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1.7 going live on 2/12


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The only reason people are really upset here is because everything within 1.7 would have already been leaked if it ws on PTS. They want to know what they will be getting.


PTS serves no purpose until character copies for PTS goes live and they can fill the server with all levels of players. There are few level 50's currently on PTS to even be able to test end game content. When the Asation wz map was released, some of the Darth Hater team queued for a match for over 5 hours before giving up. There's no point in testing if there's no one to test. Many other MMO's don't even have a public PTS. They have "beta" teams that are testing under NDA agreements or are paying beta testers that are under NDA. Don't expect the full RotHC to be on PTS either. Maybe portions of it, but certainly not the full patch.


I really agree with a lot of the sentiments in this post about testing to get rid of bugs prior to the patch. But it's a moot point before we get PTS character copy.


True, i also don't remember seeing many bugs got fixed during PTS before the patch hit the live server.

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I don't understand why do they give up so much info on the event. Didn't they say before that they wanted their events to be sudden and unexpected?


1 guy probably said something like that once in a casual way for Rakghoul. That one probably was supposed to be a surprise. That does not create a mission statement or policy that will continue.

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Yesterday was threads on the updates taking to long and now we have threads on them not allowing more testing before new content goes live. I am constantly boggles by the forums but it is good for people watching and to kill time.


Lol! It is humorous. I don't know why I'm surprised by it, but it would seem, rationally, that at some point peeps would see that they are the makers of their own quagmire.


Nevertheless, thanks BW! You kept your word, or close enough. Now... what kind of goodies are we looking at here? Legacy Lightsabers? Please say it is so!

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I agree with you that secrecy has a price. What I generally see, obviously just an opinion, is that this community bends itself completely out of shape for things that aren't bugs, but instead attack for things in the game that they simply don't like. It wouldn't shock me that these same people report something as a bug when it's simply not something they like which isn't testing in my opinion. There are obviously those who do report actual bugs, and I respect them. I just don't have the faith that most of the people are objective even if spotting a bug shouldn't be a very hard thing to do . I report bugs when I encounter them in game, and I'm not on a test server.


I'm also glad you don't work for Bioware either. I like the fact that Bioware has hired, or seemingly has hired, part time testers. They are not the development team either. I think they will do a far better job at testing than anyone on the PTS could ever do.


I agree. Most the time people complaining about the PTS aren't complaining about bugs, they are moaning about game features they don't like. The bugs leak into this game because of the complexity if the code base. It has very little to do with the PTS.

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they already implemented character copy to the PTS.

just log into the http://www.swtor.com site and go to My Account.

If you look on the left hand side all the way at the bottom,

there is a link that says PTS character copy. It works just like the server transfers did.



As many of you may notice when you log into your account page on swtor.com, there is a new section for “PTS Character Copy”. We’ll be opening up Public Test Server for play testing soon and this link is open in preparation for this. For now, although it will appear to perform all of the actions required to copy a character, the system will not be functional until the Public Test Server is opened. That is, you cannot copy your characters onto PTS until PTS is opened up. Thanks!
Edited by Alduinsm
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Just like RIFT would kill it, or Pandas, or TSW, or GW2....


Please get over yourself. If it's a dealbreaker for you then go, but the "OMG this game will die" stuff is so silly.


This is who you are dealing with.





Don't try to reason, use logic, or ask him to do anything that takes any kind of work or function.

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People would be happy to be on PTS to test, IF THEY COULD DO IT WITH THEIR MAIN CHARACTERS! Or 50's with endgear for that matter. Thats the major problem. Bioware somehow still haven't managed to let us copy characters over to PTS other than the massive guild copies. We could get our characters copied over to PTS a year ago...


Well then you may be surprised to know that the PTS character copy system is in place and currently running and there was just a huge patch to the PTS (which we cannot access yet). I have already initiated copies on 3 of my 50's.

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Figured this would all be in house testing, seems like events do not get tested, on the PTS, all I can say is brace for impact, ..LOL


Well it will be what it will be, I am not expecting much from 1.7, when it comes to the so called ilum re-vamp,, maybe they will surpise me, then again I might win the powerball ..LOL

Edited by kevlarto
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Well then you may be surprised to know that the PTS character copy system is in place and currently running and there was just a huge patch to the PTS (which we cannot access yet). I have already initiated copies on 3 of my 50's.


And you clearly don't follow any Dev stickied posts at the top of this page. (And a lot of others clearly don't as well)


As many of you may notice when you log into your account page on swtor.com, there is a new section for “PTS Character Copy”. We’ll be opening up Public Test Server for play testing soon and this link is open in preparation for this. For now, although it will appear to perform all of the actions required to copy a character, the system will not be functional until the Public Test Server is opened. That is, you cannot copy your characters onto PTS until PTS is opened up. Thanks!

Edited by veyl
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The last event Grand Acquisitions Race has a major bug that let you basically skip the entire event by doing a space mission as well as very buggy respawn timers and quest items. I wasn't even patched at all or maybe like a week into the event.

I hope others recall this as well. This was known within minutes of the "event" going live. Testing is valuable and players doing their every day stuff will find things the Devs simply can't.

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Are you guys really complaining about new content?


just want to clarify here. :)


Yes they're complaining that the game is getting new content. Apparently new content is bad and we should never have any new content. In fact I'm sure some of them wish that EC, TFB and Ancient Hypergates weren't released, because new Ops and WZs are bad:rolleyes:

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Yes they're complaining that the game is getting new content. Apparently new content is bad and we should never have any new content. In fact I'm sure some of them wish that EC, TFB and Ancient Hypergates weren't released, because new Ops and WZs are bad:rolleyes:


Ilum failed once due to lack of testing. Unless you experienced just how bad it was you, you cant really comment. You think that the lag in warzones is bad now - its NOTHING compared to what it was like on Ilum.


If Bioware had an excellent record in pushing out patches, this wouldn't be much of an issue but they don't. So it IS an issue. The dark side of the force clouds this one

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Yes they're complaining that the game is getting new content. Apparently new content is bad and we should never have any new content. In fact I'm sure some of them wish that EC, TFB and Ancient Hypergates weren't released, because new Ops and WZs are bad:rolleyes:


i think the community would much rather have the content we have now working 100% rather than see new stuff with new bugs added to the game

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I am hoping for the best on Tuesday for us ,,, what I hope is they have got it to gather and will be setting a new standard in how new content is tested with some very impressive patches coming yet and this is just a start of a new way to put out new stuff for software ..




We will get hit with some of the worest bugs yet ... I can't wait to see ether way and hope its the impressive way ...

Edited by moonshoter
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