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Rome-fu's Resolve Guide


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Resolve does not work, as there is plenty of abilities that ignore it. Want to fix it? All abilities with secondary effects such as slows and roots need to be effected by and effect resolve. Not rocket science, by adding exceptions you may as well have saved yourself the trouble bioware and not made resolve.


Resolve works. Good PvPers learn to adapt and survive whereas the rest just get rolled and rage. I agree that skills that immobilize should possibly be added, but snares should not.

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I still think the Resolve system could use some tweaks. It is by far the worst system I have seen in any MMO.


The problem is, it takes too long to fill and when it does fill, it goes away too fast. In the middle of all this it does not take effect until the CC that topped it off wears off. Hence having to save your break out ability for that.


But, usually by the time the resolve bar does fill up players usually only have a quarter of their health left or maybe half if they are lucky. So thus, the player gets killed anyways.


On top of that, snares can still effect you even if resolve is full. This wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that most abilities that snare targets, also have a talent in their trees somewhere to make that snare a root, but still be considered a snare. Thus the resovle system allows it.


Some ideas for some tweaks to the system are as follows.


1. Reduce the time it takes resolve to fill up. Example 4 CC's in a row. With every class having some form of CC, this shouldn't take long.


2. When Resolve is full, make the player immune to ALL movement impairing effects.


3. If each classes breakout is a mandatory tool for Resolve to work correctly, lower the cool down on their break out ability.


I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I do welcome some feedback and additional ideas for fixes to the system.


Resolve is like a visual version of DR. Also, while DR reduces duration of CC on you the more it is used in a period of a time, it does not fill up as fast as Resolve does. And no game has ever had DR for snares. Roots yes, snares no. I don't like that they use 100% snares (aka immobilizing effects) as a "snare" instead of a root and thus it doesn't effect your Resolve.

Other than that, I think Resolve is better than DR. If you think you are getting stun locked in this game, then you never played lotro. You could stun lock someone with a CC class even after they added DR. Plus, lotro makes you buy stun pots instead of adding a CC breaker (unless you have an LM or a WL to "snap" you out of the CC)

Edited by Callo
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The key problem with resolve: You can be stunned again full duration the INSTANT resolve starts going down. People see this, not realizing their resolve started dropping and assume they were stunned through it. It starts ticking back down way too fast. Edited by Kuari
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I posted it before, with some ideas. Click here and let brainstorm, more people seeing and posting at same thread more likely they (bioware) notice it.



Some times you don't even need stun to lock people. Root and slow isn't affect resolve, so i alreasy saw a lot of players locking other while 1 single player go there and put the bomb in the doors. So you team do not die to respawn closer, nor can move. And there's no limit. This is really dumb.


And resolve without Diminish return, i don't think it work. In my thread i gave some ideas to it.


Without DR the ability to free you from stuns and other things, the cooldown should be much more short to compensate it. Once you use your ability theres nothing you can do. You can get stunned twice or other CC plus roots and slows. I don't think a PVP or multiplayer game without mobility fun. Pvp supposed to be dynamic not slow like that. Nerf all slows or give a DR and include something to roots ans slows.

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The guy who made this post has to be a developer or something, the resolve system is hands down broken. If you are not dead when your resolve bar is full you will just get cc'ed again immediately as the resolve bar starts to decay almost instantly. I personally feel bioware has fallen into the same trap as many other mmorpg creator's, turning their game into a CC party.


Goodtimes Withweapons

Edited by Rubebill
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lol this game 's pvp is garbage. everyone got stun ability and out of balance. all I did is zerging zergin and zerging. I dont even see Crowd control at all. it all about dps and healin thats it. It made me unsub just less than a month. All of my guildmates too. We all came here for pvp. I careless graphic, story and pve.


Gosh I missed swg. Tor needs to fix balance of pvp and bf asap. I understand Tor is baby.

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thats hilarious


if you have 5+ on you are screwed regardless of any cc


Not necessarily, on warzones sometimes it would be possible to keep people from turning objectives for a few precious seconds -- if Resolve actually worked as it should.


However, since Bioware decided to "exempt" some cc's from Resolve -- likely from their pet classes -- the end result is that against any moderately knowledgeable team, you spend all of your time stuck on the ground, and Resolve bar be damned.


But I'm fully confident that the Bioware PvP team, the same people responsible for Warhammer's Bright Wizard, will fix this issue in no time!

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Yeah - sorry, but as wonderfully written and insightful as the OP was - doesn't change the fact the resolve system is nearly utterly useless. Great - I can be cc'd for soooo long, then (maybe) not be able to be cc'd again. Whoopie. By the time the system kicks in (if it works), you're dead or so close to being so it doesn't matter unless you have one on the ball healer only healing you.
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Can't help but agree that the resolve system feels like it isn't working, or certainly isn't having the intended effect. Whether thats down to too short duration before tickdown / server - client latency or the initial CC's not filling resolve enough does't really matter because right now it feels broken and feeling broken is enough for it to need fixing.


As others have said, we know how it should work, it just doesnt - especially with knockbacks randomly not working irrespective of resolve.


The thing is though, for all the crying about being chain cc'd, the WZ's are a team game. With the possible exception of an op / scoundrel catching with your cc breaker down (pre nerf at least), I dont recall being sufficiently burnt down in a true 1 on 1 whilst cc chained to be an insurmountable issue (and I play as a JK Guardian, sage and gunslinger, so most ends of the spectrum). If you run into a group of 2 or more, unsupported by any teammates, your gonna die stunlocked or not most of the time (at least against good opponents).


Ask yourself - if I died carrying the ball, stunlocked by 3, in huttball - could I really not have passed (and I have passed while stunned, whether your meant to or not)? Where were my team & what were they doing? Healing me or protecting me / cc'ing or dps'ing the enemy? Or did I just try to solo run it and expect to be able to make it?

Edited by bstb
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Can't help but agree that the resolve system feels like it isn't working, or certainly isn't having the intended effect. Whether thats down to too short duration before tickdown / server - client latency or the initial CC's not filling resolve enough does't really matter because right now it feels broken and feeling broken is enough for it to need fixing.


As others have said, we know how it should work, it just doesnt - especially with knockbacks randomly not working irrespective of resolve.


The thing is though, for all the crying about being chain cc'd, the WZ's are a team game. With the possible exception of an op / scoundrel catching with your cc breaker down (pre nerf at least), I dont recall being sufficiently burnt down in a true 1 on 1 whilst cc chained to be an insurmountable issue (and I play as a JK Guardian, sage and gunslinger, so most ends of the spectrum). If you run into a group of 2 or more, unsupported by any teammates, your gonna die stunlocked or not most of the time (at least against good opponents).


Ask yourself - if I died carrying the ball, stunlocked by 3, in huttball - could I really not have passed (and I have passed while stunned, whether your meant to or not)? Where were my team & what were they doing? Healing me or protecting me / cc'ing or dps'ing the enemy? Or did I just try to solo run it and expect to be able to make it?


Quit reading right there. /shakes head


OP: Great post. Thanks for the insight.

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Quit reading right there. /shakes head


OP: Great post. Thanks for the insight.


If something feels broken to the majority of people (a lot of whom have had better pvp experiences elsewhere) then something isn't right. It might not be actually broken, but if they confirm it's working as intended then the design it has just doesnt meet with approval from a lot of people. Still seems like it needs a change (whether you call it a fix or not).


Or do you think its actually fine as it is?

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If it worked as OP described it, it would indeed be a good system. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.


I can use a cryo grenade (one CC, one target) and fill the target's resolve bar by myself. That means they're now immune to my concussive round and knockback. If that's the way it's meant to work, great, it's working.


But when I'm the target, not the aggressor, my resolve bar rarely seems to fill. I can be stunned via grenade/choke/strike, mezzed, flashbanged, then knocked back over a 12s window thinking, "Anytime now I won't be stunned or knocked down... anytime now." Of course, while I'm thinking that I end up hitting release because I was unable to get away and closer to my team.


Resolve is a touchy, and ineffective, tool right now. The lack of consistency on when it does/doesn't work means the tool needs fixed.

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I think that the fact some skills doesn't have the same "impact" on the bar make it feels broken.


For example, my 4sec stun feeds 75% of the resolve bar, but a 3sec stun would feed only 33%.

And no, sorry, 2 stuns doesn't fill up the bar (War leap can stun for a small time with only a small adding on the bar)


Some homogenisation of the way stuns and CC in general fill the bar would be great.


Also, snare & roots (100% snare) are totally out of control. In a PVP context, the perma-snare is just an aberration and something (a small increase of the resolve bar, even just 5%) needs to be done.

On Rift, there was 2 CC "resolve system" : one for "hard CC" (mezz/stun/fear) and one for snares & roots. The system was not perfect, but at least, you could be snared to death for an entire WZ.



Also, it would be nice if when the bar becomes full (white) it acts as a CC-break and immediately breaks any CC/snare, it feels awful to take a full-duration mezz on a 98% full resolve bar. And full bar should also immune from snares/roots if no dedicated system is implemented.

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Now, when the player gets CC'd again, he immediately uses his CC breaker (because two stuns will fill the bar) and gains immunity to all further CC for a good length of time.


If only it was that simple. Unfortunately, 2 stuns does NOT fill the resolve bar all the time. Each type of stun fills up a set ammount of Resolve. 2x AOE stuns will fill up a resolve bar with no problem. Single target stuns on the other hand, do NOT always fill up the resolve bar after 2 of them hit you. Ive been hit by 3 and even 4 single target stuns befor its filled up befor.


Add to this, the only real classes that can actualy take advantage of the system are the 'Tank' classes.. such as the JK, Sith Jug, BH and Trooper. Those are the only classes that have any 'real' Damage Resistance buffs that last for any decent lenth of time (most other classes self-damage resistance buffs only last for 2-3 seconds, like the Imperial Agent's evade or Energy shield).


Another strike against the resolve system is that it depends 100% on your stun-breaker skill being useable. But wait.. ALL stuns have reuse timers of 45 seconds or LESS. How long is the reuse timmer of the stun-breaker? Well it 'use' to be 3 full minuts, they 'buffed' it a patch or two ago so that its down to 2 minuts. But still.. the skill that actualy makes the resolve system 'work'.. can only be used once every 2 minuts.. yet the skills that the resolve system is in place to 'block'.. can be used every 45 seconds or less. And every class has between 2 and 3 of these skills.


Now, lets say that you do somehow manage to survive the damage you take while 100% stunlocked for the 6-8 seconds it takes for your Resolve to fill up to the point were it turns white and you pop your Stun-break. Just how long does that resolve bar stay white?.. 4?.. 6?.. seconds at the most? Then you can be imediatly re-stunlocked and guess what? You cant even stun-break when you resolve turns white again because your stun-break skill still has 1:30 left befor it can be used again.


The resolve, when its full, makes you immune to any FURTHER Stuns, it does not 'break' the stun your currently suffering from as soon as it turns white. So in effect, if you get hit by a 6 second stun which fills your resolve bar, but your still waiting another 45 secons for your 1 and only stun-breaker skill to reset, by the time that 6 second stun wears off and you can move again, your resolve is already down to 1/3 full and dropping like a rock, if its not alredy empty again.


I am forever going to believe that the only way to fix the stun-lock issue is to throw the resolve system out the window and follow sute to the other great PVP MMO's of the day (such as DAOC) and that is to simply instigate an AUTOMATIC Stun-immunity after EVERY stun effec ends, that lasts for 4-5 seconds.


In that case, you get stunned, well crap.. cant move, cant defend yourself.. the stun finaly ends and you start moveing again, Someone tries to re-stun you again (the chainstuns that make it so you might as well just unplug your keyboard for all the good it does you to have it while chainstunned), but hey!.. the stun fails.. .why? because your IMMUNE automaticaly for 5 seconds or so, this gives you time to actualy DO something other than sit there and lean back in your chair and wait till your killed (which is how the current chain-stun system works)


But what about the stun-breaker skill? wouldnt an auto-immune system sorta nullify its use?. No, it'd still be usefull to break those stuns EARLY, but you'd still gain the immunity from the stun you break out of. (it'd still be usefull to use for those instances when your stuned ontop of those fire-traps in Huttball for instance)



Judging by the patch-notes on the Test server thread, the Dev's current answer to the chain-stun problem is 'nerfing'. Their lowering the knockdown time of the Operatives shadow-strike skill to 1.5 seconds from the 3? it use to be. So whats next?. Sith Sorcorers Electricute only stuns for 3 seconds instead of 6?, Bounty Hunter's/Troopers Harpoon and Knockback/root shares a cooldown? Rather than fixing the real problem, the Dev's seem to be targeting the skills that make the 'real' problem come to light.

Edited by Arialyn
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Shadowbane had the best system for this: whatever CC affect hit you, you were immune to that affect for 2x the duration after. i.e. stun for 4 seconds = immunity for 8 seconds after to stun. Simple, effective, and much better than SWTOR's broken system.
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