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Everything posted by terrorfistjab

  1. I'm having the same problems as ReapersAAA. As soon as I start Chapter 2 it freezes. Sometimes even before the full title appears. Gonna play with the settings and see if that fixes anything.
  2. Forgive me if this has been brought up already, but I scrolled through and didn't see it. One thing that players have been asking for over the years are new classes. I and many others have pointed out that realistically, the chances of this happen are impossible do to the massive amount of VO that would have to be recorded for a new player class and the accompanying companions plus class-story characters. The best we could have hoped for in the past was new Advance classes which I've discuss before and can talk about again if people are interest. Knights of the Fallen Empire might be a way to give players new character classes without having to spend massive amount of funds on the developers part. Since the game now let's players start at level 60, they could create a new class that starts from level 60 and just levels up from there, and uses the companions that come from KotFE. Players would get a new class to play with, maybe one that can be either imperial or Republic or better still one new one for each faction. What do you guys think?
  3. Hey I'd like to add to this thread as a returning player as well. With all the Star Wars buzz these days for the new movies, plus me finally getting around to reading the Darth Bane novels, I've been in a super Star Wars mood and figured I'd start playing again after an extremely, long absence. So far I've been enjoying rolling a new character, Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer but I do plan to play through all the class stories at some point. As to the OP's questions, if you got the expansion and can level to 55 I say go for it, unless you want to start/finish another character. Once I am done with my Sith, I plan to finish my Imperial Agent and Trooper, then I might level my main to 55.
  4. Nice, just wondering, what will be the story of this experiment?
  5. EVE online, at least that seems to be what everybody wants.
  6. Oh I understand the reason why, just like WOW always does one set of tier gear per class, and just changes the color depending on the spec, or at least they use to when they had specs. I haven't played that game since Wrath! But cheaper more often than not, does not make the game better.
  7. LOL, well he is defenseless anywho, since he won't do anything until the thrown saber comes back
  8. Little off topic(not that this thread isn't already) but I would like to see new combat animations for the different advance classes. For example, why does a Sith Juggernaut and Sith Marauder do the same looking force choke? Have a different animation, like the Jug lifts them in the air like the current animation, and have the Marauder force choke the enemy to their knees. The ability would be the exact same stat and damage wise, just a different look and feel to help separate the ACs. You could do the same for the saber throw; have the marauder throw both.
  9. I feel a game that got a good balance between something fresh and interesting looking but still holding well to the Star Wars look and essences was the Force Unleashed games. At one time I saw a website from one of the costume designers but I can't find it now, but in it you could really see the care they took to design something the player would desire to be viewed in but also still make the player feel like it was Star Wars.
  10. I never really got into the space missions in this game. Personally the space content isn't nearly as important to me as the main game, so the fact that EA just turned it into a mini-game never bothered me. Don't get me wrong I would love for an awesome space simulator on top of the game I already paid for, but it isn't necessary in my opinion. Star Wars has never been about space exploration, and its space combat is more like World War 2 air combat and dog fights. They for the most part have accomplished that, though a cool pvp space warzone would be sweet. At any rate I don't see the need or the desire for free roaming space game, this ain't Star Trek people. I'd rather those resources be used for improving the main game.
  11. Yep, it is just sinking a whole lot slower. And just like Bioware doesn't really exist (it is just EA now), that is true also of Blizzard, it is more or less gone and it is just Activision now.
  12. I would be all for animal mounts if they were not allowed in certain parts of the game, like fleet. But on certain planets I'd have no problem and event found it kind of cool that somebody just passed me on a Dewback!
  13. Personally I think a better system would have been to let the ftp players have a week trial were they have unlimited access to warzones, then after that week is up they have to do a one time purchase for each warzone. Once it is unlocked they can play it as much or as little as they liked. You could even limit it to individual characters only instead of account wide if it will keep the subs from crying and moaning. This way FTP players can choose what warzones they want and don't want, and they are still paying for access to that content. And it you know helps accomplish what the reasoning was for a ftp model to begin with; getting players to help populate pvp and pve.
  14. If you admit it is not perfect why would you tell people to stop complaining? But I thought that was what the cash shop was for? People need to wake up and realize that this is just not a good model. They either should have put realistic restrictions in, or just done away with the subs and made money off the micro-transactions. Instead they have confused and convince large portions of the player base as to what they need to keep the game running, and what they really want to make a huge profit off of.
  15. True all companies have personal changes but almost all the people who made the classic Bioware games are gone now, and that in my opinion really makes a difference. And while I tried to continue to be enthusiastic about Bioware games even after they were bought by EA even I had to see that their influence over Bioware was changing the company. I still play EA games, they own and produce some of my favorite IPs in gaming, like Command and Conquer, Mass Effect, and Battle Field, but even I can't help but notice the quality shift in what was coming out of Bioware since EA is really in charge.
  16. You make some interesting points, but one thing you must realize is that the Bioware you were a fan of does not exist anymore; it is just a bunch of studios under different branches of EA. Most of the founding members of Bioware are gone. I don't even bother referring to this as a Bioware game anymore, and I won't for any future IPs that are made by that studio. They are all just EA games now in my opinion. So support Bioware/EA if you want but just know where your money is really going.
  17. Personally I think subscribers should be allowed to buy CC coins with in-game credits. Let's face it most of that content would have been put naturally in the game as drops or what have you, and the really goofy stuff probably wouldn't have been developed; so why not let the subs get it with their creds, plus it is another money sink for the game to keep subs busy. Of course I am not too hurt about it, there is only one thing I really wanted out of them and I am pretty sure I will be able to get it off the GTN for a decent price once all the price gouging has stopped, and market forces kick in.
  18. Disagreement accepted but if I may, let me make a few counter points. Yes, freemium models have proven to be successful in the past for other companies and until I learned the details, I was hopeful that this would be the case for SWTOR. Unfortunately their version of a freemium game I feel will turn off a lot of gamers. And keep in mind EA doesn't have the best reputation in the gaming community, so whether unfair or not most will be more critical of their model, thus it would be in their best interest to make it seem like they are trying to do what is best for the game and the community like a reduce subscriptions. And while I don't doubt you on your statement that discounted subscriptions have not, could you give me some current example of their failures? Using the coin stipend and wanting that CC store in the game in the first place are two very different things. And since you brought of the sunk cost issues why not just let subscription player buy coins with in game credits. It is really all about promoting good will with your customer base and while I am being critical here I will say that the 500 coins is the best thing to come out of this ftp model all things considered. It maybe lower risk but EA is big enough they could take the risk and well, and lets face it, their reputation as a whole could use it even if it didn't generate the maximum amount of profits. Companies like Valve and in the past Apple( not really anymore) have proven that reputation and consumer opinion of your company can be a profitable commodity unto itself.
  19. But that is only "IF" you are an active user of the CC store. Not to speak for the OP, but if one hypothesizes that the reduce idea was implemented instead then there would be no CC store, and all the content of the CC store would either naturally be worked into the main content for the game, or not developed and that time and effort spent on other items and content for the main game, or just not developed at all. But I'm willing to bet that a lot of this stuff would have turned up in the main game without the CC store. Whether that is the case or not I still believe the OP''s suggest would have been a better model for them to try, especially considering their version of ftp.
  20. Knowing what we know now about the trial...er...ftp option, I would have preferred this to it. I bet a couple of my friends would have come back with a reduce sub fee compared to how they all backed out after learning the specifics of the ftp option. Of course with this proposal they wouldn't have been able to get the community to accept micro-transactions so easily.
  21. Couple of misconceptions going on in this thread that I think need clearing up. A. Just because a player is against the currently proposed FTP option, does not mean that they are mad because they secretly wanted to switch to free to play and not lose any of their current game options, or think FTPlayers should have no restrictions on them. B. Players voicing their concerns over the details of this FTP option don't necessarily believe that EA will up and change it all before at least trying out their currently planned model, but hope that their feedback will be heard(read) and that it could be potentially taken into consideration for the future. Besides the same people who are saying to stop "QQing" or that FTP option isn't up for debate, or in all likelihood the same silly folks that if we didn't voice our concerns now, would say in the future, "You guys should have said you didn't like it before they put it in!" Final point, I pay my money to play this game and be part of the community and have access to the services found within, and nobody is going to say I am less intelligent than them or to be quiet just because I disagree with them about a game decision that is being made.
  22. But which is more lazy...er...cost effective, gut the current game experience and sell it piecemeal to the FTPlayers, or re-frame from segregating the subs and non-subs and give the subscribers real currently unavailable incentives( i.e. new game features) to justify paying their 15 bucks a month?
  23. See this is the problem when trying to do a hybrid(subs and non-sub) customer base. EA clearly wants you to sub, which means they have to restrict the FTPlayers, and entice you to start subbing. This creates a segregation of the community, and the balancing act of not giving the FTPlayers too much versus punishing them for not subbing becomes a cumbersome task at best, and one that I don't feel EA based on their past business practices are equipped to handle. Also the free-to-play option seems to be a marketing gimmick to mask the backdoor introduction of Micro-transactions. So even if the FTP option is only marginally successful, they now have MTs as an acceptable feature to further get coin out of subs pockets. To be honest I was every happy at first hearing of the FTP options, and I had three friends, one who had played the game before and left after 50 and two others who have never played, who were going to start with the FTP option; now after hearing the finer details they have all reconsidered, and as a paying subscriber I don't blame them.
  24. The below post is right in that it seems to point the player more towards the free to play option. And while I agree the monthly coins given to the subs could make or break the reason to sub or not to sub, another unknown factor that can effect it is what EA means by "Limited Access". If they segregate the free players from the subs by really limiting them on FP, OPS, and WZ then the monthly coins are not going to matter much. At this point it looks like an almost no brainier to just go ftp when it hits, but I am still holding out until we get some real details on the "limited access" front.
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