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Premades are ruining non-ranked warzones


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Solo Queue needs to be for SOLO players. PUG vs PUG. Not sure why they can't find a way to prevent people from exploiting the system. If you want to Q in a group then great. Play against other premade groups. Matchmaking in this game is terrible.


You're missing the point. The queue is not intended to have any matchmaking. It's main purpose is to get players into games as quickly as possible. They could put groups and individuals into separate queues, but that would go against the purpose of the queue: making matches as quickly as possible. So, quadruple the current population, fund their cross server build, or offer a realistic change.


What you want exists. Queue solo ranked is the button you're looking for.

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It was mentioned a long time ago. Sometime around 1.2 during the guild summit.


This is correct. The Devs stated some time ago that the WZ matchmaker fills teams in WZs with premades first. So it is more than likely that in every match a premade is facing another premade of some sort. And just because peeps don't have the same guild tag doesn't mean they aren't queuing together.


At the same time, there is a clear solution for the player who wants to queue solo and only solo. It's called Ranked Yolo. You can single Q all day and night if you want. Eat your heart out.


Otherwise, Single-Player Console games are that way ---->



Link to source.


Nah...you dig it up. It's common knowledge at this point, and if I recall correctly, was posted by a Dev like two years ago.



The reason is probably, because there actually are teams like man and wife, two or three real life friends... etc... who just want to play together.


Of course...this is an MMO. Friends and family play the game to hang out together. I play this game almost solely to virtually hang out with my brother. Anyone that says I can't group up with my bro and run some WZs, or any other content for that matter, can go eff themselves.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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The question is, why do you want to stomp on pugs? Ain't no challenge in that.


I think I've PvPed once in a group in the last 6 months. Clearly I'm out to gang up on PUGs...


It doesn't change the fact that I don't get rolled, because I'm not a horrible player. I did top damage on an Anni mara in partisan gear in Huttball (with top objectives before you tell me I tunnel damage) and I wasn't even trying. So if a mediocre player can do that, I assume the rest of the population can get it together and do 250k damage in a warzone, against a premade or not.

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Solo Queue needs to be for SOLO players. PUG vs PUG. Not sure why they can't find a way to prevent people from exploiting the system. If you want to Q in a group then great. Play against other premade groups. Matchmaking in this game is terrible.

It has nothing to do with the system and everything to do with the people. The system is fine, no one is exploiting anything. Either deal with it, or form your own group to fight back. It's that easy. FFS it's an MMO get over yourselves already. If you want to play solo everything then go play a single player game. If you want to play an MMO you're going to deal with people who group together to do content.

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I think I've PvPed once in a group in the last 6 months. Clearly I'm out to gang up on PUGs...


It doesn't change the fact that I don't get rolled, because I'm not a horrible player. I did top damage on an Anni mara in partisan gear in Huttball (with top objectives before you tell me I tunnel damage) and I wasn't even trying. So if a mediocre player can do that, I assume the rest of the population can get it together and do 250k damage in a warzone, against a premade or not.


You'd have to be afk to not get 250k damage in a WZ. Hell I can fart in the huttball's general direction and get 250k damage, even with my currently gimped expertise lord-knows-what-i-did-to-screw-up-my-gear Marauder. Not really relevant to the question.

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You'd have to be afk to not get 250k damage in a WZ. Hell I can fart in the huttball's general direction and get 250k damage, even with my currently gimped expertise lord-knows-what-i-did-to-screw-up-my-gear Marauder. Not really relevant to the question.


Ok, well when I stop seeing at least half the scoreboard below that number without tanking or healing, I'll stop telling people to get better. Don't be mad at people for playing together, be mad at people who can't take the basic steps of learning their class before they queue. Because they will still be there dragging you down in a solo queue.

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You'd have to be afk to not get 250k damage in a WZ. Hell I can fart in the huttball's general direction and get 250k damage, even with my currently gimped expertise lord-knows-what-i-did-to-screw-up-my-gear Marauder. Not really relevant to the question.


Sadly most pugs rarely break 250k

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Well then here is another option, give the individual player the option to group with other groups or against other groups, or to que and join and play against other/ only solo que. Something like joining in process FP in GF.

With something like this implemented I would expect to see something like a 5 minute base CD for quiters while match is waiting for all players to join or else the pug stompers trying to make themselves feel better about RL inadequacy. With out the quit cd, you would have guilds and friends trying to coordinate their ques to get grouped together and they would quit re-que in attempts to get together. If you don't think this would happen you are delusional. There are some very try hard pug stompers with fragile egos on my server. (the Harbringer)

I've noticed a lot of arguments against such a implement in all its different forms. I don't understand why.

Is it because of a chance of slightly longer que's, I would think that if you are a real pvp player you would want a challenge. I could be mistaken. It seems obvious I am, and that most of the pug stompers on the pve servers don't and can't handle a challenge or their fragile egos would disintegrate.

These are changes for the pve and rp servers that I'm suggesting. If you are on a pvp server I expect you had a fair idea of the mess you where getting in to. And there are a lot more pvp guilds to join.

Personally I don't see why there is so much resistance to this, I am a very casual pvper at best, I usually just daily and weekly farm it while I level up a toon, or for comms for the brutalizer relics. But I can remember way back (when it was a better game experience in pvp) in the beginning and if I saw a guildy on the other side of the pvp match, it would be oh boy this should be fun. I like the matches to be close, I like having a challenge. I however do not like being against a team of try hards that are all in vent, have my entire team marked up and focus kill all one at a time with no real chance of any game play.

So Bioware please listen to an overwhelming group of people that are very tired of the imbalance of the pvp game play on the pve servers. Give us the option to que against other groups or solo's only. Try (I know it may be difficult) to think for yourselves, and take into consideration the idea's of player that are not on your favorites/ theory crafting/ try hard list.

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I'm done with this random group versus premade group crap in pvp. If you wanna group, have a battle plan, vent/mumble that's great but you need to play against another premade group not against a random group. I don't care if your wait time is long it's not a fair paring. BIO needs to queue groups against groups, individual against individuals. PvP is the only thing left in the game I find interesting and it's ruined when you get a score of 6 to 0 in huttball because the other group is a premade.


I dont know what server your playing on, but none of them have the population for any level of match making even in ranked. Yes, if you are qued against top tier premade playing with cluless you want win. Either stick it out or quit that game.


As for match making, let me know when we have cross server ques.

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It has nothing to do with the system and everything to do with the people. The system is fine, no one is exploiting anything. Either deal with it, or form your own group to fight back. It's that easy. FFS it's an MMO get over yourselves already. If you want to play solo everything then go play a single player game. If you want to play an MMO you're going to deal with people who group together to do content.


as DarthOvertone said, people that don't want to allow people to play with friends can go eff themselves.


and you are completely correct, the system is fine. I would venture to guess that 98% of the people that have posted against premades are just bad people getting rolled on. This is an MMO and as such disallowing people to group with friends is an insanely bad idea. All it would cause people to do is leave the game, unsub, and not come back. Other games would love it if BW did this because they'd reap subs from it.


And as has been said, it's not about premades becuase as it's been stated numerous times, premades come in all shapes and sizes and qualities. of which, i've been part of them all. When I started pvping, i dd it mainly because guild was donig it for ***** and giggles, we were bad, we got rolled constantly, but as a result, I learned a lot when good people played with me and yelled at me in mumble, and all the while taught me what I was doing wrong. it progressed till I was in a group of 8ish people in s1 where we queue synced ranked. and it was about 6 different guilds in the mix of us queueing, and yeah, we'd roll people, but we also enjoyed playing together as well. Now, I solo queue a lot as well because I like to pvp. Sure I get rolled by pre-mades, but I don't ***** unless they are being ***** and taunting and otherwise demeaning people while they are fighting them.


Last point, as someone mentioned this after your post - penalizing people for quitting a match is also a bad idea. Simple reason, 1 or 2 people can make a difference in a wz. I've joined matches when we were behind, and turned the tide by solo capping a node and all of a sudden people stop complaining and actually start fighting. Why? Not really sure, but maybe it's because the a-holes got up and left and brought in people that wanted to play.


Hell, I was in a voidstar in lowbie last week, I joined a little before the finish of round 1, and people sucked. Rnd 2 started, and as i was on my assassin, and this was a 1st for me, I planted a bomb and every door, dropped the bridge, and forcefield and hit the computer all in one round. so yeah, in that instnace, one person joining late can make a difference.


Add that, it wasn't mainly just me, because people backed me up when they saw I was actually trying and realized they could actually win. But if you penalize people for leaving, then those whiners are just going to stay and waste the wz you are in complaining and being a-holes to everyone around them. They are going to go hide in a corner and wait for the end to get their comms/exp/etc... Allowing them to just leave, again, allows for people that want to win a wz in the game.

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And the pug stomping try hards have spoken.

Make matching solo only ques and option that any player can choose, what is wrong with that. Afraid your ego can't take a fair game with other grouped up players!

The system is broken, and people do exploit to the best of their abilities. Example on the Harbringer server, there are only a few pvp try hard guilds. They all play together for the most part. I think there was some resistance to them once upon a time ago but they quit. Now all they do is pug stomp and only pug stomp. When they are tired of pug stomping one side they all switch over and start doing to the other faction.

Queing into grouped up matches should be an option that we can avoid. And quiting and leaving a match should in act a cd timer, why not in pvp when we have a timer for quiters in pve FP and ops?

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No the option should be if I que solo whether or not I face solo or grouped matches on the opposing team or if I join a grouped team.


I que solo and I only join a match with other solo que'd players. This should be an option allowed in the game!

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No the option should be if I que solo whether or not I face solo or grouped matches on the opposing team or if I join a grouped team.


I que solo and I only join a match with other solo que'd players. This should be an option allowed in the game!


But it's not going to happen at any time in the near future, or possibly, ever.


Doing a "Solo Queue" option where you face only other solo queuers is does not, in no real way, diminish the chances of getting stomped by the other team.


The only way to lessen that possibility is to implement a GF type selection where each team gets 2 tanks, 2 heals, and 4 DPS. Now considering that most players roll DPS, and they do, you going to have situations like the FP GF has where DPS can end up waiting for hours for a possible queue where tanks and heals get it quickly.


All of this isn't even considering the possibility that some players are better than others. To fix that, a match making system would have to be put into place as well to insure that players of similar skill are teamed and matched against each other. Once again, increasing queue times.


To alleviate this, BW would need to introduce cross server queues, which they've already stated numerous times that they aren't going to do.


TL;DR: Nothing is changing. Either start getting friends and forming your own premade or continue to run solo and deal with the consequences.

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Why can it not change!

So what if a few times when I do pvp I'm on a team and we lose horribly. That okay, its bound to happen at times.

I'm talking about the unfair advantage and disgusting feel of game play that queing into pvp for a couple of hours and all there is against me is a bunch low self esteem grouped up premade pug stomping jerks.

Why are you grouped up pvpers so scared of giving players the option to que in solo vs solo que so much. Is it because it would level the playing field a bit.

I want the option, and from reading a few of the post here I am not the only one. This post isn't for the premade pug stompers, it is not here for you to rage against because your fragile ego can't handle competition on a fair playing field

As sad as it seems the post is here, because I have the slightest hope that some one that actually works at bioware, and can actually make a decision will do something to the effect.

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And just to make sure you read it.

You grouped up pvpers are scared.

You know it!

We know it!

and now any that can read knows it!


guess you will have to do something else to justify or make you self feel better about yourself.


I actually solo queue most of the time.


I did it when commandos still had to cast 5 Grav Rounds for a full HiB buff, had no Hold the Line, no electro net, no ranged interrupt, and where, literally, the very bottom of the barrel for PvP. I have been curb stomped more times than I care to remember by both PuGs and Premades. In all those stompings, never once did I blame the other team for how they played. Either by premading or not.


I used those stompings to get better and I am relatively confident in my 1 v 1 abilities that, even if I don't win, the other guy is going to know that they were in a fight.


So if BW suddenly decided to make WZs nothing but PuGs that's fine. It's not really going to change how I play that much.


But the question is, if people are still getting stomped, and there are no premades, who are they going to blame then for the loss?

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