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Sith Raider Armor...Really Bioware?


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Stop crying, Sith have a lot of armor variety. Hoods up, hoods down, robes, electronicly enhanced exo-suits... Jedi actually FINALLY got a single robe with a hood down and... Sith are crying? I was totally satisfied with my Sith armor for over a year. The only thing I was waiting for was a hood-down Jedi robe. Now it is here and someone is crying? I can't believe it!


Btw I am sure we'll get hood-down variant of Battle Expulsor armor coloured in classic Jedi colours and ,for Sith, which will be recoloured into-all black.


Consider this armor a bonus and the Jedi one being a flavour of this week's update. Bet it's gonna be the other way around next week.


just an fyi Jedi have had hood down robes for a long time, Guardians that is: Exalted set


As for sentinels, Marauders dont get much for variation either, atleast sents get that cool white hooded robe looks great with white crystals.

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just an fyi Jedi have had hood down robes for a long time, Guardians that is: Exalted set


As for sentinels, Marauders dont get much for variation either, atleast sents get that cool white hooded robe looks great with white crystals.


wth are you posting there? There is no hood-down robe there at all... There is a robe with overriden hood by the nasty visor.

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I really want robes like Palpatine wears. Or Maul. Dark Black. Long, and flowing. Not all of the gaudy stuff I keep getting stuck with in game. I get that when my character is in action, you need something to wear underneath. Fine. Robes that Maul has underneath when he drops his cape w/ hood. I'd give anything to have simple Sith robes and a dark black cape with hood up. When it comes to gear (be it Jedi or Sith), is less is more. Go nuts on trooper armor, bounty hunters, smugglers, Imperial Agents, but keep it simple for force users. Please!! Thanks.
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The Sith Raider armor was actually in waaaaaay early beta.


It was a normal item obtainable in-game. I remember it clear as day, found it near the end of Balmorra. Back then it was "The Mantellian Patroller's Cuirass".


I guess my eternal question of why they removed it is answered now; they wanted to introduce it again as the Sith Raider Armor.

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All I'll say is, the two Box-cover characters are pretty much Ven Zallow and Darth Malgus. Pubs get Zallow's set, we get... generic Sith armor #5. Would be a tad better to have some innovation into this stand alone set.


Imperial armor is without question waaaaay better looking than Republic armor. Nobody really debates this. Since the game launched, it's so much easier to find a good look for your class.


Jedi now finally have a hood-down robe option, even though it's with heavy armor underneath, that all classes can wear.


While I understand all players want their characters to look as they'd prefer, regardless of faction, the Imperial side has simply had it better for the lifespan of the game so far. I doubt that gap will ever be closed.


For example, my sorcerer looked better at level 15 than my shadow did at 50+ (everything endgame). Same goes for other classes.

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Imperial armor is without question waaaaay better looking than Republic armor. Nobody really debates this. Since the game launched, it's so much easier to find a good look for your class.


Jedi now finally have a hood-down robe option, even though it's with heavy armor underneath, that all classes can wear.


While I understand all players want their characters to look as they'd prefer, regardless of faction, the Imperial side has simply had it better for the lifespan of the game so far. I doubt that gap will ever be closed.


For example, my sorcerer looked better at level 15 than my shadow did at 50+ (everything endgame). Same goes for other classes.


In short: Imperials have nothing much to complain about on the armor front, relatively speaking. And, these sets are introduced for both factions when they come out. I'm sure one of the iterations will have better Imperial than Republic armor.

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You know, some of these links are starting to look untrustworthy to me. Why not just upload to imageshack or photobucket or something I know isn't likely stuffed to the brim with malware.


use firefox with no script then you wont have to worry so much!!


as for the people saying emps get the better looking gear i say BULL!!! my BH begs to differ!! i havnt seen anything that looks good so far and the colors are horrible!!! i wish they would just put paint kits on the market and let us buy them there and make our armor/robes be what ever color we want!! that would help out a lot!! but we really do need a new artist to come in and design new better looking armor for all classes

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Yeah sith raider armor is exactly like the the lv10 legacy armor you can buy in kaas city...atleast with the legacy gear you can mail between characters if you want to transfer mods, with the cartel gear you can't.


I think the Raider is for everyone EXCEPT Juggernauts.


Honestly, I just want the REPUBLIC version of the Unstoppable War for my Sorc.


The Empire version of that chest is okay, but the Republic version is :D:eek::cool:

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Their is big money in a plain black robe. No tassels no lace no purple lace just stone cold black plain Jane. Example image below. i would pay 10 dollars on CC just for this one item.


I would like to add....Bioware your sitting on a Star Wars goldmine! let me design the robes for you I will submit them freely for you to convert and add to the game no royaltys, just knowing we can wear plain black clothing is enough.




Another example



I'm against them using outfits from the movies.

Granted, this is just a simple black robe but:


a. They need to make armor sets that look cool without resorting to giving us such iconic armor sets as Sidious' or Vader's. I mean Revan's armor set is already in the game. That's bad enough. We REALLY don't need 100 sorcerers running around in Palpatine's robes or another 100 Juggernauts wearing Vader's mask.


b.They need to come up with new designs - enough with the recolorings! - that will make you want to buy them to look different, not the same as everyone else.


There is no reason to copy the movies. They should just stop copying Marvel/DC comics :rolleyes:

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Yeah sith raider armor is exactly like the the lv10 legacy armor you can buy in kaas city...atleast with the legacy gear you can mail between characters if you want to transfer mods, with the cartel gear you can't.


But you can't slap that legacy gear on one of your companions if you were so inclined.


As was stated by a couple posters, this allows republic characters the oportunity to get a properly empire looking set for a couple companions (even though the raider set really needs a cape).

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I agree it really needs the cape, these outfits are obviously influenced by Malgus and Ven Zallow, the jedi one looks pretty much identicle so why does the sith one lose one of the main components?


I'd prefer it if the malgus outfit had the cape and its hood up, kinda like malgus in the last flashpoint, something like this would of looked ****** and pleased many more people



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I loved getting this set and was very pleased to see it. It made a certain companion look much more appropriate, something I've been wanting to do since I got him out of green gear. . If he hadn't worn it, my grey jedi would have. In fact, I hope they use another of the sith warrior armors, because what he's wearing right now is more appropriate for a dual wielder and I can't have them looking like twins. What I'm saying is it's fine to hope for a new armor model, but desire for that doesn't make the Sith Raider armor any less useful to others.
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I agree with the OP for a long time sith warrior players have been asking for black armour with a hood up as seen in the progression video or even in the blur trailers. When I heard of the Sith Raider armour I thought finally, got in game opered up the cash shop and saw armour thats already in the game as orange and purple for a price that has to be considered a little expensive for a reskin job.


The guy in charge of the cartel shop needs to start listening to the players and also get a grip on what and how much you can charge for. Otherwise TOR is going to quickly get a reputation as rip off where the devs try and milk any money they can from the players.

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So let me get this straight, people have been crying for a simple hood-up, black robe (like the one in your sith warrior progression trailer) since the game was released and you give us another cheap, lazy recolor of an outfit that is already easily available in-game. You gave jedi knights what they want (hood-down, brown robe) but you failed to please us sith warriors. I have been waiting week after week only to see junk being added to the cartel shop (2 recolors of pilot suit? really?) and was hoping some archetypal sith gear would be added to the cartel shop...and instead I get this crap http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/thumbnails/45/262/630/630/sithraiderarmor.png



I know what you mean...I would LOVE a Sith Raider armor set, however I want the Sith set you see in Star Wars: Force Unleashed. The Sith set there! THAT looked epic. :rak_03:



Edited by soulhunterby
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I know what you mean...I would LOVE a Sith Raider armor set, however I want the Sith set you see in Star Wars: Force Unleashed. The Sith set there! THAT looked epic. :rak_03:


yes because looking like an iconic character from a video game set over 3000 years in the future is a great idea! :rolleyes:

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yes because looking like an iconic character from a video game set over 3000 years in the future is a great idea! :rolleyes:


Just the armor dude...it looks amazing and what I would prefer my marauder to look like as opposed to running around in a full plate body armor like some superhuman godly figure that is unstoppable. How about a reasonable outfit that gives the realism of mobility like you get at the start of the game in armor outfits?

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