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Phantom and Spymaster gear changes


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So which is it then? Cartel pack stock photo incorrect or the actual item is incorrect? Because one or the other should represent accurately what's it look like so all this drama is avoided in the future.


I'm digging in to this today. I'm going to see what happened and clarify what the gear should look like. Apologies for the confusion.

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This is how you fix the problem.


Create a temporary vendor that contains the armors (Phantom, Spymaster, not sure if others) that were falsely advertised. The vendors should contain BOTH the "old" and "new" armors. The cost for the "old" armor would be the "new" armor, and vice versa.


This way everyone can have the look they wanted, no more QQ.


This makes a lot of sense.


Alternate way to avoid a vendor. Make them two separate items (would have to happen anyway) remove the item from everyone and refund the coins and let them rebuy the one they want.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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I have to say I am seriously disappointed with the changes. I was excited to finally find the Phantom outfit because it did NOT have the stupid shoulder crap or a hood. Now they "fix" it so it looks just like the rest of the crappy armour with a hood and idiotic shoulder pads.


Its bad enough they couldnt make the Revan chestpiece without the stupid shoulder pads, but now they screw up the one outfit I'd found for my sith that actually looked good.


:( I wish they would change it back or give us an option to have an unchanged version.

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Hi folks,


This change was unintentional and will be corrected in a future patch. Apologies for the inconvenience.


I hope this means they will return the Phantom Chestguard to its shoulderpad-less look. I loved its look pre-patch. And I like many spent money to get it. So I hope it is not a waste.

Edited by Naholen
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Terrible change!


It looks like crap now. If they are going to change it, after I already bought it. I want it set back to unbound so I can sell it.


Though with the way it looks NO ONE will buy it. So I guess we are stuck. I will just delete it. It looks horrible. Worse than the Reven set now and that set was really bad. It looks like my male characters are wearing some awful blouse.

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I can't believe they changed this after people bought it.... well then again I can. Now you wait we will get another set that costs 1,200 cc that looks like the one they just changed.


It looks like crap now. If they are going to change it, after I already bought it. I want it set back to unbound so I can sell it.


Though with the way it looks NO ONE will buy it. So I guess we are stuck. I will just delete it. It looks horrible. Worse than the Reven set now and that set was really bad. It looks like my male characters are wearing some awful blouse.

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For the future bioware, no more fluffy double hood chest pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I bet we see the old look for sale with a new set costing 1,200 cc.


I can't believe they changed this after we paid for it, or well yes I can.. :(

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So they should have told the people who paid cartel coins, that can be purchased with real money, for the look on the pack ad, too bad, instead of those who paid fake in game money?


I'm sure if you were interested in the specific look on the cartel pack you would have been more likely to know about the fact that the models didn't represent the art on the pack. You could have easily seen this by previewing the item and seeing this difference you'd have the choice not to equip the item and thus not bind it to your character. In fact you could place it on the GTN and sell it to those who did like the look.


No real loss here just a slight inconvenience. Players could redeem some of their loss by an ingame credit gain.


However, I came across the items mentioned only on the GTN as I don't tend to pay that much attention to cartel packs, contents or artwork. I previewed the items as they were on the GTN. I made sure they worked well together. ANd with those conditions met then I purchased the items and equiped them, thus binding them to my character and making them worthless to anyone else.


Reverting the model on this bound item has resulted in a real loss to me (about four hours play time on dailies to raise the in game cash).

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It's funny people saying no one would buy it, or don't do this. This happened because people were mad that the pads weren't there like the pack picture. You can't assume that just because you don't like it, no one does. Similarly Bioware can't assume that because one thread says "fix it" doesn't mean that other's don't like the unintentional appearance. They need to cater to both audiences at this point since there are people who bought it in each camp and it can be argued that either was misled into what they bought/were buying.


Also now that people are buying items with real money, bugs become a much larger issue and should be more carefully tested/checked before dumped in a patch.

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I'm with the most everyone. Regardless of how it was intended to look. Change them back, because it was the looks that they HAD before today are why people bought them. not because of what they looked like in the pack advertisement. Word of mouth a visuals are powerful tools, and this kind of thing can really have a negative impact on your base. Listen to your player base about these armors, they like them the way they were, change them back.
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I'm with the most everyone.

But that's the thing. You are NOT in the majority. It's just that people who actually like the changes don't visit the forum immediately to say "YAY!" - complainers are always a hell of a lot faster and more talkative.

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Except, it's NOT a photo, not even a screenshot, but a handdrawn artistic interpretation of POSSIBLE contents. Otherwise, every single pack should contain ALL the items shown on that picture.


It's still supposed to look at the very least close to what's represented especially since Phantom, Preceptor are 2 major pieces of that pack. Revan's robe is just ultimately incorrect in design either way and BW was made aware of that.

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Revan's robe is just ultimately incorrect in design either way and BW was made aware of that.


Revan's robe has been fixed with this patch, it now has the metal ring as it should. But it's only a matter of time before we see complains that people liked the WRONG Revan's robe more...


And I'm interested to see how will this turn out, because there are 2 sides of people. One was complaining that they got gear that looked nothing like on the cartel pack ads, so they were granted their wish ("The appearance of the Phantom and Perceptor's armor now matches the appearance seen in the Cartel Market" - patch notes) , so now the opposition complains that they liked the wrong versions more...

Either way BioWare will not please them all, unless they make 2 robes, one with previous looks, other with current looks... And I hope they don't revert Revan's robe to how it was xD

Edited by Aelther
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I'm digging in to this today. I'm going to see what happened and clarify what the gear should look like. Apologies for the confusion.

At this point it doesn't matter what it "should" look like. Many people bought the packs because of the look on the picture (the "fixed" set) and many other people bought the gear because of the item preview (the "broken" set).

As I see it, the only way to fix this issue is to have both appearances in the game and give people the possibility to exchange one for the other.

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I'm digging in to this today. I'm going to see what happened and clarify what the gear should look like. Apologies for the confusion.


Could you clarify how there is even any confusion about what the gear is supposed to look like? How does it get implemented in game, with no one knowing what it is supposed to look like?

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I'm with the most everyone. Regardless of how it was intended to look. Change them back, because it was the looks that they HAD before today are why people bought them. not because of what they looked like in the pack advertisement. Word of mouth a visuals are powerful tools, and this kind of thing can really have a negative impact on your base. Listen to your player base about these armors, they like them the way they were, change them back.


The 5% that post on the forums doesn't account for the "player base".

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Yeah.. When people ask for the graphic to be corrected to match the actual item.


It kinda means.. FIX the GRAPHIC.. not the ITEM to match the Graphic. :D


Put it back and just create another set of gear to purchase in store that looks like that crap you just changed the gear to look like.


Changing the LOOK of something AFTER people have spent real money is a quick and fast way to piss off and lose your paying customers in a very rapid order.

Edited by dscount
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