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RWZ experience without smashers and bubble stun


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Recently my guild and another agreed on doing ranked warzones without smashers and bubble stuns and i have to tell that those were the best warzones i've done in a very long time (since 1.4).


The damage going around in the wz was so much lower, the time we were stunned reduced by over 90%, both teams had less than 20 deaths in total, we actually had to coordinate stuns/pulls to kill a tank carrying the ball (when we have smashers they would smash 4 times and the healers and tank would be dead).


Those few ranked warzones were so much fun.



Really bioware, when will you fix this?

Didn't you have enough time to see that those specs are way too op and very annoying to play against?


You buffed the smash spec because the single target damage was too low but guess what, if an aoe spec has the same single target damage as a single target spec in PvP that is considered overpowered. This spec was already very good before 1.4 for PvP and i was expecting a nerf not a buff.

And you keep nerfing good specs, like watchman and vigilance to make sure that the few people that still play those specs are forced to play focus.


My ranked team normally has 3 smashers and before the buff to that spec we had 1 watchman sentinel and 2 vigilance guardians. Right now there is no point in playing any spec other than focus because the damage is so much better, that sentinel and those guardians were "forced" to play focus.


The buff to bubble stun was the most annoying and ridiculous change i've seen in this game and it turned the PvP into a stun fest that is not enjoyable to play.

We shouldn't be able to get the cooldown reduction on bubble and the stun on bubble break at the same time, how hard would it be to change the skill tree in order for that to happen?



This game has a lot of potential, just needs a push in the right direction.

Edited by Pekoo
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Yeah we watched a team on our server throw our half of their regulars to bring in more smashers. Guess what they got a LOT harder to beat, but the new players aren't any better at pvp than the old. Smash causes too much of a comp > players issue. Bubble stun is the only way to control the smashes, and it isn't enough.
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I agree with all of the above, particularly nerfing operatives.


You can debate all day about the balance of either smashing or bubble stunning, and whether or not they are meant to balance one another. End of the day, balanced or not, I think just about 100% of players enjoyed PvP more before those two things became ubiquitous in swtor PvP.

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Im a marauder, have been since beta invites on this game. My damage done in warzones is usually over 500k, and I have done over 1 million in a 15 minute voidstar, averaging 1200+ dps. I play Rage spec for everything but huttball, in which I play carnage.


At this point, I will gladly accept a 30-40% nerf in Rage dps to have bubble stun removed from the game. 2+ bubble sorcs in a game can make it nearly unplayable, and certainly "not fun".


Being stunned for 18 seconds straight is not fun. And after those 18 seconds when you get full resolve bar? Roots, slows , force speeding away. By you catch up again, resolve is spent, time to get stunned more.


Nerf rage into the ground. I don't care at this point. I'll gladly play carnage, so long as I don't have to deal with bubble stuns.

Edited by Aluvi
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Nerf focus/rage spec. Remove bubble stun and make sage dps spec actually decent, because I can tell you as a sage I have been pretty much annoyed with pvp since they nerfed my class to the ground, and if the best idea for balance for my class is to go hybrid heal they need to sort it out, quite honestly.


I agree entirely bubble stun is not fun, but neither is having sub standard dps and if bubble stun gos and we roll back the game to 1.4 (as alot of melee seem to want) , being chain focused by melee with silly burst without having the dps or hard defensive cooldowns to deal with it is no fun for my class either.


Class balance as a whole is still terrible.

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Best warzones are without assasins and snipers.


Well if you enjoy getting smashed for 6k every 6 seconds and getting bubble stuned every 3 seconds i guess you are right.


Clearly need to nerf op/scoundrel healers as well then is smash and bubble stun are the only things in the game keeping them from making every warzone a drawn out stalemate where people are all almost unkillable.


A healer isn't supposed to get killed by 1 dps, if you put a tank interrupting one healer and focus dps on the other i'm pretty sure a scoundrel healer will go down very fast. It's not hard, just requires coordination.

Edited by Pekoo
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Played a Rated Voidstar a few days ago. Enemy team has 2 Rage Marauders and 1 rage Jug. When they where in offence their Jug Tank respecced to rage also. Needless to say, since we didnt have the composition to get 3 healers or 2 tanks, we just got instant killed - Likely would have no matter what. Hard to survive 4x 6k dmg :)


Just wanted to throw in the mix, that they need to disable the ability to respec in wz ;)

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5 smashers = automatical win. Questions?


Who's gonna play commandos/scoundrels/sages if you can smash peeps with your friend with 2 buttons?


I tried sentinel after a long commando play. Feel idiot now. Why should i torment myself with crapy class if i can play a monkey killing people in seconds? I hate pvp after 1.2. The battles remind wow now. 3 strikes - dead. Sux.

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5 smashers = automatical win. Questions?


Who's gonna play commandos/scoundrels/sages if you can smash peeps with your friend with 2 buttons?


I tried sentinel after a long commando play. Feel idiot now. Why should i torment myself with crapy class if i can play a monkey killing people in seconds? I hate pvp after 1.2. The battles remind wow now. 3 strikes - dead. Sux.


I agree. I haven't had fun in pvp since prior to 1.2. You think they would look at the amount of people that cancelled their accounts after the terrible change to expertise..70% of our alliance quit a week or two after that patch.. Just doesn't make sense from a business standpoint to not look at the subscription side and see that the changes they made in that patch cost them a large percentage of their profit.

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Played a Rated Voidstar a few days ago. Enemy team has 2 Rage Marauders and 1 rage Jug. When they where in offence their Jug Tank respecced to rage also. Needless to say, since we didnt have the composition to get 3 healers or 2 tanks, we just got instant killed - Likely would have no matter what. Hard to survive 4x 6k dmg :)


Just wanted to throw in the mix, that they need to disable the ability to respec in wz ;)


That isn't the answer..Toning down an aoe that hits harder than all other single target attacks is the answer.. DPS tanks are supposed to do moderate damage and survive longer but Bioware doesn't seem to understand that..

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Clearly need to nerf op/scoundrel healers as well then is smash and bubble stun are the only things in the game keeping them from making every warzone a drawn out stalemate where people are all almost unkillable.


Op healer is a zero skill faceroll healing class. It needs a good nerf to bring it line with other healing classes.

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Op healer is a zero skill faceroll healing class. It needs a good nerf to bring it line with other healing classes.


2 options.


Either you met a really good one


or you aren't good enough to take one down even with 2 people.


I'm a scoundrel healer myself who isnt easy to take down except in rwz where people are coordinated. if they want, they can take me down hard. With dem stuns lately it isnt hard.

yet on my shadow tank ive seen scoundrel healers go down hard even with my guard up. some ppl are just bad.


And idiots saying nothing in this game take skill is bs. Anyone can get SO much better at anything with practice and skill.


@ OP: I agree with you. since those patches concerning rage/focus and bubble stun, rwz has gotten lots less fun

Our guild often doesnt take bubble sage with us, and we simply suffer because of it. its a REQUIREMENT now

Edited by Aerilas
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I have a marauder, I ever play Annihiliation, in my opinion Rage = Juggernaut. My smash hit about 5.8~6.5k in medium armor, but I prefer my dots + annihilate + 6 secs interrupt.


BW already nerfed the self heal from annihilation, almost killed the tree.. Carnage imo needs a slight buff like reduce the cooldown on Gore and annihilation needs a talent to increase Annihilate critical chance.


If BW nerf Rage, next complain will be 5.5k Force Scream from Carnage.

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I have a marauder, I ever play Annihiliation, in my opinion Rage = Juggernaut. My smash hit about 5.8~6.5k in medium armor, but I prefer my dots + annihilate + 6 secs interrupt.


BW already nerfed the self heal from annihilation, almost killed the tree.. Carnage imo needs a slight buff like reduce the cooldown on Gore and annihilation needs a talent to increase Annihilate critical chance.


If BW nerf Rage, next complain will be 5.5k Force Scream from Carnage.


Last time I checked Force Scream wasn't AoE.


I just got out of a warzone with two bubblestun healers and five ragemonkeys on the same team. It wasn't fun. At all.

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Last time I checked Force Scream wasn't AoE.


I just got out of a warzone with two bubblestun healers and five ragemonkeys on the same team. It wasn't fun. At all.


It's not AOE but people needs something to complain...

After Smash nerf, let's fight to nerf who? Snipers and assassins.

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The game was far more balanced when the first ranked games started. Even more balanced before the buff to sentinels/marauders.


A rollback would be great but the scoundrel/operative heals would be on top again.


I suspect that sage/sorc heals are more needed in ranked atm than scoundrel/operative. Funny.

Edited by Givemedanger
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Till now NOTHING fo what bioware has done PvP wise made any sense.

you can argue about maybe 3 things, depending on your perspective, etc; but what remains at the end is that

PvP is less enjoyable after each patch. That no matter what class you play; you are enjoying PvP less now than ever.

That world PvP is non existant; illum was fail...each version of it; now we dont even have that failed ****.There is no incentive to go to the den, i find myself going every day there and in a week maybe i find 2 people...

I keep coming back , cause it is star wars...and that keeps me comimg back, but each time i do come back, i stay for less time...and yes im good geared, everything augmented, know my class blah blah. There is a lack of PvP understanding from Bioware´s part imo. It is their first mmo. No sense in deniying their absolute lack of experience in multiplayer gaming.

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