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Everything posted by Washingtoon

  1. People havent been able to copy their characters to the PTS (public test server). I had mine copied but wasnt notified so it took months and a semi interesting update before I visited PTS and discovered it. Character copies will however be available once the PTS comes online again, the feature is already implemented.
  2. I feel like I should say something but I don't have anything prepared. Well this is awkward.
  3. You're all C, commando in BM. I don't even know what that means but I will try to coin it like I coined streets ahead.
  4. I'm rarely to never premading but I do like to try out different things and it's never appreciated when you announce that you are going to prove the forum complaints wrong by pvp'ing in full greens or a bad spec. - Hey guys, I might not perform to my fullest this game, on behalf of trying the latest 15/11/15 spec while only having relics equipped. I hope you're cool with that. Penny left the warzone Bobbafat left the warzone Starkiller12 left the warzone -Oh come ooooon, guys. *silence* *GUYS? *notices that you are alone* What kind of damage would be impressive as full Lightning btw? Will +500K suffice?
  5. I like how the premades constantly are jumping to the conclusion that's just because you would prefer a fair system with seperated queues and you like to solo queue you're a bad player. Same thing happens in 10-49 vs lvl 50 discussions, prefer 10-49 and you're instantly a baddie. If I were to take a poll I'd state that I'm against premades vs pugs games but there's really more to it than that. For starters, I'm against a system that isnt even trying to match groups and pugs somewhat evenly. You can have two parallel matches being played with one premade in each match. Wouldnt it be more reasonable to put those two premades in the same game and THEN fill up with pugs? Pugs and groups are always going to be somewhat mixed (how els would they solve 3 man groups?) but the system could atleast try. That is all I'm asking for. And again (don't know how many times I've had to say this now), the biggest problem with premades is that they're either good or bad. I would say that the vast majority of premades, or atleast most if not all of the guild premades, include better than average players. Or make that, on average better players than you're likely to end up with in a pug. On top of this they have superior communication, people can probably handle that someone is telling them to do a certain task and they can decide on which AC'es to bring. At the other end of the spectrum we have the really casual PvE premades who think it's fun to goof around in warzones and can't handle that you tell them to take out that sniper who now has been sitting in the same spot for ten minutes. Regardless of if you're up against or with a good or bad premade it's creating team imbalance and really boring games. You will either steamroll or get owned. Individually, and as a good player, you might still do alright while getting owned but chances are that the majority of your team mates won't "perform". There would be a lot less of these games if instead of 4 players with a certain skill average, high or low, you'd get 4 pugs and skill diversity, on both teams. Ideally we'd be matched on skill ratings instead and this would pretty much be a requirement if we were to seperate premades from pugs. Simply because no baddie premade would find it enjoyable to always face decent/good premades. The system would have to make sure that those premades faced premades of equal skill. This is where x-server becomes a requirement because now we've split the community in two and seperated the halves in skill ratings. Such a system would only work on the busiest servers during primetime and that the biggest argument for keeping things as they are, in contrast to L2P comments and other nonsense the premaders are sharing on a post to post basis.
  6. This game acts like a peer-2-peer game. Add one laggy bastard to the match and you'll all lag. I thought the whole point of servers was to avoid such things ...but no.
  7. Hahahahaha! - Did I just see him spam lightning strike!!!!!!!!!! O_o . WHAT DID YOU DO?
  8. Go with power. More or less all your expertise while leveling would come from the crystal and +41 expertise (in total) isnt noticeable. Power will be useful in both pve and pvp.
  9. Crazy talk, I'll post a couple of lvl 14 screenies when I get home
  10. The other one is LOVE. A healer's love. Mmmmmm, it's the best kind. Tastes like freedom.
  11. You will wear that dress like any proud man would and you will like it.
  12. You're just going to PvP on it while leveling, as in not PvP'ing on it at 50? If so, go with sorc. And in the event that you would like to PvP on it at 50 you could always heal.
  13. Are we on the same Shadowlands server? Unless you always happen to be on during that short window in the mornings when the pubs have some of their better players/premades on at the same time as there's usually nothing but pugs on the imp side I'd say that you are way off. It wasnt more than 3 weeks ago that I gave up on my sage and re'd her DG and wh/ewh set for stabs. I simply couldnt take it anymore and I havent used the char since. That said, it does feel like the pubs have up'ed their game a little but I'm still winning the majority of my imp/pug games. Some evenings I've won 90 % of my games while pugging. That never happened as a pub. Same thing here, that only happens early mornings.
  14. Think it has a lot to do with the class you are on. Warriors get their best abilties late and benefit from power stacking at 50 so they're probably going to prefer lvl 50 PvP. If you on the other hand is a sorc and can 1 vs 3 people in lowbie from lvl 10, somehting that rarely works out at 50 against equally geared opponents (regardless of their skill since even a monkey can hit a key and deal 7K blows) , you're going to think that it's awesome down there. I can imagine that a lot of mercs/commandos would prefer lowbie too, on behalf of actually being somewhat viable. Hence, it's once again partly a balance issue, not in the sense that people should expect classes to be perfectly balanced while leveling but because some AC'es go from being on par/good even to "not so good".
  15. Less frustration. If someone does something utterly stupid in lowbie you can jusy shake it off as them being new and not familiar with the game. The same things are just annoying at 50 and they're just as frequent.
  16. Don't know about that. Feels like there's been a huge upswing in healers lately and I'm more often than not field specing to dps than the other way around, on behalf of there being too many healers on the team.
  17. There's a thread in the Shadowland server forum.
  18. In lack of more productive things to do I'm going to go ahead and strongly disagree.
  19. That's some crazy talk right there, 12-15 items spell content .
  20. Stopped reading around the part where you said that sorcs arent in need of a stun. I shall return when you've sobered up.
  21. It's called Innervate for sorcs and Healing Trance for sages. It's 18-20 points up the tree. No point in going higher for PvP healers and few are the times when the AOE heal is really useful for PvE healers.
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