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Why no love for Huttball?


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Why does everyone hate huttball? I mean, you don't HAVE to run the ball.


I play as a Sniper most of the time, and Snipers generally own in Huttball. I never touch the ball, I sit at the top of the ledges throwing down G's of damage for as long as I want. It's a load of fun. My team ALWAYS wins.


So, why no love for huttball?


Huttball is the best warzone/battleground I have ever played.


Why do people hate it? Different from what they are used to.

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I have very mixed feelings about huttball. My class seems to be quite good for that warzone. I play as a shadow tank, and know what I am doing. That means I end up carring the ball quite often, but often I end up wondering what the rest of my team is doing. I mean in random groups almost nobody seems to be helping winning the game, they go and zerg somewhere instead of healing me, pulling me closer to the goalline, protecting me, or just be somewhere I can through them the ball to when something when wrong and I ended up i the pit... that makes this warzone one of the most frustrating one, because it seems that it is more team dependant than the others.
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It's true not many people know how to play it. Yesterday I had four of the opposing team chasing me around (I play as sniper), while the rest of my team kept scoring. Quite funny.


I don't always derp in Huttball


But when I do, it's to do this

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Love Huttball. On my sniper as well as about every other AC in the game, but really love it as my sniper. I don't just stay up top much. Depends on if I am controlling mid. I will move up and use leg shot to stop pursuers (often better to not kill them) of our carriers or even get in place to catch the ball and pass it along. Had a sorce pull me around tonight and I was up at the endzone before I knew it. Give me a class with an enemy pull and LOLS will be had as well.
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- Playing a form of basketball/football hybrid breaks my suspension of disbelief. Yeah, like some of the strongest Sith and Jedi in the galaxy go around amusing Hutts... :rolleyes:


This is why I also hate huttball. It just completely takes me out of the game.

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Hutball, worst wz ever....


Listen bioware, if id wanted to play sport i would have bought a FIFA game or Mario All stars or something like that.


Please make Huttball optional, so i don't have to endure a load screen just to click the leave wz button immediatly on entering.



Edited by iaintoff
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There are actually 3 main reasons why people hate it and it has nothing to do with different classes.


1) It is very noobie unfriendly, it can be easily observed in pug's, many don't know what to do with the ball, or they just march towards the enemies goal line thinking they'll get lucky and actually get through the fire and the stunfest that awaits them (so naive). Then when the obvious happens they tend to rage and not only ruin the game for themselves but for the other people on the team to and then the hate in chat starts and the leavers leave etc... Now one might say its an l2p issue and that might be true, however most people have this mentality that its not worth investing time in learning something you don't enjoy there is simply no motivation for it and thus the easy way is just to avoid it.


2)Many people are still getting performance issues because of bad coding of the game that Bioware can't do nothing about, ofcourse it might just be ones pc problem (thou from my experience its the 1st one) but regardless people are suffering greatly in this warzone because of it. Things like passing of the ball will become very difficult for such people thus causing negative reaction from others and you cannot just ask a person to not touch the ball and go sit in a corner (although many do). So again we get a lot of negativity and the only solution a person in such a situation can go with is to avoid the warzone.


3)This is probably the best one and it comes down to as does everything in swtor pvp and those are stun and cc problems. Now you don't need me to tell you how bad the stun problem is in swtor, however in huttball it feels even worse. On paper it looks good, i mean you use the stun's and cc's that you have tactically and at the right moment you use them and say "GOTCHA!!" like on the fire pillar or smt, but in reality when you have so many of those things there is nothing tactical about it at all. A person can stun you anytime,anyplace and don't worry if an enemy in front of you has his cc's on CD then the guy next to him has them ready and if he doesn't the other 5 people behind him have more then enough for everybody. While playing this warzone i often get the impression that the only thing on everyone's mind is how to stun someone first then just make up something as they go. It really is frustrating and for the third time we are left with the put out or get out option.


Thus we have no love for huttball. Personally for me huttball is the only reason why i want the option of being able to choose what warzone to queue for. Thou if your a premade guy these reasons might not apply to you, however the majority of the ppl play in pugs so i base my judgement on that.


Also don't be fooled by the 5-6 people who say they like it, the hate for this warzone is great and is no exception on my server(tomb of freedon nadd).

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Also don't be fooled by the 5-6 people who say they like it, the hate for this warzone is great and is no exception on my server(tomb of freedon nadd).

Don't be fooled by the few people who say they hate this WZ, the love for this WZ is great and its a popular one on every server.


See I can make sweeping generalisations also.


I do indeed love this WZ personally, it allows almost every class to shine in their own ways and is just fun all around. This is provided your group are semi competent and your not versing a premade that completely rolls your pugs, but that applies to all WZ's anyway.


Overall I think we need more new WZ's and more diversity in them. Also new hutball maps would be awesome. ;)

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Also don't be fooled by the 5-6 people who say they like it, the hate for this warzone is great and is no exception on my server(tomb of freedon nadd).

I routinely see 3-4 people instantly leaving as soon as they enter the Huttball hallway right before the starting area on my server. And I don't blame 'm. Especially when Huttball pops several times in a row.

Edited by Defecter
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Re: suspension-of-disbelief, I don't play huttball in character. There, problem solved.


I will agree that huttball is the hardest on newbies. If you get a group with intelligent newbies who will listen you can do great; if you get a group of the same entitled newbies who tell you to shut up when you call inc in other WZs (yes, this actually happens) you're in trouble.

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Why does everyone hate huttball? I mean, you don't HAVE to run the ball.


I play as a Sniper most of the time, and Snipers generally own in Huttball. I never touch the ball, I sit at the top of the ledges throwing down G's of damage for as long as I want. It's a load of fun. My team ALWAYS wins.


So, why no love for huttball?


You do well because you know your role. Snipers/Gunslingers are the defenders in Huttball. The point is area denial, keeping the enemy team out of your own team's half of the map.

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one of the biggest reasons i love huttball (being predominantly a pugger in both 10-49 and 50) is when reality strikes and the team happens to be hopeless i can abandon all civility and just derp it out- cant do this in any other wz


and to one of the posters who gets upset when he stealths into enemy endzone and starts spamming ops chat to get the ball to him--- ****-- while you are picking your nose in the endzone the rest of the team is at a disadvantage-- the only time you should be stealthing to endzone is when your team has the ball and is advancing past mid

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Re: suspension-of-disbelief, I don't play huttball in character. There, problem solved.



I'm not sure if you're seriously suggesting this. Breaking my suspension of disbelief pretty much ruins every aspect of the game for me. The whole point of playing SW:ToR, is so that I can somehow feel as if I'm taking part in the SW universe. And Huttball as it is in the game, is simply not something that can be explained away with an in-universe explaination unless you only allow Bounty Hunters and the likes join those games. Unlike some people, I don't play purely for the numbers. I actually want to enjoy myself while playing.


You could have the exact same mechanics in such a way that the warzone doesn't break your suspension of disbelief. For example; Instead of playing some weird game where you punch around a ball, you could have your team carry vital supply packs/intelligence/valueble resources to your home base and the enemy team who tries to stop you and do the same. It would be the same as Huttball mechanics-wise and yet still fit the bill as an actual 'Warzone'.


Besides, the name says it all; 'Warzone'. Not 'Entertainment for overgrown slugs-zone'.


P.S.; Just a disclaimer here. I'm not even an RPer. Not even remotely.

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I don't see how it breaks "character"

It's just a recreational kinda warzone.

Like football...only with more blood...so it's like hockey with a ball instead of a puck and sabers instead of hockey sticks...yup...totally realistic!

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I'm not sure if you're seriously suggesting this. Breaking my suspension of disbelief pretty much ruins every aspect of the game for me. The whole point of playing SW:ToR, is so that I can somehow feel as if I'm taking part in the SW universe. And Huttball as it is in the game, is simply not something that can be explained away with an in-universe explaination unless you only allow Bounty Hunters and the likes join those games. Unlike some people, I don't play purely for the numbers. I actually want to enjoy myself while playing.


You could have the exact same mechanics in such a way that the warzone doesn't break your suspension of disbelief. For example; Instead of playing some weird game where you punch around a ball, you could have your team carry vital supply packs/intelligence/valueble resources to your home base and the enemy team who tries to stop you and do the same. It would be the same as Huttball mechanics-wise and yet still fit the bill as an actual 'Warzone'.


Besides, the name says it all; 'Warzone'. Not 'Entertainment for overgrown slugs-zone'.


P.S.; Just a disclaimer here. I'm not even an RPer. Not even remotely.


the hutts have to entertain themselves, the voices that come on before the match suggest that story wise everyone in the game has been captured by the hutts.

huttball was also the only warzone that allowed same faction vs same faction when the game came out which also suggests that everyone has been captured and forced to play.


AND huttball is not a weird game where you punch a ball, its a death trap area where 2 teams are forced to kill each other while avoiding traps and after the timer is up the team that has taken the ball of light to the other teams side the most gets to live while the other team gets killed. (the scoreboard being the motivation that would guarantee the people being forced to play actually play)


its a game designed by the hutt cartel that allows them to use prisoners as participants while they take bets and make a profit. AKA: kill their enemies and make a profit at the same time.. which is basically the definition of a cartel.

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You do well because you know your role. Snipers/Gunslingers are the defenders in Huttball. The point is area denial, keeping the enemy team out of your own team's half of the map.


This x 1000.

When someone passes my Sniper the ball (usually my play friend) I IM them and unload a ton of invective. I'm generally at my best when I'm just picking off the balll carrier or stunning them in the acid pools or just escorting the ball carrier and leg shotting peeps or so on. If I can carry I will, but I would much rather pass to an open teammate.


Huttball isn't bad, it's just much less faceolling running around and teamwork will crush an unorganized team.

Would love a few new maps though...

Edited by NeuroniaSW
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Why does everyone hate huttball? I mean, you don't HAVE to run the ball.


I play as a Sniper most of the time, and Snipers generally own in Huttball. I never touch the ball, I sit at the top of the ledges throwing down G's of damage for as long as I want. It's a load of fun. My team ALWAYS wins.


So, why no love for huttball?


Because in HB they cant just stand around, heal, stun, interrupt and throw rocks.

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As a starter not all classes do good in it.


It is more highly on dependent allies than other maps, which makes playing it solo a chore.


Half the people who play it barely recognizes that they can use pushes to drop people off ledge and pulls to pull enemies to fire pits.


In lowbies 75% of people do not recognize that there is a ball (sometimes in 50 WZs as well).


Lately, unless I am teaming up with someone, I leave HB WZs before they even start.

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