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Please stop telling people to press spacebar


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I think the nub of this matter is the vocality of someone saying "FFS spacebar!" over and over in FPs, as if it was expected and someone who wasn't spacebarring them is doing something wrong.


Even on the first FP (Black Talon/esseles) there are people spamming chat with "spacebar, come on!", sorry but that's rather selfish. By all means , this could be your 6th alt or something, but it may be the first roll for someone else.


It's not the request to spacebar that bothers me, it's how the request is presented. There have been times when someone has said "hey peeps, is it ok if we spacebar through the scenes?" a much more polite and possitive presentation with the same goal in mind. Personally, if someone asks (politely) to spacebar through scenes, i dont mind. If someone wants to kick back and watch them, that's fine too. As I stated, it's the seemingly forceful nature of demanding people spacebar which is the bottleneck of this situation.



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People play this game for their own reasons and in their own ways. Sometimes those ways match your way of playing and sometimes they do not. You do not have the right to tell me how I have to play, nor I you. What I expect, demand and enforce is that you act politely. Failure to do so, as in real life, has consequences.


As a tank, I've started kick requests for jerks that get in and scream spacebar every conversation. Yes I spacebar but I'm damn sure I'm NOT going to spacebar if somebody says it more than once. Don't like it? Go wait in queue another half hour plus after being kicked from one of my groups and waiting for your lockout to expire and good luck getting tanks in the future cause I'm sure not going to run with your impatient demanding entitled *** ever again. Cause me enough grief and I'll tell my guild and friends just how much of a tool you are and they'll put you on ignore too.


If somebody says they want to see the story, I'll be patient and let them see it. While I've seen them all hundreds of times across 6x 50's spread across both factions but I still remember when I was wanting to see the story and some putz decided to start screaming spacebar.


The point is consideration. Have some. A new player is a new player. Even almost a year in, there are still people that haven't seen all the stories from every angle. I don't get stubborn on polite reminders to spacebar on content we've seen, we all zone out sometimes but I will if you force the issue and I'll not be shy about booting you if you decide to go all negative on me or any other party member.


Spacebar freaks and all the other variations of self-entitled idiots in this game will learn to play nicely with others or they won't play at all. I'm fed up with rudeness in the game and I've decided to do something about it. You see, I don't care how many times you've watched a cutscene, nor does anybody else. I care that you're treating everyone like crap and think you have some kind of authority to do so.


While you're at it, go ahead and get short with the new person who is wearing recruit in hardmodes about the gear he doesn't have too, see what we do to you then. Hint: I usually run with a like minded guild healer.

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While you're at it, go ahead and get short with the new person who is wearing recruit in hardmodes about the gear he doesn't have too, see what we do to you then. Hint: I usually run with a like minded guild healer.


Lol you so nasty :p


In all seriousness, I completely agree and am behind you 100% on your post

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If you don't want to watch the cutscene, spacebar and wait patiently. Most of those scenes last about a minute at most. Telling people that want to watch the story to spacebar, or threat to kick those that don't spacebar is absolutely ridiculous. If your time is so valuable that the extra 5 minutes is too much for you, you shouldn't be playing a life wasting MMO in the first place.


I haven't watched the cutscenes for BT or Esseles in months. But, I've set patiently while others did quite a few times. it's no big deal.

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Esseless and Black Talon are the only Flashpoints where there are a lot of talking. 90% of the others have maybe... 2-4 minutes of cutscenes? And Places like 'The Foundry' are cool to see your character pull out their weapon alongside your team right before you fight...






I'd watch it 100 times.

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If you don't want to watch the cutscene, spacebar and wait patiently. Most of those scenes last about a minute at most. Telling people that want to watch the story to spacebar, or threat to kick those that don't spacebar is absolutely ridiculous. If your time is so valuable that the extra 5 minutes is too much for you, you shouldn't be playing a life wasting MMO in the first place.


I haven't watched the cutscenes for BT or Esseles in months. But, I've set patiently while others did quite a few times. it's no big deal.



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People are aware of the spacebar functionality in dialogues. If they don't press spacebar, then that's because they simply don't want to, and not because they are lazy/unaware/in need of guidance etc.


Story Mode I agree.

HM no. If you're running HM then use the spacebar. Even if it's your first run the chances are the majority of your group has run it over and and over again. Be considerate. If you want the story run it in story mode, even if you way out level it (you can solo it then).


I enjoy watching the stories once or twice. If I run a HM that I haven't seen before I ask group if I can watch scenes, if they say no I run it later in story mode or youtube it. It's called being considerate the other people running.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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I've seen this happen quite a bit. Not one of those votes has gone through. Funny how that works. :)


I've seen the opposite. If someone votes kick for no space it almost always goes through from my experience. The one time I can think of that it didn't, the person who called the vote ragequit. We got a replacement, then that person ragequit from spacebar. Group eventually collapsed and no one completed.

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This isn't YOUR game. YOU are playing with others. As such YOUR preferences end where their preferences begin. If YOU want to skip conversations, do it. If YOU want others to do it, group with like minded players. Don't impose YOUR style of play on others.


Those of us who want to skip reserve the right to vote kick you if you want to watch cut scenes and waste our time. You are forcing your preference on us by making us sit and watch a cut scene we have seen a million times.

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Those of us who want to skip reserve the right to vote kick you if you want to watch cut scenes and waste our time. You are forcing your preference on us by making us sit and watch a cut scene we have seen a million times.




Note: as stated elsewhere in this thread, "I" spacebar through conversations and cutscenes. Unlike you though, I defend other's right to not do so.

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I understand what your saying but when you have done the flashpoint 1000000000 times you kind of get sick of seeing that same cut scenes over and over again.


Then don't run it... or run it with only people who all want to spacebar through it... i know that was hard to come up with took me a whole 5 seconds to think on..

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Those of us who want to skip reserve the right to vote kick you if you want to watch cut scenes and waste our time. You are forcing your preference on us by making us sit and watch a cut scene we have seen a million times.


The ability to kick people for any reason is the biggest problem with the group finder. So glad you can't do that crap in Warzones.

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Those of us who want to skip reserve the right to vote kick you if you want to watch cut scenes and waste our time. You are forcing your preference on us by making us sit and watch a cut scene we have seen a million times.


If you can't spare 5 minutes of your life for cutscenes, stop playing video games altogether. Saying "You're wasting my time!" with "video games" being the context of that statement is hilarious to me.

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Then don't run it... or run it with only people who all want to spacebar through it... i know that was hard to come up with took me a whole 5 seconds to think on..


Then dont run it... or run it with only people who want to see the story.... I know, that was hard to come up with. Took me a whole 2 seconds.

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If you can't spare 5 minutes of your life for cutscenes, stop playing video games altogether. Saying "You're wasting my time!" with "video games" being the context of that statement is hilarious to me.


Its not 5 minutes. Black Talon, for instance, can easily add an hour to the instance.

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Then dont run it... or run it with only people who want to see the story.... I know, that was hard to come up with. Took me a whole 2 seconds.


That's good because it makes no sense. The story dialogue is there. If the player does nothing, the story will play. Spacebarring is the anomaly. It is offered for those who wish it, but it is not how the Flashpoint works by default. You are asking to change the status quo. You should take the responsibility to find a group that wishes to play that way.

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Its not 5 minutes. Black Talon, for instance, can easily add an hour to the instance.


Well, I guess you should just get used to it then. So kick back and calm down, or calmly and politely ask people if you can all spacebar, otherwise quit and find people who do want to.

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If you can't spare 5 minutes of your life for cutscenes, stop playing video games altogether. Saying "You're wasting my time!" with "video games" being the context of that statement is hilarious to me.


I started running these HM flashpoints pre 1.2 for columi gear for me and my buddies back when you could only run them once a day and there was no guarantee the drop would be anything any of you could use. I still run them for BH comms and for alts on occasion. So yes, watching the same cutscene I've seen literally 100 times is a waste of my time. Clearly most people feel the same way because it is very rare for a group to watch all the cut scenes anymore. We would prefer to finish the FP quickly and spend our time raiding or doing warzones or whatever. That's our preference, and we are entitled to it just as you are to sit and watch cut scenes all day. If I'm with a group that wants to watch cut scenes, I will happily drop out. If the group doesn't want to watch cut scenes, we will vote kick you so you can find a group that is happy to run the way you want.

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