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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

F2P - 3 Warzones Per Week LOL


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That's true. But no new player is going to get hooked on the pvp by playing 3 wz's a week.


That assumes they won't drop the cash on a license to see if they do like it. You're looking at a very narrow scenario. A person could just as likely before even queuing for their first warzone figure it's worth it to buy one license to see how it is. Like many have said, this could work out great for PvPers. You pay for what you want.

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Not a good policy for a game company to follow. F2P players (which is a misnomer in some respects) are still paying money. In some cases they may actually be paying more than the subscriber who never buys any cartel coins.


I'm saying right now, these Weekly passes are not going to go over well on the F2P players.


who cares? they aren't paying. if they like it and then pay, then we care.

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who cares? they aren't paying. if they like it and then pay, then we care.


Probably should care. Do you realize how big of a flow it would be for this game to be free and people still were not wanting to play it?


Could probably draw in PvE'ers with the story for free, but for those of us who like to PvP, it would be beneficial if someone might be willing to be there for us to kill.

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Probably should care. Do you realize how big of a flow it would be for this game to be free and people still were not wanting to play it?


Could probably draw in PvE'ers with the story for free, but for those of us who like to PvP, it would be beneficial if someone might be willing to be there for us to kill.


then i suggest you start combing the planets. 3 wz's on EACH character they have per week is more than generous considering what they'll be paying which is what again? Oh yeah, NOTHING. If they can't decide to buy the pvp license off of that, chances are they weren't going to anyway. I've been paying since day 1. I don't care if moochers are dissatisfied.



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then i suggest you start combing the planets. 3 wz's on EACH character they have per week is more than generous considering what they'll be paying which is what again? Oh yeah, NOTHING. If they can't decide to buy the pvp license off of that, chances are they weren't going to anyway. I've been paying since day 1. I don't care if moochers are dissatisfied.




What does you playing since day one have to do with it? lol


Anyway. I just think for people who look to PvP as their end game; other players are their content. As far as them not paying for it; I would give them free trips to the respawn all day, every day.

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3 per week is more than enough.


If you consider how broken pvp in this game, allowing f2p players access to unlimited warzones is a sure fire why to guarantee that they'd never sub.


Clever Bioware is clever.

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The majority of the people complaining about the restrictions are current players who were wanting to drop their subscription in favor of F2P, still hoping to have access to the same content.


That's what i'm getting from this thread and the bigger one on the general forum.

Edited by cycao
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I am a subscriber, but i don't think that's fair. They really should raise the limit to like 15 per week, not 3. I understand that you have to purchase unlimited with cartel coins, but still that's not a way to get F2P players interested in playing warzones.


That is going to make it almost impossible to gain commedations for gear. I hope they reconsider that, not saying they have to make it a high number, but you would think you would want them to experience it frequently to decide if they want to unlock it. 3 Per week is lame if you ask me even for a F2P player.

If they want to get gear and play with the big boys they better pay up like the rest of us. Whats the problem?

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Lol BW might as well limit F2Pers to 3 Duels per week also!!


Here's my fix... Unlimited WZ's plays per week. Limit F2Pers to 3 WZ MAPS! Give them Huttball, Civil War and Voidstar. If you want more maps, pay for the PVP sub.


I think that is way more than fair and it will allow the new players to L2P. It won't kill pvp and it would entice them to sub for more maps as they progress.

Edited by Asukaa
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Here's my fix... Unlimited WZ's plays per week. Limit F2Pers to 3 WZ MAPS! Give them Huttball, Civil War and Voidstar. If you want more maps, pay for the PVP sub.


That might encourage me to unsub. That way, I get all the maps except the one I don't care for much.

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That might encourage me to unsub. That way, I get all the maps except the one I don't care for much.


But they will be adding a new WZ map soon. Possible January. So that will be 2 maps you won't have. But it will allow you to unsub and not feel like you got neutered in the process. It works for everyone.


I know I would unsub until the new WZ came out at least. You can probably add in a limit to commendations. I'd say maybe 500 comms a week. Ranked Comms should only be available for subscribers or through Cartel Coins.

Edited by Asukaa
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But they will be adding a new WZ map soon. Possible January. So that will be 2 maps you won't have. But it will allow you to unsub and not feel like you got neutered in the process. It works for everyone.


Having 3/5 for free might be a bit much. Maybe they are going to add more, but I wouldn't hold my breath even for 1 every 6 months pace we seem to be on now.

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I'd make Huttball free and unlimited - the others premium.


I'd make Voidstar free and unlimited. It's a zerg where you fight people endlessly, and the most sophisticated tactic is slowing people in the tunnels without killing them..


Good warzone for FTPers who don't know enough to demand better and will just enjoy fighting a bunch. Huttball, in contrast, takes people a while to understand and enjoy.

Edited by stringcat
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I'd make Voidstar free and unlimited. It's a zerg where you fight people endlessly, and the most sophisticated tactic is slowing people in the tunnels without killing them..


Good warzone for FTPers who don't know enough to demand better and will just enjoy fighting a bunch. Huttball, in contrast, takes people a while to understand and enjoy.


I was going to say I like the idea of unlimited of just one of the war zones; but I would be afraid that would heavily weigh that specific war zone to pop more often if not the majority of the time for those of us who are paying customers.

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Someone asked where this info was posted...




There is also a 3 Flashpoint "full reward" limit. I'm assuming that you can still run the flashpoints after you've done your 3 but you cannot take any of the gear that drops?


3 WZ's per week. Should at least make it per day if anything. 3 WZ's is about an hours worth. So F2Pers will pretty much be forced to sub at 50 if they want to PVP. I didn't think of that before. The 3 wz's a week thing might not matter until that player hits 50 and has to decide what he would like to do more; pve or pvp.

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Thinking on this more.



Make it unlimited warzones. But warzones after a certain limit per day no longer contribute to quests, and have reduced commendation earns. F2P can keep playing, and keep earning commendations, but they earn it slower. Even that would be better than this 3/week nonsense.

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I think it's hard to make a well reasoned argument without knowing the monetary value of full PvP per month via Cartel Coins. Does it come out to $3, $5, $10? That will determine whether three WZs is enough to whet someone's appetite for more. Edited by DashaAdair
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