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Everything posted by JonkyO

  1. There are actually 3 main reasons why people hate it and it has nothing to do with different classes. 1) It is very noobie unfriendly, it can be easily observed in pug's, many don't know what to do with the ball, or they just march towards the enemies goal line thinking they'll get lucky and actually get through the fire and the stunfest that awaits them (so naive). Then when the obvious happens they tend to rage and not only ruin the game for themselves but for the other people on the team to and then the hate in chat starts and the leavers leave etc... Now one might say its an l2p issue and that might be true, however most people have this mentality that its not worth investing time in learning something you don't enjoy there is simply no motivation for it and thus the easy way is just to avoid it. 2)Many people are still getting performance issues because of bad coding of the game that Bioware can't do nothing about, ofcourse it might just be ones pc problem (thou from my experience its the 1st one) but regardless people are suffering greatly in this warzone because of it. Things like passing of the ball will become very difficult for such people thus causing negative reaction from others and you cannot just ask a person to not touch the ball and go sit in a corner (although many do). So again we get a lot of negativity and the only solution a person in such a situation can go with is to avoid the warzone. 3)This is probably the best one and it comes down to as does everything in swtor pvp and those are stun and cc problems. Now you don't need me to tell you how bad the stun problem is in swtor, however in huttball it feels even worse. On paper it looks good, i mean you use the stun's and cc's that you have tactically and at the right moment you use them and say "GOTCHA!!" like on the fire pillar or smt, but in reality when you have so many of those things there is nothing tactical about it at all. A person can stun you anytime,anyplace and don't worry if an enemy in front of you has his cc's on CD then the guy next to him has them ready and if he doesn't the other 5 people behind him have more then enough for everybody. While playing this warzone i often get the impression that the only thing on everyone's mind is how to stun someone first then just make up something as they go. It really is frustrating and for the third time we are left with the put out or get out option. Thus we have no love for huttball. Personally for me huttball is the only reason why i want the option of being able to choose what warzone to queue for. Thou if your a premade guy these reasons might not apply to you, however the majority of the ppl play in pugs so i base my judgement on that. Also don't be fooled by the 5-6 people who say they like it, the hate for this warzone is great and is no exception on my server(tomb of freedon nadd).
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