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I love getting post warzone whisper/ignores


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If you've gone MONTHS without getting hit while capping in Voidstar... It's either a hack or an exploit. Come clean and make the game a better place for everyone.


Apologies, I meant it as I've been capping the door in the exact same way for months and rarely get anyone interrupting me. That is why I was wondering if it was something I was doing which was making the game bug out or what. However, like I said in my post...I do get interrupted once in a while which reassures me I'm not doing anything wrong, maybe people really just don't pay attention since they look and don't see anyone then they turn back to fighting. Eight seconds seems like a long time but not when you, a defender of the door, is timing proc's and abilities while fighting for your life, but it's enough time for a cap and people get mad. The whispers I get are the same, " I WAS WATCHING THAT DOOR THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU CAPPED IN FRONT OF ME AND I COULDN'T SEE YOU, CHEATING ****", I don't know what to tell someone at that point tbh. I'm also not denying stealth capping exists, I really don't know. But I've never done it and have been accused of it countless times was my point.


I just don't understand why people don't stop me when they are fighting right beside me at times is all. Some of that has to be situational awareness and people not panned out on their camera. This leads me to think it's just people mad rather than me doing something unfair. Not sure if that makes sense but that's what I was trying to get out. I did not mean it any other way.


I didn't mean for it to come off as, "I do this all the time(for months) and always win" because that is not true. However, until recently I started to believe people because of all the whispers I get and what not but again, if some people can interrupt me, and they do, then I think it's more of a hate whisper rather than me legitimately doing something wrong. If I was, I'd be happy to report it. I'd like the PvP cleaned up across the board. Back to the topic though :cool: I do hate getting post warzone whispers, but I do most of the ignoring once it starts...


EDIT: When I do get these whispers, I do encourage them to report it. If I'm not blocked at this point I hear nothing back. Seriously though, I do encourage reporting cheating. If someone really couldn't see me and I WAS cheating then reporting me should flag bioware to check that match and I've never been contacted by them. This is all I have to go on at this point.

Edited by Master_Nate
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I think for most of us, a ninja cap (ie you haven't killed everyone on the other team and have teammates helping CC) works... maybe one try every 10 attempts? If I get a ninja cap once a week, I'm tickled pink.


So, of it's only "occasionally" that you get interrupted while ninja-capping, and if lots of people tell you they saw you stealth-cap, then yes, something is wrong.

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Honestly, I did not even know they had made a "change" to it. It wasnt about me trying to find a sweet spot, or knowing where a sweet spot is. I dont know exactly where on the ledge I was standing, probably about center of the spawn gate towards the edge. Heat of the moment and all, I just know that the insta gib still worked and another team mate below near the goal line got the ball.


You can call B.S. all you want, doesnt change the fact that it was done and it was done last night. I'm not going to waste my time trying to replicate it and screen shot it because well that would hinder my team if 1 player just stood on the ledge waiting for someone to score. however, if I am in the same scenario again (behind spawn gate waiting for it to drop while someone is charging the goal line with the ball) Ill be sure to try and ss it.


edit : how many other things in game have they said they "fixed" but really didn't? :cool:


are you sure the guy with the ball didn't leap to you?

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About a week or so ago I got a whisper after a rare imperial match telling me that I apparently ruined 50s pvp for the imp faction, and that he wanted to make sure I knew that it was my fault. I wrote a whisper asking why he singled me out of all of the other pubs or premades (I usually solo queue) and I get the message "this player is ignoring you". I had a good giggle.
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About a week or so ago I got a whisper after a rare imperial match telling me that I apparently ruined 50s pvp for the imp faction, and that he wanted to make sure I knew that it was my fault. I wrote a whisper asking why he singled me out of all of the other pubs or premades (I usually solo queue) and I get the message "this player is ignoring you". I had a good giggle.


Nonono, admit it, you were pretty annoyed that you couldn't write back to him and tell him your piece :p


Still, can't blame the guy for saying that to you, we all make up excuses to blame for our fails, this guy's excuse being blaming you.

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No not at all. I don't usually respond but that was the first time someone blamed the lack of imp pvpers on me, or any single person for that matter. Before, it was the premades fault. >.< What is annoying is that they always make level 1 pubs, so I never know who they are most of the time lol. :p Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I had a guy last morning run to the wrong endzone with the ball from center all the way to the end. He gets killed 2 feet from the goaline enemy takes the ball and scores leaving us at 2-2 which ended in a loss. My whisper to him? I said nothing, its a game and i thought it was kinda funny. He admited it was his fault which was enough for me. To the poster above I'm a healer and I cap fairly often and I have never received any whispers or complaints so IDK.
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So I am in Voidstar and the other side starts to drop, so i peel off the fight on our side to go stop and a sage pulls me back to the door. All of them die and i end up 5 meters outside of range to stop the cap. I ask him why he did that and he tells me its because i needed healing. Words were exchanged and after the match he whispers to me "I get the last word so i win" and then he ignored me, Of course i logged on to an alt and whispered him back. The lack of awareness of some people really makes me mad.
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Pretty sure I have a whole "PvP" guild ignore because I'm constantly in chat making fun of thier guild made up of 99% Marauders, the other 1% are opreative healers.


Most of the rated teams on my shard are made mainly with (updated for 1.4)

Juggernauts/Marauders/Ops healers/PTs/Marauders/Marauders/Ops healers/and 1 bubble stun sorc. (all pun intended)

Edited by warultima
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Apologies, I meant it as I've been capping the door in the exact same way for months and rarely get anyone interrupting me. That is why I was wondering if it was something I was doing which was making the game bug out or what. However, like I said in my post...I do get interrupted once in a while which reassures me I'm not doing anything wrong, maybe people really just don't pay attention since they look and don't see anyone then they turn back to fighting. Eight seconds seems like a long time but not when you, a defender of the door, is timing proc's and abilities while fighting for your life, but it's enough time for a cap and people get mad. The whispers I get are the same, " I WAS WATCHING THAT DOOR THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU CAPPED IN FRONT OF ME AND I COULDN'T SEE YOU, CHEATING ****", I don't know what to tell someone at that point tbh. I'm also not denying stealth capping exists, I really don't know. But I've never done it and have been accused of it countless times was my point.


I just don't understand why people don't stop me when they are fighting right beside me at times is all. Some of that has to be situational awareness and people not panned out on their camera. This leads me to think it's just people mad rather than me doing something unfair. Not sure if that makes sense but that's what I was trying to get out. I did not mean it any other way.


I didn't mean for it to come off as, "I do this all the time(for months) and always win" because that is not true. However, until recently I started to believe people because of all the whispers I get and what not but again, if some people can interrupt me, and they do, then I think it's more of a hate whisper rather than me legitimately doing something wrong. If I was, I'd be happy to report it. I'd like the PvP cleaned up across the board. Back to the topic though :cool: I do hate getting post warzone whispers, but I do most of the ignoring once it starts...


EDIT: When I do get these whispers, I do encourage them to report it. If I'm not blocked at this point I hear nothing back. Seriously though, I do encourage reporting cheating. If someone really couldn't see me and I WAS cheating then reporting me should flag bioware to check that match and I've never been contacted by them. This is all I have to go on at this point.

There is a bug in voidstar that makes you untargetable while capping. Only AoEs work and it's quite annoying when people take advantage of that.

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I have plenty of times on my Powertech and he just stands there like an idiot. The Grapple ability is greyed out until i leave the respawn ledge.


Fair enough. It's still doable, and Ill try and pin point where I was able to do it. although I wont share it with the masses, however I will bug report it since they tried to change it to make it something you cannot do.


That being said, I dont need to lie about a video game to stroke my epeen. You can either believe it or not, but given the amount of bugs still in game which sounds more viable? Bioware fixed it completely, or I just happened to come out at the right spot and it worked.

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Fair enough. It's still doable, and Ill try and pin point where I was able to do it. although I wont share it with the masses, however I will bug report it since they tried to change it to make it something you cannot do.


That being said, I dont need to lie about a video game to stroke my epeen. You can either believe it or not, but given the amount of bugs still in game which sounds more viable? Bioware fixed it completely, or I just happened to come out at the right spot and it worked.


If you run behind the side wall on you spawn area so that your desertion timer goes away and run back before it reappears, you can pull somebody up as long as you don't have a desertion timer. It comes back after about 3-5 seconds. Just figured it out.

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This happens quite frequently on the Progenitor server it seems, despite it being an RP server (not a lot of RP goes on anyway outside of the odd organized stuff - though the server population here has plummeted, maybe the RPers left and the kids moved in, would explain some of the names I've seen lately like "Impkiller") . Seems that certain members of the guild Requiem are notorious for writing rage essays through /w after warzones that didn't go their way. Maybe healers just get more hate in warzones anyway :D
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Imp on Imp match on Novare Coast. I was on my Merc healer and a PT was bugging me all game and hitting very hard and played well. I was about to whisper him a compliment when another queue popped up and i enter. I then see he's on my team so i change the compliment into ops chat "good, now "players name" can't kill me anymore" and he says "good now i don't have to chase Mr'Jibs(my toon) all over the map." I lol'd at the thought of him raging at trying to kill me as i was raging as he killed me.
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There is a bug in voidstar that makes you untargetable while capping. Only AoEs work and it's quite annoying when people take advantage of that.


Yup, and as a Sorc I AOE the door often, and I can say 3 out of 4 times I have stopped someone from capping on voidstar that was untargetable and most of the time not visiable. Are they doing it on purpose or is it just a random bug I don't know, but it is not fun to get yelled at because two of you gaurding the door never saw the guy capping the door while looking right at it.


As for /whispers I have not gotten many after pvp, but /say in WZ's on my sniper a few times. most recent was on huttball, the other team was heavy on rage spec (6 out of 8). they would group up to run the ball back, flashbang, slime gernade, leg shot, and stun knife knock back off the ramps. They were complaing about the stun/slow fest I was having even having one say he was reporting me for useing crafted gernades in a WZ because it was a expliot. (he was also already reporting me for putting a orbital strike next to the fire pit they were waiting at.

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So an imp was about to score in huttball just as I was coming out of spawn. Force pull into spawn for the insta kill. After the war zone I get a message telling me how bad I was that I could only kill someone with cheap moves.


I needed a good laugh tonight, and after the warzone I get the nerd rage whisper then ignore. Instantly picked up my spirits.


So I pose the question to you. What is your best whisper/ignore moment post war zone?


I had a fellow Imp in a voidstar who was raging the entire match about how much everyone sucked. Well, scoreboards don't lie. The guy claimed he was a healer and was getting killed constantly because no one was "protecting" him. Come to find out that he had 14k dps, 37k healing and 4-5 medals. He instantly called me out, as I was at the top of the board with about 425k dps, 40k prot, and 12k healing or so and about 15 medals on my Mad Maul spec'd assassin. He claimed I wasn't pulling my weight. I replied with some kind of snarky "ur bad mmmkay" and put him on ignore. He then proceeded to log onto 4 low level alts just to keep trying to justify his bad play. He got his wish because I later logged off after the 4th low level alt tell and my ignore list rapidly growing. come to find out, he is an Imp reroll for one of the prominant Pub guilds on the server who was purposely tanking games for his guildies on the other side. I guess he was just irritating all the good and semi-good Imp players so they could get their weekly done faster. Apparently this is a weekly chore that includes an entire task force.

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So an imp was about to score in huttball just as I was coming out of spawn. Force pull into spawn for the insta kill. After the war zone I get a message telling me how bad I was that I could only kill someone with cheap moves.


I needed a good laugh tonight, and after the warzone I get the nerd rage whisper then ignore. Instantly picked up my spirits.


So I pose the question to you. What is your best whisper/ignore moment post war zone?


Only noobs look at the chat window! ;)

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