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What's up with the non-RP names in RP-servers?


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So since the F2P launch (well, a few weeks later actualy) I seem to come across more and more names whom don't suit in with the RP-servers. Let it be names like "Xxsithstalkerxx" or "Diehardsithlord". So I am the kind (or mean one, depends from whose perspective you look at) that's reporting the names. So, after a while, reporting several names from day to day, week to week. I tend to get a message that if I keep harrassing people by reporting their names, I could recieve a penalty, or a x-hour ban.

Since when did they change the naming-policy, to let every kind of name allowed on a RP-server? This somewhat feel like a slap in the face. I joined a RP-PvE server with a reason. And that is after all to RP, and expect RP-names. A more mature player-base (that's just mostly a gamble, but it tends to happen). I am quite disapointed in that. And annoyed. But I am probably overreacting. But I felt I had to give this a notice.

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I'm not playing on a RP server. However, what's the point of a RP server, if there are no rules on naming etc... ?

On LOTRO, on non rp server, and rp server aswell, there are naming policy. And GM do something about it.

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You cannot be a true MMO player until you've used the phrase "slap in the face" on the game's official forum to express some form of e-indignation.


Also, worry less about what other people do when it doesn't concern you.

You'll live longer with less stress in your life.

Edited by Rankyn
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There are some crazy names, but not as many as others.


i just dont bother RPing with most of those people, on the other hand some names can be over looked. I mean isn't gwenetth paltrows kid named Apple or something stupid


They need a naming policy in RL

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There never was a naming policy on the SWTOR RP-servers.

Not a specific one, no, but they're not upholding the genereal rules either, which are kind of strict in themselves. Everything seems to fly.


I'm not on a RP server but I can see how this is a problem for you, guys, because even on a normal PvE server it's somewhat ruining the feeling to see some of the names. People could atleast try. I mean, it can't be that hard to come up with a name better than MasterchiefXxX. If everything fails pick a foreign name, just something that doesnt include X's or some figure from another universe. The game is even suggesting stuff for God sake.

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f2p and teenagers.


Not really


I originally rolled on RP server and the names were TERRIBLE

I must have reported 100+ names and not one got changed because EAware will not enforce normal RP guidelines on the RP servers.


In fact the RP servers were so completely over run by non RP players (true story, no exageration at all)


I log in with my Imp Agent and say over general


Good afternoon the Imperial Empire

Remember, we at the Imperial Intellegence are always watching


Pretty harmless right

Basically saying hello as I logged in with a little flare

the first five responces were all like this that follow


"ST*U and take your **** Role Playing to whisper, no one wants to hear it"


And yup, that was on a original RP server


So sorry but its not the F2P players

There has not been legit RP servers from day one because EAware refused to do standard RP server concepts like nameing regulation and monitoring general chat on populated zones for abuse and TOS violations directed towards anyone role playing.


In other words, EAware allowed the trolls and rp haters to troll the RPers on the very servers that were suppose to be made for the RPers.


Far as im concerned, TOR has no RP servers.


Silly fact : After having enough of 2 different RP servers and the stupid amount of non RP names I moved to a PVE server where I had no expectation of enforced RP names. And I found out quickly the PVE Servers had by and far more acceptable RP names then the RP servers.


I figured it because on the PVE server there was no expectation of RP names so all those trolls that rolled on the RP servers to come up with as stupid non RP name they could to create drama, didnt do so on PVE servers as they knew the stupid names wouldnt bother people.


PS: I use to live and die by RP servers for the more mature crowd but after seeing Rift and TOR RP servers and hearing about WOW RP servers, the more mature concept no longer stand true for RP servers.


In RIFT, some of the most insulting, rude, childish players Ive ever seen in 20+ years of MMORPGs were on the RP servers.


Thats not to say the PVE servers were perfect but over all they were much better and much more mature and ive found the same to be true in TOR.

Edited by Kalfear
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lol...this is awesome!!


I didn't know this was something that people took THIS seriously!!


I am soooooooooo going to the RP server and rolling some "non-RP" names!! LOL!! :D


You can't report people because YOU don't like the fact that they aren't sitting at home in their Jedi PJ's like you...and not "playing" the Jedi role the same as you.


Of all the issues in the game....I can't believe this is actually being viewed as..."an issue"

Edited by DarkkChaos
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lol...this is awesome!!


I didn't know this was something that people took THIS seriously!!


I am soooooooooo going to the RP server and rolling some "non-RP" names!! LOL!! :D


It's a matter of respect really. If people don't want anything to do with RP then there are 2 other server types, PvE and PvP, for them to play on. I don't really get people rolling on purpose on a RP server then naming themselves "EvilDarkSithLodrNubSmasherrr".

Of course there is no age restriction to play SWTOR, so I guess there are some stray 5 year olds who think its awesome.:rolleyes:

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Here's the thread where it's talked about. But I go back to thinking it was never enforced. And the rules seem to be all server encompassing.


Truthfully, in a universe like Star Wars, I find it odd that people would have to name their characters xXxPWNEDxXx at all. Or making the Chiss and calling them Smurfette/Papa Smurf.


And like I said in that thread, didn't even know it was an actual rule before. I figured Bioware didn't care, and I haven't played a MMO yet where any RP rules for the game were actually enforced.

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best thing is to stay away from those players if their names bother you. on the other hand do not forget that's what they want -trolling around- do not be trolled. just leave them to perish and fade away in time. if no1 groups up or chat with them they will be bored and move to other fresh places for trolling.
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I'm not the one to judge on 'silly' names, but I do report 'unacceptable' names. names that are not within the lines of name-policy. and the game .does. have one. it's just not a specific one for rp-servers. rp is not 'enforced'.


why it's not working in this game? easy enough, because this game doesn't exactly cater to the same kind of mmo-player as say... lotro (to my European friends, the original US-server didn't have any RP-servers, but there was one were rp is 'encouraged'.... it worked)


this game has always had a problem of drawing in trolls, for whatever reason. probably for the same reason why people love to hate TOR. we'll never know.


silly names make it easier for me to decide whom not to engage with. sooner or later they disappear anyway (I just wish the ignore list had an option to see why/when I added someone.. sigh)

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Not really


I originally rolled on RP server and the names were TERRIBLE

I must have reported 100+ names and not one got changed because EAware will not enforce normal RP guidelines on the RP servers.


In fact the RP servers were so completely over run by non RP players (true story, no exageration at all)


I log in with my Imp Agent and say over general


Good afternoon the Imperial Empire

Remember, we at the Imperial Intellegence are always watching


Pretty harmless right

Basically saying hello as I logged in with a little flare

the first five responces were all like this that follow


"ST*U and take your **** Role Playing to whisper, no one wants to hear it"


And yup, that was on a original RP server

That is what you get for typing in the barrens chat.


Kinda shame really. Noticed myself not in a RP kinda way but a lack of mature players on the only EU RP server. If you ever ask anything you get trolled really hard.

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I rolled on a RP server for the mature playerbase. In every MMO I've played I've always found the community to be far more helpful and useful on an RP server. I personally do not or very rarely RP myself but I am friends with many of those who do on my server. My character name may not fit within the "norm" of RPing but the way I RP with it is no different then the way a person with a normal name might.


I've only had one small issue on my server in regards to my character name and it was evenly smoothed over with Customer Service. You might be named "Captain Thoern Tyner" and I might be named "Jedi Consular Trainer". You might RP as a nefarious smuggler who lost both his parents in an Imperial assault on Ilum and I might RP as a helpful NPC that enjoys assisting new players on their missions. Maybe that's how I enjoy the game? Who are you to decide?


I enjoy playing on Begeren Colony and I respect the RPers there. I will never attempt to troll, interfere, or be an outright annoyance to them. They are the very community of people I rolled on the server to be around. Mature players who are not filling chat with random gibberish and spam posts and are not incessantly trying to troll new players who ask questions in General Chat. I have the utmost respect for the RPers on my server and always will.


I like my character name and I appreciate that the old school RPers on my server have accepted me and I cherish the fact we get along well and are continually building a thriving community for those to come.

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