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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No one votes for - Healers in WZ's


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DPS = selfish

HEALERS = Selfless


Vote for the healers they keeping your **** DPS *** alive


I can't count the number of times I've been in a warzone and seen a sorceror/sage sitting at a node doing nothing but hurting and healing themselves. I wouldn't call that "Selfless" and I'm not voting for someone just because they're "top heals."

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Healers almost get all the votes on my server. Never want votes? Try playing a tank, then cry some about votes and selflessness.


I'll admit, I'm really bad at voting for tanks. When they save your butt it's not as noticeable compared to a DPS murdering the person that was attacking you and a healer keeping you alive long enough so you can do the same. When a tank shows up I kind of just assume the enemy doesn't lift and couldn't hit as hard as I could.

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I'll admit, I'm really bad at voting for tanks. When they save your butt it's not as noticeable compared to a DPS murdering the person that was attacking you and a healer keeping you alive long enough so you can do the same. When a tank shows up I kind of just assume the enemy doesn't lift and couldn't hit as hard as I could.


bro do you even lift.

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I vote for healers simply to try to encourage more players to play a healer. However, if there is one class that piss me off is a dps commando. Unless said dps commando is exceptionally gear, they are useless in warzones and are better off spec healing since that is their most effective spec. BW should add a negative vote so that we can vote down dps commandos. I don't know why any one would want to pvp with a dps commando useless in pvp. Also forgot to include melee scoundrels or operative. These are all people who aren't very gear or starting to gear up. Now if they have gear and augmentations I have no problem with commandos or melee scoundrels or operatives once they are geared since they hit hard, but before they reach that point they are squishy, have little group utility, and don't do a lot of dps. Thus, their best spec to start is a healing spec, which at least helps the group out.


Of course it only takes one point of damage to stop a cap. So it doesn't matter if they hit for one point or five thousand points, as long as they're hitting the right target. And DPS plays very differently than Heals. People should play the role that they want to play so that they can learn how to play it properly.

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I voted for a healer once...only once. Why people get all bent up over not getting mvp votes I wont ever understand. Unless Bioware starts keeping track of stats that matter (who scored, who capped, who broke up cap, who disarmed bomb) MVP will mean nothing. Sure Top Healing is nice same with Damage, Protection, Kills but they don't really tell the whole story. Hell There's been many warzones where I top damage & Heals and dont get a VOTE. But who cares I didn't join the warzone to get medals or mvp votes. I joined to have fun and most importantly to WIN So if I accomplish those 2 goals does it really matter If I get an MVP vote.

But If you absolutely have to get a vote then if you see me in a warzone with you just ask me before match starts. otherwise my vote will always go to whoever is on bottom of scoreboard.




or my ALTS





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Just because you have amazing healing numbers doesn't mean you get a vote, just like having amazing DPS numbers doesn't mean you get one either. What is more important is how you impacted the game and played the objectives. That is what I cast my vote for.
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In a loss, the last backfill for our team gets my vote because backfilling into a loss sucks.


In a win, the guy with the lowest health gets my vote because it makes me feel like I am helping him gear up even if I'm not really helping in any meaningful way.


The votes are practically meaningless. No reason to get worked up over them.


Also, selfless people don't create threads to complain about a lack of recognition.

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most things being equal i will generally vote for highest heals

if heals are weak i will vote for highest objectives


if there was a player who saved my arse i will vote for that player

or the player who capped doors and whatnots


i will never ever ever vote for a self-promoting healer in a wz

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I don't know if it's been mentioned already or not, but sometimes I vote for the 'off healer' to make sure they get some recognition for their contribution only to find that 4 other's were thinking the same thing. Those are the times I feel bad I didn't vote for the healer with the most heals otherwise I notice healers usually always get their due at the end.


As pugger all this time I notice it's roughly: Guildies > heals > objectives > protection > DPS.


Then mix in that one guy in the WZ who perhaps didn't top the chart in anything but you felt was the 'backbone' behind the win with his/her intangibles (good calls, good peels, correct use of CC, etc).


Anyway, my healer toons always seem to end up the most mvp votes overall (almost 2-1 vs games played **), then my tanks (1-1), then my DPS (1-2).


**I meant wins, not games played as they don't track that.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I am a bubble stun spec healer for WZ's, just in a game i just played I did 560k healing 2nd healer was 200k


After every game when i get no votes i feel like never healing for a PYG ever again, but i also like it, it's frustrating. Show some appreciation guys & gals.


Winning matters. Fun matters. I'm not seeing how 100% subjective micro rewards matter.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I think people vote at random- in low levels on an alt, I've had so many games where I'm at 120k damage, we have no healers, and half our dps is around 30k- yeah, it's pretty bad- yet most of the votes go to someone who has done in an entire match what I do in a combo.
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Often enough your good actions deeds will go unnoticed by the rest of the world. Quit expecting a thank you, a gold medal, or a cookie. Cause your probably not gonna get those.


This is it exactly, both in Real Life AND in games.


An MVP vote is one comm. Big deal. Best you queue up for another WZ, and even if you lose, you'll more than make up those possibly-lost MVP comms and to spare, If I get MVP votes, I like to think it's because someone perceives I've done something towards winning the match, rather than because I topped Chart A or whatever. Give me a win over an MVP vote any time.

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