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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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it's not a very good stat ofc but it's better than none at all, and the only one we have...and most people do get better the more they play


I'd imagine they could implement an internal rating but meh. Regs are regs, I just see regs as something to kill time. Don't really take it all that seriously. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, whatever.

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Listen.....separate solo ques are a good idea but will not work for 1 important reason.......POOR POPULATION. Those 2 words prevent this game from expanding and offering a variety of options. Its really too bad, BW/EA literally chased away there paying subscription player base over the last couple of years. Who remembers that first month when there was almost 2 full servers, all were either HEAVY POP or FULL......you would log on to a que and have to wait a few minutes to actually get in........game was packed with sooooo many great people. Then 1.2 came and the rest is history :)


You could say that about every mmo....Not so say BW didn't make a lot of stupid decisions because they made a ton of them, but ya, they had too many servers and the pop to queue as "heavy" prior to the "megaservers" was incredibly low (I remember JC would hit heavy but only 80 people would be on the fleet.)

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I'd imagine they could implement an internal rating but meh. Regs are regs, I just see regs as something to kill time. Don't really take it all that seriously. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, whatever.


Yeah my point is just that some reg games are really really good, and i think bw should do all they can to give us as many good games as possible.


Honestly if you are in a strong 4 man premade, after a couple of easy wins, don't you hope you get matched against some decent opposition for a change?

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Yeah my point is just that some reg games are really really good, and i think bw should do all they can to give us as many good games as possible.


Honestly if you are in a strong 4 man premade, after a couple of easy wins, don't you hope you get matched against some decent opposition for a change?


Believe it or not, premades fight other premades more often than pug teams due to the systems design to fill groups first then pick out the solo players(its why if you sit on the fleet and solo queue and if its late at night and queues are slow you will see groups of 4 get pop after pop where the solo player might get one in between). Most anyone who groups regularly will attest to that. Depending on the night I'd say every one out of 5 games is a pure pug team with the other 4 being either one or two premades going against us.


With that said...meh, my schedule is I rarely get home till sometime after 11 (in class right now shhhh lol) so really I just want to queue and get a pop as fast as possible, kill my daily and BS. That's usually my pvp nights. Bads annoy the **** out of me but win or lose....meh I just wanna play and not sit on the fleet doing nothing.

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Yeah my point is just that some reg games are really really good, and i think bw should do all they can to give us as many good games as possible.


Honestly if you are in a strong 4 man premade, after a couple of easy wins, don't you hope you get matched against some decent opposition for a change?


it's kind of a catch 22. you're going to have bad players in every WZ. so if BW is to make a "good" match (i.e., something close or not a roflstomp) then the good players are going to have to be paired up with derps on their teams. good players don't like this (I imagine bad players do). so for unrated matches, you're pretty much going to have perpetually annoyed good players.


personally, I would rather see BW do something about matchmaking according to roles. the good premades...well...the frustrating ones, imo, is when there's a tank with his pocket healer and two good dps. you can't even get into the middle of ahg. it sucks that the 4 best players are all on the same team, but it's really frustrating when you don't even have a healer and someone swapping guard while the other team does.


edit: this is all moot. I don't think bw has any intention of instituting any kind of matchmaking, including separate queues for regs.

Edited by foxmob
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it's kind of a catch 22. you're going to have bad players in every WZ. so if BW is to make a "good" match (i.e., something close or not a roflstomp) then the good players are going to have to be paired up with derps on their teams. good players don't like this (I imagine bad players do). so for unrated matches, you're pretty much going to have perpetually annoyed good players.


personally, I would rather see BW do something about matchmaking according to roles. the good premades...well...the frustrating ones, imo, is when there's a tank with his pocket healer and two good dps. you can't even get into the middle of ahg. it sucks that the 4 best players are all on the same team, but it's really frustrating when you don't even have a healer and someone swapping guard while the other team does.


edit: this is all moot. I don't think bw has any intention of instituting any kind of matchmaking, including separate queues for regs.


If they surprise us with cross server queues in 3.0 (lol not going to happen) then I'd be all for splitting the queues and adding matchmaking.

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exactly. where is the incentive for a casual player to want to keep queuing or learn when they get steam rolled by a fully geared organized truck? Lol.


Organized grouping is definitely needed for ranked. No doubt.

But there should be a place that fresh 55's can work on their tactics, gear, and skills in wz's. Right now, REGs queue is not it. And its definitely not lowbie or mid pvp because you don't have your full skills through most of that until you pass 50 or so. You get yelled at your very first match for being undergeared by your own team, then hit by a mack truck by the enemy. Nobody can deny this doesn't happen every single day in reg pvp.


Actually lowbie PvP is the perfect place to learn. You are correct when you say that you don't have access to all of your skills and abilities but that is a good thing. When you pick them up in lowbies you learn how to work them into your rotation and you learn which abilities are actually useful and which aren't. The time learning there saves you a lot of time and heart ache from trying to learn them in 55s.

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it's kind of a catch 22. you're going to have bad players in every WZ. so if BW is to make a "good" match (i.e., something close or not a roflstomp) then the good players are going to have to be paired up with derps on their teams. good players don't like this (I imagine bad players do). so for unrated matches, you're pretty much going to have perpetually annoyed good players.


personally, I would rather see BW do something about matchmaking according to roles. the good premades...well...the frustrating ones, imo, is when there's a tank with his pocket healer and two good dps. you can't even get into the middle of ahg. it sucks that the 4 best players are all on the same team, but it's really frustrating when you don't even have a healer and someone swapping guard while the other team does.


edit: this is all moot. I don't think bw has any intention of instituting any kind of matchmaking, including separate queues for regs.


i don't necessarily agree with this. I mean sure in a perfect world we had all 16 players of somewhat equal skill, but on the servers i play on there are just very rarely 16 strong players queuing for regs at the same time. (tofn and pot5)


personally i'd much rather have some bad players on my team and some on the opponents than 8 strong ones on my team facing 8 beginners. I feel strongly that as one of the better players on my team, it's my job to make up for shortcomings of the less experienced ones, and if i can do this better than the strong players on the other team i'll win more games.


i do agree with everything else you said, i'm just not sure how reliable you can do matching by role, it doesn't work very well in solo regs, but i concede that the impact of improperly flagged players would be less in 8 man than in 4 man

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Well Raansu let me see about the people that like to just 2 man que, they can group into the group que and get paired with others, it has been awhile but let me see 2+2+4=8. 3+3+2=8, 2+2+2+2=8. of course the basic math doesn't take into account people by themselves willing to join into a grp pvp match 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=8.

If allowing solo vs solo que option would bring more people back into pvping, what is the problem.

Oh I forgot you can't pvp without your group.

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Oh I forgot you can't pvp without your group.


I think the problem is more likely than not that you're just one of the bad players who likes to blame his losses on premades rather than actually evaluate their own skill and improve themselves. Stop keyboard turning and backpedaling, it will help immensely.

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Well Raansu let me see about the people that like to just 2 man que, they can group into the group que and get paired with others, it has been awhile but let me see 2+2+4=8. 3+3+2=8, 2+2+2+2=8. of course the basic math doesn't take into account people by themselves willing to join into a grp pvp match 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=8.

If allowing solo vs solo que option would bring more people back into pvping, what is the problem.

Oh I forgot you can't pvp without your group.


If each server had like six times the population this might work. But it doesn't have that, the chance of having two groups of a three and a group of two all queuing on the faction at the same time is absurdly low. I could probably get ranked pops faster.

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You also have the option to be in a group but you choose not to. Not our fault that your decide to be anti social in a damn MMO.


Nah. You keep repeating that if, for whatever reason, someone cannot get in a balanced comp premade, it's fine for them to get ridiculously lopsided games because "they haven't made friends", "aren't treating the game like a damn MMO" or whatever other prefabricated response you feel like rotating at the moment. Funny thing is, this problem also affects premades, in the sense that two people queuing together count as a "premade" and then are more likely to get pitted against an ideal comp premade, likely resulting in another BS match for everyone involved.


Leaving aside your irrelevant assumptions about people you know nothing about, what happens if, for whatever reason there are no "friends" online? What if there happen to be 5 of us online? What if they don't feel like queuing? Then according to you I'm SOL, because "it's an MMO" and "regs don't matter anyway". Yep, and ranked is srs bsns.


BW should not prevent people from queuing together if they want to. The problem is that balanced groups queuing for regs exploit the lack of matchmaking to gain an advantage over the majority who queue solo. You know, exactly the same as you complained about hybrids exploiting the matchmaking in solo ranked (because ranked srs bsns).


The issue isn't premades or people wanting to queue together -- it's the random, first come first served, free for all approach BW have taken to regs. The fix isn't banning premades, it's trying to have sensible comps in regs inasmuch as possible. Grouping up may be a solution for a certain someone at certain moments, but the problem doesn't magically go away simply because I click "QUEUE GROUP". Quicker pops =/= better PVP.

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Leaving aside your irrelevant assumptions about people you know nothing about, what happens if, for whatever reason there are no "friends" online? What if there happen to be 5 of us online? What if they don't feel like queuing? Then according to you I'm SOL, because "it's an MMO" and "regs don't matter anyway". Yep, and ranked is srs bsns.


Then you just queue solo, big deal. I premade a lot, but then days like today I'm just killing dailies and farming tank gear for my jugg. I queued solo most of the day. I won some games and I lost some games, big whoop. I faced like one premade. Hardly a big deal.

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Whatever the maximum amount of players on one side is, that's how many you should be able to q with just like almost every other competitive online game (halo, CoD, every rts in the history of the universe, etc etc)


So that means I would support teams of 8 q'ing regs. The quality of matches would only increase if teams of 8 could play each other. If only we had a game type where two teams of 8 could face off.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Whatever the maximum amount of players on one side is, that's how many you should be able to q with just like almost every other competitive online game (halo, CoD, every rts in the history of the universe, etc etc)


So that means I would support teams of 8 q'ing regs. The quality of matches would only increase if teams of 8 could play each other. If only we had a game type where two teams of 8 could face off.


IF only....

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Whatever the maximum amount of players on one side is, that's how many you should be able to q with just like almost every other competitive online game (halo, CoD, every rts in the history of the universe, etc etc)


So that means I would support teams of 8 q'ing regs. The quality of matches would only increase if teams of 8 could play each other. If only we had a game type where two teams of 8 could face off.


lol no. they'd be less random, but there'd be a lot more roflstomps. what you describe is the situation of 8v8 ranked when it dropped and it died in a couple months...aside from the few teams who didn't get utterly destroyed.

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lol no. they'd be less random, but there'd be a lot more roflstomps. what you describe is the situation of 8v8 ranked when it dropped and it died in a couple months...aside from the few teams who didn't get utterly destroyed.


On some servers it was organised, it's removal caused people to leave the game on these servers. It was better than arena, though I'm not saying remove arena. Arena shouldn't have just replaced objective based pvp though because many people prefer it.

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Nah. You keep repeating that if, for whatever reason, someone cannot get in a balanced comp premade, it's fine for them to get ridiculously lopsided games because "they haven't made friends", "aren't treating the game like a damn MMO" or whatever other prefabricated response you feel like rotating at the moment. Funny thing is, this problem also affects premades, in the sense that two people queuing together count as a "premade" and then are more likely to get pitted against an ideal comp premade, likely resulting in another BS match for everyone involved.


Leaving aside your irrelevant assumptions about people you know nothing about, what happens if, for whatever reason there are no "friends" online? What if there happen to be 5 of us online? What if they don't feel like queuing? Then according to you I'm SOL, because "it's an MMO" and "regs don't matter anyway". Yep, and ranked is srs bsns.


BW should not prevent people from queuing together if they want to. The problem is that balanced groups queuing for regs exploit the lack of matchmaking to gain an advantage over the majority who queue solo. You know, exactly the same as you complained about hybrids exploiting the matchmaking in solo ranked (because ranked srs bsns).


The issue isn't premades or people wanting to queue together -- it's the random, first come first served, free for all approach BW have taken to regs. The fix isn't banning premades, it's trying to have sensible comps in regs inasmuch as possible. Grouping up may be a solution for a certain someone at certain moments, but the problem doesn't magically go away simply because I click "QUEUE GROUP". Quicker pops =/= better PVP.


I've been part of a lot of premades, and not once has anyone been kicked due to class or spec. Thus the point about a balanced pre-made is pretty much pointless. Premades happen because friends and guildies want to play together. Esp in regs, no one cares what spec or toon you're playing. Sure, ranked it will be an issue but not in regs.

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