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In what direction would like to see armor design head?


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I think the community has made it perfectly clear over the last 11 months what they want for armor design. There exists either a failure to listen or a failure to act in order to deliver - aside from reskins of existing meshes.


Heck, some of the in-game stuff would be ok if they just removed the shoulderpads & bananas off them and called them a new armor. Then there's the cache of low level non-moddable armors already in game that is useless when you out level them - some of these are actually pretty cool looking but noone uses them due to the stat hit.

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cant we have stuff like those scary guys you save from prison.

Y'know, the ones with angry grrrr faces. the dreadguard guys.

more grrrrrr.

maybe some "your face, here. Call 1800 OUCH" stickers attached to lightsabers .. "jedi do it with other jedi .. im just sayin, is all" stickers on the back bumper of your vehicle. (im only jokin about the jedi bit [cough]) .. but how fun to have little stickers you could type anything in to and it would be displayed on your vehicle? "my other bike is a wookie" come on :)


y'know, fun things.

less deadly serious all the time, more fun most of the time.

if i want job-type games, id go back to wow.

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I just want someone to give the artists a crash course on the history of armor. I am so tired of seeing some kind of oversized item on the right shoulder. It's an artifact of the jousting days and it's not necessary.


I also would like to be able to access "other side" armor or, at least, start adding some dark/black pieces on the republic side.

Edited by Selethar
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I think, personally, less is more. Don't go all-out with the gaudiness of armor pieces, and don't try to make it look "uber-ultra-amazing." My Sentinel? He's been sporting Gunslinger's Jacket / Pants for almost his entire career. It's not quite as simple as the Drelliad Jacket, but it's not as ornate as the trenchcoats, Space Samurai gear, armor with spikes and capes flowing off of it, or anything else like that. It's like something someone in Star Wars would actually wear.


My troopers? They all sport that red-and-white chestguard you get from Trouble in Deed. It's simple, it's elegant, it's Star Wars-y. No capes, no massive shoulder pads, no "Hey, SHOOT ME BECAUSE I'M IMPORTANT!" stuff on it - just some body armor that's white and "stormtrooper-esque" with some red trim. My Sniper? She's wearing... something that looks more like a survival suit, but it's still somewhat basic. It's not as basic as the gear you get from Black Talon, but it's a bit of armored black-and-green stuff.


Less is more. It doesn't need to be ornate - just functional, and Star Wars. Of course, still throw in some ornate, gaudy stuff for the people who like that, but not every high-level piece should look like it weighs 500 pounds in adornments alone.

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Well, speaking for sages which is what I play, I would like to see design that isn't completely idiotic and putrid. I know that's a high bar apparently because the armor for sages is still pretty goofy. But hope springs eternal. :p


Now a caveat. I play a female toon so I admit many of the fashion choices she is presented with aren't all bad. But, hoo boy, she can't help but look at some of her male counterparts in a WZ and wonder why they let their mommy dress them so funny before they come outside to play..... :)

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If you could pick a certain direction for armor design to head to what would be your choice?


1. Original Trilogy

2. Prequel Trilogy

3. Kotor 1&2 Style

4. Designs from the Comics

5. Brand New Designs


I want to see it all and everything adaptive.


The more options players have to look different is the way to go. Players love cosmetic things and will not only go to great lengths to customize, many will pay to do it. A mix of free in game stuff and cartel coins gear would do wonders for the game.

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How about they use the Dark Horse Comics set in this time period as a refference. :cool:

hell ya


The inquisitor armor skins are just plain awful. I was able to put something together from Cartel armors that i like but having to spend like 60k in credits to pull mods ount and re-insert was nuts.


also i know its been said before but Mandalorian armor for BH and Troopers would be nice. SWG had a bunker you could go to to get it or maybe even do it like the HK companion and make it a scavenger hunt, but make it available at like 30 instead of 50.

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I feel a game that got a good balance between something fresh and interesting looking but still holding well to the Star Wars look and essences was the Force Unleashed games. At one time I saw a website from one of the costume designers but I can't find it now, but in it you could really see the care they took to design something the player would desire to be viewed in but also still make the player feel like it was Star Wars.
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I'd like to see it head in a more creative direction.



  • Less recoloring of the same thing, endlessly.
  • More pants options for armor, especially LA. Not everyone wants to wear a dress.
  • Armor dyes. Get rid of the 'unify' crap and let the player decide how they want to look. If Trion and others could do it, with fewer resources available, there's no excuse for it not having been done already here.
  • Fewer robe type armors across all three types. Again, not everyone wants to be in a dress.
  • More armor that doesn't look like, well, armor. Han didn't wear armor. Luke didn't wear armor. Leia didn't wear armor. Lando didn't wear armor. Lets see some options that resemble the more 'civilian' type clothing from the movies.
  • More 'invisible' options for gloves, bracers and belts. Many of the ones we have now are absolutely hideous, and not everything looks good with one or more of them. A good example is the Loungewear set. Great idea, fail implementation when there isn't a complete set to make it look right.
  • Class specific armor that looks like it fits the class. A BH armor set should look like the jetpack was part of the design, not an afterthought. A set for the IA should look like it was designed for covert ops and wetwork.
  • More 'neutral' armor that isn't tied to a specific class. Some people would rather not look like their class archetype. Most people would like some sort of variety in the armor that's available for our companions, at all level ranges, rather than trying to cobble together some mismatched set of ugly because almost everything is tied to a class and can't be used.


There's a lot of room for improvement in armor design in SWTOR. Now would be a good time to get started on correcting that.

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I'd like to see several "themes" pop up in the store, all adaptive armour wearable by all classes on both sides. And I'd really like it if these were sold as individual pieces/sets ranging from 150-1200 CC.


An all new, "Legacy of Kotor" set of armours is something I'm big on. This could include for example Atton Rand's jacket, Calo Nord's suit, Republic trooper suits (the one on the far left and the officer uniforms), Sith trooper armour (both silver and red variations), Carth Onasi's suit, Mandalorian Neo-Crusader armour (blue, red and gold), Visas Marr's dress, Jedi robes (from both games) and Canderous Ordo's vest. I think in combination with other parts of armour found in the game, these would definitely increase diversity of looks players can achieve in the game.


I don't want them to go into the eras after the game and bring back stuff from the future, but going back in the past would at least be partly plausible. We have the mask of Nihilus already, so why not more of them?


Other than that, I would like it if we got Imperial trooper armours (both the heavy one and the "scout" variants) and the NPC Mandalorian armours available from the store. These are already in the game so I don't see why they wouldn't.

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I just want to see more simple designs for clothing/armour. Some sets are fine except the artist went overboard and added some extra flare... like WOW shoulder pads or weird loop things attached to some hats. Just keep it simple, Star Warsy, and most people would actually like the armour in this game.

This. I'm happy is long as it looks more like Starwars than WoW.

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