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Tier 2.3 Gear Appearance is...


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I like the Sorcerer and the Juggernaut.


I think the Operative looks a lot better in those colors than the WH ones. Making the top of the Powertech's helmet red was an unfortunate choice, but I'm glad that not everything in the game has the same boring colors which makes every piece of gear look like the same grey. (haven't been paying much attention to the EWH looks so I don't know if those colors are already in the game or not for Agents and BHs).


As a sidenote, Makeb looks like it's going to become a really good looking planet! :)

Edited by Rassuro
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useless until they release Nihilius full set of robes. That mask alone doesnt fit well in any gear in game currently. imo.



Marauder's exalted legacy set + Nihlius mask = freaking awesome (it's mostly black, with a few touches of white). I made a Mara just to obtain this look. It'll cost you about 1.7 or so million credits plus a legacy level of 20 to obtain, but it really does match well. Otherwise, I agree with you... everyone else I've seen wearing that mask has looked pretty tacky.


I'd also like to add that two of the new Ziost lightsabers really adds to this look as well. I'd say the same about the throne mount, but the cape clips through, which I personally can't stand.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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The helm for the yellow/red armor looks like a chicken head.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA...*snort* *choke*


First thing that came to my mind when I saw it


They need to stop with all the extra antenna/appendages/extensions they like to add. If you remove the silly extra stuff the armor actually looks pretty decent.


I would really like the sorcerer set without all that stuff. The gloves look particularly awesome. Until you see the stings they have. WTH.

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Oh my sweet jesus!!!! BIOWARE!!!! what is wrong with you!!!!!!!????? Stop making armor sets that look the farthest thing from star wars as possible!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't want a billion antenna and spikes sticking out of my Inquisitor! I don't want a piss colored armor set for my Powertech!!!! I don't want my Juggernaut to look like a freakin Cyborg or a Transformer!!!


I want plain, PLAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN black robes, maybe black wrists/gauntlets and boots. Zero designs, and zero patterns. Just BLACK.


The Inquisitor armor in that picture would look fantastic if you removed all the spikes and the antenna and the giant retarded looking triangle. Then painted all the white swirly patterns black to blend with the robe.



I've underlined the parts that seem to be a giant "SCREW YOU" from the designer. Dev's, this is either a screw-up, or you're just trying to troll us. You're trolling us right? It's an early April fools right BW?

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BioWare is on a "Tight Schedule". :p



---This isn't directed at you, just general people.---


So make something fast, cheap and easy and have huge numbers of people give you money... and then blame the people making the item?


There isn't a person alive who can say (and be believed) that they wouldn't do the same thing for "free" cash from stupid people. You cant blame EA "if" this is what they do, only the people spending the money are to blame. You don't buy the crap it forces them to do a better job because they are a business and they want the cash.


Example: IF you don't like this armor, IF you don't like paying for Makeb, IF you don't like the game... don't spend money on it. If EA finds this expansion sells 14 copies worldwide, they will either stop completely (and if in your opinion so much is wrong with it...good) or they will do a better job next time.

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Oh my sweet jesus!!!! BIOWARE!!!! what is wrong with you!!!!!!!????? Stop making armor sets that look the farthest thing from star wars as possible!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't want a billion antenna and spikes sticking out of my Inquisitor! I don't want a piss colored armor set for my Powertech!!!! I don't want my Juggernaut to look like a freakin Cyborg or a Transformer!!!


I want plain, PLAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN black robes, maybe black wrists/gauntlets and boots. Zero designs, and zero patterns. Just BLACK.


The Inquisitor armor in that picture would look fantastic if you removed all the spikes and the antenna and the giant retarded looking triangle. Then painted all the white swirly patterns black to blend with the robe.




Since items are mod-able, you don't need this armor. You can have your plain black robe from a variety of locations, put your mods in it and be happy. If each new set of gear was a plain black robe with higher stats, people would complain the same way they complain when they aren't plain black robes.


Surprisingly, at least from that 1 picture i've now seen, if that is the new Inquisitor set, i like it.

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---This isn't directed at you, just general people.---


So make something fast, cheap and easy and have huge numbers of people give you money... and then blame the people making the item?


There isn't a person alive who can say (and be believed) that they wouldn't do the same thing for "free" cash from stupid people. You cant blame EA "if" this is what they do, only the people spending the money are to blame. You don't buy the crap it forces them to do a better job because they are a business and they want the cash.


Example: IF you don't like this armor, IF you don't like paying for Makeb, IF you don't like the game... don't spend money on it. If EA finds this expansion sells 14 copies worldwide, they will either stop completely (and if in your opinion so much is wrong with it...good) or they will do a better job next time.


This... It really does boil down to us letting them do it. ( Us used in the general term)

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I don't know who keeps designing these armour sets...but most of them look terrible and nothing like how starwars armour/clothing should look.


Why do they insist on adding random sticking out bits to everything? Whats annoying is, without the shrapnel stuck to it, the sith sets might actually look ok...

Edited by NasherUK
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I suspect BioWare are still trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator with their armor designs (bigger is better).


Unfortunately, most people playing SWTOR play it because it is Star Wars, because frankly as far as MMOs go, it isn't the best at anything it does and if you don't care for the setting you'd probably play WoW or GW2.


One day BioWare will realise this and start catering to Star Wars fans.

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Gear Tiers:

1.1 = Tionese/Xenotech/Energized

1.2 = Columi/Exotech

1.3 = Rakata

2.1 = Campaign/Black Hole

2.2 = Dread Guard/Hazmat

2.3 = *dun dun dun*


THIS --> http://cdn.zoknowsgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/rise-of-hutt-cartel-2.jpg


#1 - Why does my Sorc have antenna in his helm? Am I hooked up to the holonet???

#2 - Why is the BH gear so very very ugly? Why BW, why do you hate BHs?

#3 - Why does my Sorc have a triangle on top of his head? Is that the Dark Side version of the Tri-Force? I thought this was Star Wars, not Legend of Zelda.


Will the rest of the forums please provide



Looks like more crap from the people who made the Power Ranger Jedi Knight armor. Seriously people.... we want armor that looks like it came from Star Wars... robes, trooper armor, etc. NOT THIS CRAP.

Edited by JefferyClark
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my theory is they actualy fired all of their art department and are now using rejected designs that didnt make it into the game at launch


really the only way 150-300M dev cost numbers make sense is if they allready have a boatload of content 5-10 yrs worth that they intend on just dribbling out

Edited by GillianS
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