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  1. WannaSpoon


    Also 3k-4k screams, but to be fair for the sake of argument these numbers are all critical and a properly geared smash should have very low critical rating.
  2. I've looked over the forums and couldn't find any good info on how to gear my jugg for pvp tank. I don't want to make a dps tank but an actual tank. I've read shield is near useless in pvp so how should i prioritize my stats for tanking purposes? Sorry for hi-jacking the thread but the info could be useful to the op as well.
  3. If you won't fully read what i say then your responses are not worth considering or taken seriously from this point on. If you managed to read this far let me go into greater detail with the hope of you understanding. Yes, please reward the players doing the dirty work guarding the pylons but only reward the first 2-3 players to enter the guarding zone to avoid the whole team trying to farm medals.
  4. Ok, I'm sure your method of playing this war zone is fine but that really didn't have anything to do with what I'm trying to say. What I'm saying is everyone sitting on a turret/nod/pylon farming medals knowing they're going to lose is not fun at all. In what scenario is only rewarding 2-3 players in this war zone defender medals for staying with the pylons detrimental? There's no reason for any play style that you will need half the team guarding the pylons the whole game. In most pug's once people realize they're out gunned or going to lose they either quit or go farm defender medals. If you take away the option to farm defender medals you either continue to fight or quit. I for one would rather fight and possibly better myself for the next encounter.
  5. I know, but as it is now nobody quits, except for the poor soul(s) at the pylon. Even in matches we get stomped we're still in the middle trying to get medals/fight which is a lot more fun that say everyone in civil war knowing they're going to lose sit at the only terminal they own and farm defender medals.
  6. I'd like to see this fixed as well, but i do enjoy people continuing to fight after the match is a already known loss since nobody can medal farm defend. Maybe set it up so the first 2-3 can only get medals from defending.
  7. Yes, but do it in the format of the OP and rage about how the republic us so much stronger because of it.
  8. Imp on Imp match on Novare Coast. I was on my Merc healer and a PT was bugging me all game and hitting very hard and played well. I was about to whisper him a compliment when another queue popped up and i enter. I then see he's on my team so i change the compliment into ops chat "good, now "players name" can't kill me anymore" and he says "good now i don't have to chase Mr'Jibs(my toon) all over the map." I lol'd at the thought of him raging at trying to kill me as i was raging as he killed me.
  9. From a merc body guard (healer) point of view I'm happy where we are at. Sure we might be a step or two behind other healers (from what i hear, don't play the other classes yet). Just wish we didn't have a buff that says "yup, I'm healing you better come kill me." ~edit~ Now that i think of it, the class name mercenary / commando is enough ofa motive to attack before others.
  10. You must be the only unhappy gunslinger/sniper. Most peoples opinion on this class is perfectly balanced, to a little overpowered. If you think this class needs a buff or another class needs a nerf so you can kill them easier than any other class then this class is not for you or your doing something wrong. To answer your question, your paper would be any melee (some ranged too) beyond 10m. When they get within 10m they turn to rock.
  11. The counter to this setup is like others said assassins or get this, 5 smash warriors jumping on the sage/sorc and killing everyone in one or two global cool downs.
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