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We need NON-PREMADE wz's


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Next it will be quit letting people from the same guild solo que there pre-made is to much. The the same 8 people drop guild do to a fix and que solo still have a pre-made.

fun fact: i pvp every night in a 4man disguised as a 2man:D only 2 ppl share the same guild while 2 of us are freelancers, fun times fun times:rolleyes::rolleyes: moral of the story is find like-minded ppl, get in a guild with ppl that like to pvp and ur on the right track, ppl in premades play for the team and will cooperate and sacrifice for it instead of everybody running random in the wz
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Even if gear was the real issue, I still don't get why undergeared people feel they should have a chance against geared players and chastize "being coordinated" like its wrong or something. Makes no sense.


Because they were looking for a different game. They wanted GW2 or something like that, except they're Star Wars fans so they wanted it in this game.


Maybe Disney will make that game, they certainly have the resources to create a competitive Star Wars based video game. It probably won't be anytime soon however.


I can only speak for myself personally, but the reason why I make posts like that is because I am messing around and trying to make my day go by faster. I've stated it before and it still holds true, I know full well nothing will ever change and this is a PVE game, with tacked on progression PVP. I really don't take it seriously but the back and forth on here can be fun sometimes. Too bad the evil mods always come in to ruin the fun.

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I got caught by the forum police for posting another "Newbs ruining WZ" thread. The judge said it was working as intended and I was released on good behavior after being held for 24hours...



Good to see our community forum enforcement is working....


Troll away OP...


for my last thread along this subject i received capital punishment :(:(


thus me being reborn lol

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Premade won't save you when two people zone in completely naked , and spend the entire match firing off fireworks. Never initiated a kick from WZ before.
ya u can get 4 recruits or 3 recruits and a pve geared but that goes both ways , pvp is such a gamble, still it`s easier to carry the team in a premade then solo
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You do realize any "premade" is simply limited to 4 of the 8 people...right? And you also realize that this works both ways right? Sometimes THEY have a premade group, sometimes YOU do. I suggest you join a guild or find like minded players to PvP with OP...it's an MMO...playing with others is what it's all about.
Doesnt matter which team has the premade, if both teams have them or the quality of the premade, fact still remains; The premades will in the vast majority of matches determine the outcome of the game and a lot of player choose to play solo. It's not a requirement to group up, nor is it always an option for those who like to play in premades.


In many cases you're able to tell how the game is going to end, win or loss, as soon as you enter the warzone and see who you've ended up with. You rarely to never see a premade consisting of good and bad players, it's either one or the other. Hence, there would be more diversity and also balance in " all solo warzones". Sure, there's always the risk that one team happens to get four really good or four really bad players anyway but it should statistically happen much less than with premades in the mix.


And to that other poster, there's a reason to why this topic shows up several times per day. It is stupid to defend a system that could be improved. Even Halo 2, at the end of it's life cycle, had a better matchmaking system than swtor. I don't know how many players swtor has on during primetime but I can't imagine it being much less than Halo 2 before they shut it down. H2 had several playlists and still managed to uphold the 3-man rule, as in parties of 3 or more are only being matched against other groups of +3 . Swtor has ONE playlist (not counting rated since it's only being used by a very small click ) and they can't add some form of restriction or timeframe, let's say 3 minutes, during which the system is only looking for other premades to match a premade with. No, the system is simply tossing whoever it stumbles upon into a match with no regards to experience, gear, class or group size. And they wonder why people move on?

Edited by Washingtoon
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Doesnt matter which team has the premade, if both teams have them or the quality of the premade, fact still remains; The premades will in the vast majority of matches determine the outcome of the game and a lot of player choose to play solo. It's not a requirement to group up, nor is it always an option for those who like to play in premades.


In many cases you're able to tell how the game is going to end, win or loss, as soon as you enter the warzone and see who you've ended up with. You rarely to never see a premade consisting of good and bad players, it's either one or the other. Hence, there would be more diversity and also balance in " all solo warzones". Sure, there's always the risk that one team happens to get four really good or four really bad players anyway but it should statistically happen much less than with premades in the mix.


And to that other poster, there's a reason to why this topic shows up several times per day. It is stupid to defend a system that could be improved. Even Halo 2, at the end of it's life cycle, had a better matchmaking system than swtor. I don't know how many players swtor has on during primetime but I can't imagine it being much less than Halo 2 before they shut it down. H2 had several playlists and still managed to uphold the 3-man rule, as in parties of 3 or more are only being matched against other groups of +3 . Swtor has ONE playlist (not counting rated since it's only being used by a very small click ) and they can't add some form of restriction or timeframe, let's say 3 minutes, during which the system is only looking for other premades to match a premade with. No, the system is simply tossing whoever it stumbles upon into a match with no regards to experience, gear, class or group size. And they wonder why people move on?


Excuses. When it comes down to it each person in a pre-made is an individual just as you are. Don't play bad and you won't get served.

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Excuses. When it comes down to it each person in a pre-made is an individual just as you are. Don't play bad and you won't get served.


And it has nothing to do with:


1. Gearing up very quickly because you have guildies who are min/maxed carrying you.

2. People who are competent and WILLING to work together.

3. People using voicechat to coordinate.

4. Your guildies not allowing sub-optimal specs or gear that would hurt the team.

5. Your guildies not allowing players who refuse to learn the basics of each WZ map to join premades.

6. Having actual tanks and healers, as opposed to pugs who get a healer every 3rd game or so, and almost never tanks.

7. The fact that many of us find you elitist premade pvpers sociopaths and do not enjoy talking to or playing with you at all.


You're right, it's just that pugs are baddies, premades are pro.

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They just need to prioritize premades vs premades when they queue.


I would rather they balanced expertise before premades. I don't mind solo Qing. I do it all the time (I'd rather have a solo Q, but that ain't happening). however, I get very frustrated when my team has 5 ppl under 17k hp and the other team has two premades and an average expertise above 1250.

Edited by foxmob
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I would rather they balanced expertise before premades. I don't mind solo Qing. I do it all the time (I'd rather have a solo Q, but that ain't happening). however, I get very frustrated when my team has 5 ppl under 17k hp and the other team has two premades and an average expertise above 1250.


there is only so much bioware can do to force people to a) get gear at even a moderate rate and b) actually use the right gear.

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there is only so much bioware can do to force people to a) get gear at even a moderate rate and b) actually use the right gear.


that has next to nothing to do with balancing the expertise on opposing teams, particularly in same faction matches.


in fact, it would only come into play during low population times.


my point was while it would be nice if there were two 4m teams that they were on opposing sides, I'd rather they look at the total expertise on each team and try to compose the teams that way. instead of the pug team having 5 ppl with sub wh gear while the other team has nobody below full wh. i mean...it's a very simple idea. not sure how difficult it is to code.

Edited by foxmob
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that has next to nothing to do with balancing the expertise on opposing teams, particularly in same faction matches.


in fact, it would only come into play during low population times.


my point was while it would be nice if there were two 4m teams that they were on opposing sides, I'd rather they look at the total expertise on each team and try to compose the teams that way. instead of the pug team having 5 ppl with sub wh gear while the other team has nobody below full wh. i mean...it's a very simple idea. not sure how difficult it is to code.


so matchmaking by gear? player skill > gear.

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And it has nothing to do with:


1. Gearing up very quickly because you have guildies who are min/maxed carrying you.

2. People who are competent and WILLING to work together.

3. People using voicechat to coordinate.

4. Your guildies not allowing sub-optimal specs or gear that would hurt the team.

5. Your guildies not allowing players who refuse to learn the basics of each WZ map to join premades.

6. Having actual tanks and healers, as opposed to pugs who get a healer every 3rd game or so, and almost never tanks.

7. The fact that many of us find you elitist premade pvpers sociopaths and do not enjoy talking to or playing with you at all.




You're right, it's just that pugs are baddies, premades are pro.


Persons vs. Persons.....If you don't want to get your crap together, take your lumps and shut up? If you don't want to put the time in don't....But don't whine like a 3 month old about how somebody owes you something. Go create some open world PvP and get your 1v1 on....that's what you ultimately want. These wz's are team strategy based. This is PC PvP. If you are new to it, welcome. If you are pulling your hair out? Get back on your Xbox if you like the lack of making sense and actual strategy. Making excuses is laughable. There are a handful of guilds period that play this game to the level of seriousness that you speak of. Good for them. I don't, but I can understand it. There are a TON of people willing to learn what they need to do and play their profession well. There are plenty of tools supplied to you on your interface map/chatbox...pre-match figure out who is going to set targets or just find the healers and KILL. Those of you crying and whining make this out to be a brain surgery tactic. If you are socially inapt to type in the chat box pre-match then go get some meds and come back later when your head is screwed back on. This isn't a FFA. DERP

Edited by Skyhigh
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so matchmaking by gear? player skill > gear.


to a point. but when half your team is in recruit gear, any fool on a team of wh VGs and smashers is going to wreck you. I mean...you can carry two. you can't do anything about a guy who'd dead in 2 gcds. do you take a chance and let him guard/call incs? if he's stealth. skill comes into it. if he isn't...he's useless. I don't care if he knows how to play his class. and maximized dps of a recruit isn't going to do a thing against said VG or smasher. it just isn't. if you're playing a class with some utility, then that's something you can manipulate. don't sit there and tell me a team of 4 or 5 recruits has any shot against a team of full wh+. they just don't. or those are the worst wh+ players in mmo history.


edit: i'm not saying expertise solves anything. but it's one objective measure that can and will have an impact. it's frustating as hell to look at the hp in your ops spawn at the start and know your done cuz you have 5 ppl 16k or below. I mean...c'mmon. be a little more intuitive with the matchmaking. while the other side has nobody under 16k. :|

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to a point. but when half your team is in recruit gear, and fool on a team of wh VGs and smashers is going to wreck you. I mean...you can carry two. you can't do anything about a guy who'd dead in 2 gcds. do you take a chance and let him guard/call incs? if he's stealth. skill comes into it. if he isn't...he's useless. I don't care if he knows how to play his class. and maximized dps of a recruit isn't going to do a thing against said VG or smasher. it just isn't. if you're playing a class with some utility, then that's something you can manipulate. don't sit there and tell me a team of 4 or 5 recruits has any shot against a team of full wh+. they just don't. or those are the worst wh+ players in mmo history.


edit: i'm not saying expertise solves anything. but it's one objective measure that can and will have an impact.


and what happens when players start deliberately lowering their expertise value so that they can face people in the lower tiers?


the only way for matchmaking to actually work is for it to be skill based. bioware needs to come up with some kind of algorithm that can determine who performs the best in each warzone, and then base matchmaking around that algorithm

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So sick of being ganked by premades in wz's! If you just dinged 50 you have no chance against a well organized premade.. Bioware you need to give os the option to have solo wz's!..Let the premades gank each other instead!!


maybe you should realize MMO's are a social experience and find some friends that are on consistently at the same time as you? there is absolutely nothing stopping people from forming there own premade...

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Come on people. Decent pvpr's should want premade matching more than anyone. Even matches are extremely rare.


Isn't that what people say ranked warzones are for end of the day premade vs premade will still suck cos il end up with 4 tards on my team anyway.


Everybody just has to get over this is like there never on a team with a premade its never going to change stop crying about it.

Edited by Frobington
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Persons vs. Persons.....If you don't want to get your crap together, take your lumps and shut up? If you don't want to put the time in don't....But don't whine like a 3 month old about how somebody owes you something. Go create some open world PvP and get your 1v1 on....that's what you ultimately want. These wz's are team strategy based. This is PC PvP. If you are new to it, welcome. If you are pulling your hair out? Get back on your Xbox if you like the lack of making sense and actual strategy. Making excuses is laughable. There are a handful of guilds period that play this game to the level of seriousness that you speak of. Good for them. I don't, but I can understand it. There are a TON of people willing to learn what they need to do and play their profession well. There are plenty of tools supplied to you on your interface map/chatbox...pre-match figure out who is going to set targets or just find the healers and KILL. Those of you crying and whining make this out to be a brain surgery tactic. If you are socially inapt to type in the chat box pre-match then go get some meds and come back later when your head is screwed back on. This isn't a FFA. DERP


People like you are the reason I refuse to join a hardcore PvP guild. I did it in another game, and most hardcore PvPers are similar...rude, arrogant, dismissive, childish sociopaths who are just as clique oriented now as high school kids. I would not hang out with you in real life, so why would I socialize with you in a game I play for fun?

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People like you are the reason I refuse to join a hardcore PvP guild. I did it in another game, and most hardcore PvPers are similar...rude, arrogant, dismissive, childish sociopaths who are just as clique oriented now as high school kids. I would not hang out with you in real life, so why would I socialize with you in a game I play for fun?
no other guilds in the world? If my guild would impose me what class and spec to play I`d insta leave, move on pal, playing solo and complaining about premades this ain`t no single player game
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People like you are the reason I refuse to join a hardcore PvP guild. I did it in another game, and most hardcore PvPers are similar...rude, arrogant, dismissive, childish sociopaths who are just as clique oriented now as high school kids. I would not hang out with you in real life, so why would I socialize with you in a game I play for fun?


Yeah, same here. That's why voice chat for PUGs would be an awful idea. I got a permanent 5 point infraction for saying this before, so I will likely have to stop here. Biofail does not want you to insult these types of people because they are catering to them, apparently they spend the most money or something (forget the 2M+ subs they lost, Biofail must cater to these types over profitability and the overall player base! lol).


I ran a very, very good PVP guild for awhile. The problem is if you insist on maturity, which most of us had, you won't last too long. The problem is people that are more mature generally also have friends, family and careers. So while they can play for 2 weeks, maybe 2 months or so, eventually real life takes over and they will disappear for the most part, fall way behind on gear, and then realize they have better things to do and leave.


I'm subbed mostly for PVE, I play a few hours a week, maybe ever other week when I can coordinate with friends. If there was a solo only queue I'd prefer that, also with a much shorter gear grind or none whatsoever. Ideally no comm cap, so when I'm playing for fun I won't be punished for the next gear set. But as it is, I know that won't happen, so whenever my friends get bored, probably when we level cap on our PVE on both sides (we run every class in a group, each being a different class, so we pretty much see every class story with 1 run through on each faction) we will unsub and likely never play again, just using left over cartel coins at most.

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that has next to nothing to do with balancing the expertise on opposing teams, particularly in same faction matches.


in fact, it would only come into play during low population times.


my point was while it would be nice if there were two 4m teams that they were on opposing sides, I'd rather they look at the total expertise on each team and try to compose the teams that way. instead of the pug team having 5 ppl with sub wh gear while the other team has nobody below full wh. i mean...it's a very simple idea. not sure how difficult it is to code.


Matchmaking by expertise is a terrible idea because optimal expertise level varies in 1000-1200 hence fully min/maxed players will match half-recruits.

Edited by glocklB
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People like you are the reason I refuse to join a hardcore PvP guild. I did it in another game, and most hardcore PvPers are similar...rude, arrogant, dismissive, childish sociopaths who are just as clique oriented now as high school kids. I would not hang out with you in real life, so why would I socialize with you in a game I play for fun?


Or there are the guilds who are great at pvp who aren't full of *****s :eek: With a few outstanding exceptions, most of the top pvpers on my server are pretty cool dudes. Actually, if you get to know them or have a coherent conversation with them, i've found that most good pvpers or pvp guilds all have a good amount of common sense and are reasonable (maybe that's what makes them good ;))

To be honest, I'd probably want to socialize with just about any person from a top pvp guild over a pug because they generally prove to be more intelligent, sociable, and have an amazing mix of common sense and grammatical competency.

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I totally agree to your point, i hare getting ganked too. And i am tired of getting ganked by imps as well, i dont know oif this happends to all rebels but it does to me!

But i am concerned there might be too few queuing to split up premades and casuals!



Yeah, i can say a good chunk of MY SWTOR friends/guild/community have stopped pvping. Even some of the pvp guilds that i know have stopped pvping, and yes they still play. They are 5/5 tfb HM now. I stopped pvping when I found out that premades can go 8/8 in a non ranked setting kinda turned me off of PVP. Hell I even joined them a few matches, yes winning for once was cool, but I hated winning in that manner as it didn't seem fair to me and I felt bad for the other team. Politely told my group i was done, and I haven't pvp'd since. I haven't pvp'd now for 4 months.

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