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Release Of 'Star Wars: Episode 7' For 2015


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Tron: Legacy was live action/CGI, but Jeff Bridges had a digital makeover to look like his younger self. So it's not out of the realm of possibility that they make the original actors come back the same way. Improbable, but possible.


They'll never get Harrison Ford to do it tho.


nooo. I mean FULL CGI. Like Starship Troopers Invasion. FULL OUT. NO live action, total CGI. That way all you need is the permission to use their faces which i'm sure ol Harrison won't mind, neither will Carrie Fisher, or Mark, or Billy Dee.


And the gent who played palpatine, i'm sure he won't mind either, nor any of the other cast.


Simply makes it easy to do things.

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It's been 29 years since the end of RotJ, it'll be ~33 when VII comes out, so I hope they just stick with the real life timeline and pick this story up where Luke is around 55 and the Obi-Wan character of the new trilogy like Lucas originally talked about. Then it doesn't need to eliminate any EU (that I know of), it can have Jaina and Ben as the new Jedi (I think... are they still alive?), and the story can continue all happy go lucky.


I'm half excited and half nervous, but I guess at least now there are new Star Wars movies... something that didn't seem likely before. With Lucas consulting, it has a real chance of having the Star Wars feel of the original trilogy.

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I am not a fan of them beating a dead horse in hoping to make more money,


Star Wars is done and over in terms of the I-VI. With George not at the helm it is going to change the fundamentals of the ST Universe not unlike JJ and his new Star trek universe geared to the younger crowds.


The more the books progressed away from the ROTJ the less it felt like Star Wars to me and that is the great sadness...I am assuming this is how they will be in the movies too.


The story is over..let it be over.



I will agree that many want to see the OLD REPUblIC on film and the Post ROTJ era as well but I can say with great assuredness films never do the books justice and will settle for the book and audio tapes.

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I would be happy if they made movie versions of the thrawn trilogy, as long as they only change it to correct errors that were created by the prequel trilogy, such as the nature of the clone wars...


And hey, it's timothy zahn, the dude is like the best starwars writer around!

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A huge part of what makes Star Wars so popular - and, as I'm sure Disney will tell you, lucrative - is the continuity that threads through virtually all of the products, both media-based and otherwise. Anyone who follows SW closely can tell you about Leland Chee, the Holocron, and the EU. For a lot of fans, myself included, that (mostly) rigorous adherence to the concept of a single story is one of the main reasons why SW is so beloved.


If Disney decides to ignore the EU in pursuing these new films and whatnot, they risk facing a significant backlash. It won't kill the brand, of course, but it might just cut into its profitability enough that it ends up going the way of other sci-fi properties like Star Trek. Personally, I'm hopeful that they'll find a way to avoid disregarding the EU moving forward. But I've been disappointed enough already by some of the recent activity (that garbage TV show, for starters) that I know I need to be prepared to say goodbye to what I love about SW.


Oh, and for anyone who doesn't know about the concept of canonicity in Star Wars, this article does a great job of capturing what it means:




There's also a really technical explanation on Wookieepedia:



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I am kind of scared to be honest, I don't know what Disney will do, but it is worrisome. I personally do not care if they overwrite EU, Lord knows it has been time and time again, I just wonder what Disney's "vision" is , aside from dollar signs. Hopefully they don't muck it up, and we will get at least three new movies to enjoy. I was six years old in 1977, when I saw the first Star wars in theaters and have been hooked ever since, So i truly hope that whatever Disney does, the keep the spirit of star wars alive, and understand that alot have fans have almost 30 plus years invested in this....it may be too much to hope for, but still I hope.
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So here's the questions, how will they handle the fact that there's already a sizable EU placed after ROTJ? and how will they deal with the fact that most of the actors of the OT is now well on their way to very old age? will this be a prequel prequel? placed hundreds of years after or before the trilogies? Will this be a new story or an old one re purposed for cinema?


They most likely, won't care...



I hate it but its likely true..

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Just hand the reigns to Dave Filoni and be done with it.. His team has done a phenomenal job with the Clone Wars tv show.. If anyone understands and "gets" Star Wars, it's those guys..


In a wishfull world they would redo 1,2 and 3 properly, and finally present Anakin as he should be. A true hero struggling with his internal battles, but who really just want to do what feels right.. Not a whiney teenager who gets pissed off because he didn't get the girl..

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I am not a fan of them beating a dead horse in hoping to make more money,


Star Wars is done and over in terms of the I-VI. With George not at the helm it is going to change the fundamentals of the ST Universe not unlike JJ and his new Star trek universe geared to the younger crowds.


The more the books progressed away from the ROTJ the less it felt like Star Wars to me and that is the great sadness...I am assuming this is how they will be in the movies too.


The story is over..let it be over.



I will agree that many want to see the OLD REPUblIC on film and the Post ROTJ era as well but I can say with great assuredness films never do the books justice and will settle for the book and audio tapes.


hello,,i was a teenager when the first movie released,,my parents thinks this is pure nonsense


just because i got older, doesnt mean younger people shouldnt get to enjoy some new star wars material


things evolve,,or they die,,and i would prefer to die in a world, where STAR WARS is alive and well


and this game havent helped in that part,,,disney guys are competent,,i still have faith

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Just hand the reigns to Dave Filoni and be done with it.. His team has done a phenomenal job with the Clone Wars tv show.. If anyone understands and "gets" Star Wars, it's those guys..


In a wishfull world they would redo 1,2 and 3 properly, and finally present Anakin as he should be. A true hero struggling with his internal battles, but who really just want to do what feels right.. Not a whiney teenager who gets pissed off because he didn't get the girl..


Have to agree the chaps that do the clone wars know their subject for sure.

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When You Wish Upon a Death Star.


_ Finding Greedo.


_ Song of the Sith.


_ Lando and the Tramp.


_ Snow White and the Seven Droids.


_ The Princess Leia Diaries.


_ Emperor Palpatine's New Groove.


_ The Wookiee.


_ Beauty and the Boba Fett.


_ Lilo & Sith.


_ The Fox and the Han Solo.


_ Droid Story.


_ Jabba the Pooh.


_ Bambi Wan Kenobi.


_ Chitty Chitty Death Star.


_ That's So Vader.

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I'm hoping so hard that this is some kind of cruel joke. I feel like my world is crashing down around me.


Unsubscribed. Canceling my application to the 501st Legion. I refuse to represent Disney.

Edited by Ninquelen
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Its Disney... so let's see.


They'll use the OT actors in roles as their older selves. But they'll want to keep some things in the Disney family so to speak.


Shia Lebeouf will be Ben Skywalker.


They'll retcon Lando's son into a daughter, played by Raven Symone.


Not sure where Christi Carlson Romano will fit in, but the voice of Kim Possible HAS to get a role too.


And Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez have to get roles too, just to bring in the younger Disney fans to addict them to the new series of films.


All this is pure speculation... Disney would never use stars of one franchise to make another have an instant audience, nor would they prop up the careers of failing talents they've invested so much time and money in, right?

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