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HK-51 Quest & its PVP requirement.


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You can run to the vendor in 3-4 deaths even if people constantly gank you. Because there is stealth time. Once you click the vendor, you are immune.


Is dying a few times to other players that traumatic? This isn't a rhetoric question. Do people find it deeply symbolic, or what?

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I have no doubt that when HK-51 launches there will be Griefers who hang out in the FFA area to kill people trying to get to the merchant NPC.... A easy fix is to group up with fellow PvE'ers and go as a big group, if someone tries something you will have numbers on your side and will destory the griefers...


No, an easy solution is to enforce the Rules of Conduct and let griefers spend those first few days not playing because their account was suspended for harrassing other players.


Legitimate PvP, okay.


But no, there is no justification for griefing. It isn't good fun. It doesn't make the game better. It's a public nuisance, its against the rules and there is no call to tolerate it. Period.

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I approve, I'll be sure to spend some time next to him to give the shoppers a "friendly" greeting.


Seriously? Your idea of decent combat is killing people who have no interest in fighting with you? That's pretty damned pathetic.


If you enjoy PvP so much, why not go and do with with someone who'll actually provide you with a challenge, instead of wailing on someone who isn't inclined to fight back? Are you so insecure? So bored? Or are you just a really horrible person who'd rather ruin someone else's fun than sign up for a decent challenge?

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Seriously? Your idea of decent combat is killing people who have no interest in fighting with you? That's pretty damned pathetic.


If you enjoy PvP so much, why not go and do with with someone who'll actually provide you with a challenge, instead of wailing on someone who isn't inclined to fight back? Are you so insecure? So bored? Or are you just a really horrible person who'd rather ruin someone else's fun than sign up for a decent challenge?


I'd rather be pathetic than spend all my time between warzones jumping around the fleet :rolleyes:

And, well, it's a pvp area, where you know, you kill people

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PvP is NOT a mini-game and BW said that 50% of players play it on a regular basis. A much higher % than the carebears crying here.:eek:


Really? The 50% who "regularly" (once a month? once a season? Pretty regular; not the same as frequent) do PvP is higher than the ... wait, let me do the maths here ... 100-50 ... 50% who don't?


We are still working in base 10, right?:rolleyes:


It's a mini-game. It has no bearing on the story, any more than the space missions do; it's just an interesting diversion for those who will. Deal with it.

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It says


SWTOR Legacy Perks unlocked with Cartel Coins – a list! It is interesting to note that HK-51 is unlockable via legacy (I am assuming once you done the quest at least once) on a per character basis for 1 mil credits or 350 CC.


The problem is


A: He assumes. Meaning not fact, based.



Most minor of nitpicks: Dulfy is not a 'he'.


But agreed, we don't know if it'll be a million credits for a character or a legacy-wide unlock. Although a million credits for a character unlock seems pretty steep ...

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The vendors are right at the entrance to outlaws den, and no one really goes there anyways so it probably won't be very active except maybe the first few days of hk being available and people heading there....not to mention if you splurge like 50k on your legacy travel you can just port right there and boom, done.
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You actually hafta try hard to encounter another player there and even if they are, they're usually nice enough to mind their own business (searching for chests). It's not like there are dozens of other players wailing on you the moment you enter the area.

Edited by GARhenus
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..with HK quest active, there will be players or sure. also griefers or gankers, whatever you call them.

While i understand devs idea, to make open PVP more "populated" and perhaps have non-pvpers at least taste how it is, there's a solutions:


The same way as you need to group for any operation, or fleet datacron, you also need to group to get some part of HK quest. And there will be many who want that companion, so I guess there would be enough volunteers to cover each other's back in case there are some griefers. Easy. just use general chat on the fleet and here we go.


On the other hand it seems it profited to me when i decided to at least try PVP while completed class quests.

At least I'm not afraid of them gankers and have some tricks to keep them away while I I'm in Outlaw's Den.

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2. PVP people do dailies. I never disputed that. And what kind of content are dailies? Or yeah, they are PVE content. Unless you mean your daily warzone. Can you bring HK into your warzone to do that daily? No. You can't.

I won't bother commenting on the rest because it's obvious that you don't want to listen, I'll just like to point out to you that this is indisputable proof that you have no idea what you are talking about. :)

PVP dailies do not give credits, there is no way to make decent credits by doing PVP.

If PVP people want credits, they'll have to do solo PVE dailies (Black Hole etc).


Side note, neither I, nor anyone else in this thread, has said anything about having to do a warzone to get HK. I have no idea where you got that. The point I made, which you clearly missed, was that he is a PVE companion and that you can't take him into a warzone, which are the only pure PVP areas in the game.

Oh I'm the one missing the point? :p The point was that you keep bringing up that PVP players can not bring HK into a Warzone, even though that's completely irrelevant. No part of HK has anything to do with any Warzones. HK will for the most part be used for solo PVE, and crafting (and apparently you personally will also use him in Hardmode Maelstrom Prison/Foundry).


It's players like you that make me want to change my mind, from being someone who joins groups with players to help them get to the vendor, to instead join groups who will stop people like you from going there. Oh how sweet those tears would be. :)


Have a nice day.

Edited by Rassuro
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The vendors are right at the entrance to outlaws den, and no one really goes there anyways so it probably won't be very active except maybe the first few days of hk being available and people heading there....not to mention if you splurge like 50k on your legacy travel you can just port right there and boom, done.

The Collector Kezzit Vendor is not near the entrance to the Outlaws Den.


There are Vendors located at the Northern entrance of the Outlaws Dens but the Collector Kezzit Vendor is located at the Vendors in the center of the Outlaws Den. There is only one of these Jawa Vendor (the Collector Kezzit). I have not heard of there being two of him. If there are then all these guides on the HK-51 should all update there information on it. Guide like Dulfy's and DarthHater's.

Here is a pic from Dulfy's guide that shows the location of the Collector Kezzit.


Here is another pic that shows the location as well from the DarthHater Guide.



So for those that keep saying or thinking that vendor we need to visit is near the Entrance I think you should look at it again. Unless there is a second vendor. If there is a second vendor then I would like to know, because so far they are only reporting one.

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Shrug. All this means is I'll be giving it a couple of weeks before I bother trying to unlock HK-51.


^This ... you don't need everything on opening day. Like many times it's best to wait to see a movie to wait out all the rabid fans and teens. :p


Or you could go really early in the morning when not many people are online.


Or you could get a group of people to go together to protect each other. ;)

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This game just made an easy choice. I will not be getting the new compainion. A few side quests on his story doesn't equal to the amount of work, and once you do the quests. You have pay a million credits or 350 coins on each of you're legacy.


Call me crazy but it seems like it's edging you to buy it with coins. People would really spend a million credits to unlock a companion that should come free once you unlock it. I'm not fond of the whole system. All I'm worried about is buying legacy perks.

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This game just made an easy choice. I will not be getting the new compainion. A few side quests on his story doesn't equal to the amount of work, and once you do the quests. You have pay a million credits or 350 coins on each of you're legacy.


Call me crazy but it seems like it's edging you to buy it with coins. People would really spend a million credits to unlock a companion that should come free once you unlock it. I'm not fond of the whole system. All I'm worried about is buying legacy perks.


Once you have completed the questline you can get him on other characters by

a) repeat the questline

b) do something else in game to earn 1 million credits (there are speeders that cost more and are also per character)

c) use your monthly stipend of CC (if you are a sub) and/or pay real $$ for CC

i.e. choice in how you want to spend your time/money


I don't have a problem with that aspect of HK-51, it is the placement of the vendor in the PVP zone that I object to.

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I won't bother commenting on the rest because it's obvious that you don't want to listen, I'll just like to point out to you that this is indisputable proof that you have no idea what you are talking about. :)

PVP dailies do not give credits, there is no way to make decent credits by doing PVP.

If PVP people want credits, they'll have to do solo PVE dailies (Black Hole etc).


Clearly you didn't read what you quoted, since this is exactly what I was saying. The dailies that PVP players do to earn money, as you just pointed out, and that I noted above, are PVE content. Which is where you would be able to use HK. I stated that the only daily in which you couldn't use him was the daily warzone, which is PVP content.



Oh I'm the one missing the point? :p The point was that you keep bringing up that PVP players can not bring HK into a Warzone, even though that's completely irrelevant. No part of HK has anything to do with any Warzones. HK will for the most part be used for solo PVE, and crafting (and apparently you personally will also use him in Hardmode Maelstrom Prison/Foundry).


It's not completely irrelevant when the complaint of the PVE crowd is that they are forced to PVP to get a PVE companion. The point is to show that HK is predominantly PVE content. That's all I was trying to prove. And by your statement above, it seems that we agree.


It's players like you that make me want to change my mind, from being someone who joins groups with players to help them get to the vendor, to instead join groups who will stop people like you from going there. Oh how sweet those tears would be. :)


I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. But let me make this clear, as I seem to have gotten off track. I have no particular issue with PVP if it occurs naturally as I'm going for the vendor. If I see someone of the opposite faction and they attack, so be it, we'll duke it out and the winner goes on to the vendor and gets the piece and the loser has to wait for his revive, and can then go on to the vendor and get the piece.


Where I do have an issue is with the folks who are planning to intentionally sit on or near the vendor to keep people from getting to the vendor and continuing the quest. I know that all I have to do is revive and continue on. But if I am continually killed over and over, that revive time extends. And while I don't mind dying in the course of play, I do have limited time in which to play. So, being continually killed by some griefer who gets his rocks off killing people in the name of "yay, finally some open world PVP," cuts severely into my play time and enjoyment of the game.


I would hope that as a community, we'd be better than that. For those that want open world PVP, you have it. On any of the PVP servers. So, I don't quite get the excitement of "finally" having some open world PVP as a result of this quest.

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