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Companions you NEVER use


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I may be the exception, but I did the entire sith warrior storyline solo without using Quinn at all for combat. I did most of Act 1 and 2 with Vette, and most of Act 3 with Pierce. Pierce worked fairly all right but was kind of too fragile for the tougher bosses. I never used Broonmark (I seriously don't know a SW who does, ever) and Jaesa was only rarely used.


M1-4X is absolutely hilarious in combat. Seriously, he shouts things like "As always, there is no option but absolute victory!" and "Such is the fate of those who oppose galactic liberty!" and such. He's best for duoing though.


The only smuggler companion I never used was Akaavi. Guss is by far my favorite, less because he's a healer and more because he's hilarious.


On the sorcerer I never used anyone except Khem Val. Ashaera Zavros would be booted off my ship if I could. She hates everything I give her.

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Tend to use one or two companions per Class, the rest just get ignored

The ones I use

-Smuggler :

Risha, Guss, Corso



Kira, Doc



Tharan, Nadia





Bounty Hunter

Mako, Gault


Rest I either have no need for or do not care enough to use

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I'm a Jugg and I used all of them. Well, Vette of course until I got Quinn, Quinn until I got Jaesa, Jaesa until I got Pierce - but not because he is so useful (the beginning was quite painful; he sucks so much and I frigging hate ranged tanks) but rather because I wanted his affection up and now I hit 50 and used Broonmark for a few quests just now because I gave him all my old gear and yeah.. I still don't know which one I'll use for the dailies.. well, probably Quinn I guess, but I really really really hate and even the asian recostumization doesn't help. I wish I could just turn his voice of and subtitles so I would never have to be bothered with him and his personality, gosh. But, yeah. Vette is fun, but kinda crappy after you get other companions. Jaesa is totally cool and two DPS is fun but really squishy, Pierce isn't really that good, but you can manage if you really want and Broonmark.. eh? I don't think it can be good using a tank who has much less HP than you have.
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Lt. Pierce

Broonmark (heck I keep forgetting Broonmark exists, he's my non-existant companion)



Lokin (I vendored his gear within 40 seconds of getting him, an Operative doesn't need a healer companion)

Scorpio (I had Kaliyo geared, why bother with Scorpio since droids are a pain to gear?)



Skadge (I don't like him and I didn't bother getting him geared)

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Trooper- Yuun:

You just get him so late and its a bit hard to form a connection to him because...... well hes a bug.


Jedi Knight-

R2D2: I just really though Kira was awesome even though she was clearly worse in practical terms as a companion for my sentinel so I overlooked R2 after the very early game.


Sergeant Rusk: You get him so late and the JK just has much cooler options than Rusk.

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SW....I never used Broonmark, Pierce.


SI...I never used Talos, Xalek or Ashara


IA...I never used Lokin, Temple or Scorpio


BH...I never used Skadge, don't like Mako and got tired real quick of Torian.


JK...never used Rusk or Kira


JC...not far in enough yet...


Trooper...hate all of them. Arik annoys me the least. Elara...just march that bish out and shoot her plz.


Smug...never used Akavi, Risha or Gus.

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Hmmm lets have a look...


SW - Broomark, Pierce, Jaesa (I regret picking her as dark side, she is an utter psycho)

Trooper - Everyone but Jorge (levelled as a healer with a friend)

JC - Iresso,

JK - Doc (levelled as tank with a healer friend :)), Rusk, Scourge

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For me, It is always what you are dictates what you wont ever use, eg, as a tank you will never use a tank companion and so forth.

My least used/not used:


Trooper: Yuun/Tanno Vik

Smuggler: Bowdaar/Risha

JK: Fideltin Rusk/Lord Scourge

Consular: Tharan Cedrax/Zenith/Felix Iresso

Bounty Hunter: Skadge/Gault Rennow

Warrior: Vette/Lieutenant Pierce/Broonmark

Inquisitor: Andronikos Revel

Agent: Doctor Eckard Lokin/Raina Temple/Scorpio

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I never use droids , I always send them to missions.

I never use companions other then tanks at leveling. Tanks are fastest for leveling because


Healer companions lack damage

Damage companions deals best damage but its not as much as to make a big difference and they die too fast on elites.


Tanks are best because they keep agro absorb lots of damage contribute to my dps with their little damage. I never heal them or resurrect them after the fights. I dismissed them and resummon so they come with full hp and their debuffs cleared in 1.5 seconds.


I use healer companion for world pvp and any other activities.

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I take most of my companions for a test drive at least. My Immortal Jugg Warrior is my main and Pierce and Broonmark have seen almost zero action, but Broonmark is probably my best geared companion because he gets my hand me downs. Tank companions in general are pretty useless, while, at least in my limited use, they can hold threat ok, the DPS and Mitigation are so terrible that you are better off with a DPS or Healer companion. This is why as soon as I got new companions on my alts that my starter tank companions got the boot. I used Quinn mostly to cap and a bit beyond, then as I got some decent gear I switched to Jaesa, and I run with Vette or HK as the mood takes me.


I prefer to level with a healer companion, but once I get some decent gear I roll with a DPS. I'd rather a bit longer fight then more downtime between fights.

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The easiest way to remedy this problem would be to let you set your companions move set. For example If I could set Blizz to a tech healer loadout (like Mako and Malavai) I would use him all the time. As long as the moves distinguish between the companion as a force or tech user, it wouldn't feel out of place or compromise the characters in any way. It would let you use the companion you felt like using purely because you like that companion.


Agreed. Especially with the padawans and apprentice force users.


Unfortunately Bioware feel differently and see the companions combat role as a part of the characters backstory and personality. I hope they change their mind on this at some point.


With respect to many of the healers, that's sadly true. Doc, Lokin, Theran are actual doctors although Theran is more of a Ph.D. than an M.D. Elara is stated to be a medic, your character refers to her as such repeatedly. Gus Tuno heals you with JEDI POWER!! (couldn't resist)

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Sargent Rusk on my Guardian. I typically use all of my companions at least a little while, but since I already have a level 50 Vanguard, and since Rusk is basically an Aric clone, I didn't really feel the need to try him out. Edited by Galbatorrix
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I haven't really used any of the tank companions (except to take out for a swing once to see how they are, and they all are the same) who are not first companions (like Kaliyo, Khem Val, Corso, etc). Why use a tank companion when you can use a DPS companion (and rip down everything fast) or a healing companion (to heal you when you rip things apart).


Also, my medic commando didn't use Elara at all. Now that you can spec for free I could well imagine to use Elara while I solo in DPS spec, but back then I went in healing spec all the time, so using a healer companion for a healer was just plains stupid (and my medic commando is the only pure healer I've leveled up).

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Am I the only one that thinks Mako has the personality of a clingy, door mat, stand-by girlfiriend?


You know the type... always hanging just in the shadows, no matter how much you ingore them, hoping you'll include them in your life, even when you're dating other women? The one with the low enough self-esteem that you can just pop by when ever you can use her for a place filler whenever you don't have a real girlfried atm and then toss her the side when you find someone better (which isn't hard); but she will let you do it repeatedly throughout her entire life? Then one that no matter what you say, to her "you're so funny" and "she's so lucky to be with you".... the one that you actually can't get rid of, is always kissing your butt, and you can walk on repeatedly like a stain-free rug?


Yeah, I loathe her and love her at the same time. If I didn't need her to heal me, I wouldn't even give her cloathes and I'd lock her in an engineering crawl space somewhere....because I cannot stand her personality.


We need to be allowed to choose the roles our companions are going to play, like right after you unlock them all. That way we could use the ones we like to stuff we need our companions to do and let the others rot, rather than being forced to be annoyed by companions we can't stand but need in order to survive... never summoning some of the ones we actually like.

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