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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warning on high population servers


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My thread got locked so I was kindly instructed to post here.


Lock the full servers to anyone who doesn't have a existing character over 20 and your problem is solved. I'm seriously tired of crashing on Taris or from any of the other random bugs in this game. Is this pay to play beta?

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I don't understand why I need to wait an hour to log on a server that I have been playing on the last few days without excessive queues ever being over 15 minutes. Do you understand the frustration of logging on and looking at a 800 person queue?


Why aren't the new players being funneled to the dozens of light servers available to them? I'm staring at those new servers wondering how these people can create account on already populated servers and have no barriers impeding them to connect. Sure, people will want to play with their friends but I don't think they all are. Even so, they should be in a lower priority queue an non pre-access accounts so discourage them even more from connecting to that server.


My concern is that I fully expect to wait AN HOUR to reconnect because no grace period was thought out if you DC or have an account on the server before the "new waves" come in for days to come, even weeks until the first month goes by and a % of players don't renew their accounts.


For all that was thought out for this game, I think this is incredibly short-sighted over something relatively easy to implement.

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In all seriousness, will someone please explain to me why a game with a 300 million whatever dollar development budget is making it so difficult to play their game? The content in this game is amazing, but if the ques are going to be around for the "foreseeable future" at this level, I cant see playing this game past getting a single character to 50. I don't mind 5-10 minutes, but 50 minutes is unplayable.


If i was bioware I would be selling this game as hard as i could to try to get as many ex wow players as i could, not telling people they should expect ques. I dont understand the business logic of this approach... are they trying to flush out waves of new players? It seems like server instability would be better than alienating a ton of users because they want to but cant play your game...realistically this is probably a consequence of the lack of load testing prior to launch and the server infrastructure not being set up to handle the huge influx of people, and that is a topic i know basically zero about or how to fix.

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Saber of Exar Dun (which we got assigned to...from the guild prelaunch) has a 25min wait time. I didn't expect to have to wait 25 minutes to play on a server that BioWare assigned us to.


As unfortunate as that is, I'd love to have a 25 minute queue. :(


Mind Trick = 1 hour queue.

Edited by Menyu
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You know...i was really trying my best to be reasonable in the early access stage ... i was hoping in the scheduled maintenance bwefore launch something would happen ... fact is i have 3 characters over lvl 20 one of which over 30 ... i will sooner not play than re-start characters on another server ... free transfer off full servers is the ONLY option here ... i will gladly move my toons ... i will not start them over


that is all

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I know it's a drop in the sea, but I totally agree with you - I am actually getting offended by all the people defending BioWare here .. yes, it's official launch day, and yes, some companies have experienced what BioWare now experiences, but; I REALLY DON'T CARE!


Companies - just like you and me - should learn from their mistakes and act accordingly.


I hope this is fixed before Christmas and the holidays that follows.


I'm offended at the unrealistic expectations that people have about Bioware. Everyone seems to think they have the "magic cure" for this situation, and it may look good on paper, but not in reality. These are mmo developers, there career is dedicated to make mmo-games, I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing more than you. Every single popular mmo has had this problem at launch, this game is no different. They already stated they are working on it, but you can't just tell people "NO U CANT PLAY HERE!" if your reason to play is to socialize with friends.


I would be upset if some of my long time guild mates were locked from the server, I will take my wait time instead. If your so upset about your q time and paying for the game, then stop. I will enjoy my lower q time

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Am I honestly sitting in a 800 person queue right now? I'm not one to complain, but I felt like putting in my two cents while I sit out this HOUR LONG wait. This had better be their gosh darned top priority right now or I am going to **** a brick. I didn't pay $150 AND MONTHLY FEES to sit around for a *********** hour after I get off work. I've been in these things since first day of early release. This is absolutely, positively, 100% unacceptable and it needs to be fixed - NOW.


It's going to come down to hard capping a servers current population to prevent new players (which will cause a ton of ************) - or deal with people who are going to get totally fed up with these asinine and astronomical queues and are going to ***** and scream bloody murder (such as myself).


Pick your poison, Bioware. You did this to yourselves with your retarded use of guild deployment.

Edited by pasparragus
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Update to my previous post (as statistics and example):


I started my queue around 6:55 to 7:05 at 772. I was given an estimated 50 minute queue it's now 5 minutes till 8 and I'm still 171 in line. I expect I will not actually get to my character login page until 8:20 the earliest if the pattern from previous days are correct.


I highly suspect I'm moving ahead in the queue line NOT because people are logging off, but because people are getting DC's or crashes. :D

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I think most of us are happy with the game once we actually get to enjoy what we paid for. I played the crap out of the beta, even with all the problems. I love this game. I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a while. Someone of us simply don't want to pay for a game we have to wait 45 minutes to an hour just to get INTO, when we work 50 hours a week and have other responsibilities. I'd like to be able to hop in after I get off work, play a few hours, and then go to bed.


I believe BW will fix it, but after queues on pre launch early access, and not really having a solid game plan on what to do before actual launch day kinda bums me out. It wasn't just going to solve itself when retail launch day came.


I understand. I am bummed to. I just picked up my real product today and still waiting after an hour to get to my server. I wish it was better becuase I love the game. I think they screwed the pooch on a few things especially with the guild stuff. However, nothing stops someone from creating that guild on another server and peopler rolling there.


However, I just can't take the guys with all the demands of do this or do that or why or why wasn't this or that done.


When I logged in, I made a decision to wait in queue on my main toon's server over rolling another character on a less populated server. I chose to wait instead of rolling a different one. Im bumbed about the wait, but I have no right to ***** about it. I made the choice to wait.

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I see 5 (FULL) west coast PvP servers (due to my que screen)...


Of these 5, there are 3 with a 5m que, The Swiftsure with 40m, and 1 with no que at all...


Why is there such a wait time difference between all 5 FULL servers ?


Because some have more waiting to get in (hint: that would be Switfsure).

Edited by Dasffion
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Am I honestly sitting in a 800 person queue right now? I'm not one to complain, but I felt like putting in my two cents while I sit out this HOUR LONG wait. This had better be their gosh darned top priority right now or I am going to **** a brick. I didn't pay $150 AND MONTHLY FEES to sit around for a *********** hour after I get off work. I've been in these things since first day of early release. This is absolutely, positively, 100% unacceptable and it needs to be fixed - NOW.


It's going to come down to hard capping a servers current population to prevent new players (which will cause a ton of ************) - or deal with people who are going to get totally fed up with these asinine and astronomical queues and are going to ***** and scream bloody murder (such as myself).


Pick your poison, Bioware. You did this to yourselves with your ****** guild deployment.


Guild deployment was not the issue. Its new players filtering into the servers, and guilds choosing not to stay on the server they were assigned. Bioware didn't just decide to put on their trollface one day and go "HERP DERP HEY GUYZ LETS SEE HOW MANY GUILDZ WE CANS PUTS ON SERVER.

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Ugh.... still no real answer to this issue. If we could move my guild we would happily do so and not have to deal with this ridiculous queue. Also, I do not understand how once I do get into the world it is sooooo empty but the queue is long. Balmorra is literally 30 people on the republic side and I'm guess ~50 on the imperial side yet there is an hour long queue. Yes I understand that's not the entire server population....but the whole server feels that dead except the fleet.....
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Pick your poison, Bioware. You did this to yourselves with your retarded use of guild deployment.


Not sure it would've helped had they not done a planned guild deployment. Probably would've made it worse without server population caps. But, since they did do that then they are to blame in a way because they had insight into how many people were registered for guild deployment...

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you did this with guild deployment many of us have now set an area we have to play on... and cannot leave our groups to go to other servers.... so as far as am concerned I feel its your responsabilitly to fix and ques are bandaids on an arterial bleed.


Options that could work:

1. Server transfers. This is the best option... If we could I would push the whole guild to take this act to get to a server with a reasonable level of que.


2. Warning messages for all low level players wo guilds.. as well as a join warning when rolling a charcter on an overpop server stating that it is over populated at all times and is highly recommend that you roll elswhere.


3. Stop pretending that you can stagger releases by six months world wide.. make an unofficial oceanic server next time or ban ips... It's ridiculous to see this in an mmo in this day and age.

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I play on "Prophecy of the Five" and I haven't seen any time of the day when I am logging in where there isn't some sort of queue. What is the population cap of a single server and how can you increase that?


I enjoy the game however it is tough to progress if you cannot get in to play with your friends...I can't move to another server unless all my friends move with me which is just a hassle for everyone. Will there be any changes in the near (like next hour!) term?



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