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OP Classes & Abilities


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Am I the only one not seeing these OP classes in PVP ?

I have been reading all these threads lately here and I am seeing a lot of people "nagging" about some OP abilities or classes in pvp.

I played all 4 classes so far, each has it is own.

So what's the issue ?



(marauder , sorc healer, PT Tank and operative)

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There are 8 classes... or rather, 8 Advanced Classes. And sometimes it's a certain tree that might be considered OP, even certain hybrids.


I need to ask though. Do you play a lot of 50 PVP or 10-49 PVP? Alot of 'OPness' isn't really seen (or not seen too often) in 10-49.

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Am I the only one not seeing these OP classes in PVP ?

I have been reading all these threads lately here and I am seeing a lot of people "nagging" about some OP abilities or classes in pvp.

I played all 4 classes so far, each has it is own.

So what's the issue ?



(marauder , sorc healer, PT Tank and operative)


From a commando healer perspective, this game is pretty balanced. Sure there can be a few tweaks on the classes, and the resolve system can be improved, but it's tough to have a game with diverse classes and balanced. :rak_03:

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Maras and Juggs - Smash OP

Assassins - Utility OP

Powertechs - Burst OP

Operatives - Healing OP, and of course, teams of stunlocking operatives OP

Sorcs - Bubble stun OP

Snipers - Sniping OP


That leaves Mercs. Sorry Mercs.

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Maras and Juggs - Smash OP

Assassins - Utility OP

Powertechs - Burst OP

Operatives - Healing OP, and of course, teams of stunlocking operatives OP

Sorcs - Bubble stun OP

Snipers - Sniping OP


That leaves Mercs. Sorry Mercs.

No Mercs?



To answer the OP. Smash is overpowered. I know, I play marauder and I love annihilate tree. However, I would be stupid not to go rage. Smash hits harder than the 41 talent point annihilate, has lower cooldown and smash is a force attack which cannot be parried. Annihilate can be parried, shielded and etc.


Sorc is the worst dps(damage per second) class in the game and subpar healer compared to the Operative. Without bubble stun, noone will play this class.


Assassin hybrid - a little bit better dps than the sorc but still sucks compared to jugg, pt and operative. If the hybrid does not have pull, and 1.5 sec stun, players may as well play a marauder.


PT is pretty good but only one tree that is viable.

Merc - lack of insta casts makes this class really suck.

Operative, sniper - they are average dps but really boring to play.


TLDR: In short, jugg, mara, sorc are the only fun class to play right now. You can make a fortune selling guardian mods, and armor in the gtn. LOL I make 500k a day selling this. But credits are useless in pvp so I don't even care. Noone even buys reflex, or skill items. It takes me a week to sell just 5.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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There are 8 classes... or rather, 8 Advanced Classes. And sometimes it's a certain tree that might be considered OP, even certain hybrids.


I need to ask though. Do you play a lot of 50 PVP or 10-49 PVP? Alot of 'OPness' isn't really seen (or not seen too often) in 10-49.


Both, and frankly you see more OP (if that's what you want to call it) in the 10-49 bracket then in the 50. In the lower one you have a lot of missing abilities, so facing someone in 45-49 range is a bit troublesome if you are lvl 20-ish.

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Right now, the most fun class is the sorc if you know how to bind keys at least. Best 1vs1 class. It takes a long time to kill someone 1vs1 but I can win with 75% health just because of a lot stuns and roots plus insta heal/bubble. Most people play jugg/mara though cuz people like to dps. Edited by xxdragonragexx
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Maras and Juggs - Smash OP

Assassins - Utility OP

Powertechs - Burst OP

Operatives - Healing OP, and of course, teams of stunlocking operatives OP

Sorcs - Bubble stun OP

Snipers - Sniping OP


That leaves Mercs. Sorry Mercs.


^ this. I loled.


+ mercs lack of love is way OP

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consulars/inquistors are the most op classes in the game. I shelved my inquistor after 1 wz i got close to 25 kills and i cant in good sportsmanship bring that inquistor into another wz lol its just to op.



Consulars/Inqusitors need better skill rotation all they do is spam rocks/lightining those 2 skills should have a very long cd. Its just stupid op to run around spamming rocks/lightining it really is the definition of easy mode.


Maruaders arent that op if you could spam smash 24/7 i would agree but you have to open smash up with rage so its not that op in comparison to cons/inq classes


CC and roots in general need to be adressed b/c this game for over a year now has been stun based pvp and nothing more. Im seriously starting to think if they fix the cc though 90% pvpr's left would qq and leave b/c they cant chainstun.


Overall i dont blame the classes though i blame poor development and to much pr over adressing a serious issue that affects both sides in pvp.


Resolve doesnt exist i dont care what the devs think and say theyre not playing this game i think both imp/rep can agree on that.

Edited by publicenemies
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Maras and Juggs - Smash OP

Assassins - Utility OP

Powertechs - Burst OP

Operatives - Healing OP, and of course, teams of stunlocking operatives OP

Sorcs - Bubble stun OP

Snipers - Sniping OP


That leaves Mercs. Sorry Mercs.


4 sec bind w/rocket punch OP

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Maras and Juggs - Smash OP

Assassins - Utility OP

Powertechs - Burst OP

Operatives - Healing OP, and of course, teams of stunlocking operatives OP

Sorcs - Bubble stun OP

Snipers - Sniping OP


That leaves Mercs. Sorry Mercs.


Mercs - Shield in healing tree OP :)

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Maras and Juggs - Smash OP

Assassins - Utility OP

Powertechs - Burst OP

Operatives - Healing OP, and of course, teams of stunlocking operatives OP

Sorcs - Bubble stun OP

Snipers - Sniping OP


That leaves Mercs. Sorry Mercs.




that last line speaks volumes about class balance. ppl argue over the OPness of every other class. one thing they all agree on: merc/mandos are NOT OP. BW translation: time to nerf Mercenaries.

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Consulars/Inqusitors need better skill rotation all they do is spam rocks/lightining those 2 skills should have a very long cd. Its just stupid op to run around spamming rocks/lightining it really is the definition of easy mode.


you definitely know my class "too well". Although i'm not sure whether you meant sorcerer or assassin AC. Anyway they are both OP, all what they need is to spam project/shock all the time hitting for 10k each time. That's exact rotation i use. Thumbs up for discovering it :D

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