Even though we wiped and people requested that we clear the boss "normal and boring" way, once that expansion goes live, Horric will be killed "fun and dangerous" way :p

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