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Story Line Reset Option..


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ORIGINAL OLD IDEA: 2013 ----------------




My idea is for us to be able to reset our storyline back to the very first quest when you arrive on Korriban (or wherever you start on your class).


So we can go through it and complete it all again, because i for one absolutely love the storyline of my sith assassin and her companions.


One could argue that i should just "create another sith inquisitor".. and while this is true. after putting in countless hours, days, weeks.. even months of work leveling to 55, earning Valor, earning social points, collecting gear & titles. i don't want to have to do all that over again and i don't believe many people would.


I love my sith inquisitors storyline, but i have forgotten a lot of it, so i believe the option to reset it would be awesome.


This option would only become available after you have completed your storyline and reached maximum level.


Resetting your storyline would just reset your quests. So you would keep all of your Gear, Items, Valor, Titles, Companion Affection, Light Side // Dark Side points.


However if you reset your storyline it would just be for the purpose of lore and allowing you to revisit your story.


You would not be able to earn Dark Side or Light side points, companion affection, or items from the repeated quests. This is simply for the purpose of being able to replay our story.


So, what do you guys think :)?


EDIT: I'm thinking that the requirements to do this would be.. Story line would have to be fully completed and you would have to be maximum level, with a legacy level of at least 20, it would cost around 1 million credits or 500 cartel coins and would be only usable once per month





Updated 2015 Version:


The "updated" 2015 version really isn't that much different from the original idea, but I've just thought a bit about it, and made some changes


So the idea is essentially the same, you will have an option to reset your storyline and play it again from the beginning, when you do this however, you keep all your levels, items & anything else you obtained on that character, you just reset the story.


The newer version of this idea, is that you can choose to reset your classes main storyline, your planetary storylines only, or reset both


Additionally now you CAN make changes to the choices that influenced your story, you can change the outcome because I really don't see what harm it would do.


Resetting your storyline would also provide very large amounts of legacy experience, equal to the amount of regular experience you would've obtained doing the quests at their level OR you could choose a moderate money reward, hell maybe even cartel coins for it.


There would be no cooldown to it, you could do it as many times as you want.


Another feature I thought of, but I'm not sure about because I get the feeling it could be exploited, is to be able to choose where you reset to, either a complete reset to the beginning, or just 3 quests ago because you chose the wrong option but didn't have time to escape the convo.


Old idea is in red, newer additions in green, which version do you prefer?

Edited by Berronaxftw
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As long as it does not allow you to make differant choices. You made them already, you should have to live with them. No conversation ptions during cutscenes. They play out exactly as they did the first time. Bioware even said before launch that once you finish a conversation you can't go back and change your choices. This should hold true and never be changed.
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As long as it does not allow you to make differant choices. You made them already, you should have to live with them. No conversation ptions during cutscenes. They play out exactly as they did the first time. Bioware even said before launch that once you finish a conversation you can't go back and change your choices. This should hold true and never be changed.


I would settle for the fact you could not change any major conversation choices


Such as killing somebody or letting them live


but i would like to change the very little ones like


Instead of a normal greeting my character flirts and says "You're cute" or something.

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As long as it does not allow you to make differant choices. You made them already, you should have to live with them. No conversation ptions during cutscenes. They play out exactly as they did the first time. Bioware even said before launch that once you finish a conversation you can't go back and change your choices. This should hold true and never be changed.


I agree it would be difficult to just program that since it would break some questlines.

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But I also want to see this as well. It would be awesome if we could have the option to play from 1-50 again, but leveling would be twice as difficult. But the rewards would be an Champion Class variant, where all stats gained per level would be multiplied by 1.3 or 1.5. So as an end result your character would be 1.3-1.5 times stronger in stats.


However only champion classes could pvp with each other at end game, so it would be sorta balanced.

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But I also want to see this as well. It would be awesome if we could have the option to play from 1-50 again, but leveling would be twice as difficult. But the rewards would be an Champion Class variant, where all stats gained per level would be multiplied by 1.3 or 1.5. So as an end result your character would be 1.3-1.5 times stronger in stats.


However only champion classes could pvp with each other at end game, so it would be sorta balanced.


only if champ classes could pvp with normal classes. cus after doing ALL THAT id want a reward lol..


but back on topic i still rly want my idea implemented xP

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would love to see them add this in. Via the cartel or whatever. I went through Agent entirely too fast when the game went live and some parts of the story I don't remember so well but I don't want to roll a new Agent. So yeah I'd love to be able to play through the class story missions again. Come Bioware, take our money!
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Since most of the class storylines are conected to the planet storylines I think this would be hard to do in an satisfactionary manner.


What I could see as possible option is to first implement proper missions for all those times when a copanion tells you that they need to go to wherever and five seconds later tell you how the mission went. And then make the companions "resetable" at level 50 so that you can play through their (post-joining) story arcs again.

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If they ever did that, I WOULD like to see you being able to pick different options.


However, you shouldn't be able to gain anything from them (or anything), except perhaps creds. No companion affection, no DS/LS points, no quest rewards, no commendations... It should just be for fun.

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Since most of the class storylines are conected to the planet storylines I think this would be hard to do in an satisfactionary manner.


What I could see as possible option is to first implement proper missions for all those times when a copanion tells you that they need to go to wherever and five seconds later tell you how the mission went. And then make the companions "resetable" at level 50 so that you can play through their (post-joining) story arcs again.


Yeah an option to reset companion storyline would be cool to, or it could just be included in the class storyline reset

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The only real reason to do this would be to see the other choices that you didn't pick, so adding some stupidity like not being able to make dialogue choices is not a good idea.


The choices you make first time round will be the ones that stick to you in the actual story, so there will be no companion points added or LS/DS points for example, but you at least need to be able to see what would happen if you killed X instead of letting him live.


Doing the whole thing over again to get more powerful is not something I would be ok with, doing the planet stories is boring enough 2nd time round, but you want to do them 4 times (once per class), maybe 8 times (once per advanced class) and now 16 times?


I would like to see you being able to go back to any planet you choose, get exemplared down to the right level and be able to run the planet quests again, but getting rewards suitable for level 50, but this is probably best saved for once they have introduced alternate levelling paths (Which they damn well better do!).

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Anybody else want this :D?




I would also like a reset on companion stories (without affection/XP gains) b/c sometimes it's a long time in between triggered convos and I don't remember what they talked about last time. That wouldn't be an issue if I could do a quick reset up until that point and go through all previous convos again.

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