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Please stop telling people to press spacebar


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When I have people in the group telling us to spacebar, I deliberately watch the whole scene, even if it was my intention to skip.


If I am the tank, I also wait until the last second to make my dialogue choices.

What's that impatient Marauder @#$% going to do? Kick me?

Have fun going back into queue for a few hours.


I'm the tank.

I decide the pace.


I lol-ed that is why I play tanks and healers you can tell people to shut up.

This game's story is beautiful I enjoy it I watch it.

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OR roll a tank with your first char. if people don't like it... let them have fun finding someone to replace you ;)


I used to do that with my tank before I unsubbed. I like the story even if I've run the flashpoint a hundred times. It also gives me a few minutes to take a break from trying to keep DPS from pulling when everyone is at half health and the healer is out of resources, etc.


It was always heartwarming to let the impatient know their options were:


a) watch the cut scene for a minute and pick up some social points

b) drop and go back to the queue for a half hour

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If it's my first time somewhere, I politely tell the group I'd like to watch the cutscenes. I'm not really giving them an option about it, but manners don't cost anything.


If it's a repeat run and the rest of the group is keen to skip, then I skip too.


If it's a repeat run and someone else says they want to watch, then I will watch too.


I have encountered flashpoints where some players get absolutely FURIOUS about people not skipping, and honestly I find it hilarious :p In some cases they even leave the group, which makes no sense at all, because now they have to queue again and restart from the beginning. Baffling.

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The argument that if someone wants to watch something no one should be able to tell them what to do. ... Well no one can physically force them to do anything. But, come on. If you get into a group with random people, common sense should prevail. You are there to perform a function of the group. The group's role is to kill baddies and save the day. The conversation part is in direct conflict with killing baddies. The reason being is this. You have to stop killing baddies to watch the conversation cutscenes. Now I understand that people think they can act whatever way they want in public. But you can't. You don't drive 35 mph in a 65 mph zone and then have people defend your choice of driving painfully under the speed limit. That's kind of the argument here.


Spacebar or kick. You can be replaced. I've run alot of hm's over time. My companions can perform every function of the group if someone gets kicked. That's the incentive for using spacebar. Get it done faster, do another one.

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The problem is that both sides of this argument are wrong.


You are one of four players in the group. You need to consider the rest of your group. If you and only you want to spacebar through conversations then demanding that the rest of the group do what you do is selfish. On the other hand, you are just as selfish if you and only you want to watch all the conversations.


All of us need to be willing to compromise more. Put it to a vote prior to starting. If the vote is in favor of space barring then those who want to watch the conversations need to realize that the players you have grouped with want to get in, get it done, and get out. If the vote is in favor of watching the conversations then those who want to space bar need to realize that the players you have grouped with want to smell the roses and enjoy the journey. And if you are on the opposing side and are unwilling to compromise then say so. 90% of groups will be willing to kick you so that you do not get the quit timer.


Me personally, I go with the flow. I will spacebar slowly through the first part of the first conversation in a FP. If I get the choices immediately, that tells me that the party is spacebarring and I will spacebar faster. If, on the other hand, I end up waiting for the party, that tells me that at least one person is watching the conversations, so I start doing the same.

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You are one of four players in the group. You need to consider the rest of your group. If you and only you want to spacebar through conversations then demanding that the rest of the group do what you do is selfish. On the other hand, you are just as selfish if you and only you want to watch all the conversations.


I don't tell people that they can't spacebar through the conversations but I also don't skip through the conversations myself because I enjoy them as part of the experience. If a group wants to kick me and find someone else, that's their decision but I think it's a little childish considering that the cut scenes only add about five minutes to the length of the average flashpoint.


In my opinion, some players have become too impatient. They complain when I don't skip conversations. They complain when I pause to harvest crafting materials. They complain if I stop to pick up a lore object I haven't gotten before. It's always "go go go now now now".


Personally, I blame overdiagnosis of ADHD and its associated Adderall abuse.

Edited by NamShub
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I understand what your saying but when you have done the flashpoint 1000000000 times you kind of get sick of seeing that same cut scenes over and over again.


Feel free to spacebar if you wish. Personally, id prefer to watch it for the 10000000th time over staring impatiently at a "waiting for group" text but hey ... to each thier own.


To those tired of getting hassled for enjoying the game the way its meant ... enjoy your cutscenes. If some tool decides to rage then join in on the "OMERGERD SPACEBAAAAAR!" fun. Not only will you enjoy the story as its meant to be enjoyed, but its also hilarious watching them trying to figure out whats going on ... is someone lying? lag? *headscratch*

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The problem is that both sides of this argument are wrong.


You are one of four players in the group. You need to consider the rest of your group. If you and only you want to spacebar through conversations then demanding that the rest of the group do what you do is selfish. On the other hand, you are just as selfish if you and only you want to watch all the conversations.


All of us need to be willing to compromise more.


I agree 100%, and honestly find it rather sad and confusing that this mindset is rare, at least on the forums.


I am in the spacebar camp, and I do frequently politely ask for space bars if it's a flashpoint with a lot of dialogue like Black Talon. But if someone doesn't respond or says they don't want to space, I just roll my eyes and don't say anything further. I personally find it annoying to stare at Waiting On Party Members for a few minutes, especially since I'm always the HM's healer or tank, but I don't feel entitled enough to get uppity about it.


However, there have been a few cases where my "could we please spacebar?" was met with outright hostility. Those people I sometimes conveniently forget to heal or pull agro off of them, I admit. :p


It's just so silly to me that there is this big divide of hate between spacers and watchers. I mean, really. I loved watching them the first time (or first dozen times) too, and I really don't mind at all if people actually communicate and say they'd prefer to watch. But usually the request is responded to condescendingly or, more often, simply ignored.


I try to run at least one HM a day, often two if I get both my mains in, and I have to say that the watchers are far outnumbered by the spacers in my experience. By that I mean it's almost always 3 people asking for skips and 1 person sitting silent. Doesn't mean watchers are in the wrong, but it does indicate (to me) that a group of people in rakata/black hole gear are probably there for comms and not cutscenes. Neither is right or wrong, but why not be considerate?

Edited by Beltane
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  • 1 year later...
If it is my first time though, I'll watch the cutscenes. Requests to skip it are ignored.


If I have already watched it, I'll ask beforehand if people are going to be watching the cutscenes. If they are, I'll just watch it again, otherwise I'll spacebar through it. I find it 10x more boring to spacebar through the conversations only to wait for someone to finish watching it.


^^What Antipodes said. You can discuss it beforehand to see how everyone in the group feels about it. If someone wants to watch the cutscenes, make some popcorn and enjoy them. If nobody wants to watch the cutscenes, everyone can spacebar through them. Cutscenes are one of the very few things that make this game stand apart from other MMOs.


I generally ask e.g. when entering HM Esseles, "Spacebar or popcorn?" Very few people understand what I'm asking, though. :rolleyes:


It's called being social. Hell, you can even comment on what's happening in the cutscene. Think of it as your very own version of MST3k. Just, for the love of god, stop screaming "SPACEBAR" over and over again in /p?

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People are aware of the spacebar functionality in dialogues. If they don't press spacebar, then that's because they simply don't want to, and not because they are lazy/unaware/in need of guidance etc.


Trying to consider the OP seriously despeite his name.


Story mode - "no spacebar" is legit.


Hardmode? spacebar. :)

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Thread was made in 11/2012. The necro is strong around here.


But I'm a spacebar guy but if someone else in the group says they never did it before and want to watch something, I let them. I spacebar still then know I can go refill my drink or something in some of the longer cutscenes.


The ones that annoy me are the people who keep spamming for everyone to spacebar. It gives me the picture of them in their mom's basement and worried she's going to tell them they have to turn out the lights and go to bed in five minutes.

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