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Legacy Wide datacrons


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read interviews on dulfy


Ok just had time to read dulfy so I take back my statement that maybe a legacy perk be added. I am still against them just doing this. And a hardy ** to the guy above me.

Edited by dlcman
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Hey folks!


I wanted to pass on a little tidbit that I heard this morning. We are very actively looking to put Legacy-wide Datacrons into Knights of the Fallen Empire! We know this has been widely requested for many years and so the Design team is working as we speak to get it in.


As always, this is not a guarantee that it will make it in, but the team is hard at work to make it happen :rak_03:.




One can hope, we'll see

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  • 3 weeks later...

yes, we don't care about costs, make it like the mount on the run legacy unlock, 400 or 500cc, in the "OTHER' page.

I love to keep that page complete and healthy, give us more stuff to use it, even if it costs 50 legacy levels.

Also please make it retroactive!! We've got all those datacrons so many times on so many toons...


observation: i haven't got all of them in 1 single toon since i only care for the mainstats (but i've got all if you count like 2 or 3 of my toons togheter), hope it still works 100%, don't forget about us practical people, dear Bioware! xD

Edited by James_Mcturney
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yes, we don't care about costs, make it like the mount on the run legacy unlock, 400 or 500cc, in the "OTHER' page.

I love to keep that page complete and healthy, give us more stuff to use it, even if it costs 50 legacy levels.

Also please make it retroactive!! We've got all those datacrons so many times on so many toons...


observation: i haven't got all of them in 1 single toon since i only care for the mainstats (but i've got all if you count like 2 or 3 of my toons togheter), hope it still works 100%, don't forget about us practical people, dear Bioware! xD


it is something they are trying to get into 4.0...relax. you are all getting your wish..maybe

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Everyone here can relax.

The powers that be have decided to reward the lazy and once again listen to those that cry the most.

You may get them with the expansion, you may not. But you can rest easy - you'll get them.

It wont be legacy level 50 - if I have to hazard a guess it will be level 10 (BW love listening to those that cry and if it were made any higher there would be plenty moaning).

Cost - probably nothing - once again, don't want to add a credit figure in there that some cannot afford or else more complaint and crying.


So sit back, it will happen.

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The powers that be have decided to reward the lazy and once again listen to those that cry the most.


So sad but so true.


Kids these days have no idea what it was like to have to actually draw out your map/area with a pencil and graph paper or to actually *gasp* EARN something, even if it is "just a game" and it's all imaginary pixels. If you were *really* stuck on something you could order the clue book and wait another 4-6 weeks.


Now it's just click-click-(pay)-iwin.


I wonder if it would even be possible to have storymode-hardemode-nightmaremode for the ENTIRE game instead of just operations and flashes. If they made a West Coast PvE HM server that's where I'd be until I felt strong enough to go to a NiM server.

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So sad but so true.


Kids these days have no idea what it was like to have to actually draw out your map/area with a pencil and graph paper or to actually *gasp* EARN something, even if it is "just a game" and it's all imaginary pixels. If you were *really* stuck on something you could order the clue book and wait another 4-6 weeks.


Now it's just click-click-(pay)-iwin.


I wonder if it would even be possible to have storymode-hardemode-nightmaremode for the ENTIRE game instead of just operations and flashes. If they made a West Coast PvE HM server that's where I'd be until I felt strong enough to go to a NiM server.


Im 37 years old, Love gaming and MMO's, especially Star Wars, I simply don't have time to get all these on my 8 characters, unless my game time is to consist of mindlessly clicking the same object over and over.....there is already enough of that in every single MMO available.


The idea of Legacy was that you pass down stuff to your Alts....Its why it was created, surely it would make sense that if a person in RL told you where to find something it would be a lot easier the second, third, forth time round. Ive competed all the datacrons on 5 of my 8 characters, did the lot and grinded them all....Enough is enough, they should be on legacy, and it has nothing to do with being lazy. Some of us have jobs and familys and dont consider collecting the same things 100's of times "Fun".


And another thing, Why are people so quick to suggest this goes to CC, WTH is wrong with people, this should be if anything, Subscription exclusive, and should just be a Legacy perk once you have completed all the datacrons on one of your toons purchased with in game credits like everything else in Legacy.

Edited by Nippon
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So sad but so true.


Kids these days have no idea what it was like to have to actually draw out your map/area with a pencil and graph paper or to actually *gasp* EARN something, even if it is "just a game" and it's all imaginary pixels. If you were *really* stuck on something you could order the clue book and wait another 4-6 weeks.

First off only kids have time to do that stuff for a game. The rest of us have jobs, families and *gasp* real lives. That being said get over it things change and become easier. I doubt you draw your own maps in real life. I doubt you go down to the stream to wash your clothes and beat them against rocks. I seriously doubt every time you want to talk to someone you walk to their house so you can talk to them. I mean you posted on here so you do use a computer for your entertainment. If you are so against things being easier you should have to make up the story yourself with the only way to share it with someone is to tell them verbally. I mean kids nowadays have to write things down because they are too lazy to memorize every story.


People who resist change get left behind and become irrelevant. That is one thing that is always true everything is changing and a good percentage of that change is for the better. Before you go kids I am 41 years old. I played on BBS and Muds . My favorite MMO to this day is UO before Trammel. I don't need to spend my free time EARNING things I do that with my job in real life.


Ok rant over resistance to change because it is change is a pet peeve of mine and another is expecting everyone to enjoy what you enjoy. Honestly the when I read post like this it reminds me of my nephews throwing a fit because things aren't exactly how they want it.

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Honestly the when I read post like this it reminds me of my nephews throwing a fit because things aren't exactly how they want it.


That's exactly what people are doing here, throwing fits because things aren't exactly how they want it, and the developers are caving-in to these fits and rewarding these tantrums.


Anyway, why are people still mad about Legacy Datacrons? They've already said they're doing it, just not how, so just let it go and see what they end up doing.

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The idea of Legacy was that you pass down stuff to your Alts....Its why it was created, surely it would make sense that if a person in RL told you where to find something it would be a lot easier the second, third, forth time round.


I agree, pass stuff down to your alts, and to use your example of knowing where things are (ie. a map or Codex entry) is the perfect use of the Legacy system.


The problem is that Datacrons are like a permanent stim (ie. injection) that, once used, is used and is impossible to "pass down" or "share" with anyone else. You don't eat a sandwich and everyone in your Legacy doesn't feel hungry anymore but you can tell them where to get the sandwich, right? That's what you're saying: a person in RL told you where to find each Datacron but you still have to go get it to use it, and it gets easier every time you go with a new character.


That's what Legacy should be for, knowledge like maps and schematics and giving an old speeder to a character that doesn't have one, things that actually "make sense" to be able to be shared. Not "here, I just drank a glass of water so now you're not thirsty", which is what Legacy Datacrons are.

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That's exactly what people are doing here, throwing fits because things aren't exactly how they want it, and the developers are caving-in to these fits and rewarding these tantrums.


Anyway, why are people still mad about Legacy Datacrons? They've already said they're doing it, just not how, so just let it go and see what they end up doing.


No it's a game and players asking for them to put in legacy datacrons is a request. A lot of the post gave valid reasons because it took away from the fun of the game. People pay them to play it if they don't find it fun they will stop paying them. Your post is more of a fit throwing because you didn't get away. The post I replied to only called names and complained about change. That is very much more in the line of child fit throwing.


I will make a few points and I am done.


1. Just because someone disagrees with your doesn't make it a fit. If a person give valid reasons for what they say then it a discussion. Name calling or saying it has always been that way are never valid reason especially if you using modern technology.


2. As you claim to be an older MMO player but use the new definition of "Pay To Win." "Pay to win" has become to mean anything someone doesn't like. It originally referred to the best items was only available in a cash shop and was only used in PvP based games. That being said anything that gets more people putting money into the game as long as it doesn't effect PvP balance and there is a way to get non decoration items in game.


3. This is a game that people do in their free time. I have found that most people that are willing to pay of conveniences or less mindless grinding have jobs and work hard in real life. The last thing any of them want is for the game to seem like work. I have a job I don't want to pay to have another. I won't say the inverse is true but sometimes I wonder.


4. People instead of doing it should be my way or a highway should try to embrace having both options. If you make Legacy Datacrons a unlock thing. If you enjoy the game where you go and unlock every Datacron with every character then go do it. If you don't unlock it and don't do it. This is really a win-win if you enjoy getting datacrons. If your mindset is everyone needs to play the game my way or everyone need to grind as much as I do. That is a lose-lose because in the end it will hurt the game.

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I agree, pass stuff down to your alts, and to use your example of knowing where things are (ie. a map or Codex entry) is the perfect use of the Legacy system.


The problem is that Datacrons are like a permanent stim (ie. injection) that, once used, is used and is impossible to "pass down" or "share" with anyone else. You don't eat a sandwich and everyone in your Legacy doesn't feel hungry anymore but you can tell them where to get the sandwich, right? That's what you're saying: a person in RL told you where to find each Datacron but you still have to go get it to use it, and it gets easier every time you go with a new character.


That's what Legacy should be for, knowledge like maps and schematics and giving an old speeder to a character that doesn't have one, things that actually "make sense" to be able to be shared. Not "here, I just drank a glass of water so now you're not thirsty", which is what Legacy Datacrons are.


Character picks up datacron and put it in his stronghold. Datacrons don't get drained when used. I seriously don't see a problem with this. I actually thought the solution when you unlock datacron mastery for each planet you got usable decoration datacrons of each datacron from that planet. I wouldn't go through all that work to find something just to leave it in the sand.

Edited by Dalagante
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I still support this. However, it should be restrictive.

EX: Once you receive datacrons on lower level planets, its to all.

Then on the next level set, it needs to be two characters.

And so on.


The point of legacy is to pass on what you have learned. You'll tell your legacy the tales of your adventures. But some of the higher ones require more than one person to explain them. Or something like that.


By then, you'd have to have them on 6 characters before any new characters had most of them unlocked, or something like that.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Legacy wide datacrons 99% sure to be retroactive!!! Twitch stream rocked.


They say something like that?


Right now Legacy seems so under utilized. I can understand them not wanting it to compete vs the Cartel Market, but sharing the datacron unlocks would be great example of something that legacies could make alting more tolerable.

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EVERYONE should want LEGACY / UNLOCK datacrons!

I think the majority of players in this game would be behind this, and those who DO NOT want it, DO NOT HAVE to use it -- am i right?

I fail to see how this idea could EVER POSSIBLY detract from anything else in this game. AS LONG as 1 of our characters has ONCE already completed a given datacron quest (HELLACIOUS, INSANE, platform jumping SADO-MASOCHISM is what it is!!!) then I think we PLAYERS DESERVE to be able to NOT HAVE to do them over again.


I would think that the majority of the player base would be behind this, especially as an opt-in feature.

Those who do not want it, do not have to use it. They can just keep doing the same SUPER HARD CRAP over and over and over and over and over again ... but NOT ME!



This was suggested a while back, but I really like the idea of Legacy wide datacrons.


It could work 1 of 2 ways:

A) Cartel Shop sells the ability to make datacrons legacy wide (500 CC, 1000 CC whatever)

B) Legacy Perk


Example: If you were a level 16 Republic and had gotten all the Ord Mantel, Tython and Coruscant datacrons on other characters, you would gain access to the datacron codex entries and stat benefit as soon as you reached the max level of the planet. So hitting 50 would give you all the Illum ones, 49 all the Corellia ones and so on and so forth.


Obviously faction specific datacrons would have to be taken into consideration as otherwise someone could have more than the correct amount of datacrons.


I really think this would be a huge benefit as I have gotten 60 datacrons on my main and am working on getting the remaining 7, and really really really really don't want to do this for a 2nd character, and third character and so on.


Please take this into consideration,

yours truly,



P.S: My fellow forum goers, please keep this bumped so BW can see how interested we are in this feature.

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I'm just wondering how it'll handle the datacrons for the legacy. Like are they tied to the legacy exploration achievements? Or do you actually got to have each one on each side? If they are tied to the legacy exploration achievements then that actually lessens how many you actually have to get since a lot of the datacrons are shared by both sides.


As it stands, right now I got almost all the datacons on my jedi knight guardian (just need the few ones you need one person or a group for and the empire exclusive ones) so if it's handled by achievements then it'll be really easy for me to finish it up other than doing the fleet datacons.

Edited by Philmors
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Just wanted to come in and thank the developers. Finally we get this long overdue feature in the game. To all of us who battled against the non ending wave of qq from a few people strongly apposed to this thank you as well. The voice of the people has been heard. :D Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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I'm just wondering how it'll handle the datacrons for the legacy. Like are they tied to the legacy exploration achievements? Or do you actually got to have each one on each side? If they are tied to the legacy exploration achievements then that actually lessens how many you actually have to get since a lot of the datacrons are shared by both sides.


As it stands, right now I got almost all the datacons on my jedi knight guardian (just need the few ones you need one person or a group for and the empire exclusive ones) so if it's handled by achievements then it'll be really easy for me to finish it up other than doing the fleet datacons.


I don't know it showed Tatooine datacrons as as single planet in the unlocks despite there being a unique datacron on the planet for each side, places like balmorra actually have 2 republic and empire likewise they are shown separately in the datacron legacy achievement. I got the datacron achievement for all planets last weekend along with rishi and the fleet one which I picked up last year, this should be enough to unlock all achievements when 4.0 goes live.

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Just wanted to come in and thank the developers. Finally we get this long overdue feature in the game. To all of us who battled against the non ending wave of qq from a few people strongly apposed to this thank you as well. The voice of the people has been heard. :D


Yes - well done.

They made a simple game even more simple.

Keep on campaigning - there will be a "press to win" button bfore 4.1 is released.


But hay - if it makes you happy to gloat then you go for it.

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To all of us who battled against the non ending wave of qq from a few people strongly apposed to this thank you as well.


Is this kind of passive-aggressive shot really necessary? They're bringing Legacy Datacrons, it's being done, it's happening. Why the need to make a post like this?

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