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Please stop telling people to press spacebar


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bioware should add a tell to who is spacebarring and who is not


you see i only run hardmode flashpoints for the bh comms at this point


99% of the time 3/4 players ask for spacebar


with a tell of who won't honor the request, my ignore list can actually get some names on it.


If I want to see the story I'll ask to do so, or solo the damn storymode.



After reading this thread Im actually going to initiate the "kick member" function when 3/4 players have asked for spacebar and 1/4 player decides they are somehow more important than the majority.

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This is one of the many reasons I don't pug.

:D me too.


EVERY single time it is different for me in my head. I give myself a whole different mindset when I play a new character. Even if I have seen it 100 times :) It's amazing once you can do it

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If I haven't seen the story I'm not space-barring. Period. If I see a major choice made that I haven't seen before (like a Dark Side choice that I haven't gotten to witness) I'll watch that as well.

I'll space-bar if I haven't seen it before but I don't mind at all if other people don't (you can still socialize with friends and stuff in your voice or sending tells during it anyway). With some exception (Esseles/Black Talon) the conversations usually don't take very long (maybe 2 minutes of your time for the longer ones).

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I'm going to keep telling people to press space bar.


I"m going to continue playing the game as designed, with story. For those saying it's all the same, you do realize there are different options and some of them can be quite different depending on class.


Also, could we please kill the final boss in Taral 5? Not killing the boss is the very definition of being on a gear hampster wheel. Some of us actually are trying to play the game not run up a hampster wheel.


And yes, my gear is far beyond needing black hole comms.

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you'll press it and you'll like it or vote kick and Ill pull my companion out...can solo most of the hm fps anyways now.


I will not press it and like it, you are not paying my 15 dollars a month so you can't tell me how to play my game. If you ask me nicely to spacebar sure I will, but with that attitude you should just solo since you are an ********* for trying to have people play their game the way you want. :jawa_evil:

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People are busy! They have to finish the flashpoint ASAP so they can get back to the business at hand - standing around the fleet waiting for something else to pop, which will of course be sped through as well! There's only going to be so many spontaneous dance parties by the daily quest terminal in one night and damnit, they must all be attended!!



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I am kinda annoyed by either - the people who demand to watch the story - and the people who demand to spacebar.



I skip when everyone does it, but I don't mind watching the story. hell I still don't even mind the esseles/black talon story much. (though I'd say it's hard to find anyone who's never done it)




what I'd do if I wanted to see the story, tell people that you want to see it right away - or if they're ******es just not mention it at all and pretend it's not you who's not skipping ;)



OR roll a tank with your first char. if people don't like it... let them have fun finding someone to replace you ;)


I agree, I will spacebar if asked. I will watch story if others want to


I prefer to skip most of them sometimes, but I have had plenty of times a guy said "First time" to which I said "If you wanna watch the convos just toss me a heads up so I am not sitting at Waiting for players....." I just hate seeing a guy stand still so I ask politely for the heads up.


Also any time I ask for someone to spacebar I say "Can you Spacebar Please" not "Spacebar Now Nubs!" Minor thing I know but makes a big difference.

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If its a hard mode flashpoint then I'm sorry to say that it is inconsiderate to expect people to watch all the dialogue. You're there for coms and gear, its a level 50 version of a lower level flashpoint. Its for this reason I have always advocated on hardmode, flashpoints should not have cut-scenes.


If it's a story-mode flashpoint then I take the complete opposite view. If you are seriously there for gear (?) or experience (?) and you're not interested or respectful enough to those who are in the storyline and dialogue scenes, then you're an idiot and should be flamed for insisting that people space-bar the best content this game has to offer.


If you want to power-level, please don't pug or join group finder storymode flashpoints. Do it with your friends.

Edited by Marb
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If its a hard mode flashpoint then I'm sorry to say that it is inconsiderate to expect people to watch all the dialogue. You're there for coms and gear, its a level 50 version of a lower level flashpoint. Its for this reason I have always advocated on hardmode, flashpoints should not have cut-scenes.


If it's a story-mode flashpoint then I take the complete opposite view. If you are seriously there for gear (?) or experience (?) and you're not interested or respectful enough to those who are in the storyline and dialogue scenes, then you're an idiot and should be flamed for insisting that people space-bar the best content this game has to offer.


If you want to power-level, please don't pug or join group finder storymode flashpoints. Do it with your friends.


100% this. If you're in a story mode FP, and you've seen it 100 times, ask the others in your group politely if they will space bar. But honestly, if you just want to space bar through story mode FPs, you probably should take a break from playing them in the first place.

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I understand that. But if people don't press spacebar because they don't want to, for whatever reason, it's still pointless to tell them to do so. It is mega annoying to have to read the press-spacebar-flame-spam when it's clear that one member simply wants to see the scene. He won't spacebar because he doesn't want to, not because nobody told him to do it.


He should not want to with his guildies, not on my time.


A HM flashpoint is done 100 times already, not to be fun anymore. Everybody is there for comms/gear/weekly/daily, not for fun. Fun is when you do it the first time in story mode.


This is not about how a rebel one player might be and how she/he is more right than the other 3. If spacebar is asked, you WILL use it, or we find another that will. Don`t like it? Lose the attitude.

Edited by Styxx
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I"m going to continue playing the game as designed, with story. For those saying it's all the same, you do realize there are different options and some of them can be quite different depending on class.


Also, could we please kill the final boss in Taral 5? Not killing the boss is the very definition of being on a gear hampster wheel. Some of us actually are trying to play the game not run up a hampster wheel.


And yes, my gear is far beyond needing black hole comms.


I'm going to keep telling people to press space bar.

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that is why when ppl don't space bar i allways ask them if they are space baring if not let me know so i can watch the story cause idk if they are or just lagging or something else and i figure if they aren't gonna space abr might as well watch the story.
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If you want to watch cinematics, do the FP with people you know who don't mind or do it in story mode and let the rest of the group know ahead of time so everyone is cool with it. Otherwise, you are wasting people's time and they are perfectly justified in calling you vile names.
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I"m going to continue playing the game as designed, with story. For those saying it's all the same, you do realize there are different options and some of them can be quite different depending on class.


Also, could we please kill the final boss in Taral 5? Not killing the boss is the very definition of being on a gear hampster wheel. Some of us actually are trying to play the game not run up a hampster wheel.


And yes, my gear is far beyond needing black hole comms.


And I'm going to root you out and vote kick you if you make me watch cinematics for a flashpoint I've done 50 times already.

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You people who play the flashpoints over and over again need to get a life or buy some new games. Playing SWTOR obsessively is clearly not a good use of your time.


If, as some have said here, your time is so valuable, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING THIS STUPID FLASHPOINT AGAIN? If you just want to skip all the cutscenes, then you obviously are not playing to enjoy yourself, and if you aren't playing to enjoy yourself, then I wonder why you're playing at all.

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You people who play the flashpoints over and over again need to get a life or buy some new games. Playing SWTOR obsessively is clearly not a good use of your time.


If, as some have said here, your time is so valuable, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING THIS STUPID FLASHPOINT AGAIN? If you just want to skip all the cutscenes, then you obviously are not playing to enjoy yourself, and if you aren't playing to enjoy yourself, then I wonder why you're playing at all.


Most of the flashpoints are the same flashpoints we did while leveling. When you do them again with alts its not unlikely for people to have done them many multiples of time. The flashpoints, outside of 2 of them, have all been there for almost a year. So get off your high horse and stop telling people what to do.

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You people who play the flashpoints over and over again need to get a life or buy some new games. Playing SWTOR obsessively is clearly not a good use of your time.


If, as some have said here, your time is so valuable, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING THIS STUPID FLASHPOINT AGAIN? If you just want to skip all the cutscenes, then you obviously are not playing to enjoy yourself, and if you aren't playing to enjoy yourself, then I wonder why you're playing at all.


Because you get BH comms for doing a hard mode flashpoint each day. Until you have full black hole gear, you have a very important reason to run those flashpoints over and over, assuming you want to raid.


The flashpoints are fun, but watching the cut scenes every time is sheer lunacy. I enjoy the boss fights. And I agree people who skip the last boss on Taral V are shmucks. But spacebar is going to be an important part of the game until Bioware decides to stop encouraging people to grind those flashpoints for gear well after they hit 50 and get columi.

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