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Warzone Quitters


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Something has got to be done about people quitting warzones. Today alone I've been either pulled into warzones that were 1/2 way over or on teams where we had 5 people quit because they didn't want a loss. If people leave because of DC'ing, that's one thing...but there are WAY TOO MANY wussies who don't wanna loss and quit, thereby screwing their team and the person that gets pulled in to replace them. It's getting very old!


If this keeps up I will start a thread to start posting their damn names. I currently have 10 toons that all pvp, and it's getting much worse. Please Bioware, institute a 30 minute penalty or something on these quitters...it's just going to keep getting worse.

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OP there are tons of threads on this topic, was it really necessary to make a new one for yourself? As for a warzone debuff, no I do not support it. Stop being bad and I'll stop leaving....if they were to implement a 30 min debuff I'd be more inclined to stay but I'd probably just afk the rest of match for the principle of it. Would that really be better? An afk teammate as opposed to a new guy in the party 10 seconds later? Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Stop being bad and I'll stop leaving...
It's not uncommon that the quitters were the reaosn to why the match was going downhill in the first place and that you'll see a huge improvement as they're being replaced. Unfortunately they're usually not leaving until it's too late for the replacement to make up for the quitter's mistakes.


More on topic, I'm against backfilling but think people should be allowed to choose , through an option when queueing, whether or not they'd like to join on.going games.

Edited by Washingtoon
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I always think that if someone DCs 2 seconds after fighting they wanted to quit but didn't want to look bad, so they switched off the PC or somethin'.


But yet again I always have been somewhat paranoid, which is why I'm good at solo defending objectives.

Edited by Chlomamf
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I've been playing SWTOR since day 2, so i can tell with 85-90% accuracy what team will win. It's not because i am a psychic but because that simple the SWTOR PvP is. So when i get into an allstar F2P, DPS nooob team with no healer and 14K health a pop vs a premade geared and with 2 healers i quit. I simply don't have time to waist .
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I quit one today.


Got an alderaan. Agreed on 2-6-0


When we had an actual 5-2-1 lost both mid and snow in about 15 second, I left


If people would listen and stuck to a plan, people wouldn't Get as frustrated.

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I quit one today.


Got an alderaan. Agreed on 2-6-0


When we had an actual 5-2-1 lost both mid and snow in about 15 second, I left


If people would listen and stuck to a plan, people wouldn't Get as frustrated.

I'm not leaving in the middle of the game but if I'm in a pug and someone suggests, before the game has actually started, 4-0-4 I'm out of there. I am not going to give away mid over a project that in 99 % of the cases will fail. Why would you even want sides? The advantage with sides is that it's easier to fill up upon death in the event that the opponents are attacking. The huge disadvantage with it is that if you place 4 man on each and the opponents attack one with 7 you now have to run across the entire map. Hence, if you can take both sides you could have taken mid+ one side too and that is way better in the event that the opponents hit one. It's easy to fill up on sides from mid and you should always have someone lingering between mid and side, instead of putting everyone on the actual node, which makes it easy to check where the enemies are and fill up on mid too.
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Something has got to be done about people quitting warzones. Today alone I've been either pulled into warzones that were 1/2 way over or on teams where we had 5 people quit because they didn't want a loss. If people leave because of DC'ing, that's one thing...but there are WAY TOO MANY wussies who don't wanna loss and quit, thereby screwing their team and the person that gets pulled in to replace them. It's getting very old!


If this keeps up I will start a thread to start posting their damn names. I currently have 10 toons that all pvp, and it's getting much worse. Please Bioware, institute a 30 minute penalty or something on these quitters...it's just going to keep getting worse.


better would be kick ppl from WZ, if they farming heals, or stealthers refuse to guard, tanks play without guard or 4 sorcerers do their useless dps and refuse to fieldrespec to heal ...

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I used to be against quitting warzones... Also wished they would suffer from some retarded penalty if they quit. However after seeing the blatant selfishness that most players are starting to exhibit lately, I can finally see a reason why to quit a warzone.


People wont talk or coordinate, why stay?

People believe the best route is to send 8 people to grass, why stay?

You watch 6 people spread out by 30m or so, walk individually into a death box fielded by 6 of the enemy team, why stay?


Finally, when people lack common sense/situational awareness, why stay?


If after every pylon reset the enemy sends 4 people to your pylon, the immediate response from your team is to send 4-5 to take your pylon or theirs. What I see most of the time is me and/or one other person running to our pylon to fight out a losing battle while the rest are in mid farming kills or well, running 1 at a time into a group for 4+. You shouldn't have to ask, plead, or yell for pylon support in that scenario.


So why stay?


Also with all that crap going on lately its really pushed me to go from solo to premade (you know ruining warzones) in the pre/post 50.


Fix the community and people might not quit.

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I quit one today.


Got an alderaan. Agreed on 2-6-0. When we had an actual 5-2-1 lost both mid and snow in about 15 second, I left. If people would listen and stuck to a plan, people wouldn't Get as frustrated.


More like what happened was this. While waiting for the speeders to spawn some random guy calls out 2-6-0, one or two people agree, and everybody hops on a speeder. Clearly the group shouldn't have 5 going to a side at the start, but you quitting made it 8 vs 7. Congrats you're the source of the problem.


Non participation is the rational choice when presented with a no win scenario.


Problem is people are too quick to give up. I can see if it's 300 to 100 in civil war or something, but a lot of people will give up at the first sign of a challenge.


better would be kick ppl from WZ, if they farming heals, or stealthers refuse to guard, tanks play without guard or 4 sorcerers do their useless dps and refuse to fieldrespec to heal ...


I would likely start a vote kick on you since you're trying to control how people play the game. Learn to play your own character, and let them enjoy their characters.


Something has got to be done about people quitting warzones.


Two simple fixes would vastly lower the amount of quitters:


1.) Pugs and pre-mades having separate queues.

2.) Weekly warzone quest being 9 wins or 18 played matches.

Edited by Brimmer
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for various reasons, I didnt pvp much months ago before i took a break. I've focused on PVP since I've been back - got my entire WH set in about a week so I've been on the fray quite a bit.


First, I immediately quit every huttball WZ b/c I simply cant stand it. Plus I'm not good at it so why bring others down?


Second, I too am driven nuts by quitters that quit after the match has begun. I believe there should be a penalty associated with quitting (not disocnnecting) after a match has started. I was in an alderaan match that b/c of stupidity, imps took all three turrets. Three repubs immediatly quit and then for the rest of the match, people kept connecting and immediately disconnecting after seeing the score.


The remaining repubs eventually took one turret and then jsut sat there collecting points - which leads me to my next pet peeve. Objective sitters who regardless of score, just sit collecting points instead of actually trying to do more.


I know, I'm not saying anything new. Just reiterating many of the frustrations that everyone else has and the reasns why, for the most part, SWTOR pvp sucks.

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Red text is mine


for various reasons, I didnt pvp much months ago before i took a break. I've focused on PVP since I've been back - got my entire WH set in about a week so I've been on the fray quite a bit.


welcome back to the land of PVP


First, I immediately quit every huttball WZ b/c I simply cant stand it. Plus I'm not good at it so why bring others down?


Yet you bring them down by forcing them to play 7 vs 8 until they're lucky enough to get a replacement.


Second, I too am driven nuts by quitters that quit after the match has begun. I believe there should be a penalty associated with quitting (not disocnnecting) after a match has started. I was in an alderaan match that b/c of stupidity, imps took all three turrets. Three repubs immediatly quit and then for the rest of the match, people kept connecting and immediately disconnecting after seeing the score.


Did you even read what you wrote just above this?


The remaining repubs eventually took one turret and then jsut sat there collecting points - which leads me to my next pet peeve. Objective sitters who regardless of score, just sit collecting points instead of actually trying to do more.


Not much can be done about those people, unless everybody is willing to vote kick them


I know, I'm not saying anything new. Just reiterating many of the frustrations that everyone else has and the reasns why, for the most part, SWTOR pvp sucks.

Edited by Brimmer
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Second, I too am driven nuts by quitters that quit after the match has begun. I believe there should be a penalty associated with quitting (not disocnnecting) after a match has started. I was in an alderaan match that b/c of stupidity, imps took all three turrets. Three repubs immediatly quit and then for the rest of the match, people kept connecting and immediately disconnecting after seeing the score.


Did you even read what you wrote just above this?


Yeah, I read what I wrote. I assume you're talking about me quitting huttball as a rule and then complaining about quitters?


I'm one of those weird birds who enjoyed SWG pvp, especially pre-restuss, where the pvp was more organic and non contrived. WZs are a pizz poor excuse for pvp and I simply can't participate in the rediculous concept of hutt ball. Too bad we can't opt out of certain WZs. . .

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More like what happened was this. While waiting for the speeders to spawn some random guy calls out 2-6-0, one or two people agree, and everybody hops on a speeder. Clearly the group shouldn't have 5 going to a side at the start, but you quitting made it 8 vs 7. Congrats you're the source of the problem.


Yes. I suppose so. I used to be vehemently opposed to WZ quitters as you are. However, the more you play, the more you realize that playing in a match where everybody wants to do their own thing and not work as a team is NO FUN.


Sorry but last time I checked, this game was meant to be fun. And if I am forced to sit through a 15 min WZ where everybody wants to blame one another for while we are losing, I'd rather leave.

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Had one last night where a fail premade from a top guild on pot5 left because other side got a breakaway on voidstar through first two doors very quickly. Somehow we held at final door despite 8v4, then we got a breakaway of our own with pug backfillers (the second or third group, I might add, bc several got back filled and immediately quit). If that premade hadn't quit, probably wouldn't have won.
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First, I immediately quit every huttball WZ b/c I simply cant stand it. Plus I'm not good at it so why bring others down?


If I was one of your teammates, I would not hold this against you, provided you left immediately upon zoning in, before Baron Deathmark says "Let's play Huttball!"


After the game has started, I don't leave, even if my team has a few roaring idiots in it, and I think very un-charitable thoughts about people who leave others in the lurch like that, most especially the poor soul who pops in on a backfill. I will also not hold it against a backfiller who pops in, sees the hopeless situation some schloob quitter has dropped him into, and immediately hits the Exit option. If anyone's been set up to get hosed by someone else, it's him. I can't quite bring myself to condemn them for leaving.


I hate Alderaan Civil War in the same vein you despise Huttball. At least with Novare Coast, which is similar, you can make initial allowances for other people's Stupid Quotient (four going East, four going south, for example - you can say "What the **** are you people doing?"), but there is simply no way to know with CW's outset. Other people's opinions are irrelevant to me when set next to a potential blood pressure headache. So when I see the CW loading screen, I prepare to drop immediately upon entry. That lets a replacement pop in before the match starts. And I don't see this as being at all unreasonable.


Second, I too am driven nuts by quitters that quit after the match has begun. I believe there should be a penalty associated with quitting (not disocnnecting) after a match has started. I was in an alderaan match that b/c of stupidity, imps took all three turrets. Three repubs immediatly quit and then for the rest of the match, people kept connecting and immediately disconnecting after seeing the score.


The point here being after the match has begun. There is a slight grace period beforehand where they have the ability to leave - and hey, more power to them. If they hate something that badly, happy trails. I always drop if I get backfilled into a CW as well, because chances are I won't be getting dropped into a winning side, so I don't even bother looking to see. I just go. Sure, I might have been dropped into a winning team, but the odds are against it, and better safe than sorry.


... which leads me to my next pet peeve. Objective sitters who regardless of score, just sit collecting points instead of actually trying to do more.


I have to at least partially disagree with you here. Partially because I too find it annoying, but I couldn't hold it against people for doing it. If the score means you need all three turrets to win, and there's simply no chance to make that happen because the enemy has the score to win unless you do, providing free kills for the opposition strikes me as counterproductive. If you're on the winning side, and can win simply by holding one pylon and run out the clock, again, providing free kills for the enemy isn't something I view as containing much in the way of wisdom. This conflict was also something that made it so I just don't want to bother. So I've made it so I don't have to deal with it.

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The point here being after the match has begun. There is a slight grace period beforehand where they have the ability to leave - and hey, more power to them. If they hate something that badly, happy trails


Yes, as soon as I see the arena on the splash screen, I'm already to leave as soon as I can click the 'leave warzone' button :)

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Something has got to be done about people quitting warzones. Today alone I've been either pulled into warzones that were 1/2 way over or on teams where we had 5 people quit because they didn't want a loss. If people leave because of DC'ing, that's one thing...but there are WAY TOO MANY wussies who don't wanna loss and quit, thereby screwing their team and the person that gets pulled in to replace them. It's getting very old!


If this keeps up I will start a thread to start posting their damn names. I currently have 10 toons that all pvp, and it's getting much worse. Please Bioware, institute a 30 minute penalty or something on these quitters...it's just going to keep getting worse.


I just don't want to play with you. You are bad, you get capped on, you provide nothing to your team other that being a sub par meat shield.

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