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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove Failstar


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I hate Voidstar on my Op, I don't mind it on my Jugg.


Op is my main, and I'll leave VS immediately when I feel its coming up too often.


But removing content isn't a good idea, cause I know other people like it. I don't expect it to be taken out simply because I don't like it. A lot of people don't like Huttball, which I love.

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I dislike VS. If you start on defense, the map penalizes good play by stretching out the duration rather than shortening it. Also: when on defense, it's not unusual for you to be running to the front line from the rear. I love a good defensive game but not when you're playing catch up to the front line. Very poor design.


Do I make the best of it each time? Yeah. Is it occasionally fun? Only when zerging on offense in round one so that it's over quickly.

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Premades love Vstar. If you have enough of a gear advantage and a healer then you can just power one side and it is the easiest of the wz's. You won't find much support on here lol.


However, even as a mostly pug I like Vstar. Try pillar humping better and if you are ranged just look for better spots to post up. One or two well positioned players against a dumb but geared premade can still give them a headache! Also, on my stealth classes I've found that while they are chasing dmg you can often cap right next to them lol.

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i like it. i hate huttball.

from the rp point of view...sith lords playing ball...yah right.


I don't think RP and PvP mixes all that well; IMO.


I love voidstar and hutt ball. If I had a choice, I would play those 2 maps most of the time. CW and NC get boring for me.

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Voidstar just needs to be tweaked not removed. The barrier times need to be shortened, the second area respawn zone needs a way to reach the other side of the chasm to stop the bridge since that can end a match (same with last area actually, both need to be fixed). Starting defenders need some other bonus, having to hold for the full time then the other team only needing a fraction of that time to win is just stuipd
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Best Part of Voidstar?


Ninja capping a door cause bad players are tunnel visioning the ranged person behind me.

Taking the first bridge while the team slows the enemy down.

Crossing to the second door and ninja capping.




I like how Voidstar can either be won through guile or brute force, depending on the make up and composition of your team. Too many people think that brute force can't be countered, even though 1 stealther waiting till all their friends are dead then intterrupting is usually enough to buy time for the respawn door to let their friends out.

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As I do PvP for the fun of fighting other players/teams (shock horror), I like Voidstar as it forces you to do so, both in defence and attack - much more preferable to a WZ that depends on you avoiding fighting and Knocking back/Pulling people into death traps. when combined with the Multi-stun environment and the relatively innefffective anti-stun system.
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I like VS a lot but i do have an issue with it. Attacking team storms through the first door and across the bridge in under a min and gets stuck there. Defending team is now on attack and takes the bridge with 10 seconds left in the game.. Defending team wins... makes no sense am i the only one who notices this?
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As I do PvP for the fun of fighting other players/teams (shock horror), I like Voidstar as it forces you to do so, both in defence and attack - much more preferable to a WZ that depends on you avoiding fighting and Knocking back/Pulling people into death traps. when combined with the Multi-stun environment and the relatively innefffective anti-stun system.


The only place the cc mechanic seems right to me is in huttball. The usage of cc there is usually timed and purposeful.


Although its overly abundant good teams don't white bar people unless they think they can get the kill.

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moronic, skill-less map. Least popular map. Delete it. Or atleast give an option not to queue for this boring, tedious, pointless map.


Delete powerups on map too. no point to them.


Yes... less content... that what this game needs to succeed.

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I like VS a lot but i do have an issue with it. Attacking team storms through the first door and across the bridge in under a min and gets stuck there. Defending team is now on attack and takes the bridge with 10 seconds left in the game.. Defending team wins... makes no sense am i the only one who notices this?


If both teams make it to the same point, the team that got there faster wins. Seems logical enough to me.

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