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Bioware Lied About Spaceports


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Bioware lied about almost everything. My favorite was everyone line in this game was voice acted which is a crock. All the new misson area's have nothing but text terminals. So much for fully voiced.


Mission terminal's have lines? How would you voice a mission terminal?


If you've ever done the original Belsavis dailies over and over again you'd know that having the quests being giving out by NPCs with dialogue was tedious and pointless considering I did those quests dozens of times.

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But the whole points is those shots ARE NOT CONCEPT ART. Nor are they cinematics.


They are clearly in-game screenshots. Now, we all know that they can *easily* do outdoor instances. The Imperial Agent has an entire city on Tattooine and a castle on Alderaan and only the front gate has the blue wall.


Thus I am asking, why were they removed. When you show something *IN GAME*, you expect it to be in the final product. Imagine if they'd advertised Makeb pre-launch. Imagine if they had included it's gear in gear progression and it's screenshots in the Holonet. People would understandably be upset, even if it had not broken the law or whatever.


There must be some reason why they're not there, and I'm asking Bioware why they blatantly suggested you could land directly (outside) on those planets (and those screenshots do 'suggest' that at least) and then changed their mind.

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They are clearly in-game screenshots.


They are concept art, not screen shots of in game play.


Bioware never said you could land your ship anywhere on a planet other then inside a spaceport instance. If you disagree, please show me where they said you could. Kay, thanx.

Edited by Andryah
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So I was looking through some official screenshots from SW:TOR, when I came across these....











Pretty interesting, huh? They show a bit of the ships off, some planets, and OH WAIT! They show ships landed on planets and in areas that we cannot do ingame. Why were these removed? Why replace atmospheric landing zones with boring copy-pasted spaceports and hangars?


I simply do not understand.


Image 3 is from the start of one of the classes (inq or warrior I forgot), its from a cut scene. So is pic 4, agent class cut scene around chapter 2.

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But the whole points is those shots ARE NOT CONCEPT ART. Nor are they cinematics.


They are clearly in-game screenshots. Now, we all know that they can *easily* do outdoor instances. The Imperial Agent has an entire city on Tattooine and a castle on Alderaan and only the front gate has the blue wall.


Thus I am asking, why were they removed. When you show something *IN GAME*, you expect it to be in the final product. Imagine if they'd advertised Makeb pre-launch. Imagine if they had included it's gear in gear progression and it's screenshots in the Holonet. People would understandably be upset, even if it had not broken the law or whatever.


There must be some reason why they're not there, and I'm asking Bioware why they blatantly suggested you could land directly (outside) on those planets (and those screenshots do 'suggest' that at least) and then changed their mind.


Concept art doesn't mean it has to be painted. You can use in-game assets to create concept designs. They took the space ship model and placed it on the ground at an in-game location in order to show off the ship. That doesn't necessarily mean they're showing gameplay.

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But the whole points is those shots ARE NOT CONCEPT ART. Nor are they cinematics.


They are clearly in-game screenshots. Now, we all know that they can *easily* do outdoor instances. The Imperial Agent has an entire city on Tattooine and a castle on Alderaan and only the front gate has the blue wall.


Thus I am asking, why were they removed. When you show something *IN GAME*, you expect it to be in the final product. Imagine if they'd advertised Makeb pre-launch. Imagine if they had included it's gear in gear progression and it's screenshots in the Holonet. People would understandably be upset, even if it had not broken the law or whatever.


There must be some reason why they're not there, and I'm asking Bioware why they blatantly suggested you could land directly (outside) on those planets (and those screenshots do 'suggest' that at least) and then changed their mind.


where does it say that is how it going to be??? they posted those pics so ppl could see the ships when they where doing the dev release of the ships....no where and a i do mean no where have they ever said you would land your ship where you wanted

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You go to them, you kill things, you do all the quests, and you leave and never return.


Speak for yourself. Completionists, world PvP enthusiasts, explorers, datacron hunters, altaholics, and roleplayers are coming back to the worlds all the time for various reasons.


I'd go to say so far that the above people are the majority of players in the game. People who run operations or solely PvP have statistically been the minority in every MMO.

Edited by Jenzali
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Folks on this forum deride "fanboys". I would note that it is posts like this that people argue against. This post is pure drivel. The OP is clearly looking for attention. Why the inflammatory title.


Let's say the thread topic was, "It would be cool if ......" and then cite to the screenshots he did. No accusations against the developers. Just a request and something to discuss. That would generate a decent conversation. But this....sigh.


No kidding. Any of these posts could spark great discussion but the way they always start immediately screams to everyone "this is going to be a big QQ and all the h8ers come join me on my soapbox and QQ".


But no, trolls just gotta get right into the lynch mob hunting down witches with pitchforks and torches. I guess it's just "cool" to attack SWTOR whenever you can and the mob just flocks to it like the sheep they are.


But trying to talk about the topic, those all look like cinematic screenshots, and are not 'concept art'. Maybe down the road we'll be able to fly our ships down to the planets when we're Level 80 or something, but for now it's great the way it is.

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I remember when they released those screenshots during the beginning of development. I was pretty excited since they all look amazing and it really made me think that this game was going to be done right.


And it really cracks me up reading all these people saying "I'm glad they spent all that money on vo's! It really sets the game apart!" You are right, it sets it apart because besides vo's it has jack **** to do besides quest grind from 1-50 and beyond. And majority of people don't even listen to them anymore because they've done the SAME side quests over and over and over and over on countless alts from both factions, not to mention the same flashpoints and operations over and over and over.


Yeah man, I sure am glad they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on actors for voice overs instead of adding these *****in planetary landing ports.

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OP, I find the title of your thread misleading.


You showed some pics, some of which were from movieclips in the game, but nowhere did BW "promise" that you could land on those places.


So thanks for this nonesense thread. You should be a journalist for fox news or something. If there's no news, just make it up...

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Because everything had to be instanced to hell and - let's face it - all the planets are just the same Super Mario style levels with the same but ever tougher enemies.


You go to them, you kill things, you do all the quests, and you leave and never return. They have an entire galaxy of wasted planets that have no living elements or interactive components for players to ever consider returning to them for.


So tbh, we might as well not have these cool landing spaces anyway; it's not like you're likely to be travelling around in the first place. Complete the story, and everything is on fleet with the exception of a small number of daily grind zones.


You can broaden that silly analogy to be any MMO. You go places, you kill them, they just look different.


So...yeah...no point there.

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I remember when they released those screenshots during the beginning of development. I was pretty excited since they all look amazing and it really made me think that this game was going to be done right.


And it really cracks me up reading all these people saying "I'm glad they spent all that money on vo's! It really sets the game apart!" You are right, it sets it apart because besides vo's it has jack **** to do besides quest grind from 1-50 and beyond. And majority of people don't even listen to them anymore because they've done the SAME side quests over and over and over and over on countless alts from both factions, not to mention the same flashpoints and operations over and over and over.


Yeah man, I sure am glad they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on actors for voice overs instead of adding these *****in planetary landing ports.


How would these planetary landing points fix any of your complaints?

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How many did you skip?


I came into this game expecting to follow the story and become immersed, but I quickly got sick of tedious voice-overs for pointless side quests.


I've gotten bored of most of the side missions (some are cool like the Revanite one, and the Hero of Corellia one) but I think that the voice overs actually help the side missions. Here my out here, I get that people who grinded "the Loremaster" in WoW will find doing all the SWTOR missions to be barely a grind, but the voice overs still help the rest of us.


P.S: How long does it take to get "the Loremaster" anyways?

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SWG would beg to differ. There was always a reason to visit other planets including the ones you started on. Maybe that's because unlike this game there was more to do than follow a linear story arc.


Land on the planet. Go to mission terminal. Pick mission. Drive out to wilderness. Kill Monsters. Kill Monster Generator (been doin' that since Gauntlet). Return to Mission Terminal.


Linear story arcs: Wardens, Corellian Corvette, Mandalorian Bunker, Jabba's Palace, Nym's Fortress, Endor Crash, Imperial Lookout, Rebel Base.


The Housing stuff and city stuff was a mini-game.

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Land on the planet. Go to mission terminal. Pick mission. Drive out to wilderness. Kill Monsters. Kill Monster Generator (been doin' that since Gauntlet). Return to Mission Terminal.


Linear story arcs: Wardens, Corellian Corvette, Mandalorian Bunker, Jabba's Palace, Nym's Fortress, Endor Crash, Imperial Lookout, Rebel Base.


The Housing stuff and city stuff was a mini-game.


You obviously missed the point of a sandbox game. It isn't about running mission terminals, of course that would get boring. Things like crafting were far more complex and certainly not mini-games. It sounds like sandbox games aren't for you, some people need to be guided every step of the way and are better off with linear questing games.

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You obviously missed the point of a sandbox game. It isn't about running mission terminals, of course that would get boring. Things like crafting were far more complex and certainly not mini-games. It sounds like sandbox games aren't for you, some people need to be guided every step of the way and are better off with linear questing games.


You're a little blinded by retrospective nostalgia, methinks; this is coming from a guy who pilots an Abaddon-Class Battleship in Nullsec, and a former Master Bounty Hunter / Creature Handler from Radiant.

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