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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Whats the first thing your going to do after 1.5 hits?


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Get the awesome looking armor I want in the cartel shop. Then hope I get lucky on a few of the cartel packs and sell some of the loot.


It will be nice to have money in the game for the first time ever really. I never grinded the dailies unless I needed to buy something specific so I've always been right up again the credit sink.

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Combine this


camp the vendor on tatooine and gank anyone trying to buy the stuff for HK-51 :p


with this


"General Forums you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, we must use caution"


oooh ... can't do anything more than to agree with MitchPB.


@topic: buying cartel packs, buying cool armor, buying everything i'm even slightly interested in!

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HK-51 quest with few guildies, while travelling buy my stuff from the cartel shop and then the schematics for the droid gear,,later on that night ECNM


... and even later on that night, after having rushed through everything new in the minimal amount of time possible, post into the forum that SWTOR is dying because it lacks endgame content?

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Hit the swoop tracks/ circuit and post the fastest times,:rod_wink_g:


after that take everyones creds on my server, in a friendly game of pazzaak,:rod_tongue_p:


then unleash the gizka scourge, first upon the fleet, then the galaxy at large. :rod_angel_g:


Then break for lunch.

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Depends on if you are counting cartel shop in 1.5


then first thing I am doing is throwing all kinda money at bioware and getting cool armor for me, my companions, and a billion lottery bags in hopes for sexy mini pets and throne chairs.


If you dont count cartel shop, nothing I started on a new server and am level 30.

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cancel my account and play for free


Have fun spending more money to do endgame content than a sub costs.



1)Camp Hk-51 parts


2)Kill free to players and trash their 5 med probes


3)Get hk-51 (If already done, skip to step 3)


4)Attack Dreadtooth solo (After first attempt find a group on second progression of steps)


5) Repair after attacking Dreadtooth (If out of money do Dailies, then proceed to step 6)


6)Proceed to spend my cartel coins on fluff items and lottery boxes to try and get a super rare set of armor. (If no CCs proceed to step 7)


7) Return to step (1)

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