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Disney to aquire Lucasfilm!


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Luke has not even been mentioned by anyone official. Nothing is publicly known about the treatments outside the fact that they are original.


According to Mark Hamill at least George brought up Kathleen Kennedy making Eps 7-9 last year and told him a little of the story. Now like I said they may drop those or they may keep them don't know yet.

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According to Mark Hamill at least George brought up Kathleen Kennedy making Eps 7-9 last year and told him a little of the story. Now like I said they may drop those or they may keep them don't know yet.


Aye, I am not saying that the speculation is wrong. Just that nothing has been said officially. For all we know that could have been a courtesy meeting to say "Hey, I love you guys, but you will be recast.", or "Hey, I love you guys, but we are moving on to Episode 7 and your characters are not directly involved.".


I do love me some speculation and I am geeking out at the possibilities, but it just irks me to see speculation being passed as fact.

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I should take your trolling seriously....why exactly? :confused::rolleyes:


Who is trolling? We like to complain about everything, but we can all be counted on for at least one thing, and that's spending lots of money at the theater every time a new Star Wars movie comes out.

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Who is trolling? We like to complain about everything, but we can all be counted on for at least one thing, and that's spending lots of money at the theater every time a new Star Wars movie comes out.


yup,,older fans bring family and friends,,,3 years and counting


its gonna be GREAT,,even it its not as good as the older ones


but ithink it will be better,,if theres anything, mickey cant fix,,it prolly not worth it:D

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Picture in your mind's eye your ideal vision of what episode 7 could be, how cool it would be and what story would make it pure awesome. Now open your eyes and realize Disney will be making it, and you have the reality of what it will be.


A Movie with almost zero story and hundreds of Disney kid star's like Justin Bieber playing a Jedi Padawan. it will be made to attract more people to the theme-parks and the disney channel teen shows, nothing more. it won't have a darker story or anyone that's not already under contract from Disney. Heck even that mom from good luck charlie (Leigh-Allyn Baker) did a voice over in this game.


Like I will always say, New Hope and Empire Strikes Back are the only movies that matter. after empire the whole shebang was marketed to pre-teens. this new trilogy will be marketed to all the teeny boppers who drool over austin moon and Justin Bieber.

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Picture in your mind's eye your ideal vision of what episode 7 could be, how cool it would be and what story would make it pure awesome. Now open your eyes and realize Disney will be making it, and you have the reality of what it will be.


A Movie with almost zero story and hundreds of Disney kid star's like Justin Bieber playing a Jedi Padawan. it will be made to attract more people to the theme-parks and the disney channel teen shows, nothing more. it won't have a darker story or anyone that's not already under contract from Disney. Heck even that mom from good luck charlie (Leigh-Allyn Baker) did a voice over in this game.


Like I will always say, New Hope and Empire Strikes Back are the only movies that matter. after empire the whole shebang was marketed to pre-teens. this new trilogy will be marketed to all the teeny boppers who drool over austin moon and Justin Bieber.


I am pretty sure that this is one of the most ignorant posts in this thread.

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Some ideas for Disney/Lucasfilm :)








LOL those are awsome! :D


The first one is like the general forums ( the dog is when a mod comes into a thread). :D


The second one is just too bad azzzzz. :D

Edited by Urael
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Picture in your mind's eye your ideal vision of what episode 7 could be, how cool it would be and what story would make it pure awesome. Now open your eyes and realize Disney will be making it, and you have the reality of what it will be.


A Movie with almost zero story and hundreds of Disney kid star's like Justin Bieber playing a Jedi Padawan. it will be made to attract more people to the theme-parks and the disney channel teen shows, nothing more. it won't have a darker story or anyone that's not already under contract from Disney. Heck even that mom from good luck charlie (Leigh-Allyn Baker) did a voice over in this game.


Like I will always say, New Hope and Empire Strikes Back are the only movies that matter. after empire the whole shebang was marketed to pre-teens. this new trilogy will be marketed to all the teeny boppers who drool over austin moon and Justin Bieber.


I thought Disney did a good job at the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, they were dark in nature.... Don't forget Disney does own other studios that make R rated movies... so it's not all Kid stuff

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Movie 1-3 just not veary good 4-6 to old to be any good. I think they should redo all of the movies they should make them more modem(no tiny monaders with no key bord ect) they should add more of a bada*s feel to it(combat and bounty hunters) and increes the langth of the movies to something similer to LOTR so they can add more content.
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Quote: Originally Posted by RogeAce

4-6 to old to be any good. I think they should redo all of the movies they should make them more modem


Thems fightin words round these parts! :p


*SWFans since 1977 wave pitch forks and torches* :rak_03:

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Picture in your mind's eye your ideal vision of what episode 7 could be, how cool it would be and what story would make it pure awesome. Now open your eyes and realize Disney will be making it, and you have the reality of what it will be.


A Movie with almost zero story and hundreds of Disney kid star's like Justin Bieber playing a Jedi Padawan. it will be made to attract more people to the theme-parks and the disney channel teen shows, nothing more. it won't have a darker story or anyone that's not already under contract from Disney. Heck even that mom from good luck charlie (Leigh-Allyn Baker) did a voice over in this game.


Like I will always say, New Hope and Empire Strikes Back are the only movies that matter. after empire the whole shebang was marketed to pre-teens. this new trilogy will be marketed to all the teeny boppers who drool over austin moon and Justin Bieber.


And YET, look at The Avengers, it had Disney backing and IT wasn't at all like what you are suggesting. :rolleyes:

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I know I don't want to fight I just wanted to get my opinion out and I mean they could do so much beater than what they have.:o


No worries I am never against more of something I like or a new version of it. It doesn't take the place of the old for me it is just another way of enjoying it. I will say though that I don't think they need a remake just yet they still need to carry on the story so we know what happened.

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Picture in your mind's eye your ideal vision of what episode 7 could be, how cool it would be and what story would make it pure awesome. Now open your eyes and realize Disney will be making it, and you have the reality of what it will be.



Educate yourself, son. Also, keep in mind that Miramax was owned by Disney at the time Pulp Fiction was made and released.


Lucasfilm is still its own company. That's how subsidiaries work. Lucasfilm will have a great deal of autonomy. As long as the subsidiary makes the money that the parent corporation wants it to make, it will remain fairly independent.

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In episod 6 they could of had a epic fight seen between boba fett and luke and don't think that it would be one sideded because boba fett is one of the most fered beings in the galixy he's so strong that darth vader respected him and luke still in training at the time boba fett should have kicked his head in.



LSR I don't hate the movies I just think they can improv so much.

Edited by RogeAce
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In episod 6 they could of had a epic fight seen between boba fett and luke and don't think that it would be one sideded because boba fett is one of the most fered beings in the galixy he's so strong that darth vader respected him and luke still in training at the time boba fett should have kicked his head in.



YA LSR I don't hate the movies I just think they can improv so much.


The movie business lately has been all about remakes and it sickens me. Obviously if you pour millions of dollars into a movie , you want it to do well , so original movies haven't been made recently. Well not as many , I mean come on a remake of 'Highlander' ? WTH I will not even watch that for free. So because they have stated that they are making 3 original movies then I'm all for it. I wouldn't go and see any remakes of the fist 6 movies ever.





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But Avengers wasn't dark though haha. So he was technically right on that part.


I wouldn't call the depiction of humans being slaughtered en masse not dark. Just because it wasn't gory does not mean that there were not dark tones.

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It definitely includes ILM, THX, ect. According to Disneys press release, the buy is for ALL of Of his stuff...specifically listed those companies by name


THX is not part of the deal as THX left Lucasfilm LTD in 2001. It is an independent company now.

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