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Same gender romance discussion


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o.O I know BT3 for females isn't popular, but I didn't realize people thought that. Though, I've seen some BT3 in certain armor's with bald heads I thought where male until they put on the slave bikini's on Fleet.


I think Sentient's referring to how everyone hates the **** out of Akaavi for her personality.


A woman who isn't meek and silent in the kitchen making sandwiches is a more complex woman than the internet can handle.

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I think Sentient's referring to how everyone hates the **** out of Akaavi for her personality.


A woman who isn't meek and silent in the kitchen making sandwiches is a more complex woman than the internet can handle.


Everyone hates? I haven't heard much hate for her other than her looks.

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Oh wow, you sure we weren't separated at birth? :p


And actually, it'd be more like her having you. :)


And yes, I find her very appealing; so it's no surprise that my tiny 20 yo bt1 human scoundrel has Akaavi as a protector, they look so great running together. :3


and that voice :D


There is only Akaavi , watcher 3 and Thana as well as Mako I found I wish I could romance them . Too bad we can't .

And some of the dialogue between Smuggler and Akaavi are priceless :D

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Oh, okay.


It is the tallest, most muscular physical shape a female character can have in the game.


Everyone hates? I haven't heard much hate for her other than her looks.


Considering the internet is riddled with Don Drapers of all ages, you'd be hard-pressed to find a segment who spoke even remotely favourably of her.


Mine are mostly Body 2. I find Body 3..well its mostly the hands . Those Gloved hands are way too big for my taste lol


I only used body 3 on my Rattataki BH...and JK .


All my Rattatakis are type 3, I really don't thin k they could be anything else.


and that voice :D


Stacy Haiduk...


Yes, that voice indeed. :)


There is only Akaavi , watcher 3 and Thana as well as Mako I found I wish I could romance them . Too bad we can't .


Unless, did you mean Watcher 2, the brunette, or did you actually mean the bt1 guy?


Watcher 3's male, and I think females can romance him; I don't know for certain, since I never took ANY the LucasArts flirt options (Seriously, that company should've stuck with 1st/3rd person shooters and RTS games for SW) in the 1-50 section.


That Voss IA LS path though? UNACCEPTABLE! :mad: Some might say it's even worse than PvP-gated companions...


And some of the dialogue between Smuggler and Akaavi are priceless :D


Unfortunately, I've not had the chance to converse with her much, on any of my smugglers.

Edited by sentientomega
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Mine are mostly Body 2. I find Body 3..well its mostly the hands . Those Gloved hands are way too big for my taste lol


I only used body 3 on my Rattataki BH...and JK .


My guys are all body type 3 or 4. I only have one female character because I love the Trooper voice and she's 3 too. She's currently hoping that Senya becomes a romance option. :)

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It is the tallest, most muscular physical shape a female character can have in the game.


Stacy Haiduk...


Yes, that voice indeed. :)


Unless, did you mean Watcher 2, the brunette, or did you actually mean the bt1 guy?


Watcher 3's male, and I think females can romance him; I don't know for certain, since I never took ANY the LucasArts flirt options (Seriously, that company should've stuck with 1st/3rd person shooters and RTS games for SW) in the 1-50 section.


That Voss IA LS path though? UNACCEPTABLE! :mad: Some might say it's even worse than PvP-gated companions...

Unfortunately, I've not had the chance to converse with her much, on any of my smugglers.


I know right? I have a heigh complex lol so the fact that even at Body 3 my BH still shorter then a dude...Grrrr drive me nuts !!


If it wasnt for those giant Gloved hans lol I go Body 3 for all of them..alas...those giants hand drive me mad :D


Oh I mean the Lady watcher!!! I'm a Lesbian....and have no interest in Smooching a dude 3d pixel!


eww does something happend in Voss? lol havent finished Agent...I'm stuck at Taris (start of chapter 2)


I only tried one hetero romance , on my BH with Torian and it wasn't fun...kinda weird lol thats why my BH gonna Smooche Lana regardless.........need to forget that romance!


Well my smuggler is a female..so I never saw Akaavi romance as a dude...but I still found some of the dialogue hilarious regardless . I love Smuggler Story and dialogues , its refreshing from force sensitive story :D

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My guys are all body type 3 or 4. I only have one female character because I love the Trooper voice and she's 3 too. She's currently hoping that Senya becomes a romance option. :)


Thats Jennifer Hail voice!! femshep!!!!!!!!!! :o:o:o:o:oSatele Voice! The Goddess of Goddess Voice :D


Sorry fangirling haha but I love her voice so much :p

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eww does something happend in Voss? lol havent finished Agent...I'm stuck at Taris (start of chapter 2)


I've been through Voss twice with female IAs, and the event that happens there didn't seem as bad the second time through.


If you don't want to know, don't read this spoiler.


Still aggravating that they force a heterosexual marriage on your Agent (regardless of their gender), but it's not "real", it's for political purposes. It would have been nice to be able to officially annul it afterwards, rather than having the poor Voss dude sending you a message implying that it's a permanent thing.


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I've been through Voss twice with female IAs, and the event that happens there didn't seem as bad the second time through.


If you don't want to know, don't read this spoiler.


Still aggravating that they force a heterosexual marriage on your Agent (regardless of their gender), but it's not "real", it's for political purposes. It would have been nice to be able to officially annul it afterwards, rather than having the poor Voss dude sending you a message implying that it's a permanent thing.


Hum..I see . well nuts! that suck :eek:


But correct me if I'm wrong , but thats an issue with ALL companions . I mean , my Sorc been nasty at every turn with Andronikos..(not once , I never clicked on any FLIRT)..and yet at the end he was talking about kids......and I was Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....


Same with Quinn as far as I can tell....wich is outrageous .

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Thats Jennifer Hail voice!! femshep!!!!!!!!!! :o:o:o:o:oSatele Voice! The Goddess of Goddess Voice :D


Sorry fangirling haha but I love her voice so much :p


Yes! She has an amazing voice!


I've been through Voss twice with female IAs, and the event that happens there didn't seem as bad the second time through.


If you don't want to know, don't read this spoiler.


Still aggravating that they force a heterosexual marriage on your Agent (regardless of their gender), but it's not "real", it's for political purposes. It would have been nice to be able to officially annul it afterwards, rather than having the poor Voss dude sending you a message implying that it's a permanent thing.


Does this only happen if you pick light side in Voss?

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Hum..I see . well nuts! that suck :eek:


But correct me if I'm wrong , but thats an issue with ALL companions . I mean , my Sorc been nasty at every turn with Andronikos..(not once , I never clicked on any FLIRT)..and yet at the end he was talking about kids......and I was Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....


Same with Quinn as far as I can tell....wich is outrageous .


They just can't accept 'no' for an answer ....

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<<Everyone hates? I haven't heard much hate for her other than her looks.>>


Hmm. I like how she looks. <and this is coming from a decidedly straight female player>. And most of my female chars are body-type 3. <except my Jedi Knight, who is Miralin, and a Togruta Sage alt who is body type 4. Which is probably the least selected body type out there, LOL.


My RT, Tashha, is sort of based on Tasha Yar of ST next generation as far as looks are concerned. Very strong, very capable, a "military" type of physique. And my female Zabrak on Empire side is strong, as is most of her species - and fits the context of being a Sith Warrior - Juggernaut. <she's the only one of my chars that has - now, a ss relationship - with Lana - although if Scourge <or another purebred male Sith forceuser > were available as a LI, she'd probably throw Lana over for him. Not because she's anti-gay. Lana just makes too many decisions that aren't Darkside enough in her view.

<Although that was one drawback in the story as a whole. Much of the time we were thrown together with companions who would approve or disapprove of your actions as events passed, which was unlike the way things played out in 1-50, where you could choose to do missions with companion characters that the conversation choices mirrored what that character was REALLY most likely to choose ... I.e. most of the time Ashara stayed on my Inq. ship and kept busy crafting, while he ran around with Xalek. Even though he romanced Ashara>

Although, I guess none of my chars conform to the "fleet" stereotype either - none of them run around in bikinis, although my female Rattataki alt is decidedly bald! <its sort of covered up by her sith hood>.

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Didn't have that issue with Felix. Once I turned him down, after flirting with him, that was it.


Speaking of Iresso, does not romancing him with a female Consular miss out on the ending conversation that male Consulars or females that did romance him get, or was my playthrough bugged? :confused:

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Speaking of Iresso, does not romancing him with a female Consular miss out on the ending conversation that male Consulars or females that did romance him get, or was my playthrough bugged? :confused:


What convo exactly?


I know his rescue scene is different on the play through. One who turned down his marriage didn't kiss him, the one who (I don't think got to the marriage question but was romancing him) did kissed him when seeing him.


It came off more sweet than anything even at that time, which is why I think many don't care for his romance. He really comes off as very sweet all the time.


And to the previous poster, by not caring for Akaavi's looks, I was meaning more about the horns on her head. I really haven't heard in any of the guilds I've been in, hate for Akaavi as a character and nothing about her BT3. Though I think BT3 is less common than BT4 myself, but BT4 looks a lot like BT2 in a lot of outfits, so it can be harder to notice.

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What convo exactly?

It came off more sweet than anything even at that time, which is why I think many don't care for his romance. He really comes off as very sweet all the time.


Being sweet is bad nowday? :D


Nah I didn't care for him (beside being gay , I can still appreciate some hetero romance and only Garrus from Mass effect so far fit with what I like if I swung that way lol) ...


His pick up line comparing my JC to a ship...that was kinda akward and Lame .


But the real reason was that I played my JC as a true Jedi . I picked all the lines where she is very Martyr and follow the code wich gain you some dissaproval . So there is no way she gonna romance him .


Although...once she met Lana...the code went by the window...weak..she was weak.....:p

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Being sweet is bad nowday? :D


Nah I didn't care for him (beside being gay , I can still appreciate some hetero romance and only Garrus from Mass effect so far fit with what I like if I swung that way lol) ...


His pick up line comparing my JC to a ship...that was kinda akward and Lame .


But the real reason was that I played my JC as a true Jedi . I picked all the lines where she is very Martyr and follow the code wich gain you some dissaproval . So there is no way she gonna romance him .


Although...once she met Lana...the code went by the window...weak..she was weak.....:p


Eh, I never understood why people put their real selves into it, when playing a fictional character :p


But as for sweet being bad, you just said it yourself, threw it all out the window for Lana, the bad (yet sweet...which imp side gets to see more of) girl.

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Eh, I never understood why people put their real selves into it, when playing a fictional character :p


But as for sweet being bad, you just said it yourself, threw it all out the window for Lana, the bad (yet sweet...which imp side gets to see more of) girl.


I don't think it's something some peoples put thought into it . For some of us it just happend . Being used to years of playing alone...you immerse so much into a game , you are bound to be that X charachters in the end .


And it's fun , at least for me . Just like some peoples can Role Play , or cosplay or watever .


If you can detach yourself from your toon and it's fun for you , thats all that matter no ?


Ha Ha I didn't throw the sweet trough the Airlock! I threw the jeeday code trough the airlock !

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Hum..I see . well nuts! that suck :eek:


But correct me if I'm wrong , but thats an issue with ALL companions . I mean , my Sorc been nasty at every turn with Andronikos..(not once , I never clicked on any FLIRT)..and yet at the end he was talking about kids......and I was Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....


Same with Quinn as far as I can tell....wich is outrageous .



Well, the Voss dude isn't a companion, and it works for male IAs too - it's the Voss guy's sister in that case.



And yes, many male LIs for fem!Chars prior to 50 have at least one awkward moment where they seem to assume you're in a relationship with them when you're not. (Tharan Cedrax, I'm looking at you!) Others just won't take no for an answer.


Yes! She has an amazing voice!


She does, though her surname is spelt Hale. :) Unfortunately for her, she's been in so many different thing her voice is recognizable no matter what she does. So hearing Fem!Trooper interacting with Satele Shan is pretty trippy.



Does this only happen if you pick light side in Voss?





Dark side kills them all.



Considering both of my Agents are decidedly LS (one ending up an independent rogue/ghost looking out for the citizens of the Empire, the other an SIS double agent), the DS choice was not an option.

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There should be a third LS option, marriage, then immediate annullment once you'v got what you came for; but then I suppose the Voss don't believe in divorce, but surely those siblings don't really believe you actually WANT to marry them for anything other than the mission?



Voss LS IA sucks, BIG-time; for non-straight characters, LucasArts are good at literally anything that isn't an RPG and they should've stuck with those genres and not imposed their hetero-normative directive with straight story choke-points (like Voss IA LS) on the player-base.


Yes, do a story where in the beginning we're in a relationship; but don't give the only other option to forced heterosexuality as making our characters look decidedly heterophobic, which is exact what happens there, and with almost every non-flirt option for male companions.

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Am I the only one who was seriously never bothered for a second by the Voss thing?


I mean, my Agent is probably ace,* but she was sleeping with people from the day she landed on Hutta in order to get the job done with the least amount of mess left behind. The Agent is James Bond in space, that's what you do. She didn't especially enjoy it, but why does that matter? She doesn't especially enjoy shooting people either, but she has the skill and her Empire needs her, so she does it when required. The Voss thing was the least onerous heterosexuality she ever engaged in. She didn't even have to flirt with anyone, everything was all out in the open, no lies, no performance, it was great.


Admittedly I do enjoy trying to picture the fanboy riot if a PC were ever put in that position with a queer twist, though. It'd make that "OMG ANDERS FLIRTED WITH ME" debacle look like a cheerful round of progressively-minded applause in comparison.


* I mean she's sort of in a LTR with Vector, but I don't know what they do when they're alone and frankly I don't want to. Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's not conventional human heterosexuality.

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