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SSSP Heroic space missions?


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I really hope its not either.A proper space expansion would be amazing and from what I've read thousands of players think the same.

A few more space missions doesn't cut it!

Is there no way of contacting bioware to find out if its even still in production?

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Can anyone tell me if these new heroic space missions are the SSSP?


The developer's blog detailed changes are to adding to the existing space missions, adding to existing space gear, and adding a displayed counter. That is not anyone's idea of a super-secret space project.

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There is no SSSP. It's just a rumor they floated out there to see how many people they could con into hangin around waitin for it.


Yeah....and they aren't really human....they're actually evil creatures that steal candy from babies, don't tip at restaurants and have a puppy beating machine in the basement! True story.



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Yeah....and they aren't really human....they're actually evil creatures that steal candy from babies, don't tip at restaurants and have a puppy beating machine in the basement! True story.




Yup the SSSP is going according to plan; they should be ready to make the next exceedingly vague announcement about it by September 2014. :D

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Yup the SSSP is going according to plan; they should be ready to make the next exceedingly vague announcement about it by September 2014. :D


lol, clever :)


OP, don't get too excited about the "SSSP"...when has Bioware EVER delivered on what they (or the customer) hyped?

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You couldn't be more wrong either.


I actually hope I am wrong. But so far we have absolutely no proof that I'm not 100% correct. All we keep hearing is "It's super cool and awesome but not now." Considering how many times they have told us something that ended up being totally inaccurate, I think a healthy dose of skepticism is very warranted.

Edited by SWGEvictee
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The guys in the Live Stream confirmed that there actually is a SSSP, that it is nothing like the space missions we have so far but that we are not going to see any of it any time soon.




They said "It's a departure from our current space game"...EXTREMELY vague! Nothing about missions.


The entire quote was:

Q: How is the super space project doing? Does it exist? Schubert: Oh, it exists. Hickman: I was actually playing what you're talking about yesterday, running through the prototype demo. I wish I could give you details. It's great. It's a departure from our current space game. We have a team dedicated to working on it. But it is far out in the future. You won't hear anything about it any time soon. Schubert: It is under wraps. It is a lot of fun. It's definitely not anything we've shipped in the original product.
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