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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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These premade pvpers all say the same thing, get better and don't take away our group pvp advantage.

It is obvious that none of them can hack pvp on actual pvp servers where people actually actively compete in pvp. they only do pvp on the pve and rp servers where the more casual pvp players. All they do is ruin our experience to make up for their pathetic real lives.

BW why not allow solo vs solo que options, and why not allow a quit cool down timer? FP and ops have a quit timer. Why not pvp? Pve has the option to join in progress ops and fps, why not allow solo vs solo option? So that those of us that don't want to deal with the premade tryhard crowd can avoid it as an option.

BW please consider this, stop pandering to this elitist group of people. There are enough people with suggestions on how to fix this, it is well past time to implement one of them.

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These premade pvpers all say the same thing, get better and don't take away our group pvp advantage.

It is obvious that none of them can hack pvp on actual pvp servers where people actually actively compete in pvp. they only do pvp on the pve and rp servers where the more casual pvp players. All they do is ruin our experience to make up for their pathetic real lives.

BW why not allow solo vs solo que options, and why not allow a quit cool down timer? FP and ops have a quit timer. Why not pvp? Pve has the option to join in progress ops and fps, why not allow solo vs solo option? So that those of us that don't want to deal with the premade tryhard crowd can avoid it as an option.

BW please consider this, stop pandering to this elitist group of people. There are enough people with suggestions on how to fix this, it is well past time to implement one of them.


Lawl I like how you completely ignored my post a few pages back with screenshots of me doing nothing but solo queuing an entire weekend. Oh ya, and I'm also on a pvp server. The real issue here is you.

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These premade pvpers all say the same thing, get better and don't take away our group pvp advantage.

It is obvious that none of them can hack pvp on actual pvp servers where people actually actively compete in pvp. they only do pvp on the pve and rp servers where the more casual pvp players. All they do is ruin our experience to make up for their pathetic real lives.

BW why not allow solo vs solo que options, and why not allow a quit cool down timer? FP and ops have a quit timer. Why not pvp? Pve has the option to join in progress ops and fps, why not allow solo vs solo option? So that those of us that don't want to deal with the premade tryhard crowd can avoid it as an option.

BW please consider this, stop pandering to this elitist group of people. There are enough people with suggestions on how to fix this, it is well past time to implement one of them.


You really don't know anything about the pvp community do you.

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These premade pvpers all say the same thing, get better and don't take away our group pvp advantage.

It is obvious that none of them can hack pvp on actual pvp servers where people actually actively compete in pvp. they only do pvp on the pve and rp servers where the more casual pvp players. All they do is ruin our experience to make up for their pathetic real lives.

BW why not allow solo vs solo que options, and why not allow a quit cool down timer? FP and ops have a quit timer. Why not pvp? Pve has the option to join in progress ops and fps, why not allow solo vs solo option? So that those of us that don't want to deal with the premade tryhard crowd can avoid it as an option.

BW please consider this, stop pandering to this elitist group of people. There are enough people with suggestions on how to fix this, it is well past time to implement one of them.


"Omg nerf team work nao!".

Edited by PloGreen
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If you're worried about a group of 2 farming you and your team, then you should stop blaming premades and start looking at yourself. As to your question though, usually it's pugs getting beaten by premades because lots of premades group up with good players so that they aren't grouped up with as many bads. You must not have read the entire second paragraph of my post too.


First, 2x isn't a group of two.. its a group of eight. 2x (4) basiclly... which is a fairly common occurance on my server (Shadowlands), and probably others as well.


Secondly, across the week, at various times... I've queued up... and there is no such thing as a time of day when premades aren't rolling over pugs. The system, up until this patch, was designed in such a way as to encourage quick and dirty farming to earn conquest points. This week will be interesting to watch and see what happens.


Thirdly, 1-54 PVP is fun... 55 PVP is absolute ****. It is quite simply not worth doing. One has matches where win and loss aren't determained before the match starts and people do not quit repeatedly. You have matches where the fight swings from win to loss and back again. The other does not. I'm at a loss as to why this is (I'm really not).

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First, 2x isn't a group of two.. its a group of eight. 2x (4) basiclly... which is a fairly common occurance on my server (Shadowlands), and probably others as well.


Secondly, across the week, at various times... I've queued up... and there is no such thing as a time of day when premades aren't rolling over pugs. The system, up until this patch, was designed in such a way as to encourage quick and dirty farming to earn conquest points. This week will be interesting to watch and see what happens.


Thirdly, 1-54 PVP is fun... 55 PVP is absolute ****. It is quite simply not worth doing. One has matches where win and loss aren't determained before the match starts and people do not quit repeatedly. You have matches where the fight swings from win to loss and back again. The other does not. I'm at a loss as to why this is (I'm really not).


Well on JC there is rarely a problem with premades, I guess I must just be lucky. And lowbies better than 55? There are so many bad players in lowbies it isn't funny. Yes there are pretty even games, but when I'm consistently putting out 2-3 times as much damage as anyone else on my team, it really isn't that fun.

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That's because they're not easy wins. If premades were interested in competition, group ranked would be thriving.


nah. I'm definitely more of a solo guy (reg and rated), but the reason grp rated is dead is because there are only a few guilds than can even field teams, and whenever a lesser team queues, it just becomes fodder for the other 2 or 3 teams. add to the fact that it's really really easy to lose rating but much more difficult to raise it, and nobody is going to keep coming back and eating all of those loses. so the upshot is that even the good teams don't queue because the queue is empty.


from my point of view, I'm above average. I'll beat a TON of players/teams, but there are much better players than me, and quite a few of them. when I queue grp, I will run into my betters 9 of 10 times. and it destroys my rating.that's frustrating because it's not at all representative of my skill in relation to the pvp population. I mean...I'm not THAT bad, but when only the really good are in the queue, it's going to bury me rating-wise. nobody wants that. and it's the same reason that the top tier players dislke solo. yes, they will rise to the top of the ratings, but that rating is still going to be significantly lower than what they know they are b/c they'll have eaten a lot of losses simply b/c of rng team composition. I get it. I'd just rather face different teams that are mixed up every time than the same 4 ppl every pop.


sry. back to this useless premade debate...

Edited by foxmob
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nah. I'm definitely more of a solo guy (reg and rated), but the reason grp rated is dead is because there are only a few guilds than can even field teams, and whenever a lesser team queues, it just becomes fodder for the other 2 or 3 teams. add to the fact that it's really really easy to lose rating but much more difficult to raise it, and nobody is going to keep coming back and eating all of those loses. so the upshot is that even the good teams don't queue because the queue is empty.


from my point of view, I'm above average. I'll beat a TON of players/teams, but there are much better players than me, and quite a few of them. when I queue grp, I will run into my betters 9 of 10 times. and it destroys my rating.that's frustrating because it's not at all representative of my skill in relation to the pvp population. I mean...I'm not THAT bad, but when only the really good are in the queue, it's going to bury me rating-wise. nobody wants that. and it's the same reason that the top tier players dislke solo. yes, they will rise to the top of the ratings, but that rating is still going to be significantly lower than what they know they are b/c they'll have eaten a lot of losses simply b/c of rng team composition. I get it. I'd just rather face different teams that are mixed up every time than the same 4 ppl every pop.


sry. back to this useless premade debate...


Bolded and underlined. That's exactly my point. Why become fodder for a good team when you can stomp pugs, then tell them to 'make friends and get better'?

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Bolded and underlined. That's exactly my point. Why become fodder for a good team when you can stomp pugs, then tell them to 'make friends and get better'?



You've been saying this **** for so long now and what has changed? Decent players learn to play better.


Good team work should be encouraged, if you play solo you take your chances. Everyone should accept that but you have this terrible minority that repeat the same bs. Most decent premades play ranked - the ones that aren't decent don't. So your'e crying for nothing.


Bloody learn to play.

Edited by PloGreen
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heh. no. we're definitely not on the same page.


We are, just not in the way you think :) Premade pro vs premade against can be a frustrating topic, no matter which side of the fence your opinion happens to fall.


Personally, I'm pro premade, and nothing is more thrilling than pitting the premade I'm in against another premade. And nothing is more boring than pitting the premade I'm in against a bunch of randoms. But some people like that, and come back with crap like "bloody learn to play". Whatever. My personal opinion is that any stacked premade in a reg queue is nothing but a bunch of carebears.


And for Plo, you haven't seen crying until the premades are denied access to the regstar queues. Talk about a river of tears...nobody here remembers the mess that the Rift forums were when Trion briefly killed premades in the pug queues? Holy crap, i've never seen whining on that scale in my life.

Edited by Vember
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And for Plo, you haven't seen crying until the premades are denied access to the regstar queues. Talk about a river of tears...nobody here remembers the mess that the Rift forums were when Trion briefly killed premades in the pug queues? Holy crap, i've never seen whining on that scale in my life.

As they should have. I play MMOs to hang with my friends and people I enjoy, not to occupy your time.

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We are, just not in the way you think :) Premade pro vs premade against can be a frustrating topic, no matter which side of the fence your opinion happens to fall.


Personally, I'm pro premade, and nothing is more thrilling than pitting the premade I'm in against another premade. And nothing is more boring than pitting the premade I'm in against a bunch of randoms. But some people like that, and come back with crap like "bloody learn to play". Whatever. My personal opinion is that any stacked premade in a reg queue is nothing but a bunch of carebears.


And for Plo, you haven't seen crying until the premades are denied access to the regstar queues. Talk about a river of tears...nobody here remembers the mess that the Rift forums were when Trion briefly killed premades in the pug queues? Holy crap, i've never seen whining on that scale in my life.


Clearly you haven't been around the last 2 and a half years. I've got an entire ocean of solo queuer tears from the number of posts crying on these forums since launch.

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Making friends and getting better is really terrible advice. People should just play alone and keep sucking.


Making friends and playing against other groups of friends is too hard for you.


Clearly you haven't been around the last 2 and a half years. I've got an entire ocean of solo queuer tears from the number of posts crying on these forums since launch.


Yea, there's a new thread pops up once a week or a month or so, nothing big. When the premades were cut off from camping pugs, Rift's forums were nothing but whine threads. And yet, all those people posting and crying about not being able to 'play with their friends' and the premade queue was devoid of life. Because most premades can't handle the heat.

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Yea, there's a new thread pops up once a week or a month or so, nothing big. When the premades were cut off from camping pugs, Rift's forums were nothing but whine threads. And yet, all those people posting and crying about not being able to 'play with their friends' and the premade queue was devoid of life. Because most premades can't handle the heat.


There was a 600+ page thread that continued on for what seemed like an eternity to go along with the daily new additions.


And what is thist notion about handling the heat? I outperform 90% of the premades I see when solo queueing. There is no reason to split an already tiny pool of players. The game attempts to match premades against other premades when possible. I don't think players can ask for more than that without tripling or quadrupling queue times.

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Making friends and playing against other groups of friends is too hard for you..


You say that people who group up in regs and stomp pugs are carebears. This is in part because you have a team that tends to have a decent comp & coordination against a team that may or may not have either. Right? You then tell those teams that like to queue regs as a group to queue for group ranked, putting them against teams that possibly have far better composition and coordination. Either way there is an inequity there. You are just pushing for the one that presumably benefits you.


Stop pushing your stupid agenda. Groups are fine in regs. Anyone arguing to the contrary is just a doofus.

Edited by Jimmajamma
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You say that people who group up in regs and stomp pugs are carebears. This is in part because you have a team that tends to have a decent comp & coordination against a team that may or may not have either. Right? You then tell those teams that like to queue regs as a group to queue for group ranked, putting them against teams that possibly have far better composition and coordination. Either way there is an inequity there. You are just pushing for the one that presumably benefits you.


Stop pushing your stupid agenda. Groups are fine in regs. Anyone arguing to the contrary is just a doofus.


No, I'm pushing for the one that benefits the majority. Premades in the pug queues causes longer wait times because randoms stop queueing.


Premade is just a crutch outside of competitive pvp.

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If you're worried about a group of 2 farming you and your team, then you should stop blaming premades and start looking at yourself. As to your question though, usually it's pugs getting beaten by premades because lots of premades group up with good players so that they aren't grouped up with as many bads. You must not have read the entire second paragraph of my post too.


Typical arrogant response. You cant control (no matter what skill level you are) what or who you are in Que with or what skill level the other 7 people are.


So when you roll in a premade, you set yourself up in a way that is unachievable while playing solo... and that is: you can Que with other players you know... half your team is hand picked. Don't proclaim a single individual's skill level is a mirror of the total team output or the outcome of the game, that is just retarded reasoning and you know it.


You said so in your own post..


"usually it's pugs getting beaten by premades because lots of premades group up with good players so that they aren't grouped up with as many bads."


Exactly the point.

You stated the obvious disadvantage to solo players in your own post.


First you act as if the reason anyone gets beat by a premade is because they are not good enough to outplay four other toons. Then you go on to say that people "premade" (used as a verb) so they dont have to play with as many bads...


This is like saying... "Oh I dont play solo because of there being too many bads on my team but I play in a premade so it is the solo player's problem and they must be bads if they dont win...


Your logic is hilarious.


If you want to que as a group you should have to wait until you are qued against another group. How exactly is this unfair?

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No, I'm pushing for the one that benefits the majority. Premades in the pug queues causes longer wait times because randoms stop queueing.


Premade is just a crutch outside of competitive pvp.


You are not advocating for the majority lol. Quit trying to spin it. All you are doing is calling out groups who queue regs. You did it here in this thread and I remember seeing some of the same **** on the Harbinger pvp guild thread. Don't run away from that now.


Randoms who stop queueing are just tourists in my opinion and the queues are better off without them. Any player who enjoys pvp and wants to get better will persist. I took beating after beating when I started playing, but stuck with it and would now describe myself as servicable.


You want to talk about crutches? What is your teams ranked comp? Full of overtuned classes I'm sure. I'm assuming an assassin or two, probably a jugg tank and an op healer. Please please tell me I'm wrong.

Edited by Jimmajamma
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