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Bioware, I am Disappoint


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2.0 is yet another step in the wrong direction.


TTK? oh yeah we're gonna pretty much cut it in half.

EWH gear? sorry you suckas that spent the ridiculous amount of time to grind it out, but it is completely worthless now.

Class balance? Oh we're just gonna give everyone a bunch of new skills and stuff, and not really balance anything right now.


Gear obsolescence is par for the course in an expansion. Not surprised by that at all. The new WH/EWH grind also wasn't difficult. I have two toons currently min/maxed and am halfway through a third. If anything, I hope Makeb continues the ease of gearing trend, otherwise I likely won't bother leveling Alts.


I'm sure class balance is a mess right now on the PTS. But that's why they are testing it right? Appears they also put it on the PTS far ahead of the projected Spring launch date. So they should really be able to reign in a majority of problems that may emerge if the Devs actually listen to the community feedback on the PTS.


Any concerns about TTK at this time are premature. I'm pretty sure things are going to change dramatically between now and the actual launch of 2.0.

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Ya when you have a sorc you'll understand, and don't come back and say you do because after calling my post negative I KNOW you don't.


I'm sorry I play a Sage and we are no where near as bad as yall say we are. You want to feel squishy play a DPS Commando. My commando is way more Squishy then my Sage. Atleast my sage has a 30M root, an instant cast slow from 30M (35 if u take 2 piece Stalker Bonus) An escape ability on a 20 second cooldown. My sage also has an Instant cast self heal that does between 2.4 and 5.5K healing usable every 30 seconds. I have tons of baby heals through my dots and FiB.

If you cant survive as A sage/sorc then you my friend should re-roll. Yes I will melt if focused but that is to be expected.


Jenna'syyde(3-5-33 balance Sage)

Crackroxx (14-0-27 assault spec commando)

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You know what the purpose of PTR is, right?


Judging from previous PTS experiences, the purpose of the test server is to present a preview of more or less what they release a few weeks later, without paying any attention to what people say about class balance issues, especially with respect to PvP :rolleyes:

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Pretty much have to expect existent gear to become less than the best when they are adding an expansion and 5 levels. I don't see the reason for that complaint.


As far as sorc survivability, I am more sympathetic. I put my healer sorc on the shelf awhile ago and a 10 second immunity on who knows what CD isn't tempting me to change.


I do like the changes in gear and expertise and many of the changes that are in the test notes. So I wouldn't characterize them as a step back.

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Judging from previous PTS experiences, the purpose of the test server is to present a preview of more or less what they release a few weeks later, without paying any attention to what people say about class balance issues, especially with respect to PvP :rolleyes:


Sadly, this has been the case. With the updated communication we've had recently though, I'm going to remain hopeful that Bioware may be changing the way they work.

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2.0 is yet another step in the wrong direction.


TTK? oh yeah we're gonna pretty much cut it in half.

EWH gear? sorry you suckas that spent the ridiculous amount of time to grind it out, but it is completely worthless now.

Class balance? Oh we're just gonna give everyone a bunch of new skills and stuff, and not really balance anything right now.


very frustrating. tempted to just cancel and not come back after seeing the shape the PTS is in right now. it is a complete joke


i hear ya, Disappoint.


i'm feeling the game quality is in a state of degression. you remember champion bags, right? then, free valor...then free recruit gear...


this is not my idea of an MMORPG...it's a multiplayer, tinity-based, linear gaming experience.


i've given up hoping it will be, or grow into, something it is not...and never will be.


it's free tho...so, just pop on like it's KOTOR...or jump on, consume the new content, and come back as they publish new, interesting stuff...


that's how i'm handling my dissapointment!! :)

Edited by T-Assassin
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Whoa whoa whoa...I said I was hopeful...not optimistic ;)


i was optimistic for 1.3. and then 1.4. and then 1.5.


part of my frustration with this PTS release is that other than character copy (which is buggy as hell), PTS is still not player-tester friendly. we have to grind for Partisan Gear? are you kidding me with that?


i didnt log into the PTS to grind more warzones; i can do that on live if i want. i logged in to test how the new class balance affects PvP. and we cant, and probably wont be able to do that.


add in the fact that bolster doesnt even look like it was glanced over by a QA person before going into this build, and PTS is a joke right now. one of those emergency patches had better be coming before the weekend.

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Whoa whoa whoa...I said I was hopeful...not optimistic ;)





i was optimistic for 1.3. and then 1.4. and then 1.5.


part of my frustration with this PTS release is that other than character copy (which is buggy as hell), PTS is still not player-tester friendly. we have to grind for Partisan Gear? are you kidding me with that?


i didnt log into the PTS to grind more warzones; i can do that on live if i want. i logged in to test how the new class balance affects PvP. and we cant, and probably wont be able to do that.


add in the fact that bolster doesnt even look like it was glanced over by a QA person before going into this build, and PTS is a joke right now. one of those emergency patches had better be coming before the weekend.


the decisions made, the QA, and the testing/feedback process is nonexistant!!


no, dare i say, blue frogs, or any sort of mechanism to allow for proper testing of end-game balance or functionality...i guess it's all done internally and based on metrics... :)


and, not sure of the factuality, but i believed it is:


Every patch note concerning class changes that has been posted and tested on the PTS to date, has went to live as is.


so, i'm skeptical, at best, anything done on PTS is nothing more that bug catching. or obvious math discrepancies...i.e. bolster.

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i didnt log into the PTS to grind more warzones; i can do that on live if i want. i logged in to test how the new class balance affects PvP. and we cant, and probably wont be able to do that.


That's where you walked into it wrong, its a preview not some testing ground to rage about.


Everyone that still plays this game come 2.0 will get a feel of it, if you walked into comparing this and dissing that then your set yourself up for failure.


dd in the fact that bolster doesn't even look like it was glanced over by a QA person before going into this build, and PTS is a joke right now. one of those emergency patches had better be coming before the weekend.


I think your going overboard, the system will be fine but will need some tender love and care.


Not everyone is going to be happy come 2.0, but don't reflect opinions on others because of a PTS and expect to feel any sympathy when its not even live yet.


Remember PTS is not live, everything in there is irrelevant until live!


Meaning premature raging is not needed, calm doesn't chief and take a deep breath. :)


Some of you really need to relax, Jesus.

Edited by Caeliux
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Remember PTS is not live, everything in there is irrelevant until live!


Meaning premature raging is not needed, calm doesn't chief and take a deep breath. :)


Some of you really need to relax, Jesus.


You gotta understand, there IS a history of poor (no) adjustments once something goes to PTS. These guys all have a right to be worried/concerned.


All we can do is report our feedback and hope for adjustments. Tweaks are all we can hope to see at this point.

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PTS buddy, PTS... You can not complain while the REAL patch notes on Live servers are released.

They will change something until there.


Except it's not 'Test' anything. You can't get valuable and required items like stims and warzone medpacks and adrenals for free, not to mention the new gear, with stat changes and min/max concerning balance.


Yeah, let's make everybody grind consumables and gear on a test server.


As far as 'PTS' is concerned, it can MAYBE be used to test the PvE content there, but as far as PvP content testing is concerned....THERE IS NONE.

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You gotta understand, there IS a history of poor (no) adjustments once something goes to PTS. These guys all have a right to be worried/concerned.


All we can do is report our feedback and hope for adjustments. Tweaks are all we can hope to see at this point.


It's too premature to have anxiety about anything when its not live, take it from someone that played full beta.


It's a wait and see thing, anything else will be irrelevant until live 2.0 and months after.


Way too early in the ball game dissing this and that.


Come on folks use your brain.

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It's too premature to have anxiety about anything when its not live, take it from someone that played full beta.


It's a wait and see thing, anything else will be irrelevant until live 2.0 and months after.


Way too early in the ball game dissing this and that.


Come on folks use your brain.


Give me one example, where something MAJOR was taken OUT after being put on the test server, because of 'testing'.


Because, please remind me why we have bubblestuns breaking the game at the moment?


This is pretty much what we are going to get, with some changes, maybe. But nothing major.

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Give me one example, where something MAJOR was taken OUT after being put on the test server, because of 'testing'. This is pretty much what we are going to get, with some changes, maybe. But nothing major.


Your going in expecting, that's the wrong way to go with any xpac or pts.


Wait and see, have patience, if it comes out the way pts is then ok you got something, until then nothing is solid or true yet.


Just saying...

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First of all, I don't mind the 2.0 patch as it is.


I mind, that there is no way to test the content in PvP context, as it is now (You have to grind gear + consumables).


So, whatever they come up with as the Live Patch, it's going to be like shooting blind and hoping they got it right.


Here's to hope...

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It's too premature to have anxiety about anything when its not live, take it from someone that played full beta.


It's a wait and see thing, anything else will be irrelevant until live 2.0 and months after.


Way too early in the ball game dissing this and that.


Come on folks use your brain.


So what exactly would you suggest? Sit back and HOPE they may notice problems? I don't blame players for defending their classes. If they don't speak up now and make waves about an incoming change NOW, they can kiss any chance of a change goodbye for MOTHS after it hits live. I feel they're better off HOPING to get a change by making a ruckus than they are to hope for a change by being silent.

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Come on folks use your brain.


maybe try using yours?


no class changes have ever been altered from PTS to Live. only a few rare bugs have actually been corrected on PTS, and a lot of bugs are reported and nothing is done (like the BH EWH requirement mix-up that went live despite being reported 3 weeks earlier).


i would love to be proven dead wrong that PTS is a waste of space. bioware needs to give us a mechanism to get everything we need to test the game. going to PTS, only to have to grind out stims and comms and credits so that we can test their crap builds, is a massive waste of our time. if ive got a couple hours to go on PTS, do you think i want to spend it grinding out gear, or actually testing the effects of that gear?

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