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Everything posted by Audoucet

  1. I actually think that my main problem with SW, is George Lucas' conversion, to Buddhism. Originally, there was no "Light", just "The Force", and "The Dark Side of the Force", it was a more "Christian" view. The Force was just nature, not inherently good or evil, just like Eden's garden, and the Dark Side, was everything unnatural, brought to nature by intelligent creatures : Anger, greed, passion, fear of loss... Just like mankind ate the "Apple" in christianism, bringing "Evil" in the world, intelligent creatures created the Dark Side. Bringing balance was destroying the Dark Side. The problem is, later, it was turned into a more Buddhist world view. And not even a real buddhist view, but a "buddhism viewed through christian lenses" view. Yin/Yang never was about good and evil, in actual Oriental philosophy. The classic Light-Side Jedi way, is actually really akin to actual Buddhism. Now, and ever since the Mortis Arc, SW is about a strange balance between "the Light side" and "the Dark side", as if the Jedi were unbalanced, being not enough about death and suffering... Even though they are actually are, since THEY are the ones to accept death and a natural part of life, and THEY are the ones not trying to impose a certain lifestyle in the galaxy. I know I know, one can always bring some EU stuff to contradict me, but my point is that the core cosmogony has changed, around the time of Ep 1. And such a view is cemented by Disney's Rebels S3, and SW Ep7. I accept the change, they are the boss and I am nothing but a fan, but I don't like that change. Mainly because I don't see it making any sense, when looking at the actual facts.
  2. Just to be clear. Even though I am heavily disabled by a spinal dystrophy, forcing me to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to write because I can't use a keyboard, I don't care about the subject at hand, since I just don't even bother with that kind of quests anymore... I would say that "just invite them" isn't a satisfying answer. Firstly because when you're disabled, it can be extremely hard to quickly invite someone or communicate with them, and it usually takes too much time, but also because the kind of players to ninja your target are usually the same who won't bother to even accept an invitation.
  3. No, it wouldn't be hard, to have satisfying different situations. Whatever you do as a Bounty Hunter, there is a new Chancellor anyway. Saresh. BUT... In one situation the old one is alive, and in another situation he isn't. I never thought that I would kill Vaylin or Valk in KOTFE, it was pretty obvious that they were supposed to be future enemies for the next extensions. But Arcann's journey should have ended. He could be dead. He could be imprisoned. He could be redeemed. The only difference would be the possibility to use him as a companion or not in "Alerts", flashpoints and operations. Exactly like for Jorgan and Kailyo. We don't need to have a different context for each conclusion, we are not stupid and delusional. Look... The Gravestone. Even though the chain of events was preposterous, it was a nice twist, and a big difference between two paths, even though it won't change anything, since we will either all get it back for loose it.
  4. You can kill Jorgan or Kailyo. It won't change anything, since they will not intervene anymore anyway, but the choice exists, and will be carried on. They will survive if you don't kill them, they will die if you do. You can lose, or not, the Gravestone, depending on your treatment of Koth. But we don't know if it will actually change anything since it happens at the last moment. Maybe we will lose it anyway in KOTEE, or get it back, so we don't know. Outside that, nothing changes the story whatsoever.
  5. I wouldn't bet on that... Read "Vader Down", a recent 100% canon comic by Marvel. https://www.comixology.fr/Star-Wars-Vader-Down-2015/series/58215?ref=c2VhcmNoL2luZGV4L2Rlc2t0b3Avc2xpZGVyTGlzdC9zZXJpZXNTbGlkZXI It's not over the top, it stays coherent with the movies, but Vader surrounded by 200 soldiers with heavy artillery and air support In the middle of a plain without cover still killed them all.
  6. I'm not going to nitpick over details, since it will be an endless exchange of interpretations, but I certainly don't feel like you were about ME3/DA:I. DA2 sucked, but not the others. DA:I, especially, since you are not supposed, to be extraordinary.you are a random NPC turned religious figure because he stepped into the wrong room at the wrong time.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis Sorry, but it's a game where you can play good OR evil, and one doesn't need to be more rewarded than the other. As a Dark Side character, the fact that people are less loyal because they don't like me, should be counterbalanced by the fact that they FEAR me. And the fact that I am betrayed by an Ally, should be counterbalanced by the fact that I actually killed an enemy. On the other hand, as a Light Side character, people should not fear you, but they should respect and trust you. And while you should have more allies, you should have more enemies too, since no one fears you, and you don't get rid definitively of your enemies.
  8. It's utter nonsense, to say that Obi-Wan, isn't on the same level as Jadus. SWTOR is a game, so most characters are presented as over powered, but let's stay realistic. Obi-Wan, is a MONSTER. The guy beat, fair and square, Darth Maul AND Savage Opress at the same time. The main problem here isn't that a Force user can't be beaten by a non-Force user. Saying that is just sheer ignorance of canonical evidences. Cad Bane, Jango Fett, Pre Vizsla... They went against powerful Jedi. So, the main problem... The main problem is the depiction of distance fighting in SWTOR. you can easily imagine a hand to hand combat with light sabers, but it is hard to imagine your Imperial agent getting mowed by savers' hit without a scratch. But if you choose to ignore what you see in gameplay, and imagine something more akin to what we can see in the movies and TV shows... Well I don't mind. Basically, even Darth Malgus, nearly got killed by a basic soldier, in a realistic way.
  9. The Empire could perfectly have won. It wouldn't mean that the Republic couldn't come back. As a matter of fact, wouldn't it have been more interesting, if the entire KOTFE storyline, was actually about a victory of Vitiate ? You could have exactly the same story... He gets killed by [sith X], and you are the fall guy. Some "Empire" soldiers are on your side, for the simple reason that The Wrath/Darth Imperox would be a better soldier, or with the Agent/The Bounty Hunter, because they've had enough being led by an incompetent tool. You get the same context, way more comparable to the Original Trilogy.
  10. Explains why you're acting like an angry fascist bully lying through his teeth.
  11. No you didn't. You didn't kill Arcann, fine, you didn't want to so it's okay. You didn't save him either, by the way. You didn't spare him, since you couldn't -not- spare him.You didn't capture him. Actually you didn't even beat him, he was clearly going to execute you, when his father's intervention saved you from him (again). You didn't change anything about the Throne, Scorpio did, not you. You didn't save Odessen, Koth did, with or without you he will anyway. You didn't make possible the destruction of Arcann's ship, since it was Vette or Gault, following Lanheron's plan. With my dark sider, I actually did more than you : I lost the Gravestone. That's the only meaningful event of the entire adventure which is the result of my decisions, but you didn't even get to do that.
  12. Yes. ME1, ME2, ME3, DA1, DA3, 8 SWTOR class storys... It's basically the point of Bioware.
  13. Yes. It did. Because I started it under the pretence that it was a 16 chapters story. Oh, and by the way. When I watch a TV show, when nothing happened at all at the end of season 1, I do complain too. You can pretend that something happened in chapter 16, but that's just your imagination. Arcann was already out of the Throne, and the meager fleet he still had turned out to be fake. But if you are happy to be led on by promises for future consequences "next time", well that's your problem mate. Your patronising attitude is of no concern to me. The fact is, at the end of Mass Effect, the story was satisfyingly concluded. I destroyed Sovereign. The story could have ended there. Then there was ME2. And I found out that it actually wasn't. There was a new threat, Monarch was building a new Reaper, with humans. Because he couldn't come : I destroyed the Citadel's relay. I found out the origin of the threat, the Collectors' base, and after an incredible suicide mission, I finally vanquished my enemies. I could have kept the base to further mankind's technology, but I chose to destroy it. I finally saved the Galaxy. In some of my "realities", I even died a hero. And then, a new optional DLC offered me the possibility to extend the story, by discovering a new Relay. I destroyed it, but I still discovered that they were coming. SLOWLY... But they were. I didn't have to buy the DLC though, I could decide that the end of ME2, was the end. And then, ME3 finally concluded the story, taking most of my decisions into account, even if it didn't change a lot. Dragon age now ! In Dragon Age : Origins, I destroyed the LAST blight. I saved the world. In Dragon Age 2, most of my choices didn't matter in the end. That's why this is one of the worst Bioware games, everybody hates it. Whatever you do, you have to kill everybody in the end. In Dragon Age : Inquisition, well, I destroyed my enemy. I vanquished his threat and saved the world. Again, like in ME2, I have the possibility to buy a DLC, to find out that there is an other, more profound threat, behind the first one. Which will lead me to a possible DA4. Maybe. But I can choose to ignore the DLC, and stay with my idea, just like with ME2, that I saved the world. The Orb is destroyed. The ancient wizard guilty of the world's corruption is dead. The Mage rebellion has ended. And I shaped the new world order on my way to victory. You can argue as much as you want, the fact is I subscribed for 5 years because it was nice enough, but it isn't anymore. RotHC & SoR were clearly disappointing and not what I expected after the vanilla story, but it was enough to make me wait for the next one. Not a lot of choices, but again, it's less frustrating not to have a choice, than having a choice that will do nothing. Now that I think about it, my Sith would have probably sacrificed the entire planet, if it gave me the opportunity to get more Isotope V. But it wasn't even presented as a possibility, so I didn't miss it.
  14. First : Arcann was already out of the Throne, because of Scorpio. The only difference with chapter 16 is, now we know that even his remaining fleet was fake, it was a trick from Scorpio. He actually just had one ship. He would have been shot out of the sky even by Ord'Mandel's planetary defences. Second : Well, I could argue that you are forced to be a subscriber, if you want the full expansion, AKA bonus chapter & so on.
  15. It has no choices, period. And the fact is, no choices is better than fake choices.
  16. A few months ago, I made a thread about the fact that I destroyed the weapon by trashing it. People like you were all about hoping that I would be punished by being unable to finish. That was so laughable. Especially now that I've beaten Arcann without it anyway. I think that my choice to buy some new mods on the market was even more impactful than your magical weapon.
  17. You can't. She stops time and disappears.
  18. Do you realise the amount of irony in saying that ? The commander was AFK when that happened !
  19. After seeing your last post, maybe there is a misunderstanding, I thought that you were amongst the people crying because we didn't like the expansion.
  20. Not as much as pretending that your character DOES anything no one else can do. Even beating Arcann... Scorpio beat him with a piece of roof. My only added value was that because of me, he isn't dead.
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