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Everything posted by Admaxster

  1. I can't stand J.J. Abrams as a director, and personally think this is a horrible choice. I have never liked a single one of his movies or T.V. shows, IMO he seems to use odd cinematics to distract from the fact that he can't direct, much like Michael Bay uses huge explosions for the same purpose. As to the fact that he is a huge Star Wars fan....so what, so am I, does that mean I could direct a Star Wars movie? I think not.
  2. This is a good idea, i will be sporting the Founder's tag all day.New players look For chars, Parsh'a (Jedi Consular) or Janith (Sith Inquisitor) and feel free to ask any questions you might have.
  3. I doubt there is much validity in this article, we hear all kinds of silly rumors when new movies are about to be made, and alot of the time they turn out to be nothing more than speculation or some nobody trying to get attention. That being said it would be ridiculous to bring Vader back, his story ended exactly as it was supposed to, and adding anything to it would just make it cheesy. I personally am hoping that Disney and Lucas are smarter than that, just give us a new villian, and for that fact all new characters, if you must bring characters from the original's in then do so in a limited capacity and use them only as guides of some sort for the new characters, and if Vader must make an appearance then for heaven's sake make it in a Sith Holocron or archive not in some silly resurrection story worse yet as some sort of pretender Vader.
  4. My vote goes to Zach Snyder (sp?)....That guy has an unlimited imagination, and could bring a whole new life to Star Wars. He has also proven that when given base material to work with he can stay true to the story, not to mention his ability to make things look absolutely epic. In liue of that I would say Jamrs Cameron would be an excellent choice.
  5. I don't think so, the bought Lucasfilm, not everything else....I am pretty sure Bioware and EA retain ownership of the game.
  6. I am kind of scared to be honest, I don't know what Disney will do, but it is worrisome. I personally do not care if they overwrite EU, Lord knows it has been time and time again, I just wonder what Disney's "vision" is , aside from dollar signs. Hopefully they don't muck it up, and we will get at least three new movies to enjoy. I was six years old in 1977, when I saw the first Star wars in theaters and have been hooked ever since, So i truly hope that whatever Disney does, the keep the spirit of star wars alive, and understand that alot have fans have almost 30 plus years invested in this....it may be too much to hope for, but still I hope.
  7. 1. Darth Vader (simply the best) 2. Revan 3. Tulak Horde 4. Bardam Jusik 5. Darth Nihlus 6. Darth Bane 7. Djinn Altis 8. Ludo Kresh 9. Darth Talon 10. Darth Sidious
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