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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No one votes for - Healers in WZ's


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I play a healer on a couple of toons and when it comes to votes, well if there was a guidie in there I vote for them, I then look to see who protected other teammates and then healers then objectives.


Lets not forget the players who take time to cast shield on the healer or ball carrier, they often get no MvP votes and they deserve them as well.


Finally when you have someone who is a good leader ina warzone!

Edited by linbel
forgot stuff
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healers get mvps because it's a very boring archetype to play and requires more skill and focus than the other types.


i feel sorry for them so i toss a vote. either them or objective defender.


actually...healer is the entry role for mmos. it's harder in pvp than pve, but so is everything else. healing isn't much different than grav or lightning spam. anyway, boring archetype because it's relatively easy.


dps is more difficult (most classes), but you can carry bad dps. there's 6 of them. hard to hide if you're bad heals.

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actually...healer is the entry role for mmos. it's harder in pvp than pve, but so is everything else. healing isn't much different than grav or lightning spam. anyway, boring archetype because it's relatively easy.


dps is more difficult (most classes), but you can carry bad dps. there's 6 of them. hard to hide if you're bad heals.


Yeah, I find healing to be the easiest role, generally. Tanking is pretty simple too, though.

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I usually only vote for tanks. Or at least people who actually make use of their taunts. I've seen countless people with taunts who have 0 protection and it frustrates me so. There's very few people who actually tank in Warzones, and those that day get beat on the whole match so I feel like they deserve it. Far too many DPS so they aren't worth the vote. As for healing, for some reason I've seen too many people that heal actually want the vote which just makes me cringe.


In the end, if I feel someone deserves the vote then they get it.


EDIT: and like someone else touched up on, is this game ever actually gets more depth to the healing skills, like enchantments from Guild Wars and buffs etc, then I shall vote for them. Right now healing is far too easy and boring. Click on someones tag and click a heal, sorted.

Edited by WaldoA
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I vote for healers simply to try to encourage more players to play a healer. However, if there is one class that piss me off is a dps commando. Unless said dps commando is exceptionally gear, they are useless in warzones and are better off spec healing since that is their most effective spec. BW should add a negative vote so that we can vote down dps commandos. I don't know why any one would want to pvp with a dps commando useless in pvp. Also forgot to include melee scoundrels or operative. These are all people who aren't very gear or starting to gear up. Now if they have gear and augmentations I have no problem with commandos or melee scoundrels or operatives once they are geared since they hit hard, but before they reach that point they are squishy, have little group utility, and don't do a lot of dps. Thus, their best spec to start is a healing spec, which at least helps the group out.


Everyone seems to be waiting for commando healers to get a bit of attention, tbh. I mean, DPS commandos need some too, but when commando heals are generally the weakest of the 3 classes, nobody really wants them at 50. I'm leveling my commando as heals and I already know that once I hit 50 I'm basically on my own because my guild isn't going to prioritize my healer for a while hah.


Also playing a certain spec doesn't automatically mean you're more viable to your group. If you play the "best" spec and don't know what you're doing, you'd be better off to play a sub-par spec that you know really well as opposed to facerolling. Even though a lot of people just faceroll anyways.

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DPS = selfish

HEALERS = Selfless


Vote for the healers they keeping your **** DPS *** alive


I disagree with this statement, I play a Merc, often enough I sacrifice my concussion missile, electric dart, and knockback to keep attackers off the ball carrier in huttball as well as throwing heals there way. If you play a merc in pvp then you know how much I just sacrificed cause now I've gone from 1% survival chance to 0% if a melee jumps me.


I've played with some great healers and some great dps players. As for my mvp votes at the end of a warzone, I look at every thing across the board, the most important being objective points for civil war and voidstar, why? cause you should be fighting on the objective and if your defending then you get points for that. I also note who is throwing heals my way. In a huttball scenario if my team has the ball and the opposing team is playing the objective, then in my mind there are two primarily targets on my team, the ball carrier and the guy healing the ball carrier. My job as a dps is to kill the guy thats trying to have his way with you. Now who is saving who? Who gets the mvp vote? The ball carrier scored because of your heals, but my dps saved your bacon so you could heal the ball carrier. Its called team work. At the end of the day, I'm more content with winning the match than if anyone votes for me mvp.


Often enough your good actions deeds will go unnoticed by the rest of the world. Quit expecting a thank you, a gold medal, or a cookie. Cause your probably not gonna get those.

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Try harder!!


I did 800k heals in a voidstar and got 6 votes. But I also knocked people back when our team was trying to cap, slowed and knocked purple back in the tunnels and even used force quake when they were trying to diffuse the bomb.


You are a healer yes, but don't just focus on healing. Your goal is to win.

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I get a lot more votes as a healer than in any other spec. However, if you are playing with other groups of people, they almost always vote for their friends regardless of whatever anyone else in the WZ did.


When I vote, I look at heals, protection, and objective points. I don't vote for dps unless they are exceptional and I noticed them actually make an effort to team play or do objectives. Healers and tanks are more selfless by nature, so they get the default by me when in a hurry or I'm indecisive.

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No one votes for - Healers in WZ's


I am a bubble stun spec healer for WZ's, just in a game i just played I did 560k healing 2nd healer was 200k


Maybe you just terrible team-player? :p

Something like "Hey aholes! Guard me NAOO!" "You guys sucks" etc... No? :D

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I never had a problem with this on my old server and while I never got the "perfect 7" I did manage to get 6 a couple of times. Might be different here, I've noticed that quite a few things are.


Edit: Could have sworn that I replied in a server forum. Hence the somewhat odd reference to servers.

Edited by MidichIorian
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actually...healer is the entry role for mmos. it's harder in pvp than pve, but so is everything else. healing isn't much different than grav or lightning spam. anyway, boring archetype because it's relatively easy.


dps is more difficult (most classes), but you can carry bad dps. there's 6 of them. hard to hide if you're bad heals.


not even close. you're usually the main focus trying to keep yourself and others alive(with 3 people on you), looking at ops window while also having awareness for what's happening on screen, deciding who should live and who isn't worth the resources at the time. switching to dps is extremely relaxing compared. i switched to dps because i want to play a game, not a job.


dps is NOT EVEN CLOSE to that.


people that think dps is so hard need to get over themselves and try being a healer against a good team. imo your best players should be in that role.

Edited by cultivatedmass
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If you've gotten 3 votes in 2 weeks as a healer you're either: doing something wrong, playing on a server with a terrible community, or making it up.


I'm a healer on POT5. When I run with a premade we just vote down but often times I'll tell my group I don't need a vote, just give it to whoever needs gear, because I get so many votes most games. Or I'll say not to vote for me because I want to vote for who I thought the actual MVP was, someone who guarded the offnode the whole game or had that perfect CC that allowed us to capture/defend the point. At the end of a really boring game, where I notice one person has guarded the offnode the entire time and only got attacked once or twice, but did a great job calling inc, I'll call out to the whole ops group to MVP that person. It's the worst job in PVP, standing there doing nothing, and deserves recognition.


Healers and DPS get plenty of MVP votes. Scratch that - The number 1 healer and dps get plenty of mvp votes. I've had plenty of games where someone else will do 10k more healing than me, I'll do 50k more damage than him, but he gets 4 votes and I get 0. Most people just quickly sort by whatever parameter they want (heals, dps, protection, medals) and vote for the top player. So basically determine what is more important to you. If you want to play for MVP votes then go around padding your numbers. If you want to play to win then play objectives. Is it better to get those 3 extra comms for the mvp votes or carry your team to victory and get 60 extra comms?

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If you've gotten 3 votes in 2 weeks as a healer you're either: doing something wrong, playing on a server with a terrible community, or making it up.


I'm a healer on POT5. When I run with a premade we just vote down but often times I'll tell my group I don't need a vote, just give it to whoever needs gear, because I get so many votes most games. Or I'll say not to vote for me because I want to vote for who I thought the actual MVP was, someone who guarded the offnode the whole game or had that perfect CC that allowed us to capture/defend the point. At the end of a really boring game, where I notice one person has guarded the offnode the entire time and only got attacked once or twice, but did a great job calling inc, I'll call out to the whole ops group to MVP that person. It's the worst job in PVP, standing there doing nothing, and deserves recognition.


Healers and DPS get plenty of MVP votes. Scratch that - The number 1 healer and dps get plenty of mvp votes. I've had plenty of games where someone else will do 10k more healing than me, I'll do 50k more damage than him, but he gets 4 votes and I get 0. Most people just quickly sort by whatever parameter they want (heals, dps, protection, medals) and vote for the top player. So basically determine what is more important to you. If you want to play for MVP votes then go around padding your numbers. If you want to play to win then play objectives. Is it better to get those 3 extra comms for the mvp votes or carry your team to victory and get 60 extra comms?


This ^.

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Not sure what server you play on but on POT5, it appears heals usually get the most votes. On the other hand, I play smash marauder and almost never get any votes in wz's where I top damage and even objectives. But I just chalk that up to overall resentment the community has toward that spec and ppl assuming those who play it are bad. Doesn't bother me though; I'll take a win over votes any day.
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Not sure what server you play on but on POT5, it appears heals usually get the most votes. On the other hand, I play smash marauder and almost never get any votes in wz's where I top damage and even objectives. But I just chalk that up to overall resentment the community has toward that spec and ppl assuming those who play it are bad. Doesn't bother me though; I'll take a win over votes any day.


i don't think people see you as bad. they just see smash spec as easy to look good at end of round. all you need is a couple good smashes and you can go afk. so unless they're way ahead(like 50%) of everyone else they usually don't get votes.

Edited by cultivatedmass
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I NEVER vote on total damage output. If I was a healer, I vote for my guard/peels if it was a noticeable effort (just popping guard at the first gate drop does not qualify) or if I am something else and see heals my way, I vote for the healer I see above my head or sometimes I vote for the 2nd most heals because I know they get forgotten at times. If none of those exist, I go for objective points or if I saw someone do something that won't show up but I realize they provided a very useful assist.


Would love to vote for who I see making the most difference but if I am watching everyone else, chances are I am not focused on doing what I should be doing.

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Well, I don't think being a healer automatically means they should be MVP. There are some people that have gone so far as to play healers because they want to feel like they are the hero of every warzone. The truth is that playing a healer is like playing any other role, one shouldn't expect to get preferential treatment just for being the class they play. No one votes for a dps just because they are a dps, so why should it be any different for healers? At the end of the warzone, if I vote for a healer, or if I receive votes, then I hope it is not simply because I or the person I vote for is a healer, but much more than that. I don't think a healer should automatically get votes unless he or she is exceptional. Same with a tank or dps.

P.S. On my server, people vote for healers a lot. I do feel sometimes that I get votes only because I'm a healer, and that's not really something I want, but that's the mentality of most people. Healer is god. I don't agree with it though.

Edited by Solarenergy
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I usually vote for whoever I believe did the most in my eyes to achieve victory....This could be someone on the bottom of the scoreboard that did a clutch move to score the only goal....or stop someone from capping/planting. I do often times vote healers if I see them actually working with the team...I've seen a lot of healers pump out crazy healing but never leaving mid for example in Huttball to help carry and we ended up losing because of the lack of heals. A good healer not only sits around pumping out heals but works with the team towards the objective. Heals, CCs, Pulls, Cleansing etc... Edited by Bouncy_Hunter
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I am a bubble stun spec healer for WZ's, just in a game i just played I did 560k healing 2nd healer was 200k


Not 1 vote, I have been playing healer for last 2 weeks and I think in that Time i have gotten 3 votes, I can understand not voting for a DPSee, or a HUTBALL capper, as you do not really know who did what to help the game, a 1st place DPSer just may have been out for kills teh whole game not helping I have done that and come 1st in DPS.


and in hutball you cannot tell who did the capping at the scoreboard, but healers are eveident, VOTE FOR EM or you will probably start losing healers. After every game when i get no votes i feel like never healing for a PYG ever again, but i also like it, it's frustrating. Show some appreciation guys & gals.


I'm a healer I average 300-500k heals. Sometimes less than that and I hit sometimes 200k damage as a healer


Do I get votes? Sometimes. But do I give a **** about votes, no. Why do you give a **** about votes, since when is this American Idol?


I give votes to people that do the most boringest defensive jobs. Do little but have high objective score. I order my group to give it to the guy that was bored out of his mind guarding a node doing little fighting. I give grats to that guy.


So yea sorry. Healers get it when they achieve the highest objective points, the most heals AND made sure nobody died and you stopped cappers. Then maybe they should award you it. Not spamming random heals cause anyone can do that.

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