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Everything posted by Inat_mivea

  1. i was having fun on Ilum the first day until I realized the "reds" were actually other republic players. Call me a noob/carebear/whiner all you want but pvp, to me, is faction v. faction - not FFA. I havent been back to Ilum.
  2. ok great! just didnt read your thread (title didnt really relate) let me know how i can help
  3. I've only been back a few weeks so not sure if this has been tried or talked about... but is there any interest in a world pvp event? This game/community is a little weird so not sure if anyone even wants to do anything outside of the confines of what's provided by the game. Why don't we pick an objective, say the tatooinee arena, and see how long said objective can be held by whichever faction takes initial control. Sure, you;re not going to get commendations for it, or gear, or credits - perhaps only bragging rights. But at least it's something different and could possible last longer than 10 minutes, In another galaxy far away, I used to plan things like this b/c developers didnt plan everything FOR US. Unfortunately, due to family, work, etc, I dont have time to do the leg work on this so thought if I threw this out there, perhaps others could run with it and make a fun event until the devs give us something similar. thoughts?
  4. Inat_mivea

    TIred of PVP

    i've only been back a couple weeks - got my WH gear - and am now tired of the same old, simplistic, FoTM, boring, pvp. something has to change.
  5. I dont think any paritcular class is OP but when you combine the myriad of stuns, mezzes, CCs, etc. that are chain-able and indefensible, you reach a point where it isnt even fun anymore.
  6. being away for awhile, I've been hearing a lot about 'pre-mades' and from the context assumed it was a 'pre-made' was a bad thing When I finally decided to deal with the jeers of 'nOOb', I decided to ask. So a 'pre-made' is a group of players who communicate and coordinate in pvp. So what? Isn't that what should be happening in pvp? My biggest frustration with this game is that no one seems to want to come up with any plan or comunicate. If a PUG suddenly started chatting and picking targets, would they be as 'bad' as a pre-made? oh, and I'm a PUG player, not an eeeevil premade
  7. nope, wasnt disagreeing with him. Just adding my own.
  8. Yes, thank you. I was referring to the many skills in the various jedi skill trees that lead to outrage and the eventual 'balancing' of the combat upgrade and NGE. Anyone remember the master enhancer skill, stasis? Talk about enraging. . .
  9. Yes, as soon as I see the arena on the splash screen, I'm already to leave as soon as I can click the 'leave warzone' button
  10. #16 Assuming there is only one way to play a role or only one way to win a WZ
  11. thanks for that link. Not encouraged. no, i wont play GW2 - no time to grind yet another toon in another game
  12. agreed. SWTOR, like SWG before it, has become Stun Wars
  13. I hate WZs. Aside from random encounters on Ilum and other worlds if your're on a PVP server, there is no open world pvp. Has it even been discussed? Could the servers handle it? Use the civil war bases in SWG as an example. . . can't we add a controllable base on Ilum that we could fight over? Perhaps this has been discussed before but I've been out of the loop and couldnt find a recent thread...
  14. Yeah, I read what I wrote. I assume you're talking about me quitting huttball as a rule and then complaining about quitters? I'm one of those weird birds who enjoyed SWG pvp, especially pre-restuss, where the pvp was more organic and non contrived. WZs are a pizz poor excuse for pvp and I simply can't participate in the rediculous concept of hutt ball. Too bad we can't opt out of certain WZs. . .
  15. killing a player in a pvp area is a reportable offense?! WHAT?!
  16. for various reasons, I didnt pvp much months ago before i took a break. I've focused on PVP since I've been back - got my entire WH set in about a week so I've been on the fray quite a bit. First, I immediately quit every huttball WZ b/c I simply cant stand it. Plus I'm not good at it so why bring others down? Second, I too am driven nuts by quitters that quit after the match has begun. I believe there should be a penalty associated with quitting (not disocnnecting) after a match has started. I was in an alderaan match that b/c of stupidity, imps took all three turrets. Three repubs immediatly quit and then for the rest of the match, people kept connecting and immediately disconnecting after seeing the score. The remaining repubs eventually took one turret and then jsut sat there collecting points - which leads me to my next pet peeve. Objective sitters who regardless of score, just sit collecting points instead of actually trying to do more. I know, I'm not saying anything new. Just reiterating many of the frustrations that everyone else has and the reasns why, for the most part, SWTOR pvp sucks.
  17. ya know, I hate this response but it's actually valid in this case. I am a sawbones scoundrel and for a long time was frustrated at my ineffectiveness vs. jedi and some other classes. However, I was playing it wrong - I was trying to be DPS but it simply wasnt there! My abilities revolve around healing and some CC. I am not soloist - I am more effective in a group setting. If I ever want to change that, I'll respec. SWTOR is very class centric so if you're a healer, you're a healer. If you're DPS, your're DPS - not a lot of middle ground
  18. no self-respecting, vain, smuggler would ever wear that
  19. SHe brings in 46% of our income so I'll live with aggro now and then
  20. lol, well, I'm 35 and have a 18mo old son.... aggro these days is always....ALWAYS... bad
  21. hey, every once in awhile, we got to pull the corn cob out our arse and have some fun I work hard and play hard - gaming is a guilty pleasure
  22. yeah, it's cool to enjoy it more than everything other than the last. If you're single, partying with girls you like (because frankly, I would rather play this game than party with some of the "beautiful" women I know) should trump gametime.
  23. i'm 35. I'm part of the "one percent" GASP!! and a REPUBLICAN!!! OMG!!! I've found this game to have a very diverse community - which is why it is so darn weird
  24. dude, my wife still asks and expects me to put the game on 'pause' (so you dipsh*ts who choose to comment on me being AFK in a WZ can go f' yourself - I am dealing with wife aggro, dammit!)
  25. this community is so friggin weird. . . . I'm 35 - I know, old, right? But not that old - 40 is the new 22 , right? Here's what I find to be weird: Getting berated by fellow faction members in WZs Getting berated in general chat if you ask a question Not really knowing any opposing faction guids ^^ That is the big one! I love having an "enemy" guild and more specifically, a nemesis player - I can't even name an Empire guild - let alone a player! I dunno, maybe perhaps given the fact the SWG community was so small, it allowed a more intimate interaction but here, it's just friggin odd. As others alluded to - it's an age thing. I am an IT manager who recently got the pleasure of taking over the Help Desk / Desktop groups where the staff is relatively young (24-28). These kids are weird - like "aspergers weird"
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