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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stupid F2P Restrictions


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Remember Free to play is just that Free. However a gaming company needs to make money so special stuff will cost you to unlock. Just like with free food......you don't really have a right to complain, if you don't like it then don't eat it.




They said: you get to enjoy your class story for free, meaning all missions and such will be for free. If you don't level like that and instead use flash points or PvP, you will be disappointed. They never promised you PvP levelers anything. "Assumption is the mother of all F*** ups" was once said in an old movie and this applies here too.


Perhaps you don't realize it, but in F2P games, you pay alot more a month than what the sub costs, unless you are satisfied with what you get for nothing.

Edited by Fallerup
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The current restrictions for the F2P will make the whole F2P changeover be a flop, its too tight they need to loosen up the restrictions.


''Let say 5 deaths, make it it 10.

Only 5 Warzones, make it 10.''


^ Example


Just double the current restrictions or remove some.

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The current restrictions for the F2P will make the whole F2P changeover be a flop, its too tight they need to loosen up the restrictions.


''Let say 5 deaths, make it it 10.

Only 5 Warzones, make it 10.''


^ Example


Just double the current restrictions or remove some.


It isn't five deaths its five med probes that rez you on the spot.

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The current restrictions for the F2P will make the whole F2P changeover be a flop, its too tight they need to loosen up the restrictions.


''Let say 5 deaths, make it it 10.

Only 5 Warzones, make it 10.''


^ Example


Just double the current restrictions or remove some.



And 10 is way to high. The goal is to get people to sub after getting a taste. Being able to do more them even 1 a day is to much.


Nothing wrong with after 5 deaths (in what is probable a weeks time before reset) that you have to then go back to the med center.


As far as FP and WZ goes. I might could see an argument for 5 games a week but there is nothing wrong with 3 either. At that point if you like it enough to do 3 games, your going to want more so you pay the fee for more. It will still be less then the monthly sub most likely if all your doing is playing one area of the game)


You can't have the game for free and then get tons of extras for free as well. You either A la carte it and pay a small portion for what you want to focus on (say PVP only) and pay much less than a subscription. OR


You pay the sub per month and get it all for cheaper then trying to a La carte the entire game.


You don't entice people to buy more if you give them more than just a nibble.

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some of the problems with the proposed f2p model is that anyone with even half a brain knows that what any f2p mmorpg game (korean or otherwise) is far superior to the castrated, version SWTOR will become.


Inability to even do daily pvp/fp missions for more than 1-2 days

ZERO contribution to p2p folks @ 50, and minimal contribution to levelling p2p (Flashpoint/Warzone queues arent gonna change THAT much)


And yeah, f2p shouldn't be getting everything we (subbers) currently have, but they sure as hell aren't gonna want to stick around with the castration, since any other mmorpg offers them far more base features, AND offers pay-to-win content (such as the exp boosts, faster travel, outright purchasing of end-game equipment, etc)


Loathe as I am to say it.... Runescape has been doing the free-to-play, pay-to-win for years.



Given that I'm really an altoholic, and that my current PC drops a deuce everytime I load 1 client of SWTOR, but easily permits upto TWENTY EVE: Online accounts.... let's see, lag during loading for SWTOR Flashpoints and get kicked out and be paying real cash (subscription or flashpoint permit pass), or go multi-box 20 eve online accounts, and occasionally rolling some new alt to mess around and solo missions. :rolleyes:



I don't know a single person who plays Runescape and the few friends who did try the Korean F2P games hated them, might be why not many play them...


I agree that SWTOR needs some sort of "" FUN "" repeatable content for 50's and some sort of end game World PvP .... but the game is no where as bad as you "" TRY "" to paint it, I have no performance issues with running the game, as for your comparison with EVE, all EVE has to render is a black background with a few pretty stars... Sounds like you have a crappy computer and blame Bioware for it ...

Edited by Monoth
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It would seem F2P is not really an option, unless all you intented to do is RP, and watch the class stories, I was hoping for more, as this model of game play is dying, don't get me wrong I love this game, but more and more people want to move on to the next big thing, F2P here could do that to swtor, but with these restrictions, it more like a unlimited trial.


How can giving people the "ENTIRE" game for free is going to help SWTOR to survive?!? If you have no revnue EA will close this MMO down... People are trying to get Bioare to tweak the F2P enough so it allows them just enough Warzones and FP's that they won't pay a single dime for anything.


The only way that would work is if they go Pay to Win, but Pay to Win MMO's end up dying off or end up with no support and very little in content updates.... I know very few people who would stick around if it goes pay to win.. not to mention it will kill off the 500k-800k subscribers they still have...


Bottom line is Bioware/EA do not want free loaders and most of the people in this thread are just that, people trying to get something for nothing, this benefits the game in no way.... I know some people like to think if they leave a game it will die off, but guess what it won't...

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How can giving people the "ENTIRE" game for free is going to help SWTOR to survive?!? If you have no revnue EA will close this MMO down... People are trying to get Bioare to tweak the F2P enough so it allows them just enough Warzones and FP's that they won't pay a single dime for anything.


The only way that would work is if they go Pay to Win, but Pay to Win MMO's end up dying off or end up with no support and very little in content updates.... I know very few people who would stick around if it goes pay to win.. not to mention it will kill off the 500k-800k subscribers they still have...


Bottom line is Bioware/EA do not want free loaders and most of the people in this thread are just that, people trying to get something for nothing, this benefits the game in no way.... I know some people like to think if they leave a game it will die off, but guess what it won't...


I agree that this is all the F2P haters want is to do all that they normally do for free. They want to PVP or run FP's 20-30 times a week for free. They hope the paying people keep it alive for the free players. The game would be worse if it was that model and probobaly die faster. No income...No game...Nuff said. If they went to a pay to win model I leave this game so fast as I cant stand pay to win games.

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I honestly do not understand all the QQ about the f2p??

Of course its very limited and sucks, thats the idea.....to entice players to sub and get the full game in its glory.


Forgive me if I am mistaken, but it seems a lot of the complaining is players who want to go free, but still reap the benifits of full subscription access??


If you want a game you can play around with, and check some things out a few days a week, f2p is probably great for that.......If you want a full game that you can do whatever you want, as many times as you want a week, then shell out the 15bucks and enjoy:)


First let me say that I agree 200 % with everything you just said. The problem is twofold:


- The players who wish to be get everything the subs are getting but do so under F2P are freeloaders who don't pay any bills and probably still live with their parents. They have no concept of what Free really entails.


- They are probably not MMORPG players and are categorizing this as "just another video game". Most of those same people are primarily console gamers who don't understand how REAL gaming works. PC has and will continue to outshine Console gaming in all facets.

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The problem is twofold:


- The players who wish to be get everything the subs are getting but do so under F2P are freeloaders who don't pay any bills and probably still live with their parents. They have no concept of what Free really entails.


I think you hit on the reason in your next point. ----v


- They are probably not MMORPG players and are categorizing this as "just another video game". Most of those same people are primarily console gamers who don't understand how REAL gaming works.


I am not a console gamer so I don't often think from this perspective. But, I can see why there is a mind set of "once I pay for the game I should get everything else for free". I think you are right that they do not understand the online game paradigm. Perhaps this is why "free to play" is becoming the industry "standard". This also lends credence to my theory that today's MMORPG player is not the same as those of us that have been playing since MUD/MOO days. That coupled with documented shorter attention spans ( if you believe the psychobable), and the growing sense of entitlement ( brainwashed in the youth by today's miseducation systems) plus the whole "occupy-mind set" and well you kinda get a picture of the "me want moar nao freez" gamer of today. I guess Morpheus said it best "welcome to the dessert of the real". To that I have to answer "why oh why did I take the red pill". :p:D


PC has and will continue to outshine Console gaming in all facets.


I disagree due to subjectivity. In general I agree but, there are things that console games can do that PC games have yet to do (think mechanics and physics and fluidity). :cool:

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I disagree due to subjectivity. In general I agree but, there are things that console games can do that PC games have yet to do (think mechanics and physics and fluidity). :cool:


You haven't played Battlefield 3 or Batman Arkham City on a NVidia driven GPU, have you?


They blow the Console versions out of the water. PhysX is a wonderful thing.


See what I mean here with Batman and

with BF3. Edited by DarknessInLight
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I play a lot of endgame so a subscription makes sense for me. When you think about it $15/month is not very much at all. I need to spend double that on commute gas per week (and my hybrid gets 44mpg). I understand that given the state of the economy and rate of unemployment we all have to watch our budgets but if $15/month is giving you pause I respectfully suggest that it would be worth spending less time on the game and more time on career or school related activities, or with your family.


If folks are objecting to the costs based on 'general principle', comparisons to other games, or people just being cheap and wanting everything for free, people should realize F2P is there to make a subscription look like a really good bargain which it is.

Edited by Projawa
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Recently I went to the pts to check out the new free to play options. I am one of those hardy few that wants to stick with this game throughout its lifespan.


Maybe its just because its Star Wars.


Perhaps its loyalty to the zombie company Bioware.


Im probably just a glutton for punishment, however, digression aside.


The f2p shop is a joke. I dont want to buy anything from it!


How can you expect to become a viable free to play service if theres nothing to compel people to spend money in the shop?


Im going to stay subbed to this game. That said, there should be plenty of things that entice me to spend money above and beyond that.


What you are doing now is piece-mealing out the game in a way that no f2p player is going to want to play it.


Are you guys seriously thinking you are going to entice some insane person to spend all those coins unlocking the ability to revive with a med probe?


You seriously believe some person is going to spend money to run flashpoints for a single week?


You cant even compel people to stay subbed WITH THOSE ALL THOSE FEATURES ENABLED ALREADY.


The structure behind this is beyond absurd.


If you want to entice subs you will have to come with some REAL meat for endgame / horizontal progression.


Your plan seems to be to me to make the best part of your game free to play, and then make it so painful to play it for free that people will spend nickle and dime amounts to unlock things like using a med probe, or having extra ui bars.


This is seriously such a joke. You need to fire the people behind this game.


Hire hoboes from behind the local liquor store in Austin. They will come up with better than this.


Its not that hard to figure out how to pay the bills for your dev team.




Not Dailies, rehashed flashpoints, or crappy space missions. Give us something to chew through.


Give us a reason to revisit planets, to interact with one another in a meaningful way, world pvp, pazaak, swoop racing, ship customization, Meaningful customizable player housing, A 6 axis space game, SOMETHING.


If the crap in the cash shop is the best you can come up with to take this game into the future, you seriously need to go back to the drawing board.


Go dig up that wall of crazy out of the dumpster that is sitting next to the contents of Daniel Ericksons desk.


Something, ANYTHING.




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The oddest part of their f2p model is for someone who isn't 50 and doesn't run warzones/flashpoints, there's no reason to spend any money on the game. For those people that are 50 who grow tired of the game, there's little reason to stay stubbed and spend money on the f2p options.


On top of that, they keep piling more sub features on when those features should be 1 time microtransactions.

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Pretty sure we'll get a lot of that stuff....in the next content expansion they're working on.


The cartel shop is mostly for fluff. Some people like fluff. Am I going to buy the carbonite chamber and some of those gear sets? Hell yeah. I'm a subscriber so I don't really care about a lot of the stuff in there at the time. But I"m used to subscribing - fact is, a lot of people these days are more comfortable with micro transactions. It's crazy to some people like us, but they exist. And they will put in more fun fluff items over time, not like this is all there ever will be.

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