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Rethink these Restrictions Bioware


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There are a few restrictions I believe shouldn't be there for Free To Play players. And this is me talking as a subscriber. This is just a list:


UI Needs to Be Fixed (Customization and more quickbars)

Unlimited access to all Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones (except on Section X DLCs and further content that can be paid for via Cartel Coins)

Sprint and Quick Travel need to be accessible


Other than that, I believe it is completely fair for both camps. The gear option from Ops needs to be purchased as it gives subscribers a little something, something. No Cartel Coins should be earned in game (also a little nod to subscribers). All caps on money and banks should exist, but have a way of buying your way out via Cartel Coins. I believe this is the fairest system the game should go with to continue to have players come in (or back) and make this game the best it can be.

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If it was up to me I'd put the restrictions on:

*All Operations beyond EV/KP SM

*Content in upcoming patches

*Gear shells, I would not put restricitons on mods. MMO'es are a lot about look and vanity so put resrtictions on that.

*Not being able to extract mods from end-game gear, are able to augment it though. This will allow them to get decent gear but not to min/max it. The same would apply to PvP gear.

*Not allowed to buy/sell model 25 mods or higher on GTN. GTN is otherwise free.

*Lighsaber crystal colors



*Speeder models

*No access to BH comms


That's it. I don't like restrictions on core functionality, regardless of it being possible to play the game anyway. Put the restrictions on the vanity/fashion items and the latter end-game content tiers instead, things people want to clear when they've had a taste of ev/kp sm.

Edited by MidichIorian
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There are a few restrictions I believe shouldn't be there for Free To Play players. And this is me talking as a subscriber. This is just a list:


UI Needs to Be Fixed (Customization and more quickbars)

Unlimited access to all Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones (except on Section X DLCs and further content that can be paid for via Cartel Coins)

Sprint and Quick Travel need to be accessible


Other than that, I believe it is completely fair for both camps. The gear option from Ops needs to be purchased as it gives subscribers a little something, something. No Cartel Coins should be earned in game (also a little nod to subscribers). All caps on money and banks should exist, but have a way of buying your way out via Cartel Coins. I believe this is the fairest system the game should go with to continue to have players come in (or back) and make this game the best it can be.


Unlimited access to Op's, FP's and WZ's? They already get the game 1-50 for free. Any more and what would be the point of us paying a sub? To be honest I think giving away all zones 1-50 for free is crazy anyway but it's too late to change that.

Edited by Cordelia
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Unlimited access to Op's, FP's and WZ's? They already get the game 1-50 for free. Any more and what would be the point of us paying a sub? To be honest I think giving away all zones 1-50 for free is crazy anyway but it's too late to change that.


then by all means play free to play if it's so great.


you won't though, because the restrictions are ludicrous. Have you ever played a proper F2P game before?

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Unlocking FP's should be a one of purchase imo. Not a weekly pass thing. Having to commit to time restriction like that is not fun and will turn people off the game.


However, if they only had to pay once to unlock certain FP's or WZ's (at increased cost or whatever) then I don't think it would be as off putting.

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then by all means play free to play if it's so great.


you won't though, because the restrictions are ludicrous. Have you ever played a proper F2P game before?


Have you?


The meat of this game are the class quests.


and those are free.


PvP, Ops, and Crafting are all done much better in other "free" games

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If it was up to me I'd put the restrictions on:

*All Operations beyond EV/KP SM

*Content in upcoming patches

*Gear shells, I would not put restricitons on mods. MMO'es are a lot about look and vanity so put resrtictions on that.

*Not being able to extract mods from end-game gear, are able to augment it though. This will allow them to get decent gear but not to min/max it. The same would apply to PvP gear.

*Not allowed to buy/sell model 25 mods or higher on GTN. GTN is otherwise free.

*Lighsaber crystal colors



*Speeder models

*No access to BH comms


That's it. I don't like restrictions on core functionality, regardless of it being possible to play the game anyway. Put the restrictions on the vanity/fashion items and the latter end-game content tiers instead, things people want to clear when they've had a taste of ev/kp sm.


This seems reasonable IMO.

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Game not good enough to sub for, population drops in mass.

Merge servers, doesnt work? Merge them into mega-servers, still doesnt work?

Go F2P, wait...dont go F2P F2P, go Pay Trap F2P because it would seem there actually ARE people in

the world that thinks that you can get a lot of people to pay for a partial game event though it wasnt good enough to pay for in its complete form!


F2P games, potential big money.

Pay traps, no. Not one pay trap has come close to making the kind of money as ACTUAL F2P games with microtransactions.


Bioware went the route of Funcom/Sony style pay trap...lock enough of the game that even fewer will enjoy it enough to want to pay and make the microtransactions anything BUT Micro so fewer buys that as well.

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I was going to play again and maybe even spend some money on the game, but the restrictions are just stupid at this point.


-UI restrictions are terrible, I've never seen this in any F2P game and probably for good reason.

-Reduced experience rates. I noticed this on the new restrictions page, but no information has been given on what this is or how much, along with this being listed separate from no rested xp.

-No hide headslot or unify color options. There are many F2P games that allow the basic option of hiding a headslot or dye features without paying. I can live without the unify color since that was not in the game for a long time, but no hide headslot is just silly at this point.

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Unlimited access to all Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones (except on Section X DLCs and further content that can be paid for via Cartel Coins)


Unlimited access? Are you nuts? Yeah, I'm sure the PvPers would love that.


Sorry, but that is not a well thought-out idea. We'd have a game full of PvPers never spending one red cent. Terribad suggestion.


Giving away all group content for free, when class & world quests are already free, no one would sub.


The point of free to play, is to give players more to try out than just a free trial weekednd or free to lvl XX.


They just call it free to play. Its really just a bigger free trial, set up to encourage people to buy cartel coins for the shop, or pay to sub. Its bait.


I've been seeing a lot of chat in-game and posts here on the forums of everyone crying out that their favourite parts of the game are limited / not free.


Well, duh, how else would they bait you into spending real money?

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Unlimited access to Op's, FP's and WZ's? They already get the game 1-50 for free. Any more and what would be the point of us paying a sub? To be honest I think giving away all zones 1-50 for free is crazy anyway but it's too late to change that.

Where do we need more players? leveling up on their own, or playing WZs and doing Ops?


People are going to get to level 50, and think what now? Oh I'm forced into a subscription.....I'm playing a F2P game, because I did NOT want to pay a subscription.....

This game isn't so awesome people become addicted and have to buy a subscription.....

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Alot of the restrictions they put up are just petty.


Pay to have more than 2 quickbars? 350 coins to hide a freaking helmet?


I bought the game, paid and played for 6 months, then my interest waned. I thought I'd see what was up since then now that F2P was available. But really, this is just nickle and dime crap for every little facet of the game.


Look at the working F2P models, like STO for one. Totally playable and enjoyable free, but with alot of incentives to actually subscribe or shell out for things like new ships. Thats what you should be trying to emulate.


Maybe I'll see whats happened in another year.

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There are a few restrictions I believe shouldn't be there for Free To Play players. And this is me talking as a subscriber. This is just a list:


UI Needs to Be Fixed (Customization and more quickbars)

Unlimited access to all Operations, Flashpoints and Warzones (except on Section X DLCs and further content that can be paid for via Cartel Coins)

Sprint and Quick Travel need to be accessible


Other than that, I believe it is completely fair for both camps. The gear option from Ops needs to be purchased as it gives subscribers a little something, something. No Cartel Coins should be earned in game (also a little nod to subscribers). All caps on money and banks should exist, but have a way of buying your way out via Cartel Coins. I believe this is the fairest system the game should go with to continue to have players come in (or back) and make this game the best it can be.


nice to see yhe first noobs that like getting a huge advantage against other players like the epic gear auhorization because it lets them beat F2p without any skill. u see the other limitations as bad yet you wantt to keep the option that makes this game pay to win simply because it gives you an unfair advantage againt them and you know most gamers feel they are not completly wotthless beings when they win even if its a free undeserving win. have fun feeling bettrr for yourself by getting free kills from f2pers



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the restrictions i have a problem with are things like head slot, titles and the purple gear restriction.


i suppose the head slot and title restrictions arent as bad, but i still think it is going to rub some people the wrong way.


and not being able to wear purple gear unless you pay is just dumb. sorry it is. if you look at any other f2p style game, gear progression for free players is simply SLOWER than of you payed. pretty much all of them allows you to still purchase the gear with regular points (i.e. the points you get just by playing), and you can actually wear the gear when you purchase it.


for an example of what im talking about, check out Tribes. though the xp requirement may be a bit steep for some of the weapons, you can still purchase and wear ALL weapons in game, and you dont have to pay real cash for any of it. it just takes longer to get.


not so with the gear restriction in TOR. it needs to go. if i didnt invest a ton of cash into the game already (bought the CE, 6 month sub user, etc).. i would stop playing. for me, this is pay to win.. plain and simple. i understand that for many this is a non-issue because your current purples are still good. great. awesome. what about new players coming into the game though? well, if they want to pvp at level 50.. they will need the license. blue's and greens wont cut it at that point. and if you are new and want to do a current level 50 FPs or OPs.. same deal.


again, im not asking to get everything for free.. im just asking for a system that EVERY OTHER F2P GAME HAS. and sorry kids, this aint it.


just giving my honest critique here. i want the game to do well, but i fear stuff like this is going to prevent that from happening.

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and not being able to wear purple gear unless you pay is just dumb. sorry it is. if you look at any other f2p style game, gear progression for free players is simply SLOWER than of you payed. pretty much all of them allows you to still purchase the gear with regular points (i.e. the points you get just by playing), and you can actually wear the gear when you purchase it.


DDO and LOTRO both do this. You want decent gear you buy the quest packs where the items drop. Want PvP gear in LOTRO you sub so you can play in the moors. Yes you can grind points in those games(LOTRO much easier than DDO though and hence why they have been raising prices), but that is for kids who cant get a job yet. Minimum wage or better and you should use real money unless you really like grinding. I haven't played STO but the impression I got was you had to buy the better ships with real cash.

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Ok, well, I'm F2P and I played with the Trial. Why didn't I sub? Can't. I have bills that are more important, kids to feed...and so on.


I don't think every content should be free...I have no problem with that. If I want additional options that enhance the play, I'll buy them if desired. But honestly, nothing should IMPEDE the normal play of the game. For instance, when I have more skills for my characters than slots in the bar to place them in...that's impeding the normal play. You mean I have to choose what attacks/buffs I can use unless I pay? Chatting limited? I can't even finish a conversation if I happen to need help and need clarification. Pay real money to see my character with no hat or that they get their color scheme right? I don't really need it, but...really?


There are some things that should be free for F2P players that are currently limited, no doubt. My point is that there are other successful models of F2P out there already and I'm so shocked that Bioware didn't incorporate those into this MMO. There's really no excuse. They are coming along late in the F2P system and didn't do it quite right IMHO. BUT, it's still early in the game (literally) and they have a chance to improve, so don't impale Bioware right off the bat. I'm hoping they will make those changes for the better for all players.


So, SWOTOR had a chance of pulling me away from the other F2P game I play (LOTRO), but didn't quite capture me. It's fun and all, and I'll play here and there, but has to be MAJORLY tweaked to appeal to more F2P'ers and for me to throw any cash it's way (I did with LOTRO--but everything I bought I wanted when I wanted it. Sometimes it was on sale and I got more!). And Subs, don't be so quick to thrash F2P people. Small amounts of dollars coming in means little additional content, and over time, no game.

Edited by matheteis
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DDO and LOTRO both do this. You want decent gear you buy the quest packs where the items drop. Want PvP gear in LOTRO you sub so you can play in the moors. Yes you can grind points in those games(LOTRO much easier than DDO though and hence why they have been raising prices), but that is for kids who cant get a job yet. Minimum wage or better and you should use real money unless you really like grinding. I haven't played STO but the impression I got was you had to buy the better ships with real cash.


you need to understand the point... That is a P2W model, not F2P. ToR is attempting F2P but revealing a P2W model, this is the big issue here

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you need to understand the point... That is a P2W model, not F2P. ToR is attempting F2P but revealing a P2W model, this is the big issue here


DDO and LOTRO are not pay to win, not to my knowledge. Having to pay to unlock some of the content is not pay to win. Paying to get a flat bonus to stats, for example, is pay to win.

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Have you?


The meat of this game are the class quests.


and those are free.


PvP, Ops, and Crafting are all done much better in other "free" games


Funny thing is, restrictions make even playing those quests much more difficult. Less money to work with. Fewer options for travel. And slower leveling pace.


It's not really an romp through a field of flowers if someone is completely Free to Play.

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DDO and LOTRO are not pay to win, not to my knowledge. Having to pay to unlock some of the content is not pay to win. Paying to get a flat bonus to stats, for example, is pay to win.


Exactly. Its like saying WoW is P2W because you have to sub to get anything after level 20. Content doesnt make itself.

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Funny thing is, restrictions make even playing those quests much more difficult. Less money to work with. Fewer options for travel. And slower leveling pace.


It's not really an romp through a field of flowers if someone is completely Free to Play.


It's not like they have to rush to get things done, there is no time limit on the trial. If their time is worth more than the cost of the unlocks then logic should kick in.

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Exactly. Its like saying WoW is P2W because you have to sub to get anything after level 20. Content doesnt make itself.
Texting one's way through high school seems like a free ride too until they graduate and have to pay the wireless bill themselves. No longer having everything handed to them can be a shock for some.
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It's not like they have to rush to get things done, there is no time limit on the trial. If their time is worth more than the cost of the unlocks then logic should kick in.


Logic kicks in, but which way does it kick? It could kick them out of the game, rather than putting down money. Especially after getting a title (which they have to pay to display), companion (which they have to pay to customize), gear (which they have pay to unify, hide helm, or even wear).


Some players like to take their time, and smell the roses. But I think most people are more in a hurry. What happens when they end up getting to Taris, and find out they're two-three levels behind the curve?

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Exactly. Its like saying WoW is P2W because you have to sub to get anything after level 20. Content doesnt make itself.


Yeah. Honestly, I would have been much more cool with SWTOR F2P, if they charged for all the planets after a player got their ship, and alternatively gave everyone unlimited warzones and flashpoints.

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